Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 46 My Way Begins to Reveal

Although the three gangsters who were tied up at the gate of the county government office were seriously injured, they were mainly related to martial arts meridians. Their lives were not seriously injured. They were immediately thrown into cold water and began to be interrogated in batches.

Obviously, these newly arrested Jianghu people are not as tough-talking as Sun Shiwan.

At the fourth watch of the day, in the torture room of the dungeon, a Jianghu man with red and swollen fingers could no longer bear it. Faced with a thin hook-shaped instrument of torture that he had never seen before, he was already immersed in being innately tortured. After being hit by the master's useless skills, he finally begged for mercy.

"I, I recruit, I am willing to recruit"

The master, who was yawning a little, immediately became energetic and quickly sat down at the small table and grabbed a pen.

"Tell me quickly, who are you, who sent you here, are you trying to harm Jia Yuntong?"

Not far away, in another cell that served as a temporary torture chamber, Yi Shuyuan, who also served as a transcriber here, heard the master's excited shouts and knew that there was someone there who couldn't bear it anymore.

As if he realized that his companion was about to confess, the psychological defense of a prisoner on Yi Shuyuan's side also collapsed, and he also begged for mercy.

"I, I did it too."

The jailers and detectives on the side all breathed a sigh of relief. Yi Shuyuan, who had been sitting at the small table, grabbed his pen and looked at him, waiting for the other party's words.

One of the agents kicked the man hard.

"Say it quickly!"

"Yes, yes, we, we are from the Sky Whale Gang, and we are here with Master Zhou."

What the other party said there, Yi Shuyuan recorded at the same time, but this time the handwriting was deliberately more normal. After all, it was to be used as evidence or even included in the file. Maybe the court would read it, so it's better not to attract too much attention. Attention.


At the county government office, Lin Xiu also couldn't sleep at night. He had been waiting for news in the study. The book in his hand had remained on the same page since it was opened.

At this time, footsteps hurriedly came from outside, and an excited voice also approached with the footsteps.

"My lord, my lord, they recruited——"

Lin Xiu stood up immediately, walked to the study door to open the door for the visitor, then took the confession directly from the Yamen servant's hand, and then hurriedly walked to the table and lamp to browse. As he read, the smile on the corner of his mouth grew more and more. The more obvious it is.

Finally, when Lin Xiu finished reading, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hahahahahahahaha Teng Jingcai, Teng Jingcai, you have fallen into the hands of someone like me, Lin!"

Yes, the Jianghu people admitted what happened tonight and told the whole story in detail, but in Lin Xiu's eyes, it was more than just that.

"Humph, don't blame me for your tricks!"

At this moment, Lin Xiu already had a plan in mind.

The Sky Whale Gang and the Jianghu Warlock want Jia Yuntong to die? So can it be understood that if the charlatans fail, the warriors from the Sky Whale Gang will attack the county government?

This was not imposed by Lin Xiu, it was a completely reasonable speculation, and attacking an official office of the imperial court was a crime of conspiracy! Even if you haven’t done it yet, this tendency is already obvious!

As for the evil magic of charlatans?

Lin Xiu's eyes flashed. He didn't care what the specific process was, he wanted to directly accuse people of being harmed by witchcraft!

Originally, this boundary was somewhat blurred, especially for ordinary people!

It is said that witchcraft can make people sick and weak, and can kill people without leaving any trace. This is because the birth mother was suspected of being killed by a witchcraft doll in the harem. The art of witchcraft is a great hatred of the current emperor. This is a big taboo for the Yong court, so let’s catch this to death!

Immediately, Lin Xiu bent over his desk and started writing a new official document.

Two new charges, one of conspiracy and conspiracy, and the other of serious crimes.

"Let's see if you can hold it down!"

Anyway, now that the matter has come to this, Lin Xiu is ready to go all out. He is going to make a big mess of things. Even if it is not a witchcraft, he will kill him when the court asks him. He doesn't understand but he dare not neglect this!

You, a person who can cast evil spells, can harm the key figures in this case more than ten miles away. Does that count as witchcraft? Anyway, in our small rural area of ​​Yuanjiang County, everyone in the county government thinks it’s a witchcraft!

The more Lin Xiu wrote, the more excited he became, and his heart was filled with a sense of joy. If he couldn't win, it would be aggrieved, but if he could win, he would stretch his ambition to become an official!


It wasn't until the rooster crowed that the entire county government gradually returned to calm.

Yi Shuyuan was finally able to walk to the library. Although the rooster had begun to crow, it was still dark outside. The interrogators and those being interrogated in the county government office had all quieted down.

The dancing flame of the oil lamp in the library was the only sound welcoming Yi Shuyuan's return.

After entering the library and closing the door, Yi Shuyuan casually pointed at the oil lamp. A gust of spiritual wind melted into the lamp oil, and the wick was slightly raised, making the library instantly brighter.

It's no wonder that everyone wants to become an immortal. Even at my level, it is indeed very convenient.

With this in mind, Yi Shuyuan sat in front of the copywriter, thinking about tonight's events. He thought of the people in the world, the warlock with eyes full of desire, and the evaluation of the night patrol.

In Yi Shuyuan's view, the so-called charlatans are actually one of the magicians in the market, and they are not as bad as the night patrol said. Except for professional swindlers and people with evil intentions, many others are just to make a living. It’s considered a profession.

But there are also many people who have pursuits and long for the true immortal way. Even the one who died tonight must be the same.

