Hearing the emperor's muttering, Tan Yuanshang took a deep breath and managed to speak the answer in a calm tone.

"Tan has already calculated that eighty years have passed since the old Heavenly Master was granted the title of Heavenly Master!"

Although he had understood in his heart that a long time had passed, when he suddenly heard the answer at this moment, no matter the emperor, the eunuchs in charge, or even the historian in the corner outside, they could not help but express surprise.

"In the 1980s, when he was granted the title of Heavenly Master, he was extremely young?"

Tan Yuanshang certainly understood the meaning of the emperor's question. He had not seen the emperor show a similar expression for a long time.

Tan Yuanshang just shook his head.

"Those Celestial Masters at that time were not too young, and Celestial Master Qi could only be said to be in his prime."

Hearing this, the question in his mind had been answered, and the chief eunuch made a sound of surprise.

"Isn't the old Heavenly Master already over a hundred years old? No, at least more than a hundred and ten years old!"

Several people in the imperial study couldn't help but get goosebumps, and the living man in the corner couldn't help but write down a description on the paperwork in front of him: In the 20th year of Hongxing's reign, the emperor was shocked to hear that the old Heavenly Master was alive.

Could this be a lie by Tan Yuanshang? I'm afraid not, but this is too appalling!

The emperor slowly stood up.

"Then the Heavenly Master really met you in the capital, rather than looking for him?"

Tan Yuanshang knew that the news was so shocking that the emperor might inevitably be suspicious, but he had more shocking news in his heart that was not convenient to say, so he just smiled at this time.

"I did meet him in the capital. If Your Majesty doesn't believe it, why not summon the old Heavenly Master? He is currently staying at Tianxu Temple in the city. When Tan went to find him, the temple owner Xuan You was asking the Old Heavenly Master for advice on Taoist scriptures. knowledge."

Tan Yuanshang said with emotion.

"That day Master Xu didn't know the identity of the old Heavenly Master, but after the old Heavenly Master came to stay for a few days, he understood that this person was an old man from the Taoist sect."

Everyone in the imperial study was a little upset at the moment. After a long time, the emperor suppressed his emotions.

However, the emperor did not immediately ask about the Heavenly Master, but instead asked what Tan Yuanshang had said when he arrived just now.

"The demon who attacked Tan Mansion has been handed over to Chengtian Mansion?"

"Your Majesty, I submitted it early this morning."

The emperor looked at the imperial case.

"It seems that Chengtian Fu Yin hasn't sent the memorial yet."

"The Chengtian Mansion Office is definitely under interrogation. There is no result that can be explained, and it will not be reported easily."

Tan Yuanshang said and looked at the emperor. He wanted to see how the emperor would take care of it now and how he would end this matter. However, the emperor did not show much expression at the moment and just nodded.

"That's all, let Lin Xiu go to trial."

Tan Yuanshang sighed slightly. This case is of great importance. The emperor has no attitude, and the officials may not dare to go into it at all.

But Lin Xiu is not among them. The emperor has no attitude, which can be understood as an attitude to Lin Xiu. With the ability of Chengtian Mansion Yamen, it is only a matter of time before the truth comes to light.

Moreover, the Toutuo demon monk may not be able to withstand the tortures of the Chengtian Mansion Yamen and the Punishment Department. For a decent demon monk like this, the torture officials would definitely be happy to let him taste the torture tools.

Of course, even if it is found out, it still depends on the emperor's attitude in the end.

These things flashed through his mind, and the emperor seemed a little upset. He glanced at Tan Yuanshang, but the latter stood there quietly.

"Don't you have anything to say about this?"

Tan Yuanshang shook his head.

"I don't have anything to say about this."

The emperor slowly sat back on the chair, opened his mouth without speaking, hesitated, and then asked.

"Uncle Tan. Do you really have nothing to say?"

Tan Yuanchang was also quite moved when "Uncle Tan" came out. He hadn't heard it for a long time, but he just smiled.

"If it's Tan's side, Your Majesty doesn't need to worry. No matter what Your Majesty decides, the common people will support Him. The common people only care about His Majesty."

As he spoke, Tan Yuanchang paused.

"If nothing happens to Your Majesty, the common people will resign!"

The emperor nodded and said again.

"I would like to invite the Heavenly Master to the palace for the court meeting the day after tomorrow. Do you think he is willing to come?"

Tan Yuanshang smiled.

"Your Majesty, the old Celestial Master is approachable and I have no objection to this. However, Your Majesty had better send someone to go there in advance. The fact that he can show up today means that he still recognizes his identity as a Celestial Master."

The emperor nodded again, and upon seeing this, Tan Yuanchang raised his hands and bowed.

"The grassroots resign!"

After saying that, Tan Yuanchang took a few steps back and left the imperial study.

When he arrived outside the imperial study room, Tan Yuanchang raised his head slightly and looked at the sky, sighed and took a long breath. After taking two steps, he saw a person walking towards him in a hurry.

The two met each other for only a few steps, and they were both slightly startled. Tan Yuanchang was the first to react and bowed to the stranger with his hands raised.

"I have met His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Although the relationship between the prince and Tan Yuanchang was not very good, he did not dare to neglect him and returned the gesture.

"Hello, Mr. Tan. By the way, I just heard that Tan Mansion was attacked last night. How is the situation?"

