Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 585 The calamity is not limited to the sky, so how can the sea be settled?

The impact came and went quickly, and the Crystal Palace seemed to calm down quickly. However, everyone in shock came out to check, and their eyes were directed towards the location of the Immortal Furnace.

Yi Shuyuan stopped sitting down and stood up from the ground. He just looked at the four-pillar True Yang Furnace calmly, and then looked up.

Even across the infinite sea water, Yi Shuyuan had already noticed the gathering of thunderclouds in the sky above the ocean. Naturally, Wu Yin, the Dragon Lord of the South China Sea, also noticed this, followed by many other monks from the Divine Water Tribe and various parties.

"Fellow Taoist, how is the situation?"

Wu Yin's questioning voice was somewhat eager and expectant, fearing that something was wrong with the movement just now, but at this moment, the gathering of thunderclouds above seemed to be an omen.

However, as a true dragon, Wu Yin is also extremely sensitive to thunderclouds. He can clearly feel that they are not like calamity clouds, but they are obviously different from ordinary storms. Moreover, he has already dispersed the clouds with a radius of thousands of miles. yes.

Upon hearing Wu Yin's inquiry, Yi Shuyuan looked back at Wu Yin and thought for a moment.

"It can be said that everything is going well. What is supposed to come will always come. In order to prevent the Crystal Palace from being implicated, Yi plans to go up."

As he spoke, Yi Shuyuan looked at the four-pillar True Yang Furnace, which was now calm again.

"The objects in the furnace are also ancient objects. They have been melted and calcined until they were gathered and formed."

It is not true to say that it is taking shape, because it has been completely melted in the furnace, and even has the spirit of the treasure, but it has not yet truly formed a complete treasure.

What will happen, the key is actually to look at Yi Shuyuan, the person who currently controls the alchemy furnace.

Even though Yi Shuyuan was worried about the feeling in synaesthesia and fulfilled the long-cherished wish of his cultivating ancestors thousands or even thousands of years ago, the final moment really depends on Yi Shuyuan himself. There is no way to test what the immortal cultivators wanted to refine back then. .

In other words, they had a premonition that Alchemy was facing a catastrophe, and what they wanted was a possibility to break everything.

Thinking like this, Yi Shuyuan unfolded the folding fan in his hand, raised it slightly, and then took the lead in rushing upward.

The next moment, the four-pillar True Yang Furnace and the water-proof beads suspended on the top lifted into the sky with Yi Shuyuan, displacing endless sea water and moving upward.

"Fellow Taoist, do you need my help?"

Yi Shuyuan glanced downward.

"Friend Wu Dao, please order the aquatic tribe to check the sea area and don't let fishing boats and sea ships wander in!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the fire of the alchemy furnace was already moving upward and farther away with Yi Shuyuan's voice. Looking up from the Dragon Palace on the seabed, the fire became more and more hazy and faint.

Is this about to go through a calamity?

Not only the Dragon Lord of the South China Sea thinks so, but everyone with some knowledge in the Crystal Palace also thinks so. But now everyone knows that the furnace is not refining elixir, so I don't know if it is appropriate to call it elixir.

Outside a main hall of the Undersea Dragon Palace, Cai Yusheng and his entourage watched blankly as Yi Shuyuan went up with the alchemy furnace.

"Is this a time of tribulation?" "The treasure in the furnace is about to be born!"

In the palace on the other side, several figures have already emerged from the water. They are Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin, as well as Jiang Lang and Hui Mian. At the same time, the Dragon Lord of the South China Sea sent a message to the Dragon Palace Aquatic Tribe and then also emerged from the water. .

Driven by this, except for a few people in the Crystal Palace, whether it was gods, men, water tribes or monks from all walks of life, they all rose to the sky in their own way.

When we arrived on the surface of the South China Sea, where the four-pillar True Yang furnace was located, the surrounding seawater had been emptied out. It was like an invisible bowl pressed down in the sea, and the True Yang furnace was in the center of the bottom of the invisible bowl.

The sky is full of dark clouds, and there is no end in sight. But at the moment, the thunderclouds and lightning seem to be very scary, but they are just ordinary dark clouds and lightning.


