Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 419 Who dares to impersonate Yi Daozi?

Since they have already touched each other, if he hides his identity and does not reveal his identity at this moment, it may cause misunderstanding. Yi Shuyuan put down the fishing rod in his hand and answered the other party's question simply and clearly.

"I, Yi Shuyuan, am just fishing here with others. I don't know what happened in your water mansion. If it's convenient, I can tell you in detail."

When Yi Shuyuan said this, the water tribe in the water was startled, but soon became suspicious again.

That person turned out to be Yi Daozi? He's actually here?

No, with Yi Daozi's reputation, if I offend him, can I still argue with him here?

"There is no basis for what you say, how do I know whether what you say is true or false?"

It was obvious that the words were filled with strong suspicion, but at the same time, it was also obvious that he was no longer so aggressive. The water tribe in the water was fully focused on guarding the small boat.

Before Yi Shuyuan could say anything, Hui Mian was already laughed out of anger, jumped directly from Yi Shuyuan's shoulder to the side of the ship, and said to the water.

"You think too highly of yourself, don't you? Sir, do you still need to lie to me?"

There was no response from Shui Shui, but since the other party showed an unwillingness to believe it, there was no point in arguing with Shui Shui. Yi Shuyuan could not force the other party to believe that he was him.

Knowing that the person talking to the other party was not around, Yi Shuyuan also spoke directly.

"It's inconvenient to go into details? Let's wait until your Water Goddess comes back from heaven to talk about anything else!"

Legend has it that during a time when the world was in chaos and divided between different parties, there was a woman named Yao E who punted a ferry to save countless people who were chased to the river by bandits. However, she was eventually caught and drowned in the river. The people along the coast felt that the woman was strong. The righteous and spontaneous sacrifices gradually achieved the name of E River.

It is difficult to verify the authenticity of the legend, but Yi Shuyuan knew that the water goddess of E River was indeed not a water tribe, and she also had a position in the water department of the heaven. Judging from the information from General Crab, she should also be in the heaven.

Generally, after a period of time, the gods under the jurisdiction of the heaven, whether in substance or in name, will go to heaven to report their duties in batches. It may be a few years, or it may be more than ten years, the time is not certain.

And Yi Shuyuan already knew that Huang Hongchuan would also go to heaven for a formality in a while.

Upon hearing the words of the immortal cultivator on the boat, the people in the water had already come to a conclusion, but they still had to shout adamantly.

"Humph, just don't run away!"

Far below the river surface, after the man holding a steel fork said these cruel words to his water tribe soldiers, he looked at the bottom of the small boat in the middle of the river in the distance, and waved his hands to the left and right to signal the gathering.

After a few gestures, the figure of the underwater man slowly retreated along the underwater shore, and soon left with a burst of water.

Yi Shuyuan originally thought about how to control the situation if they really fought again. After all, E River is considered as the water body of his hometown, but he did not expect that the other party would retreat directly.

In the torrent brought up by the water, the man was surrounded by dozens of water tribes of various shapes, some of whom were puzzled.

"Commander, are we leaving now? Didn't you just ask him if he was related to the matter in Shuifu?"

The man held the steel fork in front, twisting his body like a fish and driving the rapids. When the soldiers around him asked questions, he immediately cursed.

"Shit! I said this to let him understand that there is a reason for today's situation! This person knows that the Water Goddess Empress went to heaven at this time. Even if she is not Yi Daozi, she probably has the Heavenly Order on her body. The matter in the Water Mansion should have nothing to do with him, even if he insists If we do it, we can't defeat him, why don't we leave quickly?"

"Commander, who is Yi Daozi?"

A water tribe member asked out of curiosity, and the leader didn't hide it.

"Yi Daozi is a vicious person among the immortals. I heard that the original Kaiyang Water God offended him. In the end, things got worse and worse. In the end, it was discovered that he was derelict in his duties and practiced evil, so he was beheaded by the Emperor of Heaven!"

After saying this, the man's body trembled subconsciously, and he quickly activated his magic power, speeding up the flow of the torrent, and led the water tribe away from here quickly, because he suddenly realized a problem.

Who dares to impersonate Yi Daozi?

Soon Yi Shuyuan could no longer detect the breath in the water.

It was a smooth walk.

Yi Shuyuan withdrew his gaze and lowered his head to look around the boat.

"We're gone now. There's no need to hang around the bottom of the boat."

Hearing this, all the big fish around the boat heaved a sigh of relief. The big black fish in the lead put his head out of the water and thanked him repeatedly.

"Thank you, Immortal, for coming to the rescue, otherwise we would have been in trouble today!"

The sturgeon was even more frightened and sighed in agreement.

"If it hadn't been for the immortal's rescue, I would have been stabbed through the body just now. That Yaksha was too fierce!"

The herring fiddled with the water, and his voice was startled.

"Immortal Chief, why are the aquariums in the E River so ferocious? I just caught some fish in a hurry a while ago, and today I have to settle the accounts like this. If this is the case, the fishermen near the E River will probably have a hard time. Maybe the boat will be capsized if you act like this."

