Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 71: Fighting for fame and wealth (available on May Day)

After giving his improved and studied skills to Duan Silie, Yi Shuyuan stayed away from the inn and walked alone on the streets of Yuezhou City.

Today's Yuezhou City is still very lively, with many shops open all night long.

Many warriors have been eliminated, and some are very unwilling to do so, but more people and their relatives and friends are much more relaxed and watch the rest of the conference with a more relaxed attitude.

The young masters and various martial arts in the martial arts not only attracted the attention of many famous martial arts masters, but also opened Yi Shuyuan's eyes.

Of course Ah Fei and Duan Silie are very powerful and are making rapid progress, but the other more than a hundred people are not weak and are equally confident. The position of number one among the younger generation in the martial arts competition is not so easy to get.

However, Yi Shuyuan is no longer obsessed with the Mountains and Rivers Immortal Furnace Picture.

Yi Shuyuan has already understood the fairy meaning. It is best to get the real picture, but this picture is not a mortal thing. If you can't get it, it can only be said that it is the fate.

Due to fate, what can be obtained will naturally be obtained. Even if A Fei and Duan Si Lie lose, Yi Shuyuan believes that he can get the painting.

If you can't get it, there's no need to force it.

The sound of Wuhun Tiangu resounded throughout the sky, and Yi Shuyuan understood that under such circumstances, the understanding of martial arts by highly talented people was far beyond that of before.

Each of these warriors participating in the competition is making continuous progress, and some people break through their shackles every day. It is no wonder that martial arts are prosperous.

"The attendees should have some time to rest after that, right?"

Yi Shuyuan thought so and walked into a small restaurant on the street that was still very lively.

Now there are more than a hundred people left, and everyone has suffered a lot of losses. Naturally, the conference cannot let everyone be at the limit every time they compete.

After one hundred and eight people are competed, the next step is to rest for one day. The smaller the number of people, the longer the rest time will be.

"Hey, sir, I'm really sorry. This building is already full. If you don't mind, you can wait for a while, or ask anyone who is willing to share a table."

Seeing Yi Shuyuan enter the restaurant, the waiters around him were all busy, and the shopkeeper could only say hello and apologize.

Yi Shuyuan shook his head and said.

"There's no need to make room. Just bring me a bottle of wine and a bag of peanuts. I'll take them away."

"Hey, I'll prepare it for you, sir, right away!"

The shopkeeper happily agreed and hurriedly prepared it for Yi Shuyuan.

"Please wait a moment, sir. I'll be back soon."

Yi Shuyuan joked.

"Is the shopkeeper's business booming?"

"Hehe, that's good, but if these heroes can't control their temper, they can easily get into fights. There was a fight upstairs the day before yesterday, and many tables were broken."

The deepening of the martial arts competition also made the warriors more and more excited. There were conflicts from time to time because they supported the people they liked. Some people even started gambling privately. Naturally, they could not always be harmonious.

"Oh? How about compensation?"

The shopkeeper in front of the wine jar picked up the wine grapes and paused for a moment, then poured the wine into the jug. The jug was full. He put down the funnel and stood up with a smile. He placed the covered jug on the counter and poured another jug. Wrap the peanuts and put them together.

"Of course I'll pay, otherwise I won't dare to continue doing this small business! People from the government come very quickly. Sir, the total amount is thirty cents."

When Yi Shuyuan took money out of his purse, the shopkeeper started talking to him again.

"I can still talk to you literati. Warriors, especially warriors in remote areas, have such a bad temper."

Yi Shuyuan smiled as he discharged the copper coins. With his current unruly appearance, he could still be recognized as a scholar.

"I am also a Jianghu person."


The shopkeeper looked at Yi Shuyuan again and then shook his head.

"It's not like that. I've seen a lot of people in the world these days. Sir, you look like a scholar at first glance. You don't even tie up your sleeves. It's just that your hair doesn't look like a scholar. But I don't know how to behave like you." Admit your mistake!”

While the shopkeeper was chatting with Yi Shuyuan, people in the restaurant lobby were naturally noisy and talking about the upcoming competition.

"When it comes to the younger generation being ranked number one in the world this time, I think Moyun's strongman Lu Linfeng has the greatest hope. He has quickly defeated his opponents in the past few games and is simply unstoppable!"

"Oh, no, although Lu Linfeng is powerful, how can he be so mediocre as to reach this point?"

"Yes, yes, many well-known people have been defeated by people who have never heard of it before. Wasn't Xiao Qingfu defeated by an unknown boy from Qingzhou?"


Someone from Qingzhou slapped the table and stood up to look at the person who spoke.

"You're not well-known? Be careful what you say. People like you can't stand three moves in the hands of Master Mai!"

"Uh, calm down, everyone! Calm down, everyone! The government has repeatedly issued orders not to cause trouble, but the shop still has to operate, so please show your respect, heroes!"

The shopkeeper, who was still making drinks, quickly ran out to appease everyone.

"Yes, let's show off to the shopkeeper to save face!" "Okay, okay, we are all in the same camp, so don't get into a tense situation."

