Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 3 Who is the other party?

In the mountain forest outside the abandoned inn, a big snake as thick as a barrel was crawling slowly, but the slowness was just an illusion caused by the interweaving of its size and body with the environment. In fact, it was moving at an alarming speed.

The snake's scales are as silent as snow. If it hadn't bent the branches, leaves, and dead grass where it crawled, it would have almost blended in with the surrounding environment.

Snakes are hibernating animals and hate cold environments, but this one is obviously an exception.


The big snake hissed and raised its head, looking at the house with beating fire not far away. It also vaguely heard the conversations and laughter inside, and could clearly smell the various smells inside.

These people who are different from the animals in the mountains probably arrived in this mountain area for more than half a month. Because they obviously behaved strangely, the big snake has not been hunting or doing anything else during this time, but has been observing this group of people. .


The smell of meat came from where the fire was beating. The big snake climbed up the rock path from the snow, then coiled itself around the rock and hung on a tree protruding from the mountain wall. Most of its body was hanging on the upper right side of the abandoned inn.

Dark clouds cover the sky tonight, and other places in the mountain forest are relatively dim. The subtle firelight of the abandoned inn has become obvious at this moment. After enduring it for so long, the snake is hungry today!

Inside the abandoned inn, Yi Shuyuan looked around suspiciously, but others didn't take it seriously even if they noticed his movements. After all, this fool has always been like this.

"Here, drink."

Agou numbly handed the bamboo tube to Yi Shuyuan, but when the latter took the bamboo tube, he also grabbed his arm. Agou looked at the fool in front of him in surprise, but saw the pair of eyes on his pale face. The frowning eyes were staring straight at him.

In Yi Shuyuan's eyes, this "Agou"'s face was clearly still a bit immature. When Agou's body stood in front of Yi Shuyuan, he finally behaved differently from a "fool" for the first time.

This is not the look a fool should have! The moment they looked at each other, a thought suddenly flashed through Agou's mind. Yi Shuyuan, who was looking at him, slowly raised his head. Agou also subconsciously followed Yi Shuyuan's gaze and raised his head, and then his eyes widened. , the pupils are also dilating at the same time.

Quietly, a huge white snake head stretched into the breach in the east corner of the inn.

Then, as the pupils in Agou's eyes contracted violently, the snake head shot out like lightning, making his body stiff as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. At this moment, Agou felt a strong force coming from his right hand, and his body was pulled forward and fell forward. Yi Shuyuan yanked Agou's hand.

The next moment, the man who was originally behind Agou was enveloped by the snake's mouth. He couldn't even scream. He was lifted up from the ground in an instant by the giant snake, dragging away with only a "wuwu" sound.

The moment the people around looked up in horror, they saw a pair of kicking legs disappearing into the hole in the corner of the inn's room.

"No, it's a snow python!"

"That beast would leave the glacial waters!"

"Get up and copy the guy -" "Be careful, it's outside!"

"What should I do?" "It's so big!"


The leader of the short-bearded man yelled and stood up with a knife. The others also moved quickly, grabbing their own weapons in their hands one by one, and looked at the surrounding roofs and walls with uneasy expressions.

Cold sweat oozed from these people's foreheads and cheeks and slowly flowed down.

At this moment, the situation between the hunter and the prey is reversed!

As for whether the person who was just taken away by the snake is dead or alive? No one mentioned the group of people who were brothers before.

Yi Shuyuan panted slightly, and his heartbeat was incredibly fast. In fact, he could have followed the uneasy feeling to remind him, but his heart was full of contradictions. After hesitating for a while, the uneasy feeling turned into reality.

How could there be such a big snake in the world? White?

And Agou, who had barely escaped, his heart was beating like it was going to explode. He lay down on the wall beside Yi Shuyuan, looking up with lingering fear, and then at the person next to him who didn't even know his name. "fool".

If this person hadn't pulled me out, I would have been the one who died just now, right? Agou thought so in his heart, he had already sentenced the person who was taken away to death.

"Huwu. Huwu"

After a while of silence, a strange cold wind invaded the house along the roof, cornices, door cracks and other corners of the inn. The bonfire there was also swaying in the cold wind, and was increasingly in danger of going out.

"No, protect the bonfire!"

The leader's voice could not help but be trembling at this moment. A group of people hurriedly used their bodies to block the cold wind, and some even hurriedly added firewood.

"Don't add more firewood, don't add more firewood!"

