Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 35 Things in the Underworld

Chu Hang thought about what his uncle had said. Ordinary ghosts could not enter the county government office, but if they were gods, there would definitely be no problem.

Thinking like this, Chu Hang was in awe, lit incense on the candlestick on the side, bowed to the statue of the City God, then inserted the incense into the incense burner, and hurried back to Zuibin Tower.


In the City God's Temple, Yi Shuyuan stepped into the main hall in one step. He only felt the difference between the light and dark between the light and shadow. Some noises outside the temple disappeared at this moment, and people had entered the real City God's Temple.

Different from the previous time when the Japanese envoy came back, there was no huge statue in front of Yi Shuyuan at this moment, but a slightly empty hall. A smell of incense surrounded the hall, and some unrecognizable people stood around in twos and threes. figure.

"Lord City God, Mr. Yi is here!"

Sun Heng, the Japanese patrol envoy, brought Yi Shuyuan in and announced at the same time.

As if he just heard the movement behind him, an old man wearing a python-patterned soap robe and a gauze-winged crown turned around and looked at Yi Shuyuan, who was also paying attention to him at this moment.

As a visitor, Yi Shuyuan naturally bowed his hands first.

"I, Yi Shuyuan, have met Lord Cheng Huang!"

A smile appeared on the old city god's face and he returned the favor.

"Mr. Yi, there is no need to be polite. I am the county god Xiang Changqing. I heard that Mr. Yi wants to visit, so I have temporarily put aside my official duties and have been waiting here for a long time! Well, please take a seat!"

There were tables and chairs in the center of the hall. The City God personally led Yi Shuyuan inside, and then sat down one after another. There were other ghosts and gods sitting beside them, and they introduced Yi Shuyuan one by one to the City God.

"This is the god and civil and military judge of the Onmyoji Division, the Merits and Demerits Division, and the Punishment Division!"

When the various chief officials heard the city god talking about themselves, they all bowed their hands to Yi Shuyuan. Of course, the latter did not dare to neglect and returned the courtesy one by one.

During this process, the gods of the Yin Division were also carefully observing Yi Shuyuan. This man did not know the depth of his moral conduct, but his manners were extraordinary. The gods of the Yin Division were the most sensitive to people's hearts. Even if the other party's moral conduct was profound, he would still show the kind of natural behavior that His sincerity towards others doesn't seem like hypocrisy, and he seems to be particularly curious about the underworld.

Under this situation, the gods of the Yin Division, including Cheng Huang Xiang Chang Qing, felt a little more relaxed. After personal contact, they could feel that this Mr. Yi was at least not an evil person!

Yi Shuyuan is indeed very curious about everything around him. If he were not afraid of being misunderstood and rude, he would definitely be looking around now. Even now, he can't help but observe some things within his sight.

"Mr. Yi, do you have anything important to discuss when you come here this time?"

Although Cheng Huang got straight to the point, Yi Shuyuan still had to beat around the bush a bit, and then spoke after considering his words.

"This matter is a little complicated and has to do with things in the underworld. I have a good relationship with Huang Gong, the God of Kuonan Mountain. He said that he has some friendship with Lord Cheng Huang, and it was he who suggested that I come here to ask for advice."

It's normal to mention common acquaintances to build closer relationships, and in Yi Shuyuan's opinion, the effect is very obvious.

It's just that Yi Shuyuan had a little misunderstanding. Huang Hongchuan's so-called "a little friendship" before was indeed just a little, nothing more.

The ghosts and gods present actually don't know much about Kuonan Mountain God. They only know that although he has a free and easy temper, he has a high vision and is not easy to get along with, but he is a righteous god after all, so he must be respected and given face.

So the city god also behaved more politely.

"It's not appropriate to ask for advice, but we will tell you everything we know. I wonder what Mr. Yi wants to know?"

Obviously, Yi Shuyuan could feel the subtle changes in the attitude of the city god when he spoke. It seemed that relationships were inevitable even among ghosts and gods.

Thinking like this, Yi Shuyuan's thoughts gradually turned to Kuonan Mountain, recalling the calamity of the Waking of Insects at that time.

"Previously, Yi took away the residence of the spiritual creature in the water in the mountain as an inkstone, and returned it a few days ago. Because of this, he had a drink and talked with Huang Gong on Kuonan Mountain, and even asked him for advice on the secrets of immortality."

