After the surrounding demons and ghosts felt how relaxed Qing Xing Deng was to them,

He immediately broke away from the bandage and launched an attack on Lin Yu.

Suddenly, a long neck stretched out from the back and bit Lin Yu fiercely.

Lin Yu jumped away in time, but the demon with a long neck bit his companion.

This monster with a long neck should be Feitouman. Only Feitouman has such a long neck.

Faced with Feitouman's obvious flaw, Lin Yu took out the Huangquan Dragon Transformation Whip and whipped Feitouman's neck.



,"The whip hit Feitouman's neck, and he felt the sudden pain. Feitouman screamed immediately,

This whip hit Feitou so much that his flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Another whip, and the whip wrapped around Feitou Man's neck,

Then Lin Yu pulled the whip hard, and the barbs on it directly broke Feitouman's neck.

Although the head and neck at the back of Feitouman will indeed be separated, there are two different concepts between doing it yourself and being forced to separate.

In short, Feitou Man’s vitality is severely damaged now.

The severed head no longer tried to attack Lin Yu, it was now eager to find his own body.

At this moment, there was another burst of shrill laughter,

Along with the shrill laughter came sand,

Lin Yu used a bandage to block the sand, and then spread the sand to the broken part of Feitouman's head and neck.

Feitouman felt that the fractured area was extremely uncomfortable at this time.

After finding the body, Feitouman no longer participated in the capture of Lin Yu.

His body held his head in his arms, hiding in a relatively remote place, and carefully cleaning the sand and gravel for his head.

Seeing that the blow was unsuccessful, Sa Sha Po asked Bai Fen Po to spread her rouge over it.

The rouge is white and can confuse their vision.

Bai Fen Po agreed,

The moment the rouge was spread out, the sand was also spread out.

Fa Gui saw the right moment and attacked Lin Yu from behind.

The previous attack was blocked by the bandage.

It's like he has eyes on his back.

One hand waved the whip and hit him in the back.

The whip hit the ghost exactly on the head.

The ghost only has a head and no body.

His hair happened to be tangled in the barbs on Lin Yu's whip.

So following the whip, the head flew to that place where the whip struck.

Every time the ghost's face comes into close contact with the whip.

Finally, the ghost's hair was cut off by the barbs on the whip.

The ghost flew out with tears in its eyes.

Lin Yu saw that there were more and more demons around him, and his companions could not escape at all.

He directly summoned Blazing Flame,

The fiery flame transformed into a dragon, which was dozens of meters long. The flames all over its body made all the demons and ghosts afraid to get close.

Lin Yu called loudly,

"Come up quickly"

Although the companions are also afraid of the flames on the fire dragon,

But out of trust in his companions, he hesitated and got on the fire dragon.

Unexpectedly, the flame did not hurt them at all. They only felt that the flame was very warm.

Whenever a demon tried to stop his companions, the fire dragon would slap him with his tail.

This resulted in very few demons coming to stop them.

Occasionally they encountered long-range attacks, and they easily resisted them themselves.

In about a quarter of an hour, all the companions were on the fire dragon.

The fire dragon flicked its tail and took off.

All the demons and ghosts could only watch helplessly as the duck they got flew away.

Before leaving, Lin Yu asked Chi Yan to spit out a big fireball and blast it towards the demons and ghosts in return.

He also gave them an international standard "friendly" gesture.

When they saw a huge fireball attacking them, the demons and ghosts immediately fled in all directions.

However, because the gathering is too dense, stampedes often occur.

Only demons with flying skills can escape in advance.

The fireball descends,


The once wealthy mansion was instantly razed to the ground.

The scene was charred and black.

545 Fengli chooses the master

Lin Yu and others were sitting on fire dragons soaring in the sky,

"Hey, look, what is the blue color on the tail of the fire dragon? It can't be stray hairs, right?"

"Nonsense, that's our blazing tattoo. Only in this way can we show our dragon's domineering power!"

Lin Yu heard the argument behind him and looked back.

"That's not a tattoo, there's something hanging on it. I guess it got stuck on something accidentally.

You’ll find out later when you take a look.”

After Lin Yu finished speaking, jeers followed one after another.

"Hahahaha, even tattoos"

"That's right, ha~hahaha, still domineering"

"Go away, a dragon with a tattoo is the most domineering of domineering, do you understand, -bitch"

The man said angrily.

Just like this, a group of people were playing and making noise in the air.

When they reached a relatively broad mountaintop, everyone got off the dragon.

Lin Yu walked to the Dragon Tail Bar at the end,

I found a small animal inside the dragon's tail that was all green and looked like a cheetah and as big as a raccoon dog.

He was a little surprised. You must know that there is flame in the dragon's tail, and it is not an ordinary flame.

An animal that can withstand such flames must not be a mortal creature.

Lin Yu reached out and pinched the soft flesh on the little animal's neck, then picked it up.

I saw that this little animal seemed to be spiritual, and its two front paws kept bowing towards Lin Yu.

Others were a little surprised when they saw that there was an animal hidden at the dragon's tail, and they gathered around.

"Wow, I was hiding in the dragon's tail and didn't get burned to death."

"Then its skin can prevent fire?"

Upon hearing these words, the little animal immediately shivered and curled up into a ball.

Bai Ye reached out and took it from Lin Yu's hand, hugged it in his arms, and glared at the person who said it was skinny.

After feeling the look, the man smiled flatteringly at Bai Ye.

The animal was buried in Bai Ye's arms and did not dare to come out. Bai Ye stroked its fur along its body,

Finally, the tense body relaxed.

Bai Ye also took the opportunity to explain the origin of this animal.

"This little thing should be a raccoon dog. It is said in ancient books,

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