"Don't let everyone take care of the fire, pay attention to your surroundings!"

The bonfire was almost extinguished due to the rush and the cold air, and it was difficult to hold on to the flames. Half of the people were guarding the fire, and the other half focused their attention outwards.

"Brother, is that still an ordinary snow python?"

Someone asked fearfully. Although it was a glimpse, the size of the snow python was definitely not normal.

The leader clutched the handle of the knife tightly, and the flesh of his palm rubbed against it, making a slight sound while trying his best to adjust his breath.

The previous plan was to lure the snow python to swallow people during its active period. If a snake swallows a person, it cannot run fast or become fierce. As long as you act quickly, you can easily control the snow python, but no one has thought about this. The snake was so big, and its speed was astonishing.

"That beast is probably going to become a spirit."

At this moment, fear is constantly growing and amplifying in everyone's heart. No matter how powerful the snow python is, it is just a strange snake and a beast. But if it really becomes a spirit, it will be a legendary monster, which makes people feel scared from the bottom of their hearts!

Yi Shuyuan also clenched his fists tightly.

Becoming a sperm? monster? Yi Shuyuan's heart was filled with fear and eagerness. He didn't want to die! The evil people will kill him sooner or later, and the monsters outside will definitely not let him alone.

what do I do?

At this time, Yi Shuyuan almost intuitively looked at Agou who was also in shock. If there was anyone in this group of people who could be relied on and worthy of saving, it must be this person!

At this moment, under the threat of life and death, Yi Shuyuan forced himself to calm down, his brain was running rapidly!

"Click, click, click."

The groan of overwhelmed wood came from the roof, and everyone in the house held their breath.

Yi Shuyuan raised his head, then frowned and looked around. He even noticed the bonfire that was beating in the cold due to lack of care.

At this time, someone lowered his voice.

"On the roof."

The leader looked to the left and right and whispered.

"If it has already become a sperm, continuing like this is not an option. It must be"

While this man was talking, the muscles in Yi Shuyuan's body were already tense.

Before the elder brother could finish speaking, the already shaky bonfire suddenly went out at this moment, and in an instant, the room fell into darkness.

"Escape separately, you can survive if you get out of the mountain——"

The leader shouted, and the group of people dispersed in many directions in an instant. His body movements brought up strong winds and swept up ashes and sparks at a speed beyond Yi Shuyuan's imagination.

"Bang" "bang" "bang".

Some people broke the door panels and fled, and some people broke the wooden windows and shot

Agou also made a move at this moment. He only hesitated in his heart for a moment, but his body reacted faster than his thoughts. He grabbed Yi Shuyuan's clothes with both hands and was about to throw him on his back.

It's just that this fool in the past was surprisingly strong at this moment. Before Agou could catch the person and lift him up, he was caught off guard and was pulled and pressed by the person in front of him, forcing him to lie on the ground. At the same time, a dirty hand had already Cover your mouth and nose.

It was also at this moment that Yi Shuyuan's clear and calm whisper came to his ears.

"Shh, don't move, it's chasing me!"

Agou was startled and gave up all thoughts of resistance. He looked blankly in the direction of the fool. He couldn't see clearly in the darkness, but he could feel the other person's steady breathing.

This man is not stupid at all!

There were sounds outside in the distance, and there were even sounds of trees collapsing and rocks collapsing. Then the sounds became farther and farther away.

Yi Shuyuan's heartbeat was very fast, and there was only one chance. The counter-intuitive action taken at this time was a gamble!

But when Yi Shuyuan was secretly rejoicing, he suddenly looked somewhere. There was a person lying beside the extinguished bonfire. The other person had obviously noticed Yi Shuyuan and Agou in the corner, and the remaining sparks illuminated them. Below, his face is turning here.

After waiting for a few seconds, the person beside the bonfire seemed to want to jump up and escape, but when he saw the two people motionless in the dim corner, he slowly lowered his hand.

At this moment, the eyes of several people gradually adapted to the darkness, and with the help of the remaining sparks from the bonfire, they could barely see, and the appearances of both parties appeared before their eyes.

That big brother? Yi Shuyuan was shocked, and then immediately realized, what a vicious person!

The man opposite narrowed his eyes at this moment, Agou and that fool? ——

PS: After brewing for a while, Xianxia’s new book is finally available to everyone. The book has been signed and I hope everyone will support it so that more people can see it.

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