Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 495 Everyone prays for blessings

In the shack, the woman on the bed was already in agony, but compared to the pain on her body, the fear in her heart was stronger.

In these years of war, pregnant women have heard of many deaths due to unsatisfactory childbirth. She is also aware of her current situation. It can be said to be extremely dangerous, and she can only let out a low cry of pain from time to time while enduring it.

When Yi Shuyuan came in, the pregnant woman's consciousness was already a little blurry, but she vaguely knew that someone to deliver the baby was coming, and strong hope arose in her heart.

"Save, save me and the child."

Yi Shuyuan walked to the bed and stretched out his hand to touch the acupuncture point on the mother's body. While touching the acupuncture point, a small wisp of spiritual energy entered the pregnant woman's body, making her consciousness gradually clear.

When the woman's vision became clear, she saw the reassuring and tranquil face of the woman beside the bed, but she was not surprised because she was so young.

"The amniotic fluid just broke a little. Now you need to rest. I'll feed you something to regain your strength and wait for your cervix to open. Don't worry, everything will be fine."

This voice had a soothing power and made the mother nod subconsciously. Yi Shuyuan smiled at her and began to roll up his sleeves.

At the shack, the mother-in-law and another woman walked in. Although they tried their best to move lightly and quickly, the opening of the shack door brought up a gust of wind. Yi Shuyuan blocked it with a wave of his left sleeve, and then looked back. People who come in.

"We still have time. Pull up the curtains and bring over a bowl of hot porridge."

They were preparing to deliver the baby, but at the steps of the temple gate, the cavalry had already arrived first, followed quickly by the infantry, totaling a hundred people.

The leading general looked at the monk who came out, glanced inside and outside the mountain gate, and sneered.

"As expected of Daqiu Temple, it is still very popular in these years! You are the abbot of Daqiu Temple, right? Let me tell you, Qiushan County now belongs to our Qilin Army!"

The helpless monk stopped the other monks and Pan Wentang from following him down, and chose to walk down the steps alone step by step. Hearing the general's words midway, he knew that the other party had misunderstood.

"General, you have misunderstood. Our Daqiu Temple is not a place full of incest, but a place to house people fleeing from all sides, most of whom are old, weak, women and children!"

"Hosting refugees?"

The general was stunned for a moment when he heard this. The Qilin Army fought several tough battles in the counties in front of Qiu Shan County, but they encountered little resistance here. They came straight after a long march. They had long heard that Daqiu Temple was very fat. , so he immediately brought people over.

At this moment, after hearing the words of the helpless monk, the general subconsciously looked at the people huddled on both sides of the mountain road who dared not move, and then looked at the faces carefully peeking out from the steps and the mountain gate.

Many people on the mountain trail carry large and small bags, and they really don’t look like they are here to offer incense.

"Don't try to deceive me. My lord has said that Daqiu Temple may be harboring rebels and needs to be searched! Old monk, those who know the current affairs are heroes. The elders in my family are also fasting and chanting Buddha. Don't stand in my way, otherwise the sword will be useless." Eye!"

"General, he is not the abbot of Daqiu Temple at all. I am a local. I visited Daqiu Temple in the early years. The abbot was a rickety old monk with a long beard and kind eyebrows. How can he be as tall as him!"

Fake abbot?

The general looked coldly at the burly old monk who was coming down the steps, and then looked up at the gate of Daqiu Temple.

"It seems that the abbot of Daqiu Temple cherishes his life very much, so he should cooperate with us in searching for the traitors!"

The helpless monk had already reached the bottom of the steps and raised his head slightly to look at the general on horseback. He was afraid that the search was fake or real.

"What the general said is true, the former abbot of Daqiu Temple is indeed true, but now Daqiu Temple is considered to be run by a poor monk, and many of the properties of Daqiu Temple have been taken away by many of the original monks in the temple. Now Those who stay here are all Buddhist disciples and vulnerable people who have taken refuge!"

