In other words, after the ghost lady regained consciousness, she also brought in the nearby reality.

Those ghost slaves with hunched heads.

They are all residents who originally lived nearby!

It really is……

Strange recovery, the world is like a prison! ! ! talent.

566 Yan Peng is saved, the horror of S-class Li Jui!

In front of the corridor.

Lin Yu stopped outside the building, a little surprised.

"The ghost lady is not here anymore?"

After he used his cunning power to get here, he immediately sensed something was wrong.

Then he spent ten points of spiritual power to explore the corridor clearly.

The ghost lady has indeed left!

However, it wasn't like he didn't make other discoveries.

Lin Yu took two steps and came to a footprint one foot in size and half a meter deep.

Looking around, he saw a stiff body lying inside.

Not Yan Peng or who?

It's just that Yan Peng's condition is very bad now, his breathing is extremely weak, and the weirdness on his body is very restless. It is estimated that "870" will be completely weird in just one or two minutes.

Lin Yu took it out of the pit and placed it on the ground aside.

Found something interesting!

As soon as he put his hand on Yan Peng, Yan Peng's strange recovery stopped!

"The possessed scheming I control has the ability to suppress the sly scheming!?"

Lin Yu's eyes moved.

It’s right to think about it!

When he was in Qingshan Cemetery, he had many ghosts with perfect contracts.

It wasn't like he was suppressed instantly.

Not to mention, after the cemetery space in the tomb bag was transformed, his ability changed drastically and he could control ghosts.

The possessed sly has the ability to suppress the sly sly, which is normal!

As long as he knew that he had this ability, Lin Yu didn't intend to go into details. After thinking about it, he decided to save Yan Peng.

After all, the other party provided Lin Yu with a lot of useful information.

Now that Yan Peng has reached this point, he has a lot to do with Lin Yu.

But after rescuing, Lin Yu didn't want to lose his spiritual power.

Finally, he had an idea and subconsciously took out some of the grave soil from the ghost.

About five kilograms,

Then he covered Yan Peng's body with it, and the strange feeling of recovery disappeared a lot.

Not to say that it disappeared completely, but it was almost the same as when Lin Yugang met Yan Peng!

"Uh, it's so heavy. Am I dead?"

Yan Peng woke up in a daze, feeling extremely heavy all over his body. When he sensed something, he immediately realized something was wrong.

Li Gui is still with him, he is not dead!

But why is it so difficult to detect footprints?

"Don't pretend to be asleep when you wake up. Where is the old lady?"

Yan Peng was still puzzled. Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in his ears. He opened his eyes in surprise and found that the young man in front of him was exuding gray and white terror. Who else could it be if he wasn't the missing boss?

Yan Peng quickly tried to get up, but was stopped.

"If you don't want to be resurrected strangely, don't get rid of the grave soil on your body."

Only then did he realize that he was covered with a layer of dust. It didn't look like much, but it was extremely heavy.

The footprints have a difficult connection with him and are closely related to this layer of dust.

Yan Peng had a guess, big baby!

He carefully took off his coat, took out the small gold bag hidden in his arms, put the dust into it little by little, then pressed the mouth of the bag close to the skin of his chest, fixed it with a knot, and only stood up after finding it useful. Come.

"A little clever!"

Lin Yu glanced at him and said nothing. After Yan Peng got up, he asked the question just now.

"Where is the Crooked Lady?"

Yan Peng did not dare to delay and informed Lin Yu of the follow-up matters.

turn out to be.

After Lin Yu disappeared, the ghost lady suddenly stopped in place for about a minute, and suddenly the ghost ghosts rose sharply.

Bring in all the high-rise buildings, vehicles, and crowds in reality.

Then large numbers of people fell down 0..

Became the ghost slave of the evil lady!

It was at that time that Yan Peng hid in the treacherous footprints in order to avoid the attack of the ghost slaves.

Then he used his mysterious power until he was on the verge of resuscitation, and finally passed out.

Lin Yu knew everything that happened next.

But Lin Yu's expression was not good, because Yan Peng didn't know where Mrs. Gui had gone.

"Boss, this witchy old woman is probably an S-level witch. Why do you have to find her?"

Yan Peng asked cautiously.

Lin Yu's face froze, he would not answer, he suffered a big loss at the hands of Granny Gui, and he planned to regain his position, right?

But what Yan Peng said made him feel a little interesting.

"S-level Li Wei? How do you know for sure?"

Lin Yu pretended to test, but Yan Peng didn't notice Lin Yu's test at all.

Just after he woke up, he was sure that Lin Yu was a super boss!

He has mastered the power of Li Gui, who possesses ghosts, and can also bring out treasures like Huitu. What is he other than a boss?

Yan Peng said without thinking:

"Boss, I didn't expect my luck to be so bad!"

"This is the first S-class 3.0 serious incident that has occurred in China, and unfortunately I encountered it."

"As for how to confirm?" Yan Peng pursed his lips: "It's not what the testing department told you!"

"Each S-level trick has an instantaneous fluctuation value that exceeds 10,000 when it breaks out."

“It’s difficult for even the master of A-level tricks to escape from its ghosts!”

"It will also have the ability to tamper with reality to a certain extent, or even erase reality!"

Having said this, he looked towards the dead streets in the distance.

His expression was solemn.

"I estimate that most of Rongcheng has fallen!"

"People from the headquarters are also on their way...".

567 The situation has changed. The headquarters has arrived for a video conference!


Lin Yu said casually.

He would not tell Yan Peng that the ghosts of the old lady were only left in this kilometer radius.

The rest were all consumed by him, and he went on a rampage, tearing them to pieces!

It's possible that someone came from the headquarters!


Two hours ago, the S-class spooks descended, and one-third of the city was enveloped in ghosts.

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