A storm is a shock wave that comes quickly, rises violently, but calms down quickly.

But when people looked in that direction, a large mountain had disappeared, replaced by a huge pit and a huge silver pillar that seemed to connect the sky and the earth, until some vague outlines could be seen clearly above the broken clouds.

The hilt of the knife fell to the ground and shattered into the mountains, and it was only at this moment that the Xian Sheng True Monarch gradually stretched his legs before stepping from the sky to the ground.

"Boom——" "Boom——"

Both feet hit the ground, causing another impact, but it was far less exaggerated than the storm that hit the ground with the handle of the knife first, but it was also at this moment that all eyes finally confirmed something ridiculous.

This is a huge god who seems to support the distance between heaven and earth. The three-inch cloud and mist are like the breath exhaled by the god. The slightly blurred face can be seen above the sky.

A three-pointed two-edged sword was held in the hand of the god. The handle fell down and was stuck in the depression where the mountains disappeared.

Yi Shuyuan has used Tiangang changes many times, but each time he has either used tricks or borrowed force, and more often it has been limited changes, which are not complete.

But today, after taking the Tiandou Pill, and after transforming into the True Monarch of Manifestation, at this moment he displayed a truly complete transformation of Tiangang.

The laws of the sky and the earth, let alone seeing such supernatural powers, no one has ever thought of them.

It should have been a battlefield where monsters and gods fought fiercely. It should have been a fierce and murderous fight. It should have been a place filled with thunderous and noisy sounds.

But now everything was quiet.

Even the heavy rain and thunder stopped because the manifestation of the Holy Lord, Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth, tore apart the wind and clouds.

Some monsters and gods who were carried dozens of miles or even further in the storm caused by the shock wave finally stabilized their bodies at this moment.

Whether it was the Heavenly Soldiers, Heavenly Generals, Star Lords, Priests, or the Demon Soldiers, the Great Goblin, Guixie Sui, the first thing everyone looked at was the terrifying weapon, and then they actually saw the owner of the weapon.

Everyone looked up with dull eyes, even the demons and gods high in the sky.

Demons or gods who are too close can't even see the outline of the giant god. They can only see the divine light that continues to spread in the line of sight, or some armor scales. It's like being close to a mountain and not being able to see the full picture of the peaks. Only those who are far enough can. Can barely see clearly.

Jie Zhitungsten also fell into a sluggish state, and his body even trembled slightly. Although he was ten miles away from the silver pole of the three-pointed two-edged sword at this moment.

But in fact, just now, Jie Zhitungsten was less than a hundred feet away from the terrifying weapon that now looked like a silver pillar reaching the sky.

This distance may be quite generous in the ordinary sense, but compared with the majesty of this weapon, it seems to be just passing by, mainly because the target that the handle falls is just not broken into bones.

At this moment, Jie Zhitung's gaze was slightly stiff as he looked at the place where the handle of the knife fell in the distance. Most of the mountains there had disappeared, and the huge depression was where the handle of the knife fell.

If it doesn't turn into bones, it won't be dead.

It was just one blow, and even Jie Zhitungsten didn't know if it was a blow, but he couldn't imagine anyone could survive this blow.

The time seemed to become extremely long, and the brief silence seemed like the past few hours, and at this time, the Xian Sheng True Monarch had already adapted to the complete Dharma, Heaven, and Earth.

To be honest, the feeling of limited change back then was completely different from what it feels like now.

What is the power to move mountains and fill seas, the power to destroy heaven and earth? Maybe now I can understand something.

However, this change seems to be a bit exaggerated. In fact, it does not need to be so big. Every time the magic sky and earth are enlarged, the consumption of mana will double.

The Holy Lord Xian Sheng slowly lowered his head and looked down at the demons and gods who had stopped fighting.

Well, there is no need to raise your head or look around at all, because when the changes in the sky, phenomena and earth are completed, even the broken clouds are only up to my waist, and all the battles are below me!

So small! Everything is so small!

But in the eyes of True Monarch Xian Sheng, everything is very clear. Although the consumption of divine power at this moment is extremely terrifying, he is now different from what he used to be, and he can still afford to fight with the law of heaven and earth.

It’s just that when it really changes, it feels boring again!

The Xian Sheng Zhenjun glanced at him, and the heavenly soldiers and generals were either awe-inspiring, solemn, horrified, or confused, while the monsters, spirits, and demons all stiffened up, and an extremely strong fear arose in their hearts.

It’s like facing a violent thunderstorm when you are a weak spirit, or facing the pure fear of death when you are ignorant.

This sense of oppression even makes it difficult to describe the evil spirits of some demon clans, because all the descriptions they have ever known seem a bit pale.

"Is this the innate spirit who subdues demons and manifests his sage?"

A nearby god murmured, causing some big demons to react in horror.

This turned out to be the visit of the Demon-Suppressing Emperor himself!

The True Monarch Xian Sheng held a three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand and looked down at everything below. Then his eyes turned and fell on the giant black leopard above the tungsten of understanding and the earth.

"evil creature!"

A word of calmness is like the thunder rising from the sky again, and the breath from the mouth brings out white mist, setting off a storm that blows into the world.

The next moment, Xiansheng Zhenjun moved, lifting a huge three-pointed two-edged sword with one hand, leaving a sinkhole on the ground. Every movement of the huge figure seemed to be slower, but in fact it was at an astonishing speed. .

The moment the magic weapon left the ground, strong uneasiness arose in the hearts of Jie Zhitungsten and Liao Yaohuang.