The peacemaker also came out to try to persuade them, but no one who had a dispute was the first to give in. They seemed to think that someone could use their words to persuade them to stop the fight.

"What? A native of Qingzhou? Then Mai Lingfei is indeed extraordinary, and indeed many seniors say that he improves every game, and his martial arts talent is truly astonishing."

After saying this, the Qingzhou warrior's face became much better, but the man still had something to say.

"But even if he is a genius, he is not satisfied with his age. If he has another ten years, he may be able to compete for the number one in the world. Now, I am afraid he still owes some money."

This couldn't be the wrong thing to say, but he didn't want to say anything more.

"Limited to the advantage of age, the people I compared with him before were all young boys with yellow mouths. Won't it be a tough fight when meeting Xiao Qingfu?"

"What did you say?" "Good boy, are you saying that there is no one in Qingzhou?"

"Some people are laughing at Master Mai, and even deceiving me that there is no one in Qingzhou——"

As soon as the voice went off, more than a dozen people appeared upstairs and downstairs. The person who just uttered the words was also stunned. He thought that the only other people were the two people at the same table.

"Teach him a lesson—"

There was a fight in the restaurant instantly, and plates of food and wine were flying everywhere.

The shopkeeper was so frightened that he shrank aside, but he was still shouting.

"Don't fight, don't fight--"


A table was overturned nearby, and several people fisted and then simply struggled with each other.

This is not a conflict between warriors, it is clearly a fight between idlers.


"铮" "铮" "铮"

Yi Shuyuan, who was standing at the counter, frowned. The nature of the sword was different when he drew his sword.

Almost in the next moment, Yi Shuyuan's fluttering clothes turned into an afterimage, and he was already among the crowd in an instant. With a flick of his wide sleeves, the swords in the hands of several people who had just drawn the swords were knocked back into the scabbards. .

Yi Shuyuan's figure rotated, and his clothes seemed to expand at this moment. In the process, his arms were directed with his sword, and his true energy moved like a dragon.

The bystanders didn't see clearly how the person moved, as if his clothes were thrown by him while he was moving and spinning.

But when Yi Shuyuan returned to the counter again, the two groups of people who had just fought had all been hit in more than one large acupuncture point, and they all stood stiffly or fell to the side.

Yi Shuyuan glanced at the shopkeeper who seemed to have not come back to his senses. After leaving the money, he picked up his wine and peanuts and left. Only a light word came from him.

"Look, I said I knew martial arts, right?"

The shopkeeper stared blankly, as if he hadn't recovered yet, but naturally it wasn't just the shopkeeper who saw this scene.

Not to mention those who had their acupoints tapped on the first floor, there were also some people who were not involved in the fight at the stairs on the second floor, who saw the shocking scene when Yi Shuyuan took action.

To be honest, it was only in an occasion like a martial arts conference. Otherwise, if it were an ordinary martial artist or ordinary person, he might even think that it was an act of an immortal.


Yi Shuyuan was walking alone on the street with a wine bottle and a paper bag filled with peanuts. After a hundred steps, he saw an official running towards the restaurant. His reaction was already very fast.

He opened the jug and smelled it. The wine was fragrant and pure, so Yi Shuyuan took a sip.

Perhaps because of the strong atmosphere of martial arts in the city, the smell of wine was tainted with a bit of a martial arts atmosphere.

"Jianghu, this is not the Jianghu I imagined. Well, this is also a Jianghu."

The warriors gathered in Yuezhou City naturally regard the martial arts conference as an indispensable event in their lives, but compared to the entire world, it is just a small microcosm of the struggle for fame and fortune.

Then Yi Shuyuan pondered the mood in his heart, felt a bit of pride and emotion, and strode forward while humming a song.

"Youdao is full of passion to reward close friends. Thousands of cups of wine are sacrificed to heaven."

"What is right and wrong in the world, good and evil, will eventually be punished. Ups and downs will lead to sorrow and joy for an infinite period of time."

Walking through a certain street corner, Yi Shuyuan glanced sideways and smiled brightly. He kept walking as the wind gradually began to rise around him.

After a few breaths, several people hurriedly walked out of the street and looked around, but did not find the figure of the man just now.

"Where are the people?"

"Why is it missing?" "He was obviously still there just now!"

Several people looked at each other, and one of them asked hesitantly.

"This senior cannot have this kind of unpredictable skill and magnanimity."

"Have we actually met?"

Yi Shuyuan had already left, leaving those people at the street corner thinking.

Now Yi Shuyuan has understood that even if the martial soul and heavenly drums sound every day, the earthly gods always have one big principle, which is not to get involved in mundane matters.

After seeing the Immortal Furnace Picture of Mountains and Rivers and feeling the artistic conception, Yi Shuyuan's own cultivation may not have improved yet, but the feeling of the Immortal Dao artistic conception has become clearer.

It also allowed Yi Shuyuan to point directly to his own path, and became somewhat more calm about his own changes in a leisurely manner.

What if you just become a free and easy martial arts master?


PS: Leave a message again to explain that this book will be available at 0:00 on May 1st!

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