The Wu Family Mansion is located in the northeast corner of Chang'an City.

There are many large mansions here, including palaces of kings and ministers.

Wu Shigui had a good vision. Even though the land here is as expensive as gold and he could only live there a few times a year, he still gritted his teeth and bought a mansion in this most prosperous place in the Tang Dynasty.

The mansion with five entrances and exits is decorated with gold and jade, and is extremely luxurious.


As soon as I stepped into the house, a gorgeous lady in gorgeous clothes immediately handed me a towel.


Wu Shigui lowered his brows, wiped his face carelessly, and then sat on the armchair with a towel in his hand, looking depressed.

Seeing him like this, the beautiful woman frowned and asked worriedly:

"Master, what happened?"

"Aren't you meeting His Majesty today? Are things not going well?"

"It's smooth, but..."

Wu Shigui looked like he was troubled, he raised his head, looked at Wu Mu and said,"Where is the girl?"

"This child is going crazy outside!"

When Wu Meiniang was mentioned, her mother's brows suddenly flashed with relief, and she smiled and said,"The capital is much more lively than Jingzhou. This child is not at home all day and plays outside."

"She also said that she wanted to spend more time in the capital city!"

Wu Shigui whispered,"I'm afraid we really have to stay in the capital city for a while longer."


Wu's mother widened her eyes and asked,"What's wrong? Did something happen?""

"His Majesty has arranged a marriage for Mei Niang!"


When Wu's mother heard this, her face was full of joy, and she said,"Your Majesty is personally proposing marriage, this is a grace that others can't even ask for."

"Master, why do you look unhappy?"

Wu Shigui sighed and said,"This grace...It's too heavy, I was knocked unconscious!"

Rolling his eyes at him, Wu's mother sat beside him happily and asked softly,"Which family is it from? Could it be a duke? A prince? Or a founding general?"

Wu Shigui shook his head.


As he said that, he took out the note and said,"Then the person lives at the address above!"

When Wu's mother took it and looked at it, the joy on her pretty face froze.

In the south of the city, most of the people living there are civilians.

The two were silent for a moment, and Wu's mother comforted him,"Master, I think your worry is unreasonable!"

"Your Majesty has granted us a marriage, which is a grace that no one else could even ask for. Since it has been granted to our family, there must be a purpose for it!"

"Thunder, lightning, rain and dew are all grace from the Lord!"

"Don't worry about who he is from, he is just a beggar, we have no right to say no!"

Wu Shigui said aggrievedly:"I am not greedy for power, but I am afraid of Mei Niang...."

Before he could finish his words, a fiery red figure rushed in.

"Dad! Mom! I'm back!"

The girl was about fourteen or fifteen years old, but she was already graceful and charming. Her every move and smile exuded a sense of charm.

"Mei Niang, you're back just in time!"

Wu Shigui raised his head, a look of relief on his face.


Seeing her parents smiling, Wu Meiniang sat down and said with a strange look,"Dad, Mom, what are you looking at?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"We are watching Mei Niang grow up!"

With a wisp of beard, Wu Shigui laughed loudly and said,"You can find a husband now."

With a blush on her pretty face, Wu Meiniang came to her mother's side, hugged her mother like a spoiled child, rubbed her little head against her and said,"I don't want to find a husband. I want to serve you in front of my parents."


Rubbing the little head, Wu's mother glanced at Wu Shigui, and when she saw him nod, she said softly:

"Mei Niang, your father went to the palace to meet the emperor today, and his majesty has arranged a marriage for you!"


Wu Meiniang opened her red lips slightly and raised her head in surprise, then her autumn eyes flashed with surprise.

"Dad, is this true?"


Wu Shigui nodded heavily and said,"Mei Niang, this is a marriage arranged by His Majesty himself, and it is also His Majesty's grace to my Wu family!"

"I do not want..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Wu Shigui frowning, then slowly relaxing his brows.

He knew that his daughter had been smart and independent since she was a child, and was not someone who could be forced, so he said in a gentle tone:

"Although it is a marriage proposal, His Majesty has not finalized the matter!"

