The white crane flew for a while, and now it has arrived in Xichuan Province, over Daoxing Prefecture, southwest of Yunlu Prefecture.

At this time, Pan Wentang and the three children were no longer too afraid of heights. Even so, this feeling of being above the nine heavens still felt a bit unreal.

Because they were at a high enough altitude, they looked to the west and could even see the western end of the distant mountains, connected to large tracts of grassland.

In the early years, Daoxing Prefecture was an extremely chaotic and dangerous place. At that time, the prairie people wreaked havoc on all sides, often leaping across the western border of Dayan to plunder. Daoxing Prefecture was half plain and half hilly, usually near the area where the prairie people's war horses turned back. .

This led to the prairie people's plundering activities here to be even greater. Daoxing Prefecture did not know how many people suffered at the time.

Although Daoxing Prefecture is not very comfortable now, it is much more stable than in previous years. At least after the Wusar Khanate was destroyed by Dayong, the grassland people have become more honest.

When they arrived here, the white cranes obviously followed the white-feathered crane in front and began to descend, flying towards a direction in Daoxing Prefecture and towards a town in a hilly area.

Hui Mian will emerge from near the crane feathers on Yi Shuyuan's neck.

"Sir, I think we should just take him to Dayong. Now that the capital of Nanyan has fallen, the Dayan Dynasty has basically been destroyed, but the strife in the world is not over. There will still be chaos if the new dynasty rises."

"What you said makes sense, but it may not be what they want. I can save people, but I don't have to stop them all the time. It's up to them to decide what to do next."

As he spoke, the white crane had already fluttered its wings downward.


Yi Shuyuan's crane call also caused the white cranes behind him, whether carrying people or not, to respond.

"唳——" "唳——" "Giggle, cluck. 唳——"

At the foot of Daqiu Mountain in Daoxing Prefecture, there is a large temple. At this moment, many monks in the temple looked up to the sky. A burly monk who was carrying stones with the monks and some common people also raised his head. .

There seemed to be some kind of loud chirping of birds in the sky. Although many monks raised their heads, the sun setting in the west was so dazzling that they could not see anything at all. The helpless monk could vaguely see something high in the sky with his hands holding the shade. White cranes flew by.


Another crane sounded, and Yi Shuyuan had landed at the foot of the mountain, followed by many white cranes falling one after another.

The white cranes carrying people on their backs had long been uncomfortable, and now they were shaking even more, and the people on their backs were shaking off.

Pan Wentang's legs felt a little weak when his feet landed on the ground. Several children fell to the ground all of a sudden, but they all immediately looked at the red-crowned white-feathered crane in the front.

I saw the white crane spread its wings upward, and its body shape stretched and changed at this moment, turning into a man in white with his arms stretched upward, which was the same man who was in Zhongling Mansion City before.

Even though we have met once, seeing each other again at this moment still makes people feel excited and fearful.

"Shenhe, since you are true, can you save the country of Dayan?"

The Ninth Prince finally said these words, but Yi Shuyuan just glanced at him when he heard the words.

"Don't pretend not to hear what I said before. I saved you because you can still be saved. Even so, I will only save you this time."

As he spoke, Yi Shuyuan waved his sleeves, and after the other white cranes chirped a few times, they all flapped their wings and took off, while he himself walked forward along the mountain road.

Pan Wentang and others subconsciously looked at the white cranes taking off, and then the former reacted first and hurriedly took a few children to chase Yi Shuyuan.

"Your Highnesses, follow Shenhe quickly!"

Yi Shuyuan's pace seemed to be leisurely and not very fast, but there were an adult and three children behind him who had to rush at times and then slowly before they could keep up.

Hui Mian would poke his head over Yi Shuyuan's shoulder to look behind him from time to time. It was obvious that the faces of the three children were all confused and uneasy. All they could do now was follow the person in front.

"Lord Shenhe, where are we going? Is it to the mountains?"

Young people don't have to use their eyes if they don't need them. Yi Shuyuan complained in his heart and pointed to a corner of the mountainside that was not too far away.

"Just go there."

