Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 531 There is a treasure!

“Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha With these words from the master, I have nothing to worry about!”

The prince said this with a smile, and the Toutuo was also very helpful, and now he spoke.

"His Highness treats me so kindly, and the poor monk will naturally help me when I encounter difficulties. What does Your Highness need from the poor monk?"

The prince glanced at the steward of the palace. The latter understood the situation and walked to Toutuo and whispered for a while. The Toutuo nodded at first, then showed slight surprise, and then narrowed his eyes.


The Toutuo looked serious, then smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I won't let you down!"

The prince's eyes lit up.

"Okay! I'll be rewarded once everything is done!"

After hearing the palace manager explain the situation in detail, Na Toutuo went back to prepare.

Of course, it is impossible for the steward of the palace to tell everything. The situation explained is Hu Kuangming's personal situation and the focus of his actions, that is, the situation of the Tan family.

But just from these, Tutuo already understood that this time was also somewhat difficult. It was not that he was afraid of the so-called masters of the Tan family, but that the person he wanted to remove should be a somewhat famous doctor, which was somewhat unethical, but this matter It is nothing compared to the glory and wealth of the upper country Tianjing.


That night, in Tan Mansion, Hu Kuangming had returned to his room early.

However, although doctors pay attention to health preservation, Hu Kuangming has been sleeping very late every day during this period.

It was the same at this moment. When Hu Kuangming returned to the house, he lit a lamp and took out all the medical books he had brought. Most of his life had passed, and his habit of bringing books had not changed. There are a lot fewer books.

He studied during the day and at night. In fact, during this period, Hu Kuangming was both careful and bold in taking medicine, and he was trying to find ways to make constant adjustments.

Be careful because the person who heals is the emperor, and be bold because if you dare not use medicine, the emperor's life will be in danger!

There is no shortage of people with strong martial arts skills and deep internal strength around Emperor Suixing and in the Tan Mansion. They also have both strong and feminine internal strength. Acupuncture and internal strength are very convenient for auxiliary treatment, and can even temporarily seal meridians and acupoints.

This gives Hu Kuangming a lot more treatment options.

The books kept turning, sometimes reading them carefully, sometimes skipping them quickly, and there were more and more books spread out on the table.

At this moment, in a remote area of ​​the street outside Tan Mansion, a tutu wearing gray robes came holding a Zen staff. It was said that there were many masters in the manor, but he did not need to go in.

Toutuo found a location, then gently climbed over the courtyard wall of a house and entered the interior.

This was also the place the steward of the palace had mentioned. As expected, there was no one in this household. Although it was still some distance away from Tan Mansion, it was still close enough.

Toutuo smiled slightly, walked directly into the living room of this family, closed the door, then simply arranged it, sat down cross-legged, and took out a magic weapon from his bag.

This magic weapon is dark red. If someone were here, they might think it was a wooden fish at first glance, but if they take a closer look, their scalp will be numb and their spine will be chilled, because this wooden fish turns out to be a skeleton with a distorted shape.

"Coax Momi."

Toutuo started a strange sutra, and then took out a bone and knocked it on the "wooden fish".

"Dong dong dong dong."

As the scriptures and the wooden fish continued, bursts of blood appeared on the wooden fish, and a hoarse and painful sound sounded on it.


Not long after, a twisted and weird dark red ghost squeezed out from the wooden fish and appeared in front of the monk, but the latter just closed his eyes and chanted sutras without saying anything.

The figure lingered around for a while, then passed through the door and rushed to the Tan Mansion.

"Wow. Woohoo."

Wherever the ghost passes, it emits a sound that ordinary people cannot hear. Maybe someone can vaguely hear it in their sleep, and then the dream will inevitably turn into a nightmare.

Tan Mansion is very large, it can be said to be the largest mansion in the entire Chengtian Mansion besides the imperial palace.

Moreover, Tan Mansion is not far away, at least it is very close for the ghost, and it is easy to find. He arrived at Tan Mansion almost immediately, and then floated over the courtyard wall and entered the mansion.

Some experts in the darkness of Tan Mansion suddenly felt their scalps numb and their hands and feet cold, as if something unexpected was approaching.

"Wow. Woohoo."

A man with profound martial arts skills heard something as if he had mistakenly heard something, and immediately jumped up and appeared at the top of a certain attic, and then two more people appeared next to him.

The three of them were brothers from the same mother. They had been greatly favored by Tan Yuanshang and were willing to die for him. The three of them were extremely talented in martial arts, and Tan Yuanshang worked hard for them.

He has learned advanced martial arts, received guidance from famous teachers, traveled around the world, and experienced large-scale battles with the border troops.

"Brother, is there something wrong?"

"It's weird. There doesn't seem to be any movement. Have you noticed it?"

"No, but I feel a little cold." "Me too!"

After saying this, the three of them looked at each other and were suddenly shocked.

"No, it must be the evil magic of the warlock! Draw the sword!"

"Zheng——" "Zheng——" "Zheng——"

The three masters immediately drew their swords, their bodies filled with evil aura. Two of them rushed directly to the backyard where Tan Yuanshang was, and another one rushed to where Hu Kuangming was.

In the perception of the connection between Na Tu Tuo and the ghost, three balls of scorching evil spirits suddenly exploded in the Tan Mansion, running rampant in the mansion, as if they were looking for something, and then more evil spirits emerged there.