The herring had no intention of stopping after saying "such", and was stopped by the tail of the black fish next to it.

"Stop talking, didn't you hear what Yaksha just said about something happening in Shuifu?"

"Did he say it?" "He did!"

"That's because I'm too scared"

Yi Shuyuan thought for a moment and said.

"Just now, he was fierce but not murderous. It was inevitable that he would be injured a little, but it would not be enough to kill you."

But this sentence of comfort obviously didn't work. Although the fish beside the boat said "yes" repeatedly, they still chattered endlessly.

Yi Shuyuan ignored them, sat back on the stern of the boat, rowed back to the mouth of the river, and landed again.

After this coming and going, although Yi Yongan's coat has not yet dried, the lining is barely wearable, so that the whole body is not naked. In addition, there is no wind in the fire, so the condition is much better than before.

When he saw Yi Shuyuan coming back, he actually left the bonfire and ran over.

"Uncle, why have you been here for so long? Didn't the fish escape just now?"

"I brought the fishing rod back to you, but it must have been broken. It looks intact but can't withstand the torment of a big fish. You'd better make another one."

Yi Shuyuan handed the fishing rod to his eldest nephew, who took it and inspected it carefully.

"Huh? It's broken? It doesn't look like it? But isn't that fish big?"

"Well, he's so big."

"Is that herring? Is it river pig? It's so cold."

Yi Yongan shivered and hurried back to the bonfire. There would definitely be no more fish to come home today, but there was plenty of room for bragging.


The water house of E River is located at the junction of Yuezhou and Wuzhou. It is still some distance from the river section of Yuanjiang County, but this is not too far for the wise Shui people.

Starting from this morning, there were not only a team led by Yasha at the mouth of the Xihe River, but also water tribesmen patrolling underwater in various sections of the E River.

Because last night, someone tore off a section of the purple lotus root growing outside the Shuifu Mansion.

The purple lotus root is rooted in the purple mud pool outside the Eshui Water Mansion. The upper lotus stalks meander all the way through the water palace's restrictions and reach the water one foot below the river surface to absorb the aura of heaven and earth and receive the brilliance of the sun and the moon.

The spiritual lotus root that had been growing without any movement for many, many years had three buds taken out more than ten years ago, and they have gradually grown over the years. It cannot be said that the buds are still in bloom, but they are also expected to bloom.

It cannot be said that the Water Goddess is very concerned about this matter, but she also said that it is rare for spiritual lotus roots to bloom.

It cannot be said that the water tribes in E River are extremely wary of the water, but they are also somewhat concerned about it. Perhaps it is because nothing has happened in E River for many years. At least, there is nothing unscrupulous to provoke the water tribe in the river, even the dragon tribe. It will give the Water Goddess a weak face, so it is inevitable that the Eshui Aquatic Tribe will relax a little.

Unexpectedly, something happened when the Water Goddess went to heaven to report her duties after many years. It was as if someone had pulled her away, and only one of the three buds remained.

This incident made many leaders in the Shui Mansion jump. The Shui Tribe on duty has been imprisoned in the Shui Mansion. The soldiers of the E River Water Mansion went out in many ways to search along various sections of the E River. Even the wise Shui Tribe came ashore. Go check it out.

There are two possibilities: it was abused by others, or it was swallowed by a big fish like grass carp, or some powerful existence harmed the lotus.

If you really want to talk about it, although the lotus flower of Linglian is rare, it is not a great treasure. However, it is embarrassing and has no face to face the Water Goddess. The water tribe of Shui Mansion is a little angry.

Even if the Yaksha who faced Yi Shuyuan did not explain the details, there might be a face factor involved.

However, of course, Yi Shuyuan cannot know everything about these things, but he also understands that the matter is not as serious as that Yasha showed, at least for the water tribe level.

Anyway, Yi Shuyuan is waiting for Eshui Water God to come to him, or it's the same thing for him to go to him after the matter in heaven is over.


Since leaving the mouth of the Xihe River, Yasha quickly returned to the Eshui Mansion. On the way back, he thought more and more something was wrong, and felt uneasy. As soon as he returned to the Water Mansion, he went directly to find the manager of the mansion.

"My lord, my lord, my lord -"

There was a water curtain in the Shuifu Pavilion to avoid water. Yasha rushed here and didn't care too much. He walked in with some splashes.

The entire attic was filled with bookshelves. On the large desk in the back was a fair-skinned woman who was reading a book. When she heard the sound, she raised her head to look at the visitor.

"found it?"

"No, no, there is something else."

The woman stood up. She was obviously a transformed water monster with a divine status.

"What happened again?"

"Well, I, I met a person near Xihekou in Yuanjiang County, Yuezhou"

Yasha took a few steps closer and talked a little hesitantly about what happened at the mouth of the West River. The more he talked, the more he listened, and the originally calm woman felt like she was breaking out in a cold sweat.

"He calls himself Yi Shuyuan?"

"Yes, that's what he said."

"Is there a little ferret with him?"

Yasha immediately remembered the little thing lying on the side of the ship shouting.

"Here, there is a mink, but the fur color is mixed and not white."

The steward gasped.

"It's over."

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