Taming beasts starts with raising cats

Chapter 44: Wind Hidden (Part 2)

This is Fengyin.

Bai Ye understood that it was an ability to hide one's body shape. Duoduo first used Calling Wind and then Fengyin. Does this skill need to be used before the other skill can be used?


It shouldn't be because of the skill, but the wind. It needs wind to be used!

Bai Ye's eyes became brighter and brighter.

No wonder the name of this skill is Fengyin.

Calling Wind hides the smell, and Fengyin hides the body shape.

Combining the two, the smell and figure are completely hidden, avoiding the enemy's eyes and nose.

If the sound and temperature can also be hidden...

But the paw pads of cats can naturally reduce the sound of footsteps, which is considered a racial talent.

Except for those too fat gas tanks, ordinary cats walk without sound.


In the middle of the night,

there was a knock on the door.

The sound was very light, and it rang three times in a row.

Bai Ye was awakened.

He didn't want to pay attention to it, but the knock on the door was persistent.

Bai Ye lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

"Who?" Bai Ye asked.

Duoduo followed, stood behind Bai Ye, and stared at the door.

"It's me..." There was a strange girl outside the door.

Bai Ye was sure that he had never heard this voice before. It was either a stranger or a passerby who had only met once or twice and had no impression of him.

"It's so late. If you have something to say, let's talk about it tomorrow. Go to bed early." Bai Ye turned and walked back to the bedroom. The sound of slippers on the floor was very clear, and it could be heard clearly outside the door.

"As long as you give me food, you can ask me to do anything." This sentence was said carefully, with a strong sense of shame.

The sound of slippers stopped.

Bai Ye admitted that he was indeed a little moved, but soon reason prevailed.

No, no, if something happened, he would definitely not let it go. In this way, he would have an extra burden in this world. Every time he harvested food, he would give her an extra portion. If she was sick, he would have to find herbs for her... This woman was so treacherous.

Bai Ye shook his head quickly, and he was not the kind of person who took advantage of others.

"Please, I haven't eaten for three days. I heard them say that you have a lot of food." The girl outside the door said in a crying voice.

"I'm telling you, go to 7-8, raise your head, turn your head to the left, yes, it's the room next to mine, there lives a single diamond bachelor." Bai Ye said.

Tong Ji, who was eavesdropping behind the door of room 7-8 after being woken up, was stunned when he heard the blame being thrown on his head.

The girl in the corridor clenched her fists, her face full of humiliation, listening to herself being casually pushed like a commodity... mixed feelings in her heart.

She didn't want this, she was still in college a dozen days ago.

She just shared a house with her boyfriend off campus, but her boyfriend had an accident two days ago and was killed by a group of snakes...


The door in front of her suddenly opened, and a ray of light illuminated the corridor and her eyes.

"I have a portion of meat that I didn't finish eating some time ago. I'm lending it to you. Remember to pay me back double when the time comes." Bai Ye packed ten kilograms of bear meat obtained from the last hunt and threw it to the girl.

"By the way, forget about the idea of ​​giving yourself to me. Find a pet and train it into a beastmaster, if your awakened talent is good."


The door closed again.

The girl sitting on the ground stared blankly at the closed door.

She didn't expect that she would actually get...food.

The corridor was dark, but she vaguely saw the light.

The day before yesterday, she saw the ugliness of human nature by the stream, and she felt that this world was very smelly, very smelly.

Since it was so smelly, it would be better to blend into this stinking mud.

But she was shaken now.

The girl hugged her legs, she was homesick now.


"It turned out to be her." Bai Ye muttered.

He couldn't remember the voice, but when he opened the door and used the light, he caught a glimpse of the girl sitting on the ground with her head raised and tears on her face.

It was the girl he met by the stream the day before yesterday.

There were still fifty or sixty kilograms of bear meat from the last brown bear hunt.

Because he ate very slowly, the bear meat had a little taste after a long time, but it was still edible, but it was hard to say if it was left for a while.

This time he hunted a larger brown bear, and Bai Ye now had so much food that he couldn't finish it.

It would be a waste to let it rot.

"It can be made into jerky." Bai Ye thought of the method of making jerky that Dou Juan said.

This time he hunted live bear meat and was seen by many people, so he didn't have to be so cautious when making jerky. He could just be more generous and put it by the window to ventilate and dry.

Bai Ye was thinking about something. Can he exchange his extra meat with others?

Some clothes, cloth, condiments, iron tools... these are all non-renewable resources.

Using the extra meat that can't be eaten to trade some resources is a win-win situation for both himself and other people who are in urgent need of food.

As for waiting for others to starve to death and then going into their homes to take away the "ownerless" things.

Bai Ye sighed, that was too cold-blooded.

He didn't mind doing something beneficial to others without affecting himself.

If you don't have the ability, it's fine. You must protect yourself first. If you have the ability to help others, it can also be considered as accumulating merit.

In this kind of fantasy world, merit should not be considered illusory.

Lying on the bed, Bai Ye opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling.

Bai Ye was a little sleepless. There were more and more graves outside the building. Each grave represented a person buried inside.

This building was like a tombstone standing in the wilderness, surrounded by graves.

Do we still have a future?

Where is the future...

Bai Ye suddenly had the urge to explore far away.

The people buried in the valley showed that there was a native civilization in this world. The natives here looked similar to himself and others, which was a rare good news among the bad news.

But his strength was still too weak. If he left here, would it be really safe outside? Is the world outside... exciting?

Bai Ye stared at the ceiling in a daze.

"Grow more..." Bai Ye thought silently in his heart.

He was very cowardly. Yes, Bai Ye never denied that he was a cautious person.

At least Bai Ye had no confidence that Duoduo could beat the moose.

Even people with moose-level beasts died suddenly. Wouldn't it be a sheep into the tiger's mouth to run around in this mountain?

People at night are always sentimental. Bai Ye sighed, and a thought suddenly popped up in his mind. He regretted letting the girl go.

It would be nice to stay and chat.

"Woo." Meimei jumped onto the bed, stepped on Bai Ye's stomach through the quilt, and laid her head on Bai Ye's chest.

It was heavy, weighing dozens of kilograms.

The place where it was stepped on was aching.

Bai Ye asked for help with difficulty, "It's so heavy..."

Meimei opened her eyes wide after hearing it, and seemed a little angry. She stood up and jumped hard to the living room.

Duoduo took the opportunity to jump onto the bed and lay next to Bai Ye. She tilted her head and looked at Bai Ye for two seconds, then twisted her belly and turned her limbs to the sky.

Uncle, come quickly!

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