Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 549 Borrowing troops to conquer the Demon Palace

Although it was not too far away from dawn at this moment, Qi Zhongbin and Shi Sheng still walked out of the room in unison and went to the garden closest to them, and here, Hui Mian also came out.

"Sir, you have already left seclusion, do you know that?"

Shi Sheng nodded.

"Already know it!"

"Yes, maybe I haven't seen Master for a long time!"

Shi Sheng didn't waste any time. He took out the Four Treasures of the Study from his sleeve, and then wrote a letter home on the stone table in the garden. He blew a breeze and took the letter outside his father's study, flying in through the crack in the door. It fell on the desk.

"Why don't you just tell your parents and brothers?"

After Hui Mian said this, Shi Sheng smiled and shook his head.

"Master rarely calls us over. There must be something important. Naturally, the sooner the better."

"Okay, let's go!"

The two of them stopped talking nonsense and immediately took off in the wind, turning into a line of fire and an escaping light in the sky, flying quickly towards Guangyuan Mansion.


In Guangyuan City, as the sky gradually brightens, all the early shops on the streets are open for business.

Yi Shuyuan and Rong Zhang were walking on the street, exchanging messages as they walked, mostly about the situation of the non-transformed bones. This time it was not limited to the non-transformed bones themselves, they would also pay attention to the original owner of the non-transformed corpses during their lifetime. some things.

Of course, these have reached the current stage and have little to do with the non-transforming bones themselves, but there is no guarantee that they will be of some use.

At this moment, Rong Zhang no longer looked like the sloppy prisoner he looked like yesterday after he was released. Instead, he was neatly tidied up. He was wearing loose dark clothes, with a jade hairpin in a bun on his head. He looked about fifty years old. Up and down, they also have their own magnanimity.

Many of the clothes were bought by Yi Shuyuan and Rong Zhang in Fucheng, and only the clothes on his body were robes.

At this point, Yi Shuyuan had to think of the excellence of his own robe.

However, compared to Yi Shuyuan, he had other things to think about. As a practitioner, Rong Zhang was still a little excited even though a day had passed.

Because no matter from Yi Daozi's words yesterday and the details of today's topic, it is not difficult to see that he may have become interested in Fu Gu, and may even have the intention to kill him.

It's just that some words are not easy to ask casually, and it is easy for people to be suspected of shifting the cause and effect.

Therefore, Rong Zhang followed Yi Shuyuan, answering all questions without daring to say anything else, as if he were a follower of the immortal way following his senior.

However, following Yi Daozi, Rong Zhang also discovered that the life of this great senior in the world seemed to be no different from that of ordinary people.

I bought steamed buns here, a few pancakes there, and then took Rong Zhang to a shop.

"Staff, five bowls of Yangchun noodles."

After Yi Shuyuan finished speaking, he sat down at a table near the door, and Rong Zhang also sat down with him.

"Okay, five bowls of Yangchun noodles. Um, sir, are you sure it's five bowls?"

There was only one middle-aged man working in the small shop. It was too early. It had just opened not long ago and there were not many customers yet. The preparations were urgent. However, when he looked up, he found that there were only two people sitting there.

"It's five bowls, and there will be more people coming soon."

"Oh oh oh, right now, wait a moment! By the way, do you want to serve two bowls first, and then wait for the others to come and serve the other ones?"

"No, just go straight in!"


The store owner didn’t ask any more questions to avoid annoying people, but the key to Yangchun noodles is actually the pot of soup, and it’s quick to show up.

In just a moment, the store owner arrived at Yi Shuyuan's table with a tray.

"Come on~ five bowls of Yangchun noodles!"

As soon as the noodles were put down and before the shopkeeper turned around, the voices of Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin came from outside the shop door.

"Shisheng pays homage to the master!" "Disciple pays homage to the master!"

Rong Zhang and the shop owner looked sideways at the door of the shop almost at the same time. There were two people outside the door, one was a handsome young man in broad robes, and the other was an old man in plain clothes with white beard and white hair and an immortal spirit.

Both of them bowed and bowed meticulously.

Rong Zhang was moved in his heart. As someone who had also participated in the Xingluo Dharma Assembly that year, apart from the elixir and Taoist artifacts, the most discussed matter at the Xingluo Dharma Assembly that year was the matter of the Immortal Master Yi Daozi.

Some people say that this reborn Alchemy master is alone, while others say that such a master must have disciples, and there are even many who want to take up the art and become his disciples.

Now Rong Zhang knew that Yi Daozi did have disciples.

Yi Shuyuan looked outside and smiled.

"You're here just in time, the food has just been served, come and sit!"

Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin straightened up and looked at Rong Zhang beside Yi Shuyuan.

"Who is this"

Only then did Rong Zhang wake up. Yi Daozi didn't know how many years he had practiced the immortal way. He must have understood some of the Taoism that is difficult for the world to understand. There is a saying in the ancient classics of immortality that this can be called " "Dongxuan Realm".

Although the two people outside were disciples of Yi Daozi, Rong Zhang knew that they were definitely much higher than him.

At this moment, Rong Zhang did not dare to neglect and quickly stood up to salute.

"My division has left Zishan in the south, Rong Zhang! Yesterday I met Mr. Yi by chance and met two seniors!"

Upon hearing this, Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin immediately looked at each other. The former grinned and glanced at his junior brother, and returned the greeting without saying much.

