Lin Yu originally didn't want to cause trouble, so he just got a certificate and left.

But when this man saw that Lin Yu was generous, he spent two thousand just to prove his identity card.

The tough guy couldn't help but feel malicious in his heart.

Threaten Lin Yu to hand over 50,000 yuan!

Otherwise, call the police, tell Lin Yu that he is a gangster, and let Lin Yu go to jail.

Can Lin Yu endure this special code?

He slapped him away and suppressed him hard at his feet to eat ashes!

"How unlucky are you to treat your labor as a fat sheep?"

Lin Yu laughed in anger.

He was generous because the two thousand yuan came with two unlucky men.

So Lin Yu didn't care.

But this does not mean that Lin Yu is stupid!

Immediately, Lin Yu exerted a little force on his feet, and saw the fleshy man screaming and begging for mercy:

"Brother! Master! I was wrong. I don't dare to do it anymore. Please be proud of me!"

"Where are the spare documents?" Lin Yu asked coldly.

" that drawer."

The muscular man pointed at the drawer in the back room tremblingly, and then Lin Yu snorted and pulled his feet away. "

Then, with the frightened expression on the fleshy man's face, he slowly walked in.

Lin Yu opened the drawer and took a closer look.

"Oh, that's enough to keep me alive!"

There is a thick stack of various certificates covering nearly ten industries. All you need to do is attach a standard photo.

Even the ID cards have more than thirty.

It can be seen that this man does a lot of business!

After a little flipping, Lin Yu found the items he needed for this trip under these ID documents.

Seven or eight temporary identity cards stamped with official seals.

One sheet alone can last for a month.

Lin Yu was a little surprised when he saw it. The times on two of them turned out to be next month and the next month.

This is obviously a set that is enough to prove that you can move freely for three months.

"Looking at it this way, this tough guy is really dedicated!"

Lin Yu waved his hand and pocketed it with satisfaction, then put away the industry certificates and kept them for later use.

He immediately turned around and planned to leave.

Just as Lin Yu turned around, he was suddenly startled.

"what happened?"

The inner room and the outer room are clearly distinct.

Two meters ahead, the entire house looked dilapidated and was still spreading towards Lin Yu's location.

And the hunky man (acda) was supposed to be lying in the outer room.

She was currently facing away from him, her body hunched over and motionless.

Lin Yu frowned.

A copy event similar to a thriller game?

There is no need to question this!

However, what Lin Yu didn't understand was:

There are actually ghost incidents in this world?

Lin Yu's originally good mood suddenly turned bad.

But soon, he accepted it.

The incident at Qingshan Cemetery is still fresh in my mind. It is normal to think that there are similar supernatural events in this world.

Lin Yu no longer hesitated, and in an instant, the strange candlelight had spread to his side.

Lin Yu then strode in.

Taking a closer look, the house is still the same house.

But the surrounding environment is completely different from the previous one.

Completely surrounded by dim dusk colors.

The place he stepped into was now blurry.

After trying to retreat, Lin Yu disappeared in an instant, and then reappeared in the same place strangely the next second.

"An independent and enclosed weird space!" Lin Yu's expression became a little solemn.

This was a type of rule he had never been exposed to.

As if he didn't believe in evil, Lin Yu concentrated on sensing the subtle changes in his body, and stepped back again.

This time, he was clearly prepared.

It was also not unexpected that after his figure disappeared, he reappeared at the same place.

But this time Lin Yu discovered a clue.

"The moment it disappears, there will be some sense of time and space confusion!"

"In this sense of confusion, if you can't break free in an instant, you can only stay here forever."

"Fortunately, this level of confusion doesn't put much pressure on me!"

It's a bit troublesome, this is Lin Yu's idea.

We haven't met the real master yet, but this kind of space obstacle cannot be solved by ordinary ghost masters.

Deep down, there are other big troubles.

Lin Yuben's curiosity aroused.

This was the first time he encountered such a weird ghost. It happened that this space blocked his escape route. He planned to go deep to find a way out and see what kind of ghost it was.

Lin Yu did what he thought of and walked forward.

At the same time, the muscular man who was less than ten meters away from Lin Yu started to move.

Lin Yu's eyes moved slightly.

Even though we were in the unknown space of the experiment just now, our eyes were still focused on the corpse.

Yes, it's a corpse.

Because he could tell at a glance that the ruthless man had long since lost his breath of life.

But just now he had his head bent and his back turned to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu was too lazy to step forward and take a look.

Now that the tough guy had mutated and became a roadblock, Lin Yu planned to see what surprises he would bring.


The next moment, Lin Yu just took a step forward and then stopped in place.

It was accompanied by a hoarse coughing sound like a hole.

Lin Yu was attacked! .

560 "The out-of-control Tongzi Tower makes the world feel like a prison!"

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561 Supernatural Confrontation—Comprehensive exposure to the world of ghost masters!

Follow Yan Peng's line of sight.

Directly in front of him, in a space of thirty meters in radius, the ground was full of pits, with large holes nearly one meter deep one after another.

If you look carefully, you can still see a lot of clothing waste left in the pit.

In addition, in the center of these potholes, a house was demolished to pieces and scattered randomly nearby.

Yan Peng was stunned by this situation.

"Is there any big boss involved in this weird incident?"

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