Ashina Gu looked at the original location of Dingxiang City with a pale face. At this moment, this city that had stood for more than a hundred years had been reduced to ashes, leaving no trace in the world.

Perhaps the only thing that could prove the existence of Dingxiang City was the circular pit left in its original place.

At the same time, a small group of Tang soldiers rode on war horses and arrived in front of Ashina Gu's 100-man cavalry team.

"This is the letter from my Great Tang. Today, my Great Tang will let you go. I hope you can hand the letter to Jie Li Khan."

The Tang army was in high spirits. They had no fear of the extremely brutal Turkic cavalry. Instead, they looked down on it.

Looking at the arrogant Tang army in front of them, Ashina Gu and others were not unhappy at all. They were still immersed in the scene of the destruction of Dingxiang City.

Finally, Ashina Gu, the leader, came back to his senses first. He took the"letter" with a sullen face. He did not open it to read it, but just put it away silently, and turned around and left with his men.

Along the way, the Tang army made way for the only one hundred living people left in Dingxiang City and watched them leave.

All the Tang people knew that from this moment on, the humiliation that the Tang Dynasty had suffered on the banks of the Wei River would never happen again. From today on, the deterrent power of the Tang Dynasty would subvert any dynasty, and it was the fourth prince who was dressed in a white robe and looked like a real immortal who brought all this.

"All troops, listen to the order, advance 200 miles into the Turkic territory and set up camp!"The

Tang army began the next move. The next situation depends on how the Turkic Khan Jie Li decides. If he chooses to hand over Li Youliang, then the Tang army will naturally not continue to attack, but if Jie Li Khan wants to swallow up this team that has penetrated deep into the Turkic territory, then Li Tai will naturally not mind continuing to grow a few mushrooms on the grassland.

Of course, Li Tai's current forum coins can only buy ten more nuclear explosion talismans at most. This thing is too expensive, and Li Tai is reluctant to spend so much to deal with the Turks.

After all, with the current development speed of the Tang Dynasty, it will take less than a year to gather a large army to defeat the Turks head-on.

At this point, Dingxiang City was reduced to ashes, and the Tang army penetrated 200 miles into the Turkic territory, like a nail, firmly stuck on the grassland.


""General, why are the Tang army following us? Do they want to fight all the way to my royal court?"

Someone in the 100-man cavalry team asked Ashina Gu worriedly. They had lost confidence in fighting the Tang army. They only had worry and fear in their hearts.

"Do you think they can't defeat us? Haha, let's just go back now and hand the letter to the Khan. We can't decide the war."

Ashina Gu laughed at himself. At this moment, he deeply understood the horror of the Tang army. The thirty immortal Tang guards flying into the sky really shocked him.

In this way, until they advanced two hundred miles, the Tang army finally stopped, which made Ashina Gu and others feel relieved.

However, while he was relieved, Ashina Gu also felt endless panic in his heart. Since the Tang army dared to go so deep, it meant that they were fearless. If their Khan dared to send troops to compete with the Tang Dynasty, I'm afraid the ending will be very ugly.

After all, the horrific scene that happened in Dingxiang City, I'm afraid no one will believe other people's descriptions except those who saw it with their own eyes.

Ashina Gu is now only thinking about how to persuade the Khan. As he rode towards the direction of the royal court, he was deeply worried.

A day and a half later, after almost sleepless travel, Ashina Gu and others finally arrived at the royal court. At this moment, looking at the people of the same tribe around them, this cavalry team of a hundred people almost shed tears.

Finally, the team guarding the royal court discovered Ashina Gu and others.

"Ashina Gu? Aren't you in Dingxiang City? Why are you back to the royal court?"

Ashina Zhen rode his warhorse to Ashina Gu. He was Ashina Gu's brother and the one who was responsible for guarding the royal court.

"Let me see the Khan quickly, Dingxiang City is gone, the Tang army is attacking, they have heavenly soldiers!"

Ashina Gu finally couldn't control his emotions, and the whole person was on the verge of collapse under extreme mental pressure.


Although Ashina Zhen could not understand all of Ashina Gu's words, he also understood that the Tang army had captured Dingxiang City.

However, what happened next was beyond everyone's expectations.

Ashina Zhen slapped Ashina Gu in the face.

"There has never been a deserter in my Ashina clan! Ashina Gu, do you want to bring shame to my clan?"

Ashina was really irritable. He could see that there were no signs of fighting on Ashina Gu's leather armor, and even the hundred men he led had no signs of fighting.

The only explanation for this situation was that Ashina Gu fled Dingxiang City directly when he found that something was wrong!

"You have wronged the general. On that day, the heavenly soldiers of the Tang army descended from the sky. When we were leaving the city to fight the general, dozens of heavenly soldiers descended from the sky. Then the sky was shining brightly, and in an instant, Dingxiang City was gone! It was really gone! The whole city was gone, and my brother was still in the city at that time.……"

Suddenly, a soldier under Ashina Gu took the initiative to come forward and explain in a mournful manner, but it was obvious that no one would believe what he said.

Instead, everyone could see that this team of 100 people had lost the courage of the grassland people. At this moment, they were all cowardly like lambs to be slaughtered.

"Humph! Go explain to the Khan if you have anything to say!"

Ashina Zhen had no sympathy for his brother. He pulled him off the horse and dragged him back to the royal court.

Ten minutes later, Ashina Gu was dragged to the front of Jie Li Khan by his brother in a state of daze.

He climbed up tremblingly, handed the letter from the Tang army to the Khan in person, and then tremblingly explained the situation at that time.

"That day, the Tang army suddenly arrived at Dingxiang City, and about 20,000 people dared to besiege the city.……"

"I led the team out of the city……"

"Dozens of golden lights fell from the sky……"

"My Dingxiang city was reduced to ashes, completely annihilated, everyone was dead, all dead……"

At the end of his speech, Ashina Gu seemed to recall the situation of that day. In the past two days, he kept recalling that scene in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more insignificant and humble he felt.

Finally, after completing his mission and telling Jie Li Khan about the letter and the situation of that day, Ashina Gu's spirit completely collapsed. He went crazy.……

"Dead... all dead……"

"It's over... I'm done with Turk……"

In this way, Ashina Gu talked nonsense in the royal court, and was finally dragged out by Jie Li Khan in front of everyone's cold eyes, beheaded and fed to the wolves.

"Humph! Tang army! How dare you go deep into the heart of my Turkic territory! Ashina Zhen! You muster 100,000 cavalry and destroy the Tang army for me! This time, I will capture Chang'an!"

Jie Li Khan was completely unconvinced, and at the same time, he was even more dismissive of the words on the letter.

At this moment, in a corner, Li Youliang was trembling beside a Turkic general. He knew that no matter whether the Turkic army won or lost this battle, he was finished.

Since the Tang Dynasty had discovered that he had surrendered to the enemy and had even assembled a large army to ask the Turkic army to hand over the people, it meant that Liangzhou was finished. He had lost all his bargaining chips in the Turkic army, and I was afraid that his future would not be easy.

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