got windy,

Feeling the wind, Lin Yu suddenly became alert, and then pushed the others awake.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Honda Gangxiong's body still there.

Lin Yu felt something was wrong,

Many leaves outside are not moving, only the leaves in the direction where the wind is blowing are moving.

Most likely, he's coming.

Lan Ka was about to say something, but Lin Yu stopped him with a gesture.

"Be vigilant, don't let down"

Just when everyone was carefully observing their surroundings, trying to find something,


A scream sounded near the coffin,

Several people hurriedly ran nearby and were on emergency alert.

Lan Ka took out the talismans he made one by one and threw them outside.

A talisman floated to the beam,

There was another scream.

“On the rafters”

Numerous attack methods attacked the rafters,

But there was no movement.

Are you leaving? No, it's lurking.

Lan Ka, who scattered the talismans randomly, successfully attacked again.

And this time,

Lin Yu followed closely and poured a bottle of ink at the place where the sound came from.

The thing quickly revealed itself after being stained with ink.

I saw that this thing looked weird, with a few feet on the ground and crawling at an unusually fast speed.

When Lan Ka saw this thing revealed, he threw a lot of talismans and seals.

The screams were endless.

The monster seemed seriously injured, but as if it was afraid of being hurt again, it left even faster than when it came.

It disappeared in the blink of an eye,

After seeing no movement for a long time, Honda Gangxiong’s son, Honda Dalang,

He came up to ask about the situation.

"Excuse me, my lords, have you solved that thing? Can my father be buried?"

The mayor and others also gathered around to understand the situation.

Lin Yu told the truth,

"That thing was seriously injured by us. I'm afraid it won't come back in a short time. Honda Gangxiong can start burying it."

The mayor hesitated at this time.

"Then, what if that thing is extremely vindictive?"

Lan Ka answered his question,

"It's okay. I put a tracking charm on it. After Honda Gangxiong is buried, we will deal with that thing. Don't worry."

The mayor finally relaxed.

After the funeral, Lin Yu, Lan Ka and Bai Ye set off directly to find the train.

The remaining few people stayed in the town to protect the safety of the townspeople in case of sudden attacks by Shuten Doji, and to facilitate contact when the time comes.

The townspeople in the town are very satisfied with this arrangement, which not only protects themselves but also prevents foreign enemies.

Achieve multiple things with one stone!

Lin Yu and the other three followed the route guided by the Lan Ka tracking talisman to find the train.

Suddenly, a huge monster jumped out of the road,

This monster looks very tall and strong,

Lin Yu and others stared at him with weapons in hand.

However, the monster suddenly turned around and ran away.

Lan Ka was a little confused and was about to catch up.

Lin Yu stopped him in time,

"`¨Don't worry, this is probably Mikoshi Irido, a kind of monster that likes to suddenly jump out on the road to scare people.

Maybe he ran away because he didn’t scare us.”

"Then let's continue looking for the train?"

"Let's go, how much longer?"

"Looking at this instruction, it shouldn't be long."

The three of them continued to follow,


"Something has passed. Is the train coming?"

Lan Ka looked aside and said,

A one-legged monster flew past him,

Lan Ka (the one with the money) was shocked,

"What a fuss, didn't you understand what was going on in this dungeon before you entered it?"

Lan Ka smiled coquettishly,

"Look, didn't you remember it? Also, didn't you guys still have it?"

Lin Yu's head is full of black lines,

"This is a mountain spirit, good at running fast in the mountains. Remember it for me."

"Yes Yes Yes"


"Not yet, it's early"

In this way, a few people came to the last position of the train while asking and answering questions.

I saw the chief rudder demon and ghost entrenched here,

There are also many human servants serving one or two people nearby.

Various sounds from the banquet were faintly heard from over there,


"My lord, you...".

534 All the demons and ghosts gathered together and went to Fucheng to bring in reinforcements.

Lin Yu and others accidentally broke into the gathering place of Shuten Doji and many great demons.

If we defeat these big demons and ghosts one by one, we might be able to win.

But with so many demons and ghosts coming together, the hope of victory is still slim.

Lan Ka asked in a low voice,

"What should I do now? I guess I can't defeat so many monsters."

Lin Yu observed carefully.

"It seems that the train cannot be solved today. We have to find another way to evacuate."

The group of people quietly left the place.

What they didn't expect was that,

Shortly after they left, a group of people came to investigate the situation.

Returning to the town again,

The townspeople gathered around and asked about the corpse thief.

In order to reassure the townspeople,

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