Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 506 The elixir realm in your mind

This sound like a loud bell resounded throughout Tiandou Mountain, and then the continuously flowing immortal grass spiritual energy gradually dissipated.

This change shocked Xiao Yong and many monsters outside Tiandou Mountain. They knew something had happened to the spiritual treasure in the mountain, but they still didn't know what happened.

"Xiao Junhou, I'm afraid something has happened in your mountain, right?" "Yes, why bother tangling with us here!"

"How about I go check it out together?"

Xiao Yong was also unsure at this moment, and was full of worry. Could it be that something happened to Lao Tengtou?

At this moment, something strange seemed to have changed around him. He couldn't tell what the change was, but it felt obviously different. Xiao Yong looked up at the sky. It seemed that there were suddenly more clouds in many places, and there was no process of gathering.

In the spiritual sense, there seemed to be a change coming from Tiandou Mountain, and it had spread to the distance in an instant.

If just now it was just the magic of the grass jelly changing and dissipating, now everything has returned to calm in a short period of time, as if the previous variables did not exist, and even the energy caused by the fight between the monsters has become calmer.

Xiao Yong discovered this, and some of the demon cultivators outside the mountain who refused to leave at this time also noticed the abnormality.

But this was the only abnormality discovered. It was as if there were more clouds in an instant, as if the wind had softened in an instant, but nothing else.

But all this also made many demon cultivators realize something.

"Restriction! Someone must have cast a restriction that is beyond our understanding!" "Yes, this way there will be a sense of change that is not easy to detect!"

"Xiao Junhou, let me go and have a look together!"

In the world of many monsters, strength is achieved through fighting. Although Xiao Yong's previous attacks were heavy, he also made the surrounding monsters realize how terrifying he was.

Xiao Yong smiled, and felt relieved, because at this moment he could confirm that it was Mr. Yi who was here.

"Hahahahahaha. Everyone, please come back. The real owner of the Lingbao is here, and Xiao's duty to protect it has been completed!"

The huge mandrill gradually transformed into a human form and regained its manly appearance. The injuries on the original mandrill were temporarily suppressed and could not be seen on the surface.

Xiao Yong ignored the monster hiding in the clouds a little further away, and just turned around and rode the wind towards the depths of Tiandou Mountain.

"Xiao Junhou, who are you guarding the spiritual object for, and what kind of spiritual object is it?" "You only know the head office, right?"

Xiao Yong thought for a moment and turned around.

"Hey, an immortal planted a fairy grass. Old Tengtou and I helped take care of it for some years. Today it has finally matured, everyone."

At this moment, Xiao Yong paused and continued with a smile on his face.

"Xiao is trying to save you all with his kind words, so I won't say anything unnecessary, hahahahaha."

Kind words of advice? The flag with demon blood is still flying on the mountain.

In fact, most of the transformed monsters that are thousands of miles away from Tiandou Mountain have been heard of and even known to each other. The character of this mandrill demon cultivator is also well known. What can he protect for others?

And the feeling just now no longer exists at all. If everyone hadn't been very focused during the confrontation before, they would have felt that they had just had an illusion, but now they can't notice it at all.

For a time, even if Xiao Yong had left, no one dared to enter Tiandou Mountain.

In Tiandou Mountain, the fox who had been hiding in the outer mountains couldn't help but feel a little frightened. At that moment, it seemed that the world had changed, but it seemed like it was just an illusion.

But the fox knew very well that it was definitely not an illusion. Even if it was difficult for him to detect the abnormality now, he could still be sure that there must be some kind of change caused by the spell cast by an expert.

This is very much like a brilliant illusion, but it is definitely a higher level of magic, a level that reaches the "Tao"!

All the changes in the aura of the mountains actually still exist, but I can’t notice them anymore!

There are many practitioners in the world, and those who can integrate Tao and Dharma to perform this kind of magic are probably an immortal with extremely high cultivation level. In addition, the mountain god mentioned "immortal" before, which can be regarded as confirmation. made such speculation.

Who could it be?

The fox hesitated again and again, choosing to rest outside like a spirit fox that originally grew up in Tiandou Mountain.

About a quarter of an hour later, the sky where the sloping peak was located in the distance turned red. Looking from a distance, some of the white clouds in the sky burned and turned into clouds of fire.——

At the sloping peak, after unfolding the map of mountains and rivers, Yi Shuyuan already had a clear understanding of the spiritual energy flowing inside and outside Tiandou Mountain.

This alchemy is no small matter, and the conditions required are also extraordinary. The location where the alchemy is made is very critical.

Yi Shuyuan looked around at the surrounding mountains and had an understanding of the terrain of Mount Tiandou.

Just as wherever the deadly poisonous snake passes, there must be herbs nearby. Tiandou Mountain, where mountain grass grows, is also the best place for alchemy. The thick mountain also seems to add a layer of pressure to the alchemy furnace.

