Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 573 Xuanjin Divides Heaven

Countless thunderbolts struck down, hitting the white rainbow but unable to shake it at all. When everyone looked up to the sky, the white light had already penetrated into the calamity cloud.

"Boom--" "Boom--" "Boom--"

The sky was thundering brightly, and countless electric lights spilled out, causing all the monks to avoid it.

To counteract the elixir calamity is to contend with it when the calamity falls on the elixir furnace. Why did Yi Daozi directly open the elixir furnace today and let the elixir fly away?

No, the elixir flew towards the calamity cloud on its own initiative!

At this moment, many people who originally planned to take action stopped their thoughts, and many people also fell back to Xuanjin Mountain, which was no longer shaking. Whether they were gods, immortal cultivators, or demon cultivators, they all raised their heads and looked towards Sky.

In the past, the cultivators were unable to stand stably, and ordinary animals felt nothing. However, this time, the cultivators stood firmly on the top of the mountain, and the animals began to run away crazily. After all, the thunder from the sky was very terrifying.

Also paying attention to the sky are the aquatic animals that poke their heads out on the coast of the South China Sea.

Yi Shuyuan stood beside the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun furnace. The top cover of the alchemy furnace flew back into place, and the calamity cloud returned to its original color, only illuminated by lightning.

In the thick clouds, the roar was so fierce that it was almost deafening, but relatively speaking, there was no real threat to the ground. It was as if there were some huge monsters fighting in the clouds, causing the wind and thunder to turmoil.

Yi Shuyuan just looked up.

This time, only one elixir was produced. Although it is an elixir, it is also a weapon!

The nature of this elixir tribulation is naturally different, and Yi Shuyuan even used the power of this elixir tribulation to stabilize the elixir, remove excess earth power and spiritual energy, and make it perfect!

Much of the white light struck by the sky thunder was the attached elixir energy. As the thunderstorm became more violent, the white rainbow light in the sky seemed to be dissipating, but it became more condensed in Yi Shuyuan's perception.

Yi Daozi did not move, and the monks from all sides naturally did not dare to act rashly. They just watched the "elixir" contend with the thunder calamity.

And this thunder disaster, which contained great power, came and went quickly. In less than a quarter of an hour, the thunder clouds had stopped rotating and gradually turned into ordinary thick dark clouds.

Although there were still bursts of thunder and a lot of lightning still fell on the white rainbow, there was no longer the oppressive feeling of being destroyed.

"Wow, wow, wow."

It started raining heavily in the mountains, and a bit of white light slowly fell from the sky. This white light was not strong, and could even be said to be a little weak. But now there are so many extraordinary people in Xuanjin Mountain, and all eyes are focused on the center of Xuanjin Mountain. See that little bit of white light.

Naturally, everyone can clearly see the pill-shaped thing in this white light.

Didn't take any pills? Did the elixir go back on its own?

What pill is this? What mysterious effects can be produced by eating it?

It must be very impressive that it only became one, right?

This is the thought in almost everyone's mind. Even Shi Sheng, Qi Zhongbin and Hui Mian have this thought, but the cultivators on the periphery can only watch, while the three of them can gather around Yi Shuyuan.

"Master, can this elixir be eaten?"

Shi Sheng asked the question that everyone was concerned about, and Yi Shuyuan opened his hand at this moment, and a pill in the pale white light had already fallen into his palm.

This elixir is larger than ordinary elixirs, about the size of a large walnut, and is white gold in color. There are various mysterious lines on it. It floats three inches above the palm of Yi Shuyuan's hand and slowly rotates. The white light on it is like a stream of white gas. It constantly appears around the pill but does not leave the pill body.

Yi Shuyuan looked at the pill, then glanced at Shi Sheng, and said with a smile.

"The so-called black gold treasure, although it is an elixir, is more of a magic weapon. This elixir is indestructible and extremely fast. It can be integrated into the wonders of the universe. It is more like a sword pill!"

The original Tiandou Pill was indeed very powerful when it was used as a pill, but after all, it was a pill that was really meant to be eaten, but the requirements for those who took the pill were relatively high, and today's pill was difficult for Yi Shuyuan to Imagine how it would be digested if eaten.

Because this pill itself is the ultimate essence of the intransigent bone, which is formed by gathering the power of the earth, starlight, heaven and earth.

Hui Mian jumped on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder and looked at the treasure pill curiously.

"Kenmaru? What does it mean?"

Yi Shuyuan looked at Hui Mian and suddenly realized that there was no concept of "sword pills" in this world. Even though the sword immortal had many changes in his sword moves and sword intentions, he still did not break away from the essence of "one sword". concept.

In this thought, Yi Shuyuan felt the intention to use the sword in his heart, and even stretched out his sword fingers. The Xuanjin Dan in his palm slowly rotated upwards around his two fingers.

During this process, the white light flew with the pills and circled upwards around the fingertips, giving Shi Sheng, Qi Zhongbin and Hui Mian a strange feeling.

The white light extended with Yi Shuyuan's sword intention, and it was like a circling sword light, or even like a sword, but this sword was so soft and changeable that it seemed to twist at the fingertips.

Facing his disciple's inquiry, Yi Shuyuan did not answer directly with words, but looked up to the sky.

"This is Jianwan!"

After the words fell, the sword formed by Yi Shuyuan's right hand pointed towards the sky.

In an instant, a white rainbow rose into the sky, and there seemed to be a white light between heaven and earth at this moment. This white light carried frosty and cold energy, connecting the depths of Xuanjin Mountain with the sky, clearly showing a terrifying sword energy!