The general frowned and looked at the lieutenants on his left and right. The one who had just spoken cursed.

"General, this bald donkey must be deceiving us!"

The other man was even more aggressive. He directly raised the big gun in his hand and swung it over, whistling with a "woo" of air, and stopped just a punch away from Monk Wen's cheek.

The tip of the spear was still shaking, and the monk's eyebrows were helplessly shaken by the wind, but the monk himself did not dodge at all.

The adjutant was obviously extremely skilled in marksmanship and martial arts, but the sight of the helpless monk being unmoved surprised the sergeant on horseback even more.

Helpless, the monk still kept his hands in Buddhist posture and bowed slightly forward.

"My Buddha is merciful. If the general doesn't believe it, just go to the temple and see what's going on. As for the things in the temple, except for the food for relief, the general can take whatever he wants!"

The helpless monk said no more, turned around slowly, and walked up the steps step by step.

Looking at the back of the old monk, the general and others looked at each other in confusion. The adjutant who had just pulled out a gun also put away his gun.

"Let's go and take a look!"

The general immediately turned over and dismounted, and the other adjutant quickly advised him.

"No, General, be careful of fraud! It's better to send someone to investigate first!"

"Well! You two, go up and take a look, and come back immediately after taking a turn!"


The two soldiers dismounted, then jumped three steps and quickly went up the steps. They immediately caught up with the helpless monk and followed them into the mountain gate.

After a while, the two soldiers turned back, and this time the general left one deputy general behind and led another person and more than 20 soldiers into the gate of Daqiu Temple.

As soon as you pass the gate and enter the temple, you will see that there are many shacks built in the front yard of the outer hall. All you see are old, weak, women and children, all of them look towards the mountain gate with fear in their eyes.

Because most of the young men and middle-aged women in the temple have gone to open up wasteland in the back mountains, all you can see at this moment are sick, weak and thin, not to mention that many people are in ragged clothes.

“They are all really old and weak”

The deputy general couldn't help but murmured, and suddenly, a woman's cry of pain came from the shack over there.


"Who is screaming?"

When the general asked this question, there were people outside the shack over there who answered.

"A baby is being born inside."

At this time, several people from behind the temple hurriedly came over carrying buckets and wooden basins.

"The boiling water is here, the boiling water is here!"

The door of the shack was opened, and a woman came out to take the basin and came back to take the bucket.

"Have the scissors been boiled?" "It has been boiled, it has been boiled for half a stick of incense!"

While they were busy over there, the generals and others on the mountain gate didn't say anything, and they didn't speak until the entrance to the shack was finished.

The general withdrew his gaze from the shack and looked at Monk Wu.

"Excuse me, Master, how long has Daqiu Temple been like this?"

Helpless, the monk still had the same expression.

"My Buddha is merciful. It has been more than half a year. General, please come to the temple and take a look around."

The situation of Daqiu Temple is obvious to all, so as long as you are not blind, you will basically understand it after walking around.

From the front to the back of the entire temple, shacks have been built in the more spacious areas. The monks' dormitories and guest houses have been opened for a long time, and people are even living in each Buddhist hall.

This is not all the refugees. I heard that some of them went to open up wasteland.

When the general followed the helpless monk to check the situation in the temple, he met three of Jian's children. The latter once showed a very nervous and fearful look, but it was not out of the ordinary, because many children saw the same soldiers. expression.

The accompanying adjutant felt somewhat unhappy. He and some of the general's soldiers were also considered locals of Daoxing Prefecture. There might even be people from the same county among these people. After all, I heard that there were people from all over Daoxing Prefecture. , and even those who fled from further afield.

After going around in circles, everyone returned to the front yard of the mountain gate. Many people were waiting outside the shack, and shouts of struggle sounded from time to time inside.

The mother's husband was also called back by Pan Wentang. He came and went without any trouble. At this moment, the man was very anxious outside the shack.