Therefore, although the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map is unfolded, it is not convenient to completely cover Tiandou Mountain, because Tiandou Mountain needs to exchange energy with heaven and earth, which is also the reason why some monsters can feel a slight abnormality.

Xiao Yong came back with Yaofeng and saw the big alchemy furnace at the sloping peak from a distance, as well as the people beside the alchemy furnace. The last trace of worry in his heart completely dissipated.

"Mr. Yi, you are finally here!"

Yi Shuyuan looked into the air and nodded slightly.

"Thank you for your hard work, Lord!"

"Hey, hey, sir, what are you talking about? We have to do what we say!"

Xiao Yong felt happy in his heart. The two days of fighting were very enjoyable. He let out all the unhappiness that he had suppressed in his heart for these years. He wanted to say something when he landed, but he saw Diaoer on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder making a silent sign with his paw. gesture.

So Xiao Yong landed near the old vine head and kept quiet. He took another look at the original location of Dingshan Grassland. Sure enough, the fairy grass over there had disappeared. Mr. Yi should have taken it.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan waved the folding fan upwards, and the top cover of the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun furnace rose into the sky. The flames of the furnace instantly turned the sky above red, as if the sky was burning with raging fire.

In this flame, there was a flash of black gold light, and a pen flew out from the fire of the alchemy furnace.

The barrel of this pen has a black gold luster, and the bristles on the top were not ignited by the burning fire of the alchemy furnace, as if they were integrated with the barrel.

Seeing this pen, Hui Mian's eyes on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder suddenly lit up, and he could already feel his connection with that pen, because the hair on the pen was taken from it.

"Originally, I wanted to wait until your Taoism was higher before I gave it to you, so that you wouldn't rely too much on the Tao. However, I don't need to worry about your character. In addition, I don't need to be careful when refining the elixir, so I gave it to you first!"

After Yi Shuyuan finished speaking, the pen flew to Hui Mian and was held in his arms.

Hui Mian, who was already excited, was holding the pen and bouncing his legs.

"Ahhh! My pen hahahahahaha. Thank you sir, hahahahaha——"

Hui Mian was so happy rolling back and forth on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder that he flicked the pen again, jumped on the pen and flew around.

“It’s so smooth, it’s like it blends into one with me!”

There is also ancient seal script on the pen body, which is called "Yun Lu Bi".

Lao Tengtou and Xiao Yong watched Hui Mian flying for a while. Although they both knew that it was definitely not an ordinary treasure, soon, together with Hui Mian who had obtained the magic weapon, their attention was attracted to the alchemy furnace again.

"Just step back."

Hearing this, Hui Mian held the pen and flew away. Lao Tengtou and Xiao Yong did not dare to approach, so they retreated a distance and retreated to the nearby mountain.

Yi Shuyuan stood alone in front of the alchemy furnace. After counting with his fingers, he flicked his long sleeves and the seemingly withered Dingshan grass flew into the furnace.

At this moment, due to the tempering of the furnace fire, the withered yellow color on the immortal grass on the top of the mountain dissipated in an instant, and instead returned to a lush green state, and the fire of the alchemy furnace could not stop it.


Yi Shuyuan sighed in admiration, and several more pill materials flew out of his sleeves.

They are: a golden insect shell, a glistening scale, an inconspicuous wood tumor, a fiery red gem, and a ball of dull dust.

These five kinds of alchemy materials were all auxiliary materials prepared by Yi Shuyuan, and they flew into the alchemy furnace one after another as he pointed forward.

The next moment, the sky furnace cover fell.


After a loud noise, the fiery red color in the sky also faded away. At the same time, a gourd flew out of Yi Shuyuan's sleeve and landed on the top of the Douzuan Qiankun furnace, as if it was one with the alchemy furnace.


A folding fan was pointed towards the furnace, and a strong wind suddenly rose.


The elixir fire in the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Furnace suddenly became more intense and lit up with a burst of scorching fire!

Yi Shuyuan took this alchemy very seriously. He sat cross-legged in front of the furnace and made seals. Then his figure gradually faded away. Hui Mian and others watching from the outside disappeared in front of the alchemy furnace.

"Where is Mr. Yi's family?" "Escaped?"

"Sir is still here, but you can't see it!"

Hui Mian was very sure of this, but of course it couldn't see it itself.

At this time, Yi Shuyuan's consciousness had sunk into the depths of Lingtai's mind, as if he appeared in the world of his own artistic conception. He visualized the alchemy furnace with his mind's eye instead of his eyes, and it was as if the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun furnace was consistent with his own artistic conception.

None of the various elixirs in the furnace fire have changed at this moment. This is not because the furnace fire is not powerful, but because Yi Shuyuan did it intentionally.