A bolt of lightning struck directly into the middle of the sea and hit the four-pillar True Yang Furnace. Naturally, the random flow of electricity had no effect on the Immortal Pill Furnace.

Because of the dark clouds, the sky has darkened, and the fire of the alchemy furnace is obviously brighter than the surroundings, becoming a light source in the sea.

Yi Shuyuan had an idea and took the alchemy furnace out of the sea. After flying for a certain distance, with a "boom~" sound, the alchemy furnace landed steadily on a hill in the sea, and the top of the hill suddenly became bright.

It is said to be a hill, but in fact the top is bare, only a dozen feet high, which is just a larger rock in the sea.

The treasure has not yet come out, but the sky is already covered with clouds, which is unusual.

Yi Shuyuan, who landed on the hill, looked at the sky, and after a long time he looked at the sea salt in all directions, watching the tide and the rough waves, and there was a vague feeling that made his heart palpitate.

Obviously the heavenly tribulation has not yet occurred, how can you feel this way?

In fact, except for Yi Shuyuan, no one else, including gods and men, Shui tribe, practitioners from all walks of life and Yi Shuyuan's two disciples, have not noticed it, at least not yet. Looking forward to the treasure coming to the world.

"Whoosh, whoa, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."

The waves kept lapping against the rocky hills. The waves were getting bigger and bigger, and the waves were getting higher and higher. A lot of seawater even rolled up near the alchemy furnace, and before it even got close to the alchemy furnace, it was vaporized into white mist and surrounded the surroundings.

This makes the rocky hill where Yi Shuyuan is located always seem to be shrouded in clouds and mist.

The Dragon Lord of the South China Sea separated from the current and walked out of the sea step by step. He did not rush up to the hill, but looked in all directions of the ocean. As a true dragon of the South China Sea, he also noticed that something was wrong with the ocean.

Wu Yin stroked his beard and looked at all sides of the ocean, frowned and thought for a long time, and then looked up at the sky.


Lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the already dark sea surface. The entire sea was filled with big waves and bubbles, like a violently shaking fish tank.

The ocean is a little too violent

Wu Yin looked at the lightning in the sky, and his heart suddenly jumped. He looked at the waves in all directions, and a kind of enlightenment arose in his heart.

At the same time, Yi Shuyuan also woke up at almost the same moment. One of the two parties was on the top of the hill and the other was above the sea, but both were paying attention to the ocean currents in all directions.

Who says the fate must be in the sky?


The thunder light was so bright that it could be seen in all directions. The vastness of the sea made the many practitioners who came up from the Undersea Crystal Palace seem insignificant, and they were scattered everywhere even more sparsely. Some people even had the illusion that they were alone on the sea.

If it weren't for the obvious light of the alchemy furnace on the rocky hills in the distance in the sea, some monks would probably feel a more obvious sense of loneliness.

A big wave swept in from a distance. The waves alone were several feet high, and then they crashed hard on the rocky hill.

"Bang - clatter."

The waves even hit the vicinity of Yi Shuyuan, but were forced back by an invisible breath of alchemy fire, turning into more white energy.

"Rumble, rumble, rumble. Bang——"

Big waves hit frequently on the rocks, and Yi Shuyuan's body was like an electric current. He ignored the thunder above, not to mention the turmoil on the sea, but looked towards the direction of the sea that had just risen with the alchemy furnace.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan's understanding deepened.

Who said that calamity is aimed at the alchemy furnace and the treasure in the furnace?

Or, who said calamity only targets the treasure in the furnace?

Yi Shuyuan hurriedly looked in the direction of Nanhai Dragon Lord in the distance, and blurted out his words in shock!

"Friend Wu Dao—go back to the Dragon Palace—"

Wu Yin in the distance was slightly startled, going back to Dragon Palace, are you kidding me, can I go back at this time? This is a rare opportunity in a thousand years to witness the birth of a spiritual treasure. Isn’t it just to see this that I have been working so long?

But Yi Shuyuan's next words made Wu Yin's heart beat fiercely.

"Go back quickly to save the Alchemy Ceremony. The disaster is coming twice, and it won't stop there——"


Awakened by Yi Shuyuan's words, Wu Yin felt his scalp numb for a moment. The heavenly calamity was targeting not only the unborn spiritual treasures in the alchemy furnace, but also the way of the alchemy cauldron itself, which was also the calamity of Danxing!