There were also wisps of smoke in that direction, but the four people behind him were just paying attention to Yi Shuyuan and didn't notice it.

When you reach the foot of the hill, steps will appear from time to time, but there are more than just monks in Daqiu Temple.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan was walking in front, and his pace gradually slowed down. Pan Wentang and three children also followed nearby. They had already seen many people passing by, some alone, some with their families, and many people. Resting next to the mountain road, there are also many people walking up, obviously going to the temple.

Pan Wentang and the three children had already put on the so-called "common people's clothes" when they left the palace.

But compared with most of the people here who are dusty or even in rags, they look very noble, especially in front of them there is a spotless and elegant man in white clothes, which makes many people around them look at them frequently.

"Your Highness, from now on, you can't call me by your original surname. When you meet someone and ask, you will say that you are my junior, and your surname is temporarily changed to Pan. This is a life-saving move. I hope your highnesses will be considerate!"

Pan Wentang whispered, and the children were not ignorant and nodded nervously.

Yi Shuyuan glanced at them, and Pan Wentang cautiously approached and asked.

"Excuse me, Lord Shenhe, what is your name?"

"He Yunqiao."

In response, a group of people arrived in front of the temple gate. There were dozens of steps. Many people were walking up, and some monks were supporting some elderly people.

Pan Wentang looked around and understood in his heart that these were also common people who had come to seek refuge. Then he thought about it, and he and his highnesses were the same.

When we arrived at the mountain gate, many people and monks were repairing a damaged outer wall of the temple. The people and monks were carrying stones to fill the gaps. Looking inside from the mountain gate, there were sheds erected everywhere inside the huge temple. .

Daqiu Temple is a very large temple, but at the moment, the mountain gate is full of shacks. Apparently, countless people are housed in them. There is a continuous smoke from the back of the temple, and there must be dozens of stoves lighting fires for cooking.

When Yi Shuyuan and others arrived, of course many people came to see them.

It was only then that Pan Wentang suddenly realized what he was doing when he saw the temple plaque.

"Daqiu Temple! This is actually Daqiu Temple! Have we arrived at Daoxing Mansion?"

"Daoxing Mansion?"

The three children obviously did not take their homework seriously and did not understand Dayan's detailed geography. Pan Wentang seemed to understand this and hurriedly explained in a low voice.

"It takes one day to get here from the capital, which is thousands of miles away at least!"

"Thousands of miles a day."

Several children looked at the temple plaque with their eyes wide open, and they were shocked and a little unbelievable.

At this moment, an older monk hurriedly walked over. These people who came to the temple obviously had unusual identities. They must not be careful in these turbulent times!

"I'm so polite, poor monk. I wonder why the donors came to my Daqiu Temple?"

Yi Shuyuan returned the gift and said with a smile.

"Oh, Mr. He brought them here to take refuge."


The monk was stunned for a moment. He looked at Yi Shuyuan and then looked at the people behind him. They didn't look like they were in distress. Not to mention that they were sallow and thin, and they didn't even have much dirt on their bodies. The people in white clothes in front of him were even more so. It was spotless.

"Master, could you tell me where the abbot of the temple is?"

When Yi Shuyuan asked, the monk hesitated and spoke.

"Please wait a moment, I will call the abbot master right now!"

The visitor was obviously unusual, and the monk did not dare to neglect him. Yi Shuyuan was naturally fine with this, and Pan Wentang was fine too, but the three children were a little nervous and uneasy facing the eyes of the people around them.

On the other side, the monk walked towards the location where the courtyard wall was being repaired.

"Master Wu Wen, those benefactors over there want to meet with the abbot, would you like to go there?"

The helpless monk was carrying three big stones by himself at the moment. He frowned slightly after hearing this. After thinking for a moment, he nodded. Then he placed the three stones in the gap in the courtyard wall, clapped his hands and walked towards the mountain gate not far away.

Yi Shuyuan looked at the approaching Monk Wu. In terms of appearance, Monk Wu was nowhere near as good as when he was in Xiangshan, or even as good as the fake monk back then.

But today's monk, even Yi Shuyuan, was respectful. Before the other party was close, he took a step closer and bowed sincerely.

