Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 91 To make a fan, forge the bones first

Yi Shuyuan jogged all the way back to the county office, and then returned to the library while shaking off the water stains on his clothes.

"Did you really not hear that cry from the sky just now?"

Hui Mian got out from Yi Shuyuan's collar and looked up at Yi Shuyuan doubtfully.

"What's that cry?"

"Like a cow mooing, moo."

As Yi Shuyuan spoke, he suddenly began to practice ventriloquism.

To be exact, what Yi Shuyuan was doing now was no longer just ventriloquism. Not only was he resembling his voice, but he was also recalling and savoring the feeling just now, so that his voice had a special meaning.

As soon as he heard this voice, Hui Mian's body felt like electricity coursed through him, his hair stood on end, and he froze on Yi Shuyuan's chest, not daring to move.

"First, sir, is it you?"

"It should be pretty similar to what I learned. Why are your hairs blowing up?"

Hui Mian's heart pounded.

"I'm scared of you, sir. Don't scare me with the roar of a dragon. I'm a coward."

The voice of a dragon?

"Dragon sounds like a cow?"

"Sir, please don't make fun of me for pretending to be the Dragon King of the Well."

Yi Shuyuan rubbed the little mink's head, and its fur softened.

"I didn't mean to make fun of you, and you are quite courageous. Isn't it reasonable to ask for tea on Kuonan Mountain?"

"Hey Hey."

Hui Mian smiled awkwardly.

Yi Shuyuan stopped entering the library. He turned around and looked at the sky carefully, feeling a little excited in his heart. It turned out that the dragon's cry sounded like a cow?

We talked about the dragon's roar in the mountains that shook the sky, so obviously the dragon's roar should be louder.

Now it seems that the ordinary dragon cry and the sound of dragon roar must be different, otherwise Yi Shuyuan would not have imagined that the sound of "moo" shook the sky.

So maybe the rainbow light I saw just now was a dragon?

Flood dragon or real dragon? Real dragons are so rare, they should be dragons, right?

When can we meet up close? But I heard that dragons have bad tempers.

Yi Shuyuan searched everywhere in the sky for a long time, but could not see the shadow of the dragon, so he could only walk back to the library.

As long as I continue to practice, I don’t believe that someone like me will not be able to see a dragon in the future!

With this thought, Yi Shuyuan closed the door and walked to the desk to sit down. Hui Mian also rushed out.

"Bamboo slips."

After Yi Shuyuan's words, Hui Mian took out a bamboo slip from his chest, which was exactly the one given by Yinsi.

With Hui Mian here, it was much easier for Yi Shuyuan to carry things during this period.

Just stuff it with some things that cannot be easily shown to others. This little guy is not big, and he is good at holding things, so he can hold a lot of things.

"You can read a book on the side, or you can see pictures of mountains and rivers and immortal furnaces."


Hui Mian responded, but instead of looking for the books in the library, he climbed onto Yi Shuyuan's shoulder and followed his line of sight to look at the unfolded bamboo slips.

Yi Shuyuan didn't say much, and his mind followed the contents of the bamboo slips.

It can be said that the refining of jade jing was the result of Yi Shu Yuan Fu's soul.

The essence left by the giant trees in the sea watered by the sky thunder elicited the power of Yi Shuyuan's Jingzhe Heart Thunder.

It was the right time, right place, right people, and the fate of that moment.

To put it in a colloquial but not quite appropriate way, this is a bit of a stroke of luck.

After all, when he was making a fuchi before, Yi Shuyuan didn't have high self-requirements. He just wanted to make something good-looking and usable, but he didn't expect it to become a treasure.

But now if he wanted to refine the folding fan, Yi Shuyuan wanted to be stable, because with Yu Jing, he no longer wanted to just make a strong folding fan.

The idea of ​​twins is not just talk!

So now Yi Shuyuan needs to comprehensively and systematically sort out the knowledge he can understand. Naturally, he has to look up this bamboo slip that he hasn't read much yet.

Not to mention reading it in full, at least skimming through it, maybe there are some things about weapon refining in it.