I'm afraid the latter will be even more terrifying!

Wu Yin looked around and saw that most of the monks in the Dragon Palace had already gone to the sea. Anyone who had some ability came up to "watch the fun"!

It's going to happen!

"Dragon clan, follow me back to the Dragon Palace - Ang -"

After a dragon roar, Wu Yin actually manifested the body of a true dragon. With a sweep of the dragon's tail, he dispersed a huge wave with a "boom~" sound, and then pushed away the sea water and plunged into the ocean.

"Ang——" "Ang——" "Ang——".

No matter what the reason was, since it was the Dragon Lord's order, the dragons on the sea dived into the sea one after another, and even transformed into dragon shapes one after another.

But it seemed a little late. Wu Yin had already felt that the chaos in the sea currents was exaggerated.


The chaos in the water flow in the sea not only brings great power, but also makes water elves like dragons feel like they have lost their sense of direction.

At this moment, on the sea, a tsunami more than ten feet high formed from the ocean and hit the rocky hill where Yi Shuyuan was located.

For a moment, the divine monks on the sea flew up to avoid it, while Yi Shuyuan stared at the direction of the tsunami with wide eyes. As the saying goes, there can be no waves without wind, and there can be no roar without earthquakes. This tsunami is so exaggerated, indicating that the movement on the seabed is even greater!

At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky rotated rapidly. In a short period of time, the ordinary thunder light took on a faint blue color, and an oppressive aura filled the sky.

"Okay, okay! Both calamities are coming at the same time, right?"

Yi Shuyuan was frightened and couldn't help but look at the sky and mutter to himself.

At the same time, in the South China Sea Crystal Palace under the sea, everything was in chaos.

"Rumble, rumble, rumble."

The entire Crystal Palace is in a state of turbulence, with restrictions everywhere flickering on and off. The water tribe, gods, and monks who are still here are barely able to stabilize their bodies in the surging sea currents. This is not an ordinary sea current change at all. .


A stone pavilion outside the Dragon Palace was lifted up and hit the Crystal Palace directly by the water flow.


"Ah——" "Oops——"

The impact caused the water tribe inside and outside to be thrown away in exclamation. Not only was the water flow disrupted, but the spiritual energy in the water was also disrupted. In the face of the power of the heavenly tribulation, ordinary water tribes could not control the water at all.

A giant whale transformed from the aquatic tribe was originally patrolling the outskirts of the Dragon Palace, but now it was carried by the current and rushed towards the Dragon Palace.

"Ah - get out of the way - ah -"


A palace collapsed directly, and the giant whale suffered horrific wounds and rushed to another place in the ocean current. Several gods stepped out and joined forces to cast spells.

However, these people are just ordinary gods from the Medicine God Palace and do not have very strong magic power. Moreover, it is not as simple as catching the giant whale. The ocean current following the giant whale directly washes away the palace.

"If you can't stop it, get out of the way -"

The giant whale shouted, but it was obviously too late.

"No, flash-"


The palace was directly damaged, countless spiritual lights flew out, and classics were broken into pieces in the water.

"Book——" "Ah——"

"Go and report to the Dragon Lord and the Immortal Lord——"

"Rumble, rumble, rumble."

The shouts in the Dragon Palace were drowned in the turbulence of the seabed. A crack appeared in front of the Dragon Palace boundary, and there was a vague high-temperature water gushing out of it. The hot and turbid atmosphere muddied the entire Dragon Palace waters——

On the South China Sea, facing the tsunami that could not be seen beyond the horizon, Yi Shuyuan calmed down in his heart.

He originally had various thoughts about the Alchemy Furnace Lingbao, but his thoughts at this moment have tended to be unified, and this unified thought was also in his conception. As a person who can be considered sentimental, he is facing the current situation. In this situation, maybe satisfying yourself a little bit is also the best way to resist this disaster.

Perhaps what is presented is not the original description, but it is definitely in line with Yi Shuyuan’s true meaning!

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan spoke and made a calm voice, as if he was asking himself, but also as if he was giving an answer!

"What can calm the sea?"

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