"It's so high, how did I get up here?" Bai Ye looked around and muttered to himself. He had no memory of it.

The wind on the top of the mountain was very strong. Bai Ye hugged his clothes tightly and walked down the mountain quickly.

He had to go back quickly. It would be best to return to the building before dark, otherwise it would be dangerous to spend the night in the wild.

On the way down the mountain, Bai Ye saw a "long ladder" made of frozen snakes.

The surrounding vegetation was covered with a thin layer of snow.

The long ladder of snake corpses led all the way to the foot of the mountain.

You can imagine that scene. The snakes at the foot of the mountain kept crawling to the top of the mountain.

Finally, they were frozen in the cold wind and heavy snow.

The huge black snake was 40 to 50 meters long. If it was full length, it would be unimaginable.

Bai Ye guessed that even the moose was not a match for this black python that had grown horns.

Going down from the top of the mountain is much faster than going up.

As long as you are careful not to fall, there are many pine trees along the way, and going down the mountain is much faster.

After a while, Bai Ye walked about a few hundred meters, getting closer and closer to the sea of ​​clouds. Suddenly, Bai Ye heard some noisy sounds above his head.

He looked up and saw nothing.

Looking into the distance, Bai Ye frowned and observed carefully. On the tops of several pine trees in the distance, there were several large black things, which seemed to be something.

After careful observation, Bai Ye finally recognized what it was.


But this squirrel was almost the same size as a weasel.

Its tail was like a parachute, very fluffy and covered its head.

These squirrels were hugging the pine trees and chewing something.

They looked at him from a distance and ignored him.

There were still many squirrels of this kind. It seemed that there were many squirrels living at this altitude. The lower you walked, the higher the density of squirrels you met.

Finally, Bai Ye saw a squirrel up close.

This squirrel was probably only seven or eight meters away from him.

Bai Ye found that it was not eating pine cones, but pine needles.

It pulled out the pine needles one by one and ate them into its stomach.

Bai Ye suddenly realized.

No wonder the pine trees along the way are a little bald.

The illusion that the pine needles are a little sparse seems not an illusion, but some creatures specialize in eating pine needles.

The squirrel saw Bai Ye. Perhaps because the distance was relatively close, the squirrel did not eat this time, but held a few pine needles in both hands, stood blankly on the top of the pine tree, staring at Bai Ye intently.

Bai Ye also stared at it.

It seemed that it had never seen a human before. The squirrel was very curious about Bai Ye, a creature that suddenly came to the mountain.

It actually jumped to a tree closer to Bai Ye.

This time Bai Ye saw more clearly. This squirrel had a tuft of gray hair on its head.

The front teeth were very large, the muscle lines of the two lower limbs were very smooth, and the fluffy big tail covered the top of the head like the book basket carried by ancient scholars.


There was a bird cry in the sky in the distance.

This sound made Bai Ye very familiar!

The strange bird that attacked the building where he lived before made this sound.

Hearing the bird cry, the squirrels immediately straightened their necks, raised their heads high, and stared at the direction where the sound came from.

Then the squirrels gathered together.

In the sky not far away, a big bird was hovering in the sky.

It seemed to have discovered Bai Ye standing on the side.

Bai Ye could feel the feeling of being locked.

Suddenly, a squirrel in the squirrel group jumped out and pulled Bai Ye's trouser leg.

Bai Ye followed it and ran into the squirrel group.

When these squirrels saw Bai Ye coming in, they made a little noise for a while, and soon returned to silence.

The squirrel that pulled Bai Ye into the squirrel group also jumped on Bai Ye's shoulder, grabbing Bai Ye's hair with two small claws, and it can be seen that it was also a little nervous.

The big bird landed, faster and faster, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

Bai Ye felt that the squirrels nearby were restless.

They stared at the top intently, like countless sculptures.

Above, groups of cyan light peeled off from the squirrel's body, turning into countless cyan light spots that gathered above, and finally gathered into a cyan semicircular dome that covered the squirrels and Bai Ye.

When the big bird approached, cyan light burst out!

Visible to the naked eye, a huge cyan shock wave flew out.

The big bird seemed to have expected it, and it made an emergency stop and dived in mid-air to avoid the cyan shock wave, while landing at a faster speed.

The color of the cyan dome suddenly became dim, and then all the energy turned into a new cyan shock wave and flew out!

Bang! ! !

Although the big bird made an evasive move, it had already made a great sacrifice by forcibly stopping once in the sky. The second sudden change of direction would require an enormous amount of strength even if the big bird's body was beyond the mortal body.

The speed of the change of direction was a little slower, and the cyan shock wave directly hit its face.


The big bird was like a falling plane, falling sideways and brushing against the pine trees.

The earth shook, and a small pine tree was broken not far away.

Then Bai Ye saw the squirrels excitedly rushing to the place where the big bird fell.

With a little smoke and dust, Bai Ye saw the big bird take off again in the smoke and dust. On the ground, the running squirrels looked up, and the translucent wind cannons around them fell on the big bird like dense machine guns.

The big bird shook a little, and finally flew up.

As it flew higher and higher, the squirrels' wind cannons were not far enough.

Finally, it stopped, and the big bird in the sky shed blood and flew away.

Seeing their natural enemies being driven away, the squirrels cheered and jumped for joy.

They jumped and chirped in the woods.

Bai Ye was amazed.

These squirrels are like an army, they can also use tactics, and they all have extraordinary powers!

Sure enough, the tribes that can survive in this primeval forest have their own unique abilities. No wonder these squirrels can survive at such a high altitude.

Their attributes are the same as Duoduo's, they should all be wind attributes.

Bai Ye's heart moved, if Duoduo could also learn the attack method of these squirrels just now to condense the wind into an air cannon.

This would also provide an additional long-range attack capability.

"Squeak." A squirrel jumped over, holding a handful of pine needles in its hand, stretched out its hand, and looked at Bai Ye curiously.

"You want me to eat it?" Bai Ye pointed at the food and then at himself.

The squirrel tilted its head, as if it understood what Bai Ye meant by this sentence.

The squirrel put one of the pine needles into its mouth.

It chewed it so fragrantly.

Then it handed the remaining pine needles to Bai Ye.

It means it can be eaten.

"......" Bai Ye was not lucky enough to enjoy this kindness.

But in order not to disappoint the squirrel, Bai Ye still took the pine needle.

The squirrel saw that Bai Ye was willing to take the food, and jumped back happily, chirping to his companions in the distance, and occasionally turned back and pointed at Bai Ye with his little paws.

It seemed to be showing off that the monkey ate its food.

The other squirrels seemed to have discovered a new world.

Bai Ye's forehead was sweating, and he didn't know if it was an illusion, but the eyes of these squirrels seemed to be glowing when they looked at him...

Soon Bai Ye knew why.

Because there were squirrels crowded around him, and the hospitable squirrels held pine needles in their hands to feed Bai Ye.

One squirrel after another stepped on the shoulders of other squirrels, scrambling to hand pine needles to Bai Ye.

There were even squirrels with "social bull syndrome" who opened Bai Ye's mouth to feed Bai Ye.

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