But changes often come suddenly.

The gold bag that was holding Granny Gui suddenly disappeared, and Granny Gui's figure disappeared under Lin Yu's nose.

Lin Yu was stunned for a moment and suddenly felt bad.

Sure enough, the next second he was attacked, and nearly a hundred points of spiritual power were instantly deducted.

The old lady strangely appeared in the same place again.

When I looked at the gold bag, it was empty, as if the scene of the old lady being trapped in the gold bag was an illusion.

Lin Yu punched the old lady Gui away with a fierce punch, and immediately jumped to Yan Peng's side.

"How is this going?"

His expression was a little ugly, and Yan Peng was also confused, so he subconsciously said.

"I do not know."

Immediately, Yan Peng felt a chill in his heart and said quickly:

"Boss, I really don't know how this happened."

"We have used gold bags to imprison Weird before, but this has never happened before!"

"Could it be that this bag is broken?"

As if he thought of something, Yan Peng took the gold bag from Lin Yu's hand. After looking up and down, he found that the gold bag was intact. He was even more frightened, but he didn't know how to explain it.

Lin Yu looked back calmly.

Yan Peng didn't lie, but he really didn't know.

Lin Yu knew countless people. After confirming this, he immediately looked at Granny Gui.

The weird old lady was not far away from Lin Yu at this time. After being knocked away, she kept walking towards the location of the two of them.

It is estimated that within a few seconds, another attack will be launched!

Yan Peng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief at the side. Lin Yu's gaze just now almost scared him to death.

It's definitely the kind that kills people!

After escaping this disaster, Yan Peng didn't dare to be careless anymore. After thinking about it, he quickly used his cunning ability to test the isolation level of this space, and then his face became happy.

“` ¨Boss, if it doesn’t work, let’s give up.”

"I just sensed that the isolation power of this space is not particularly strong. Let's leave first!"

"Let the headquarters send experts to deal with this evil lady. There is no need for us to fight with her!"

Can this guy leave here?

After Lin Yu heard Yan Peng's words, he was immediately surprised.

He immediately reacted.

"Can you control Li Wei to break the restriction in this space?"

"Yes!" Yan Peng finally had a smile on his face.

(Qian Zhao’s)

"Boss, the Li Wei I control is considered to be a more terrifying one. Even if I go to the headquarters for a rating, I will probably be at least B grade!"

"I just sensed it. Leaving the space shouldn't be a problem."

Yan Peng thought it wasn't too bad.

At least, he had good luck and was able to control Li Gui quite well.

In this way, he understood the rules of the Crooked Wife anyway. If he couldn't solve it, it would be better to let the people from the headquarters solve it.

I believe that the department managers will not cause trouble for him after learning the specific situation.

"How about, let's go first?"

Yan Peng proposed again, and he felt that Lin Yu would definitely agree to Fen.

As a result, Lin Yu just shook his head thoughtfully.

"There's no rush yet!"

"If you want to leave, go ahead. I plan to take a look!"

After Lin Yu finished speaking, he no longer cared about the surprised Yan Peng. Instead, he looked at the weird old lady, and finally his eyes rested on the flower basket.

“New rules, or restart?”


564 The possessed ghost appears, a mutated cemetery!

In the strange cemetery, broken monuments are everywhere, and the sky is filled with ghost coins.

Lin Yu stood in the cemetery, feeling the terrifying power on his body, and couldn't help laughing to himself.

"Haha...haha...so that's it!"

"It turns out that I have mastered the weirdness of this world a long time ago!!"

Lin Yu's current attire has changed and turned into the appearance of an old man in the cemetery, but he can return to his original state with just a thought, but Lin Yu doesn't want to have any thoughts now.

The mysterious mind space is actually the incomplete tomb space in the copy of "Hundred Ghosts at Night".

There is only the cemetery area involving the broken stone tablet in the center.

And the vague feeling that it can lead to Qingshan Cemetery.

And the source of Lin Yu's current mysterious power.

It was the Li Wei who once possessed him.

Speaking of which, it's also a coincidence.

Lin Yu chose to try to imprison Granny Gui again because he felt that the golden bag could not be imprisoned, and the reason had a lot to do with the flower basket.

870 So he planned.

First, he snatched the flower basket from the old lady, and then tried to imprison her.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the flower basket was snatched away from the old lady, a horrible change occurred to the old lady.

The attack came soon after.

The damage caused at one time exploded a hundred times, directly deducting a thousand points of Lin Yu's spiritual power.

This is nothing.

After losing the flower basket, the strange old woman seemed to have completely revived, and she actually dragged Lin Yu into a strange space.

In this space, Lin Yu is being hurt all the time!

In just over ten seconds, ten thousand spiritual powers were deducted.

How could Lin Yu accept this?

Spiritual power is his biggest asset in settling down a family. Even if he has nearly a million spiritual powers, if he is deducted like this, it will be deducted in less than twenty minutes at most. The next step is probably the moment of his death.

At this critical moment, Lin Yu had an idea.

He felt that the mysterious space (acda) that appeared after the strange change actually had a trace of involvement with him.

Follow that feeling.

Lin Yu discovered that it was the mysterious space in his mind!

He had never entered because he was afraid of any danger in the space. The situation at that time could not allow him to consider it. Lin Yu simply let go of the space and was pulled here.

By this time, he finally figured out what happened to him.

At the last moment of Qingshan Cemetery, the system helped him. Not only did it take away the two cemeteries that were torn apart by the fog and turned them into a mysterious space, it also suppressed the weirdness in his body in this space. space.

As soon as Lin Yu came here, he could instantly understand its function.

Possessed ghost!

True to its name.

The level of terror is extremely high. People and other living beings who are touched by the strange thing will be deprived of their lives in an instant.

Afterwards, you can choose to possess.

Or, transform it into a possessed ghost slave.

It has some rules that death will result from contact with the source ghost.

This was the case now, Lin Yu naturally controlled the possessed ghost, and this space became the ghost that possessed the source of the ghost.

Of course, this is just Lin Yu's perception.

Because this space is obviously not simple, the system must have made some extensive changes before disappearing.

Many clues can be found just from Lin Yu's sight.

The Ming coins floating in the sky were the styles distributed by the system. He had saved 90 trillion!

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