Compared with refining elixirs in the heavens back then, the difficulty actually lies in the refining tools rather than the elixir. In a sense, the Xingluo elixir is a by-product. It is mainly based on starlight and supplemented by the medicinal materials of the Divine Medicine Palace. The elixir of achievement is a kind of creation at the level of Qi. People taking elixirs may have thousands of changes and results.

The number of one-in-a-thousand pieces far exceeds the number of normal elixirs produced.

The purpose of this alchemy refining was extremely clear. Yi Shuyuan knew that this kind of opportunity did not come often, and he might not even be able to do it a second time in his future practice.

When the fire is burning, the active spiritual energy around it is slowly flowing towards the alchemy furnace. At first, it was only a few nearby peaks, then spread to the entire Tiandou Mountain, and then gradually spread to very far away. However, this change is very weak. In the Shanhe Sheji Diagram, Undetectable when covered.

But as the saying goes, a little makes a big difference. Even if the change is weak, what Yi Shuyuan needs is not ordinary spiritual energy. But when they gathered from the distance to the Dan stove, in the sight of Hui Mian and others, there seemed to be a faint spiritual light. Like smoke flowing into the alchemy furnace

Unknowingly, at night, the stars in the sky were falling, and the gourd on the top of the alchemy furnace opened its mouth, as if it could swallow up the star power in the sky, and the body of the alchemy furnace was lit up with patches of star patterns, and they were still changing. .

Yi Shuyuan opened his inner eyes and seemed to be able to see everything in the roaring fire.

The grass on the top of the mountain is green and tender. Like the other five elements of elixirs, it actually absorbs the aura of heaven and earth and the brilliance of the sun and the moon!

Everything is rarely perfect. Yi Shuyuan knew very well that the elixir he prepared actually had flaws, mainly the wood knots and the fire ruby.

The wood tumor is caused by the golden cicada sucking the wood sap. It is not so much a thing of the wood spirit as it is related to the golden cicada's shell. The fire ruby ​​​​is originally a condensation of the demon king's snake gallbladder and fire poison, although it is also a It's a treasure, but compared to other elixirs, it's more than one step behind. It's just used to make up the numbers.

Yi Shuyuan's mouth also showed a smile in his mind.

But these five elements are all things that are broken and then established. The golden cicada sheds its shell, the cracked scales grow new, the wood tumors peel off, and the Taoist utensils remain ashes.

Even the condensation of fire poison from Medicine King Snake Gallbladder was a companion to the calamity of White Crane and Big Toad King.

As for the weakness of wood and fire, this is not a problem at all for Yi Shuyuan.

The elixir is not about rolling balls, it is about refining, it is about a process of turning matter into Qi, and Qi into Tao!

The existence of wood tumors and flints is enough to lay a foundation, because Dingshan grass itself is full of wood spirit, because there is already a blazing fire in the alchemy furnace!

Therefore, God calculates the qi of all things, and I, Yi Shuyuan, only calculate this!

In his mind, the marks of Yi Shuyuan's hands seemed to be made in heaven. In the fierce fire of the furnace, various elixirs gave off a brilliant light, and then began to turn into a breath of energy from the golden cicada's shell.

The five elements of things began to vaporize in the order of metal, water, wood, fire and earth.

This Qi did not turn into Dan Qi, but turned into scenery like in the artistic conception of Yi Shuyuan. There are fires, mountains, tides, earth, and even green, and grass grows on the top of the mountain that never moves. it's here.

At this moment, the Douzhuan Qiankun Furnace seems to have turned into the universe and the world continues to expand.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan felt a little happy and a little emotional in his heart. Perhaps he had unintentionally broken through to a situation that had never been reached by the ancient method of alchemy and cauldron.

The changes in this are like an illusion, but not an illusion, it is the elixir state of mind!

To enter this realm, the special influence of many factors such as the alchemist, the alchemy materials, and the alchemy place are indispensable.

The reason why it can be said that the ancient Alchemy Cauldron has never been reached is because although immortal cultivation definitely does not know everything, there are rules to follow in the path of the Tao, and the naming is not arbitrary.

If there really is an expert in the Alchemy lineage who has seen this scene, then the name must be "Yizhong Danjing"!

However, Yi Shuyuan has never seen such a description, nor does he have any guidance in this regard. Instead, he has seen the wonderful techniques of the Chengdan Illusion Realm and others.

Of course, it is also possible that the deficiency of Danding Daozang is too serious.

While feeling emotional, Yi Shuyuan couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

It's also a pity that in the heaven world, with the help of the birth of the Taoist weapon, the Douzhuan Qiankun furnace was refining, otherwise, this time I might have broken the alchemy furnace in the artistic conception.

And if the mind is broken, the shape is not far away!

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