When asking this question, the prince's nervous expression was not fake, and Tan Yuanshang also smiled.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. Mr. Hu has saved countless people. He is a man of great merit. He is a good person and has his own destiny. The demon has used evil methods to attack but has not succeeded. Oh, I am sorry that I can't stay with you for a long time, so I have to leave!" "

Tan Yuanshang bowed again and then left.

The prince returned the gift, and several thoughts flashed through his mind. He actually wanted to deal with Hu Kuangming. He was so bold. He simply made it clear that he did not want his father to be well!

The prince gritted his teeth and continued to go to the imperial study. During this period of time, he held back and did not move, but he still had to show his concern.

However, when the prince went to the royal study and was brought in to see the emperor, he looked completely unaware and hurried in, then immediately saluted and asked eagerly.

"Father, I just heard that the Tan Mansion was attacked last night. This group of people is simply lawless. Please allow me to bring people to protect Divine Doctor Hu and conduct a thorough investigation of the Tai Hospital!"

The emperor raised his head and glanced at the prince, then continued to review the memorial, and just asked a faint question.

"Oh, you already know that you are going to Hu Kuangming."

The prince looked up at the emperor.

"How dare a sinister villain attack Father's body. I have been holding my breath for a while. The target of this attack on Tan Mansion must be Dr. Hu. It's not difficult to guess. I know Father's concerns. But as a son, I can’t bear it anymore!”

The prince's voice was excited, and his emotions were both real and false, but the last sentence still moved the emperor somewhat. He raised his head and took a deep look at the prince.

"Go down."


"I said, get down!"

The emperor's voice was still calm, but his tone was a little more unquestionable. The prince felt a chill in his heart and hurriedly saluted again.

"Yes, I am resigning!"

After leaving the imperial study room, the prince let out a sigh of relief. The purpose of his coming here was actually to say the last words. Now that he had said those words, he felt more relaxed.

This is the result of the discussion between the prince and the staff of the East Palace. The best thing to welcome the emperor is not to touch it lightly. People say that the emperor is ruthless but this does not always apply. At least the emperor still values ​​these things.

When the prince returned to the East Palace, many of the staff who had been waiting here eagerly came over.

"Your Highness, how is the situation?" "Is the Emperor very angry?"

"Does the Emperor agree?"

The prince smiled and shook his head.

"Everything is as usual in the imperial study, but today I can confirm that my father is not suspicious of me!"

The prince's tone was relaxed, and everyone around him breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good!" "Don't take it lightly!" "Yes, don't slack off!"

The prince suddenly said.

"I met Tan Yuanshang when I went to the Imperial Study Room."

"Can you figure out what happened last night?"

"I asked, and he said that a demon was casting evil spells to harm Hu Kuangming!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding staff were shocked.

"What?" "How brave!" "Doesn't this mean taking the emperor's life?"

"How dare they use such low-level means on the emperor, and how dare they attack the Tan Mansion to harm Hu Kuangming. Your Highness, we have to be on guard. From today on, Your Highness must not leave the East Palace easily!"

The prince was deeply convinced and gritted his teeth.

"Fortunately, Tan Yuanshang came back early. If they succeeded, my father might be in a coma by then, and he might really think it was me, and the crown prince's position would be gone."

"Your Highness does not need to thank Tan Yuanshang. He is just saving himself. Although it is also a link that tripped up Your Highness. Everyone knows that Tan Yuanshang and the Crown Prince have a bad relationship. Many things can be imagined, and at the same time, it messes with His Majesty's heart."

The man said again.

"If Tan Yuanshang doesn't use his own strength, just that nursery rhyme might be enough for him!"

The prince also nodded slightly when he heard the words, and couldn't help but start reading.

"The Tan Mansion is better than the Prince's Mansion, gold and silver are hard to count, there is no storage in Anzhi, ten Chengtian Mansions"

Having said this, the prince turned and looked outside the palace, looking at the sky slightly lost in thought, thinking about what happened in the past few years.

The person who arranged the children's songs had malicious intentions and was targeting the Tan family, but it has to be said that the children's songs were not groundless.

Over the years, many major events have happened in Dayong, whether it was natural or man-made disasters or military expeditions. Whenever there was a major event, the Tan family would definitely help.

Each time, he either gave money or donated money or goods, or both, and the number of times was not small. Although Tan Yuanshang often said that he did his best and the lost money would be earned back slowly in the future, but is this really the case?

After a long time, the prince murmured.

"How rich is the Tan family?"


Tan Yuanshang had already boarded the carriage going home. He sat quietly in the carriage, not thinking about too many complicated things. The sound of rolling wheels and the sound of horse hooves seemed to isolate the prosperity of the surrounding capital.

At this moment, the memory of the previous conversation with the Heavenly Master emerged in Tan Yuanshang's mind, and some casual words still seemed to echo in his ears:

"As soon as the children's song comes out, it's a foregone conclusion. Has Mr. Tan thought about the future?"

Tan Yuanshang on the carriage couldn't help but smile. As he said in the imperial study, he got involved in this matter because of the emperor.

As for the future, the children of the Tan family have not been involved in any core industries in recent years, and there are not even many direct relatives in the Tan family in the capital.

"People say that the emperor's family is ruthless. In fact, they are still ruthless, but they are more ruthless."

Tan Yuanshang's muttering to himself at this moment seemed to have spanned half a day and answered the old Heavenly Master's previous words.

As for the affairs of several princes, apart from their irritating actions, the rest, in Tan Yuanshang's eyes, was just a joke. Compared with the competition between several princes for the position of prince, it was far behind!

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