"Go quickly——"

"Every one of my demon clan can escape, so run away quickly——"

Liao Yaohuang's tungsten roars of reconciliation sounded one after another, and among the strange screams of the demons and demons, the messy demonic energy wanted to escape. In an instant, they were already fleeing into the distance. They were running so fast that they had obviously used all their strength to escape. The greatest strength in this life.

I just don’t know why, but the feeling of despair in my heart is getting stronger!

The Holy Lord Xian Sheng looked at the Demon King and several big demons with disdain.

Escape well. If you run far away, I will be able to perform better, otherwise I will still be a little helpless!

Want to escape? too late!

At this moment, the Xian Sheng True Monarch changed from holding the sword to holding it, twisting his body and bringing up the strong wind. The seemingly slow turn actually brought out a radiance almost in the next moment. It was the divine weapon reflecting the light of the sky.


The storm caused by the weapon directly turned into the most violent wind. The roar was like ghosts crying and wolves howling in the nine heavens, and then it fell directly to the world in the next moment.

But when he arrived in front of the weapon, there was silence.

Jie Zhitungsten and Liao Yaohuang seemed to have just cast a spell to escape. The silver glow that penetrated from the sky to the earth was already in front of them. Others who saw it didn't even know what it was for a moment!

But at this moment, the two demon kings suddenly realized that this silver light that filled everything in their sight was the blade of the true king's divine weapon.


The light of the sword flashed past, and the ground seemed to be illuminated by lightning from the sky, and the next moment was the roar and howling of the wind.

“Rumble, rumble—” “Woohoo—”

"Boom——" "Boom——" "Boom——" "Boom——"

Wherever the sword passed, the strong wind tore apart everything, and nearby mountains collapsed. The storm air brought about even cracked the earth and rocks into the sky, not to mention the uprooted trees.

The power of a sword can tear the wind and clouds apart, shatter the mountains and crack the earth just by the strong wind it brings!

All the fleeing monsters, all the gods preparing to pursue, and all the heavenly soldiers holding weapons all stiffened, and everything seemed to have stopped again.

But everything was not still, because wherever the terrifying sword light passed, there was still a "rumbling, rumbling." roar and vibration.

After the Xiansheng True Monarch swung the sword, he slowly turned around with the huge magic weapon. He held the sword in his right hand, with the blade pointing downwards, pointing diagonally at the ground and holding it behind his back.

The wind and thunder gradually ceased, and the vibration gradually subsided.

Also missing were the two demon kings.

At least that's how it seemed to everyone.

This sword is really a move, but it's a pity that you couldn't block it!

Xiansheng Zhenjun looked at the direction where the sword had just fallen. Or in fact, neither of the two demon kings had any intention of competing. In the common saying, they were frightened out of their wits, even Jie Zhitungsten was like this.

It's a pity, after all, they are two demon kings. If they can really fight to the death, they might be able to try to block them. Of course, there is a high probability that they will not be able to block them.

At this moment, the True Lord Xian Sheng had a stern face, but he also had a sense of pride in his heart. Originally, he didn't think the two demon kings could block this sword.

One more sword and I lose!

In a sense, the two demons' choices were not wrong. The only way out was to escape. It was impossible to compete with the Xian Sheng Zhenjun of Fa Tian Xiang Di.

The only way to survive is to escape. Escape until the true king's mana is exhausted, and escape until the Tiangang Transformation is over.

But when the magic of heaven and earth has been displayed, it is already too late to escape!

At this moment, Xian Sheng Zhenjun's thoughts flowed for only a brief moment. He looked in all directions and then spoke calmly.

"Many generals and gods obeyed the order and captured these two monsters, along with the immortal bones. The rest of the monsters can be spared if they are cultivators, but the evil ones will be killed without mercy!"

It was only then that many gods, humans, and demons realized that the two demon kings did not die directly under the sword that tore the world apart.

But absolutely no one would think that this was because the Demon-Suppressing Emperor Xian Sheng Zhenjun was unable to kill the two demon kings with one sword.

Following the order from the Xian Sheng True Monarch, countless heavenly soldiers and generals loudly agreed, their fighting spirit was boiling, and the divine light in the heaven was bright and their morale was greatly boosted. In contrast, the demon clan had already lost all their courage.

No one dares to resist anymore. There are escaping demon lights and demon winds everywhere, or some demon cultivators and spirits who claim that they have not done any evil. As long as they don’t kill the heavenly soldiers and generals when they see them, it is acceptable to be caught. of.

At this moment, Xuan Xi has transformed into Yi Shuyuan again, flying from the mountain on a white cloud, and the terrifying appearance of the Xiansheng True Monarch has gradually recovered, but even if he has returned to his normal divine body, the terrifying sense of oppression still seems to has not decreased.

"The true king has amazing magical powers!"

Yi Shuyuan still feels quite accomplished at the moment, and he is not shy about boasting. However, this change in the laws of heaven and earth is too unnatural, and the environmental damage is very serious.

You have to hold back next time, if there is a next time!

"Yi Daozi is too grateful. He hasn't stretched his muscles for a long time. It's a pity that he can't enjoy this battle to the fullest!"

Xian Sheng Zhenjun stood together with Yi Shuyuan, and then slowly rose into the sky. Only after this change was over could one realize the huge consumption of Shinto mana, but compared with that power, it was enough for people to accept.

Over the sinkhole over there, divine soldiers had already fallen. Wherever the divine light passed, you could see the bottom of the deep pit, but the zombie did not move at all.

Many gods even believe that Fugugu may have been killed by Zhenjun's sword hilt from the sky to the ground.

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