"Hey, he thinks I'm a fairy"

Tonight, Yi Shuyuan had already gained a lot, and the inferred insights when he went outside the county were already a surprise. But after being busy for most of the night, this surprise had turned into emotion.

Muttering to himself, Yi Shuyuan took out the book given by the mountain god again.

Tonight, everyone in the county government has been talking about the "martyrs of the world" in excitement and emotion. Yi Shuyuan also realized another problem. Sometimes his identity is somewhat inconvenient. It is like this now and will be like this in the future, traveling in the world of mortals. is also like this!

There are some interesting stories that cannot be completely explained without being immersed in the story, and they cannot be fixed when integrated into the story. This goes back to Yi Shuyuan's ambition to derive his own way.

Although it seems a bit too ambitious now, Yi Shuyuan doesn't think he is daydreaming.

With this thought, Yi Shuyuan emphatically turned to the part about blindness.

It is a deception, but it is also a fundamental illusion. There is a big difference between using it well and using it badly.

Although the concepts of transformation, dissolution, blindness, and illusion described in this book are all basic, Huang Hongchuan wrote the principles clearly, and it was obvious that he had studied them for many years.

As the saying goes, tall buildings rise from the ground, just like the way in Yi Shuyuan's heart. If you want to deduce and manifest it, it is impossible to jump out with the authentic immortal way.


There was a muffled thunder in the sky.

Soon, one drop, two drops, countless drops of spring rain fell from the sky, and there was a "plop" of rain outside the library.

Yi Shuyuan looked at the book, his thoughts still on the contents of the book, but he looked at the door of the library. He waved his sleeves, and with the strong spiritual energy in the air, one of the library doors "squeaked" Yeah~" it opened with a sound.

The night rain continued to fall, seeming to form a pitter-pattering curtain of water a few feet away from Yi Shuyuan. In addition, the spring cold was still here, and the rain falling to the ground stirred up pieces of light mist in the rain at night.

This thin mist was like a spring water, spreading to the corridor in front of the library and under the eaves, and even vaguely spreading to the door of the library.

The shape of the mist is inherently unstable, and with the addition of the slightly pulsing lights, it is constantly changing and elusive, like silk, tide, illusion, and smoke.

"The soft spring rain creates smoke, and all changes come from the heart!"

Yi Shuyuan lowered his head to look at the book in his hand, and his eyes naturally fell on part of the content according to what he was thinking. It was blinding and illusory!

The spiritual tide inside his body stirred, and wisps of spiritual energy emerged from Yi Shuyuan's body. He closed his eyes and circulated the spiritual energy, then opened his eyes, pulled the water bowl on the table for grinding ink, and saw that there seemed to be no change.

Yi Shuyuan narrowed his eyes and thought carefully, then his eyes flashed, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he shook his head slightly. How could he forget what he was best at?

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan's state of mind changed again, his emotions gradually changed, and his mind was like a paintbrush. Along with his thoughts, he sketched out a feeling that was thick and yet somewhat sharp.

After brewing for a few breaths, Yi Shuyuan gently brushed his entire face with his right hand, and his thoughts gradually changed with the hints of this palm movement.

It spreads like rain and mist, and my heart changes like the face of the forest, and it is dyed like a forest!

When his right hand completely brushed his face, Yi Shuyuan acquiesced that the change was complete. At this moment, he could feel the loss of spiritual energy in his body, and even vaguely felt that the state of his inner energy had changed. When he lowered his head again, his reflection in the water bowl It was no longer the familiar face.

It seemed that the sense of age was more prominent, but in this state of improved age, he looked more handsome. Yi Shuyuan had a smile on his face, and then opened his mouth softly, and his voice became natural.

"The scum of the world should be punished by everyone!"

This voice is obviously not Yi Shuyuan's original voice, but after adjustment, it has become a bit lower in range but a little more magnetic in the low tone.

How about calling Long Feiyang? It's a bit of a middle-of-the-road thing. Let's think of another one.

Long Feiyang is the character name that Yi Shuyuan prefers to use when playing martial arts online games. But to be more precise, in most cases, Yi Shuyuan will always be prompted that this name is occupied when creating an account, so his account is average It's "Long Feiyang I" or "Long Feiyang Ye".

Thinking of these things about himself, Yi Shuyuan couldn't help but laugh out loud while being lost in memories. This smile immediately made his mood turbulent, and his heart and face also collapsed.

With his delicate sense of his own changes, Yi Shuyuan knew that he had changed back even without looking at the water bowl.


Taking a long breath, Yi Shuyuan patted his face with both hands, making a "pop" sound.

It's still not easy to be completely stable, and you need more practice, but that's all.

"It's challenging, I like it!"

Yi Shuyuan said this to himself with a smile, and he was in a good mood for a moment. He stood up and walked to the door of the library, looking outside to watch the spring rain falling from the sky.

Daoxian is Daoxian, and if it is not obvious, it is not obvious. Even if it is only a little bit, Yi Shuyuan dares to say at this moment that his Taoism has been substantially improved.

"I will one day deduce the changes in Tiangang and Earthly Evil. When the time comes, I can change as I wish, and the truth and illusion are up to me!"

While muttering to himself, a brighter smile appeared on Yi Shuyuan's face, but he immediately warned himself that this was just an improvement on a low starting point, and there was nothing to be complacent about!

There was indeed nothing to be complacent about, but Yi Shuyuan couldn't stop smiling, and his heart was filled with the words "I'm so awesome!" It would take some time for this excitement to subside.

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