What Yi Shuyuan said was true, but as soon as he said this, the city god and some ghosts and gods couldn't help but frown. From Yi Shuyuan's tone, he actually asked the god of Kuonan Mountain for advice on immortality? But the person in front of him was clearly a member of the Immortal Path, and it was impossible to even detect the reality.

Could it be that I misunderstood and was discussing immortality? Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is no problem. The mountain god connects the earth's veins and affects the mountain's shape, and he can indeed have a conversation with the immortal cultivator about the natural way of heaven and earth.

Yi Shuyuan didn't know the complicated thoughts in Cheng Huang's mind, so he briefly explained the causes and consequences before continuing.

"The drink was bottomed out, Huang Gong left, but Yi was so drunk that he took a nap on the hill. However, when the Awakening of Insects came and the thunder started, the baby in the stream was struck by thunderbolts because of the stone inkstone I returned. Death under the thunder of heaven"

Yi Shuyuan didn't say anything. At least he concealed the matter of his own tribulation and focused on the baby. However, he didn't need to talk about his tribulation, but he could talk about his feelings during the tribulation.

Therefore, in order to convince the ghosts and gods, Yi Shuyuan also talked a lot about some of the tribulations he felt, but he just transferred them to the doll. As a result, the doll was robbed and Yi Shuyuan felt part of the terrifying process with his own perception.

But even so, as Yi Shuyuan told all the details, all the ghosts and gods in the Yin Division of Yuanjiang County were on pins and needles. Just hearing some of Yi Shuyuan's narrations felt like thunder in their hearts, and they were uneasy!

Even though it was impossible for Yi Shuyuan to tell the story of the whole night of awakening, when he finally mentioned that he and the mountain god discovered that the baby was dead, all the ghosts and gods actually felt relieved, as if they had all experienced it in their hearts. A small disaster occurred.

"It's a pity that I returned the mountain stone that had been used as an inkstone for a while to the doll, but it actually killed the baby. Only a ray of essence was left to combine with the mountain stone."

Since Yi Shuyuan was asking for help, he naturally told the baby's story in as much detail as possible to ensure that no information was missing and that it also showed that there was still a trace of vitality left in the rocks.

"After discussing with Mr. Huang, I believe that if we use the power of heaven's reincarnation, the doll still has a chance of survival. However, we still need to consult the Netherworld God for this matter, and perhaps the Netherworld God will be needed to help!"

Yi Shuyuan did not directly say what Huang Hongchuan meant here, nor did he say that Huang Hongchuan thought that the city god here might not be enough to complete the matter. He only said that it was a decision after discussion. After saying this, Yi Shuyuan looked at Chang Qing expectantly. .

"Lord City God, can you give me some advice?"

The old city god was in an inexplicable mood at the moment. He was still thinking that a trace of ink left on an inkstone would lead to disaster. But when Yi Shuyuan asked, he could only suppress his thoughts and consider his answer.

"I have been a city god for so many years, and I have never heard of a stone being reincarnated. But according to Mr. Huang and Mr. Huang, the stone itself is extraordinary, and it has the wisdom of Mo Yun to preserve it. It is true that the baby cannot be said to be dead. "

In fact, the old city god had something else in mind. If a stone is reincarnated, even if it has a trace of spirit energy in it, it is still a stone. How can this thing be reincarnated successfully?

However, this matter was brought up by Yi Shuyuan. The Yi Shuyuan when he first entered the City God's Hall and the Yi Shuyuan now are already different in the hearts of the ghosts and gods. Since the other party said it was possible, they would hang it first. Try your best to think along Yi Shuyuan's train of thought.

"If we really want to do this, the key lies not in whether our magic power is high or not, but in that even if we are the gods of the underworld, we can only help them cross the road to hell, but if we want to cross the Wangchuan River."

The old city god frowned and stopped talking here.

Yi Shuyuan frowned slightly at first, and then showed curiosity. He didn't know anything about the underworld here. At most, he only heard some legends. At this moment, the opportunity was rare, so he asked immediately.

"I wonder if Lord Chenghuang can talk about the process of reincarnation, such as Huangquan Road and the Wangchuan River you mentioned. Can't the underworld control it?"