"I, He Yunqiao, have met Master Abbot!"

Shenhe took the initiative to salute, and Pan Wentang quickly secretly photographed the three children and took them to salute together.

"I've met Master Abbot!"

The helpless monk put his hands together.

"My Buddha is merciful, but the poor monk's name is incompetent. He is not the abbot of Daqiu Temple. It's just that the monks and people in the temple trust the poor monk. Many things are taken care of by the poor monk. What do the donors do?"

Yi Shuyuan said it again.

"He brought them here to seek refuge. These three people are the orphans of the Jian family. Now they are here under a pseudonym. I hope Master will do it conveniently and take care of them!"

As soon as these words came out, Pan Wentang and the three children were shocked.

Even the usually calm-faced monk showed a trace of horror. He couldn't help but look at the three children who were already nervous and frightened, and subconsciously looked around. Although many people were looking here, there was no one nearby. I should be the only one who heard it.

Finally, the shocked face of the helpless monk fell on Yi Shuyuan, a man who was out of tune with the people around him.

Jane's orphan? Just say it outright? Did I misunderstand something?

Yi Shuyuan had a smile on his face.

"They have sensitive identities and are prone to disasters, so they will only tell the master about this matter. Oh, by the way, these yellow and white things will be used to buy food for Daqiu Temple!"

As Yi Shuyuan spoke, he took out a baggage from his sleeve and handed it directly to Monk Fang. This was also what Lu Rongqing was carrying. He just took a bag casually.

The helpless monk frowned, but he still reached out and took it. Money is really needed here, and as soon as he took it, the baggage in his hand wanted to sink to the ground. It was really heavy.

While he was talking, the sky seemed to darken slightly, and the wind gradually became stronger, making the body feel chilly.

At this time, Pan Wentang and others didn't know what to say, so they could only stand aside silently.

"Thank you, Master. Then He will take his leave."

Yi Shuyuan looked at the sky and seemed to be leaving, but the helpless monk hurriedly stopped him.

"Wait, donor"

"Master, they are also people in trouble now. They are no longer relatives of the emperor. They are both refugees. Master can also save them."

That's true, but even if you are a helpless monk, it's a bit awkward to suddenly face this kind of news.


A burst of thunder interrupted many people's thoughts. The clouds in the sky were already denser, and the wind in the mountains suddenly became stronger with this thunder without lightning.

"Woohoo. Woohoo."

The wind blew sand and rocks around, and many people could only cover their faces with their clothes.

"This helpless master, Mr. He, please leave now if you have something to do!"

After saying this, Yi Shuyuan jumped directly from the mountain gate to the steps below. He jumped dozens of steps, and then floated out on tiptoes. His whole body was like a flowing dress, flowing smoothly. Floating away through the gap between the cliffs, it was already far away in a few breaths

The rest of the people were still fighting against the wind and sand, but Huan Bu was the only one who saw the departure of the man in white relatively clearly, and was even more shocked in his heart.

With such shocking martial arts, no wonder he was able to rescue the orphan of the Jian family!

This person may even have the strength to fight Senior Long!

The sky was getting darker, and the wind had calmed down, as if it was just the strong wind just now.

Unable to calm down the fear in his heart, the monk looked at the three uneasy children in front of him and Pan Wentang, who looked cautious.

"My Buddha is merciful. Please stop thinking about other things and just settle down in Daqiu Temple for the time being!"

"Thank you, Master Abbot!"

Pan Wentang performed a Buddhist salute, and the three children quickly followed suit.

"Thank you, Master Abbot."

"A poor monk is not an abbot."

That’s all.

"Come with the poor monk!"

On the other side of the mountain, although Yi Shuyuan was going to leave temporarily, there was a reason why he left in such a hurry.

At this time, Yi Shuyuan's figure had floated to a mountain peak, standing on the top of the mountain and looking at a direction in Daqiu Mountain.

The loud noise without any flash of lightning just now was not thunder and lightning at all, but a giant toad falling from the sky!

Unexpectedly, I just glanced at it when passing by, and the toad came to the door after hot pursuit!

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