"Rongdao is friendly!"

The shopkeeper on one side had already avoided the table, and this salute could not be extended to him. He returned to the stove over there, which was almost integrated with the counter, and scratched his head as he looked over there. These people were a bit strange.

"Stop talking nonsense and sit down quickly. It won't taste good if the noodles are lumpy!"

Hui Mian's voice sounded, urging Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin to take their seats, and then master and disciple finally reunited at the table.

Rong Zhang looked at Diao'er who jumped directly onto the table and understood that this person was the legendary spirit Diao that Yi Daozi had always carried with him.

Legend has it that this Diao was originally a great demon. In order to break through his own shackles, he gave up all his cultivation to follow Yi Daozi and rebuild his cultivation. It can be said that he is a man of great perseverance and wisdom among demon cultivators and should never be underestimated.

"This senior, I honor you!"

Rong Zhang still kept his butt off the stool, because the shopkeeper was looking over here. He showed a little restraint when he saluted, but his attitude was very obvious.

Hui Mian was stunned for a moment, then his face lit up with joy.

"Yes, yes, you are quite sensible. My name is Hui Mian. If you encounter difficulties in the future, you can report my name. Although it may not be useful everywhere, it will always be useful."

Yi Shuyuan shook his head slightly.

"Let's eat noodles. There are also these pancakes and steamed buns. You can take whatever you want."


Master and disciple Yi Shuyuan were not polite at all, not to mention Hui Mian, who took things when they were supposed to, but Rong Zhang was a little more reserved.

Hui Mian, who was eating noodles with a superb technique of controlling water, directly sucked a long noodle into his mouth, "Gululu" took a big mouthful of delicious soup, and then asked Yi Shuyuan.

"Sir, is there something urgent that you suddenly called us here? Shi Sheng came here without even saying goodbye to Mr. Mo and the others!"

Yi Shuyuan nodded and looked at the two disciples, and also glanced at Rong Zhang on the side.

"There is an unconverted bone that brings evil to the world. Although it is not caused by us, it still has some origins and cannot be ignored. This unconverted bone will definitely cause disasters again in the future. The Qiankun people need to be vigilant about this beast and seek to punish it. remove!"

Killing will not turn the bones into bones!

Rong Zhang subconsciously clenched his chopsticks. Yi Daozi really wanted to kill him to death!

This, this is great! Not to mention that Yi Daozi must be a figure at the pinnacle of immortality. He has vast supernatural powers and magical powers. Even with Yi Daozi's influence, if he raises his arms and shouts, there must be countless people from all walks of life, including immortals, demons, gods, and Buddhas who will respond!

This is the thing that bothers Rong Zhang the most, and it also affects his own practice. If he can get rid of the unresolved bones, it will also resolve a knot in his mind.

Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin also had different reactions when they heard this.

"Not turning into bones?"

Shi Sheng's voice was full of confusion, he had never heard it before, while Qi Zhongbin frowned.

"Is it true that it doesn't turn into bones? I thought there were no such evil zombies in the world."

There was no way it could be false just from what the master said, and Hui Mian was also surprised.

"Not turning into bones? It seems to have been mentioned in the files of demons and evildoers obtained by the Demon-Suppressing Palace from all over the heaven in those years. It seems that a major event happened in the land under the jurisdiction of the southern heaven more than a hundred years ago, and it was about "Indestructible"

Hui Mian paused before speaking.

"This kind of thing is rare in the world. I don't think there will be a second one, right?"

Yi Shuyuan nodded slightly.

"It turns out that there is a file of it in the Demon-Suppressing Palace!"

Hui Mian suddenly became happy.

"Sir, you are too...well, hahahaha"

Shi Sheng and others couldn't tell that there was something in Hui Mian's previous words, and it was impossible for Rong Zhang to understand.

After hearing this, Shi Sheng said immediately.

"Then let's go to heaven and go to the Demon-Suppressing Palace in the far north to read the archives. The relationship between Master and Demon-Suppressing Saint is not even a matter of words, and there is also Senior Hui!"

Qi Zhongbin also nodded, and Rong Zhang said hurriedly.

"If the Demon-Suppressing Emperor can help, this matter will be even more certain!"

"We are a god in our own heaven and one of the four emperors. Isn't it appropriate to go to the south?"

Shi Sheng said this, but Rong Zhang responded quickly.

"Senior's words are wrong. An innate god like the Demon-Suppressing Emperor can no longer be counted as one place or one region. Moreover, this matter is extraordinary. Even the Southern Heavenly Court will spare no effort to support it!"

Hui Mian even whispered.

"Actually, some of the gods in heaven also have temples in the south."

This is almost an open secret and an unwritten tacit understanding.

Although human life is short, human culture will flow. Sometimes, some culture may be spread to more distant places along with some small things or the contents of some books.

Sometimes some gods may also have divine names in other heavens. Although there must be priorities, it is enough to explain some problems.

There may be some competition among the heavens, but they are by no means tense.

"Eat quickly. After eating, we will go to the Demon Subduing Palace. I wonder if I will have to borrow some powerful troops from the True Lord this time!"

Hui Mian felt very funny and interesting after hearing this.

"I want you to borrow it, sir. Zhenjun will definitely borrow it. Maybe you will be willing to take action!"

Is there any reason why I should not borrow troops from myself?

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