Every time the woman in the house screamed, everyone outside became nervous. The unborn child seemed to have extraordinary significance to the entire Daqiu Temple. Everyone was praying for the people in the shack.

The general also stopped here. He had already heard that there was a first-born baby inside, and it seemed that the fetus was not in the correct position at the end of the month, which was very dangerous!

The helpless monk was also concerned about the shack, so he could only recite scriptures silently at this moment.

"Those who behave virtuously will be able to approach others, and they will be able to open the door to the wonders of the world. They can see themselves at ease, without fear or evil."

Although the sound of the chanting was not loud, it seemed that it could be heard by many people around. Many monks from Daqiu Temple had been unable to hear the master chanting for a long time, and now they also joined in.

The sound of chanting sutras was not obvious at first, but then as the monks calmed down and the people around them calmed down, the sound of sutras became more and more obvious like bursts of Buddha's sound, and even reached the delivery room.

In the delivery room, the mother-in-law of the mother-in-law wiped the woman's sweat, and when she heard the Buddha's voice, she kept praying for blessings from the gods and Buddhas. The other woman just laid hands next to Yi Shuyuan.

The woman was already wet with her own sweat. If she hadn't eaten some porridge before, she would have been exhausted.

Yi Shuyuan put his hand on the woman's belly at this moment, and gently moved it along the lower part, as if to give strength to the baby in the belly. He had just spent a lot of effort to correct the baby's fetal position. Now the uterus will The mouth is the right size and the fetus is coming out slowly.

"Use more strength and it will come out soon!"

With a sound of encouragement, Buddhist sutras came in waves, and the woman gritted her teeth.


Although Yi Shuyuan knew how to operate, this was also his first time delivering a baby. At this moment, he stretched out his hand to carefully hold the baby's head, which looked bloody and dirty, and then waited for the baby to be brought out little by little according to the mother's forceful rhythm. .

"I'm breathing out. Give me the scissors!"

Yi Shuyuan also breathed a sigh of relief. After cleaning, he only needed to induce the placenta to be discharged.

"Oh oh oh"

The woman on the side hurriedly brought the scissors. She tripped and almost stabbed Yi Shuyuan's hands with the scissors, but was gently held back by the latter's bent legs.

"Be careful and give it to me."

Yi Shuyuan held the baby with one hand and took the scissors with the other hand. However, after cutting the umbilical cord and knotting it, the baby still showed no reaction.

"Here, why doesn't this child cry?"

Yi Shuyuan smiled. Although he knew the child was fine, he still patted his butt gently.

"Woah - woah, woah -"

A child who was born prematurely cried very loudly.

Hearing this cry, the old woman kept saying "Blessed by Bodhisattva". The mother who had cried countless times during the delivery couldn't help but shed tears again.

Outside the shack, everyone became excited when they heard the children's loud cries.

"It's happening, it's happening!" "It's great, it's happening!"

"The sound must be very healthy!" "God has eyes!"


The crowd was in jubilation, which even infected the officers and soldiers who came here.

The helpless monk also had a smile on his face.

"My Buddha is compassionate!"

The cry was indeed very loud, and the bursts of cry even faintly reached the valleys and mountains.

On the top of the mountain adjacent to the Daqiu Temple, the Big Toad King was startled by the cry and trembled, suddenly waking up from his drunkenness.

Big Toad King stood up, and the wine cup on his belly rolled to the ground with a "ding". He shook his head and looked around, and the wine cup and flask were still there.

"Brother He? Brother He?"

After shouting twice and receiving no response, the Big Toad King stood up in a daze, subconsciously looking towards the Daqiu Temple diagonally below.

"Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa."

There were bursts of children crying, but they seemed to be very loud.

Are you giving birth in the monk's temple?

And this child seems to be unusual!

The Big Toad King was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the wine bottle on the ground. Wasn't White Crane just watching the fun?

With this thought, the Big Toad King hooked the wine bottle with his foot and took it in his hand, then stepped out in the air and flew towards Daqiu Temple.

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