"He just gave an address and asked you two to meet first. If you get along well, then he will grant you marriage!"

Wu Meiniang seemed to have found the flaw in this statement. Then her eyes lit up and she said happily:"If I am not satisfied with him, can I..."


Wu Shigui and the other man looked at each other, then smiled bitterly and said,"Of course, if you really don't like me, Daddy would not delay your happiness even if he gave his life!"

"But there is a prerequisite!"

"You are not allowed to refuse deliberately!"

With these words, Wu Meiniang seemed to have taken a reassurance pill and said,"I know, I know!"

"My daughter will go see that guy tomorrow! Let's see what kind of person he is that His Majesty can personally propose marriage to him."

"But I have to make it clear in advance, my husband, you must be able to pacify the world with your writing skills, and you must be able to rule the world with your martial arts skills!"

"If he can't do it, then I can't blame my daughter!"

With a stamp of her feet, Wu Meiniang went back in a hurry.

"This child!"

The couple smiled bitterly and shook their heads helplessly.......

As for Li Nian, he had been back from Wugong County for a few days, and the business of Yanshan was already on track.

Every day, salt powder was transported from Gaoshan Town to the city, and then the military households hired by Li Nian in Sujia Lane refined it into edible salt, and finally sold it directly to the government.

After one trip, he could make a profit of several hundred taels of silver.

Today, Sujia Lane is very lively. With a fixed business, Li Nian bought an abandoned house in the alley and used it as a salt production site.���There are dozens of people working here every day.

Among these salt-making workers, Li Nian first hired military households with financial difficulties.

In Sujia Lane, the young boys have nothing to do all day, but they are full of energy. They are good workers, and Li Nian treats them the best.

A salt-making worker has food and drink included, and can get two strings of money every month!

One person can support a family of four or five people!

This kind of treatment is not even comparable to those who work as petty officials in the government office. For a time, Li Nian's reputation in Sujia Lane spread in a very short time.

The salt factory is managed by Su Laodi, and Su Yang helps him. Li Nian can be at ease as a hands-off shopkeeper.

He just needs to take time to take a look and make arrangements.

Today is the day to go to the salt factory as usual, but he did not go. He waited at home early in the morning. Because Li Er sent a message yesterday, saying that he had found a teacher for him and asked him to wait at home today.

Outside Sujia Lane.

A thin and capable old man followed Li Shimin closely, talking non-stop.

That's right, this thin old man was the number one troll in the Tang Dynasty, Wei Zheng!

"Your Majesty, what is the talent of this student you found for me? Who taught him? How is his academic performance?"

"Let me make it clear first, there are three things I won’t teach: stupid, lazy, foolish. If someone is any of these three, I won’t even look at him!"

Li Shimin paused, turned around, and said with his eyes flashing,"Don't worry!"

"The student I found for you is extremely intelligent and rare in the world!"

"Hardworking and simple, unparalleled in the world!"

""You are smart in dealing with people, a rare talent among men!"

There is no way, those who are spoiled are so fearless!

Only Wei Zheng could do that. If another minister dared to talk to Li Shimin like that, he would have been beaten up long ago. Why would he compete with him?

"You two must have the same temper!"

Seeing Li Shimin's assurance, Wei Zheng kept silent.

He is brave, not lucky!

He dared to argue with the emperor with reason and evidence. Now that the emperor has said so, he is still comparing with him. Does he think his life is too long?

When he came to the outside of Li Nian's courtyard, Li Shimin said,"Don't reveal my identity!"

""I obey your order!"

Wei Zheng shook his sleeves and bowed in response.

Li Shimin had told him this many times. Although he didn't understand, he couldn't disobey the emperor's order.

Besides, who knew what the emperor was thinking? He just did it.

"Okay, knock on the door!"

""Bang, bang, bang!"

After three knocks on the door, a handsome and tall young man opened the door, bowed and said,"I am Li Nian, your student, and I am honored to meet you, sir!"......

PS: It will be available at 12:00, and it will be 20,000 words long.

It is very difficult to write original works. This book is slow to warm up, but the update volume is large. I also hope that the big guys can support the first order after reading this. Thank you.

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