It was obviously in silence, but the practitioners who saw the white light seemed to hear a kind of sharp roar, which made some people with outstanding spiritual senses feel their ears itching slightly, and there was a faint chill.


It's bright all of a sudden!

Because that white rainbow directly cut off the thick dark clouds over Xuanjin Mountain, the dark clouds broke from the middle, and the sun shined in.

The weather in Xuanjin Mountain has undergone a strange change at this moment.

The rain in the middle has stopped, and the sun shines down in the "rift valley" of clouds, spreading a long strip of light and illuminating most of Xuanjin Mountain.

On both sides of the "Optical Valley" formed by the sun, the clouds are still thick, rain is still falling, and thunder is still roaring. The sun in the center reflects the bright brilliance amidst the rain on both sides.

The sky is bright in the center, followed by rainbows on the left and right, and a white rainbow sword light streaks across the sky above.

Even Yi Shuyuan looked at the sky slightly absent-mindedly, and Shi Sheng, Qi Zhongbin and Hui Mian were also slightly stunned, not to mention the gods, immortals, demons, dragons and other gods in Xuanjin Mountain who saw this scene. A practicing person!

This sword move actually does not use too much magic power, because the dark clouds themselves are just ordinary dark clouds.

But the terrifying speed at which the sword pill breaks through the air, the sword intention contained in this sword move, and the changes in the "Tao" of this sword are extremely mysterious, and they are like the sound of strings in silence!

On the top of the mountain over there, Cai Yusheng stared blankly at the sky. It was like electricity was flowing through his body, and goosebumps were rising all over his body. He had almost forgotten this feeling since he became successful in practice.

Mysterious, dangerous. But also incredibly beautiful!

Is this the sword intention of the Immortal Lord?

Cai Yusheng was definitely not the only one who had such thoughts. After being stunned for a long time, all the practitioners still stared at the white light in the sky, and saw the white rainbow falling again and returning to Yi Daozi's hands.

Until this moment, everyone understood that this pill was definitely not for eating!

It turns out that there is such a thing as the elixir! It turns out that there is such a change in Danding!

It turns out that the ancient alchemy classics are far more damaged than imagined. What the world can see today may only be the tip of the iceberg!

Without Immortal Yi Daozi, who would have thought that the elixir could have such changes?

Or, perhaps, we should have thought of it a long time ago. After all, it is said that the magic weapon in the hands of the disciples of the Immortal Lord was refined from the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Furnace!

On the central ridge of Xuanjin Mountain, Yi Shuyuan caught the fallen Xuanjin Pill again. With satisfaction in his heart, he also looked at the disciples beside him with a smile.

"Do you understand now?"

Qi Zhongbin just looked at the Xuanjin Dan in Yi Shuyuan's hand and said nothing, while Shi Sheng nodded and immediately shook his head.

"I understand it even if I say it, but I don't understand it even if I say I understand it, but the disciple probably understands what the master means."

"The same goes for disciples!"

Qi Zhongbin also said the same thing.

But when Yi Shuyuan looked at the Xuanjin Pill in his hand, he thought of far more than the two disciples.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan recalled the battle with the Beimang Demon King in the Mountain and River Sheji Map. Although the Xianyin Sword Technique at that time was strong, it was not yet complete!

All things respect the way of yin and yang, looking for the change of emptiness and reality. The Xianyin Sword Technique is controlled by sound. The sword intention is invisible and has no substance and easily melts in water. It is more on the emptiness side, but now it complements the yang side!

If yin and yang are in harmony, and the tangible and the intangible complement each other, Yi Shuyuan feels that his swordsmanship will definitely reach a higher level!

While Yi Shuyuan was thinking, the cultivators from all over Xuanjin Mountain finally came to their senses.

Some people were horrified, some were emotional, some were extremely excited, some were filled with panic and fear, and some even couldn't help but paint, wanting to transfer this scene to paper and leave this artistic conception behind!

Above the South China Sea, Jiang Lang and one of the Nanhai Longzi stood on the top of a cloud. They just came to their senses at this moment, and the Longzi beside him was even more shocked and silent.

"Yi Daozi is actually a swordsman?"

Although he knew that he had not seen the fairy sword just now, and even though it was a pill, anyone who saw the beautiful scenery that still remained at this moment would be amazed or horrified by that sword!

Jiang Lang also immediately thought of Mi Li, and when he heard Long Zi's words, he subconsciously responded.

"That's what he is."

With that said, Jiang Lang hurriedly said to Long Zi.

"I have to go over quickly and take a look to see what kind of elixir Lao Yi has concocted and whether it can be eaten. Your Highness, Jiang will leave now!"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Lang had already flown towards Xuanjin Mountain, while Long Zi said "Alas" and finally didn't have the nerve to follow him.

In Xuanjin Mountain, a god fell from the sky and landed next to Yi Shuyuan. This god was none other than Chang Geng Xingjun of this heaven, a long-bearded old man dressed in white.

Before the old man even landed, he had already saluted and congratulated him.

"Congratulations to the Immortal Lord, congratulations to the Immortal Lord, I am so happy to have obtained the most precious treasure when the Immortal Furnace is opened!"

Yi Shuyuan put away the Xuanjin Pill and returned the gift.

"Xingjun, you're welcome!"

After landing, Chang Geng Xingjun glanced at the alchemy furnace subconsciously, and then asked.

"I don't know if the bones have been broken."

"Please rest assured, Mr. Xing, and please report back to the Emperor of Heaven. The bones have been completely melted in the alchemy furnace, and you will never do evil again!"

Chang Geng Xingjun nodded and bowed again.

"Thank you, Immortal Lord!"

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