Among the houses on the other side of the street, Toutuo couldn't help but murmured.

"What powerful warriors, many people have died under their swords!"

And it's not just these warriors, the layout of Tan Mansion is obviously very weird. When the ghosts enter it, it is like entering a maze, and they can't tell the direction.

This is definitely not because Tan Mansion is too big, but because there is a kind of enigma effect, and it is also the change of wind and water. It must have been arranged by an expert when the mansion was built!

But if there is no difficulty, why would His Highness come to me? Once this matter is settled, my status will naturally rise!

No matter how powerful the warrior is, he is just a human being to the naked eye. No matter how nice the mansion is, the person inside is still a mortal after all!

Toutuo had a smile on his face, and the ghost shadow passed through the Tan Mansion at an extremely fast speed. The ghost shadow seemed to be crying.


A faint call came out, and as the ghost moved, it spread everywhere. Others couldn't hear it, but they seemed to feel a strange cry. It seemed like an illusion.

"Hu Kuang Ming."

In the Tan Mansion, bursts of movement had woken up Tan Yuanshang, and someone said anxiously at the door.

"Master, are you okay?"

Tan Yuanshang sat up, and someone was holding a lamp inside.

"It's okay, what's wrong?"

"I don't know, someone seems to be attacking!"

Someone is coming? What a courage!

Over the years, almost no one in Chengtian Mansion dared to make trouble with the Tan family.

But Tan Yuanshang hadn't spoken yet, but he vaguely heard that weird sound.

"Master, what is this sound? It seems like someone is crying."

Tan Yuanshang felt goosebumps rise on his body.

"Could it be the evil magic of a warlock!"

Tan Yuanchang's heart skipped a beat. It was impossible to guard against evil spells. He immediately touched the amulet on his chest, which gave him some sense of stability, but then he suddenly realized something.

"No, is there anyone there for Mr. Hu?"

"Someone has already gone!"

Tan Yuanchang was restless and quickly put on his clothes and shoes. He didn't care about his disheveled shirt and opened the door directly, and saw the masters of the mansion waiting outside.

"Quickly, use Qinggong to take me to Mr. Hu's place!"


At Hu Kuangming's residence, the old doctor was still reading books. At this time, a master from the Tan family had already arrived, but Hu Kuangming had not heard about his outstanding light skills.

Through the open window, experts from the Tan Mansion could see Hu Kuangming reading a book. There seemed to be nothing unusual. He looked around and found nothing.

At this moment, a faint voice came over. No one else heard it, but Hu Kuangming heard it.

"Hu Kuang Ming."


Hu Kuangming was confused and subconsciously looked up in the direction of the door and window.

It was also at this moment that the ghost in Tan Mansion suddenly moved, as fast as the dark wind.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Hu Kuangming."

Almost the moment Hu Kuangming looked at the window, he saw a ghost flying in the distance outside the window. The blood-red color, the twisted expression, and the look that wanted to devour people and tear them apart.

With just one glance, Hu Kuangming felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his whole body felt cold, and his body seemed unable to move.

It's a ghost!


There was a slight flash of white light outside the house, but the ghost figure did not come in through the window. At this moment, the ghost figure suddenly looked up and looked at the ground. Only then did he realize that the upper beams and edges of the house, as well as above the floor beams, were actually wooden mortise and tenon structures. Various patterns and lines are engraved on the stone base.


The ghost image suddenly crashed into the house again. After several collisions, it was not allowed to enter, and the obvious movement also attracted the warriors outside.


Although the warrior couldn't see the ghost, he was just rushing around and slashing. As the evil energy and the Yin energy collided, the warrior actually saw a faint red ghost.

At this moment, even if his scalp is numb, the warrior can only bite the bullet.

"So what if it's a ghost, I'll die——"


The blood that the long knife passed through appeared, and it actually felt like a ghost being struck. Although it didn't feel like a heavy cut, it felt more like a film of water had been cut through.

At this time, even the Toutuo who was chanting sutras was shocked. There must be something on this warrior!

What's going on in this mansion? It's a big deal for ordinary people to get even one of these things, right?

But this time the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. Toutuo spit out a mouthful of blood on the skeleton.

The next moment, the ghostly shadow in Tan Mansion almost turned into reality, allowing many experts who came to see it clearly. For a moment, everyone drew their swords and stepped forward.


There was a sharp ghost roar, and everyone covered their ears in pain, even Tan Yuanshang who was carried over the eaves and walked over the wall, and Hu Kuangming who was in the room over there, and the beams outside the house were cracked.

"Hu Kuangming"

The ghost screamed again and rushed into the house in an instant.

Hu Kuangming's face turned pale, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly retreated to the bed. The moment the ghost came towards him, his pupils dilated and contracted. He never expected that he would be killed by a ghost all his life as a doctor!

But it was also at this moment that a book on the table suddenly bloomed with brilliance.


Huaguang hit the ghost as it passed by, and the latter instantly flew out faster than when it came in, dragging the bloody afterimage.

In the house in the far street outside Tan Mansion, the wooden fish skeleton next to Tutuo split open in an instant.

Toutuo himself felt a gloomy energy rushing in his chest, and his heart was suddenly horrified!

treasure! No, it’s a treasure!

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