In the Qingque Palace, Li Tai was looking through the notifications in the forum with a serious face.

Just now, all members of the forum were automatically tagged in the top post.

The reason was simple, another forum member died, but this time it was not just a time traveler who disappeared.

Now the whole forum is in an uproar, in view of this situation, Li Tai also began to investigate the cause and effect.

Clicking on the homepage of the forum member with the ID"I will not change my name until I become an immortal", Li Tai's attention was immediately attracted by several posts.

In chronological order, the posts posted by this time traveler"I will not change my name until I become an immortal" started to appear yesterday.

The first post:

"Shit, didn’t I travel to a world of immortality? Why are there so many space battleships in the sky? They are extra large ones!"

(Attached picture: Iron battleships across the sky)

Second post:

"Oh my god, I heard from the elders in the sect that this is an alien race from outer space. They came here once a hundred years ago and were wiped out by the elders in the Tribulation Realm. Isn’t this an alien technological civilization?"

(Attached picture: The old man in white clothes looks like an immortal)

The third post:

"Damn it, they issued a worldwide announcement, saying that the Purple Star Civilization army came to seek revenge. A hundred years ago, the big boss of this world traveled to outer space and destroyed their trading fleet. It's so painful.……"

(Attached picture: Kneel down to the boss)

The fourth post:

"Several big guys in the Tribulation Realm took action, but were killed by others. Emmmm... What a magical force field. The big guys in the Tribulation Realm were fixed there and couldn't move.……"

(Attached picture: The death of the robbery master was extremely miserable)

The fifth post:

"A group of people drove mechas to rob my sect... I heard from my master that this is a fairy-level alien race from outer space, and we can't defeat them.……"

(Attached picture: A group of Gundams pressed the disciples of Xianmen to the ground and rubbed them)

The sixth post:

"Finally, they left, but all the big guys in the world of the Tribulation Realm and the Mahayana Realm were dead. What if a sudden beast tide suddenly appeared at this time? Wouldn’t it be the end of us?"

(Attached picture: The sky is still very blue without the space battleship)

The seventh post:

"Holy crap! Holy crap! Holy crap! There’s a huge cannon in the sky! A star destroyer cannon!? ? It’s over!"

(Attached photo: The huge cannon in the sky)

Post 8:

"Brothers, I am finished, the entire world of immortal cultivation is finished, I beg you all to destroy the Purple Star civilization if you see them when you become immortals in the future, and avenge me!……"

(Attached picture: The terrifying shock wave coming in the distance)

So far, Li Tai has browsed all the posts of"I will not change my name until I become an immortal". Seeing this, Li Tai could not help but mourn in silence. It seems that this Taoist friend will not be able to change his name in this lifetime.

Through the forum developer privileges, Li Tai can check that this Taoist friend is completely dead, and his soul is scattered.

This shows how powerful the technological civilization he encountered in his world was. A Mahayana cultivator could be killed with ease, and a planet with an immortal civilization could be destroyed at any time...

At this time, countless posts of silence appeared in the forum.

But in addition to the silence, everyone was alert.

They can't muddle through anymore. Otherwise, what if the natives of their world provoke the big guy? At that time, they will be reduced to ashes while lying down. This way of dying is too tragic.

So, Li Tai silently posted a post

"We, the time travelers, should remember the lesson of fellow Taoist 'I will not change my name until I become an immortal' and must become stronger as soon as possible to avoid being wiped out in the blink of an eye. In addition, I just found out that due to the death of 'I will not change my name until I become an immortal', the forum mall has started to have discounts again, everyone hurry up and buy them!"

Li Tai was like a professional marketing account. He first took advantage of the popularity to warn everyone, and then began to stimulate consumption.

You know, as a developer with rights, the 10% handling fee generated by consumption in the forum goes into Li Tai's balance. He wished that everyone would start spending as soon as they got the forum coins, so that he could have more forum coins to shop.

Not long after Li Tai posted the post, this post instantly built hundreds of floors.

"Wow, a big V with thousands of followers. I’ve joined the forum half a month ago and this is the first time I’ve seen it!"

"The person above is a little surprised. This person is the fourth prince of the Tang Dynasty, a veteran of the forum. He helped many people to survive the early stage with his own strategy."

"Why does it sound so much like a marketing account? (I'm not a troll, just speaking the truth)"

"Can the above poster take a look at the guide to obtaining forum coins? The big guys with high forum influence index will obtain forum coins every day. If you have the ability, you can also become a marketing account."

For a while, Li Tai's post became very lively. Countless old fans set up posts and chatted here. Then, because the posts were too popular, they were discovered by the new time travelers who joined the forum and became Li Tai's new fans.

At this time, Li Tai suddenly discovered a new world.

"Forum influence index? What the hell?"

Li Tai hasn't studied his forum properly for a long time. Recently, he has been busy cultivating himself and has completely forgotten his thousands of fans who travel through time.

So, Li Tai followed the clues and found this function.

This is a function that is enabled after the total number of members of the forum reaches 2,000. This is a list that records the influence index of each forum member in the forum.

The top 100 members can get forum coins for free every day. Of course, the number of forum coins given is very small. Even Li Tai, an old marketing account ranked seventh, only gets 30 forum coins every day.

For someone like Li Tai who has a monthly turnover of nearly 100,000, it is almost negligible.

"It seems that I made the right decision to operate the fans."

Although the forum coins are better than nothing, Li Tai is not happy. After all, it's free, so why not?

Just when Li Tai was about to quit the forum to see the growth of the spiritual grass he planted, another person stopped Li Tai.

"The forum assistant is cleaning up the world CCA-554741, and the world heritage will be auctioned in two hours."

This is a post automatically posted by the forum. Although Li Tai has developer privileges, he is limited by his insufficient knowledge and low cultivation level, and he is not yet clear about the basic operating principles of these forums.

Although he is not clear about the principles, Li Tai is very interested in the auction.

This is a fairy world. Although it was bombarded to pieces by the star destroyer, there must be good things.

And you have to know that this is a heritage salvaged by the forum, and the auction price is definitely lower than the cost plus.

And most importantly, Li Tai is very clear that these people in the forum are poor, and when good things appear, no one will be able to snatch them from him!


Two hours later, the auction started.

When Li Tai saw an item on the auction list, his pupils shrank sharply!

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