Could it be that Xiang Changqing couldn't hide his surprise and looked at Yi Shuyuan? This person didn't even know this? But looking at Yi Shuyuan's serious face, it definitely didn't look like he was deliberately making fun of people.

The inspector from the Yin and Yang Division on the side looked at the old city god and saw that he had a look of shock on his face and said nothing, so he took the question and answered.

"Mr. Yi, there is a saying that there are two roads to the underworld, one goes to the underworld, and the other goes to the afterlife. Taking mortals as an example, the newly deceased people go to various underworlds along the underworld road. They may be sent by the land, or they may be brought by the underworld, etc. When your life span is over, if you are eligible for reincarnation, you need to start again along the Huangquan Road until you reach the Wangchuan River boundary."

The Yin and Yang Division noticed that there was a slight pause in the words, and the old city god beside Yi Shuyuan took over.

"The Wangchuan River is the last test of the soul. There are countless evil ghosts and monsters in the river, all of them are lonely ghosts who cannot be reincarnated. It is also full of soul snakes and the fishy wind blows in the face. Even if the underworld fails to grasp the handle of the soul, it is wrong. Even if he can be reincarnated, it will be difficult for him to cross this river!"

"The wind and rain are shaking on the Forgotten River Bridge. Once the evil spirits get on the Forgotten River Bridge, they will definitely fall! And dead objects like stones can't even go up the bridge. Even if there are souls who bring them up, they will be together because of this extra foreign object. Fell into the river!”

When the old city god said this, he also looked at Yi Shuyuan's reaction, and his frowning look was not fake.

"If you really want to cross the Wangchuan River with a stone, there is only one other way!"

Yi Shuyuan was refreshed.

"any solution?"

The old city god sighed and finally said it.

"In addition to the Forgotten River Bridge, there is also the Netherworld Crossing! This is actually not a normal method. There are countless souls in the underworld. There are always some who cannot cross the Forgotten River Bridge but should die due to special reasons. The Netherworld Crossing was born for this reason, but also because of the Netherworld Crossing. Due to the existence of crossing, some evil spirits who have escaped the underworld's detection also have the opportunity to cross the Wangchuan River."

Yi Shuyuan understood why the old city god didn't want to say anything before. This could be regarded as a small part of the dark side of the underworld.

"If there is a soul that can take the stone and ride across the river in the underworld, maybe you can really try to reincarnate the stone."

The old city god said carefully, since he has already thought about this aspect, he will try his best to improve it.

Yi Shuyuan also gradually learned some details of the underworld. As the saying goes, ghosts and gods cannot go to the Netherworld Crossing, and the golden body cannot approach the Wangchuan Bridge. Not even the god of the underworld can help him with this last step, unless he does not want to change his path. Be a human being.

There is no need to think about the Wangchuan Bridge. We can only place our hope on the Netherworld Crossing, but it is not possible to just find a ghost and take the stone on the boat to cross the river.

The entire Wangchuan River is filled with countless ghosts and monsters, full of resentment and unwillingness. They cannot touch the Wangchuan Bridge, but they will try their best to pull the souls on the Netherworld Ferry into the water. Every time a ferry passes by, the river The pitiful ghost that originally seemed to be full of wails and supplications will now show its fierce appearance and become extremely crazy.

It's not easy for a ghost to carry a stone across a river.

"By the way, if you do this, will the Heavenly Court take care of it?"

As soon as Yi Shuyuan's question came out, all the ghosts and gods in the hall were stunned. The city god saw that he was not joking, so he answered.

"Although the God of the Netherworld and the Heaven Realm are related to each other, the yin and yang ends of the score are not so broad."

The Old City God is putting it politely. The Netherworld has its own system. It can be said that it values ​​people's livelihood and despises asceticism. It takes virtue as the foundation and nourishes the golden body. It is okay to help each other, but it is not a subordinate system as the people think.

The magic is here, the underworld is not so afraid of the influence of incense. Similar to gods who reward good and punish evil, believers have good in their hearts, and evil are more afraid of three points. In addition, the golden body is based on virtue, so it is not so They are afraid that they will be kidnapped by the incense wish force, or that they will be what the wish force expects them to be since they became gods.

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