It seems that the Yinsi side has learned that Yi Shuyuan wants to be a storyteller who travels around the world and will be interested in some special things.

In addition to miscellaneous knowledge of various aspects of spiritual practice, the bamboo slips also record some incidents of ghosts and ghosts encountered by ghosts and gods in the underworld, as well as some stories about grudges from the world of the world that continued to the underworld.

For Yi Shuyuan, this was extremely rich and full, almost like a novel.

But Yi Shuyuan didn't read these stories now. At most, he glanced at them.

Even this is very time-consuming, because there is too much content on the bamboo slips, and it is already dusk before I know it.


Yi Shuyuan's eyes lit up, and he really found what he wanted.

Hui Mian, who had already fallen asleep on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder, woke up when he heard the sound. When he looked up, he found that his husband was still reading, and couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

These broken bamboo slips don’t record any magic or magical techniques. They are all about the underworld. Why do you like to read them so much? Reading is so tiring.

Yi Shuyuan didn't know what Hui Mian was thinking.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan actually saw the production method of Yinshen magical tools such as the Judge's Pen. Although it was only briefly discussed, the part about refining and nourishing with the help of the power of Shinto was vague, and it was only mentioned.

But Yi Shuyuan doesn't need a real judge's pen. This kind of Shinto magic weapon is closely related to the priesthood, and it is of little use if he understands it.

It was the pure production process that Yi Shuyuan cared about, and he couldn't take his eyes away from it.

"If you want to make a fan, you must first forge the bones!"

Yi Shuyuan murmured, the truth is actually the same as the pen of the judge pen.

Seven points for charm, three points for shaping!

Yi Shuyuan temporarily put down the bamboo slips, unfolded the folding fan he bought and put it aside.

Then Yi Shuyuan took out the Fu Chi Jade Jing and placed it on the corner of the desk to suppress distracting thoughts.

Finally, Yi Shuyuan took out the remaining half of the ebony wood and the carving knife.

Hui Mian on his shoulder perked up the moment Fu Chi appeared. He was startled when he saw Yi Shuyuan taking out half of the ebony wood and the carving knife.

Come again?

Hui Mian subconsciously clutched Yi Shuyuan's clothes, looking ready.

Yi Shuyuan felt a slight movement on his shoulder, looked at Xiao Diao and smiled.

"Why are you nervous?"

"No way. If I blink this time, I'm not a hero!"

Hui Mian is even more stubborn than the mink in battle. It feels that it can't stand even a little battle with Mr.!

Yi Shuyuan shook his head and looked at Wu Mu, not knowing what Hui Mian was arguing about.

It seems that because Fu Chi is there, it is easier for Yi Shuyuan to focus on the tip of the knife this time.

As his energy gathered and his heart stopped, the knife in Yi Shuyuan's hand also fell on the remaining half of the ebony wood. The sawdust fell bit by bit, and the wood grain emerged inch by inch.


On April 30th, the county government will have a holiday.

Yi Shuyuan got up early to the sound of cockcrows. Before it was completely dark, he had already dressed and washed himself.

Today, he and the people from Yuanjiang Paper Mill were going into the mountains to cut bamboo and start the first step of making paper. Yi Shuyuan was feeling slightly excited.

Immortal magic sometimes begins with the thought of dependent origination.

In Yi Shuyuan's eyes, starting from this step, fate has begun, and he is also refining part of his own magic weapon.

Over in the courtyard of Yuanjiang Paper Mill, old man Chen was preparing in front of an ox cart.

Originally, he didn't need to do this kind of basic process in person, but after all, Yi Shuyuan had a special status, so he felt a little uneasy if he didn't do it, fearing that Mr. Yi would think that Yuanjiang Paper Factory was neglecting him.

"Dad, will Mr. Yi come? Will he oversleep?"

A man next to the bullock cart put a bundle of hemp rope on the cart and asked after looking at the street outside the alley.

Old man Chen glared at his younger son.

"Even if he really overslept, we still have to wait for him."

The government accounts for the majority of the revenue generated by papermaking at the Yuanjiang Paper Mill, while the Chen family can only account for a small portion. In principle, the paper mill is a court industry, and the Chen family only has the right to operate it.

"You, learn from your brother. As the saying goes, the county magistrate of Liushui is an ironclad official. If a civil servant with ability and status like Mr. Yi has a good relationship with him, even if there are several new county magistrates in the future, we There are also many people who can speak to each other, do you understand?"

"Hey, I understand! You're still thinking far ahead!"


Old Chen smiled and was about to say something, but soon he noticed a figure walking quickly on the dimly lit street.

"See, Mr. Yi is very punctual, so we don't need to worry about it!"

After saying this, old man Chen already greeted Yi Shuyuan with a smile.

"Mr. Yi came here really early. Have you had breakfast? We have steamed buns. Let's have some together on the way."

"Then Yi Mou is welcome!"

Yi Shuyuan smiled and handed over his hands. He knew that the Chen family was so polite partly because of his status, but he would repay them.

Yi Shuyuan helped the Chen family and his son and two helpers sort out the tools, and then the group set off with the bullock cart.

The people in the paper mill were obviously already familiar with the road. When a group of people drove the ox cart to the north city gate, the city gate opened at about this time.

People who were rushing in and out of the city divided into groups and entered or left the city in an orderly manner.

This is the first time Yi Shuyuan has walked through the North City Gate, and it is also the first time he has followed the people from Yuanjiang Zhifang to the northeastern mountains of Kuonan Mountain.

Yuezhou people's impressions of the beautiful scenery of Kuonan Mountain are mostly in the southwest mountains, where there are high mountains, various flowers and exotic grasses, and some of the scenery appears in the poems and songs of celebrities.

But in fact, the northeastern mountains of Kuonan Mountain also have equally beautiful scenery, and the most iconic one is the large tracts of bamboo forest.

The ox cart headed north after going out. More than half an hour later, the ox cart passed by a mountain village.

Along the mountain road on the north side of the village, we slowly went up. The person in front held the rope, and the person behind pushed the cart, and finally stopped on an open hill.

This hill is a fairly large and relatively gentle place. The hills connected to both sides are not high, and the hills on the east and west sides are even shorter than this hill.

There are several tile-roofed houses in one corner of the hill. Except for the area near the tile-roofed houses, the rest of the hill is almost entirely covered with bare exposed rock formations.

"Mr. Yi, this is the venue for the first step of papermaking in our Yuanjiang Paper Mill. This Zipinggang is a treasure land given to our paper mill by God. It is the best drying ground in the entire Kuonan Mountain!"

Old Chen's words were full of pride and emotion, and what Yi Shuyuan saw on the hills was piles of raw materials drying in the sun in many places on the surface of the rock formations.

"It takes several months to dry here and be baptized by the light of the sun and the moon, so that the raw materials can undergo transformation!"

Old Chen said, and Yi Shuyuan nodded in awe. He could see that some of the raw materials in the drying yard were whitening to varying degrees.

"Dad, are you here?"

A voice came from the tile-roofed house over there. The eldest son of the Chen family and a helper heard the noise and came out from inside.

Old man Chen introduced with a smile.

"This is my eldest son Chen Yeping. Yeping, this Mr. Yi is the Mr. Yi who worked with Mr. Lin to help the injured souls get justice!"

The middle-aged man suddenly showed a look of surprise. He wiped his hands on his body before quickly approaching and bowing.

"Mr. Yi, I have heard of your name a long time ago. Don't worry, sir, we will do our best to help you with your matter. Look at this Kuonan Mangosteen, how spiritual it is!"

The spiritual energy mentioned is naturally not the kind that practitioners understand.

But after Yi Shuyuan returned the gift, he followed Chen Yeping's direction and looked at the bamboo forests on the mountain. The bamboo waves were blown up by the wind, and he felt very spiritual.


PS: If an author friend comes to me and is desperate, please help me. "Princess, please respect yourself!" ", a new book by the old author "Chang Feng", it should still be of high quality. Interested book friends should go and taste it themselves.

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