Chapter 383

His Majesty Yuan Cheng's Mo Jun did not expect the Feng Army in Changdu City to attack the city so quickly. People rushed to face it, but the walled camps of Yingzhai were relying on them, and they were not too afraid of the Feng Army.

However, the camp village they are using is far less sturdy than the Panling camp village. At this time, the camp village was temporarily set up. At the time of the construction, Mo Jun never thought that the 100 battle army could still be killed. The workmanship was rough, and It was cut corners and speculation, and it would be okay if the Battlegrounds did not come down, but now the Battlegrounds came over, and all the problems when the camp was built were immediately exposed.

Taking advantage of the inadequate preparations of Mo Jun, the soldiers of the hundred battles rushed directly under the wall, and the muffled sound of the soldiers' armor hitting the wall was continuous.

Originally, the 100-army army was preparing to set up a ladder to climb the wall, but as more brothers rushed over, they hit the wall more and more frequently, and they found that the wall of the Mo Junying village was shaking continuously. .

Seeing this, the soldiers of the hundred battle army were all stunned. How did Mo Jun's camp built?

The general who took the lead responded first, shouting and shouting at the soldiers around him: "Brothers work together and knock me out of the enemy's wall!"

His voice awakened everyone around him, and all the soldiers in the battle who had reacted came to their spirits. They all swarmed under the wall, shouting loudly, and struggling to hit the wall desperately.

Under their collision, the wall of the wall shook even more. Many Mo Jun who stood on the wall couldn't control his body, and involuntarily planted it from one end of the wall.

If it falls inside the camp, it ’s better. The big deal is a fall, but if you fall outside the camp, the result is miserable. You do n’t have to wait for them to climb up from the ground. In the sea of ​​people, even the complete body could not be found in the end, but only a pool of fuzzy flesh was left.

With more and more generals fighting against the wall, and the wall was shaking more and more, Mo Jun in the camp naturally felt the crisis, and under the order of the general Mo Jun, a large number of Mo The sergeant moved to a wooden stake and stood against the wall, hoping to block the impact of the battlefield outside.

It's just that Mo Jun was in a position to hold a Buddha's foot. Although they used a lot of wooden stakes to stand against the wall, they still couldn't resist the brute force of the generals of the battle.

The fighting between the two sides did not start for a long time. Suddenly, a series of crunching and clicking sounds were heard. The wall of Mo Junying Village, which was five or six meters wide, collapsed, and the wooden pillars that stood against the wall were broken.

At the moment when the wall of the wall fell to the ground, the generals of the battlefield outside also poured into the camp of Mo Jun as the tide.

This time, Mo Jun panicked. If there is a walled wall to rely on, they still have the confidence to fight against the battlefield army, but now the wall is down, the battlefield army can come in unimpeded and rush in, what else do they use to fight against Zhen manpower?

Woe does not come alone. At the same time as the Battle of the Hundred Army broke into the Mo Jun camp, behind the Mo Jun camp, the main force of the wind army led by Tang Yin was killed again. At this point, Mo Jun's attention was on the side of the Hundred Battles, where did he think of the enemy behind him.

In the case of the enemy on both sides, Yuan Cheng's people were completely out of order. Some Mo Jun ran forward and wanted to defend against the 100 War Army, while some Mo Jun ran backwards to resist the main force of the Wind Army. There was no unity. Command, Mo Jun scurrying around, I don't know which side to focus on.

Camp Mo has been blooming everywhere, and scuffles are happening everywhere, while Yuan Cheng is still sleeping in his camp. In the evening, he had just had a drink with the coaches of the other three army troops. Due to his recent achievements and promotion, Yuan Cheng was in a good mood and drunk a lot. Until he was drunk, he was supported by his guards. Returning to his camp, when he returned, he fell asleep in the bed.

Just as Yuan Cheng was still dreaming on the bed, he suddenly heard someone calling for him. He clicked, and it took a lot of effort to open the hazy drunken eyes, and found that Shen Yuan and many guards were gathered beside his bed, staring at him with wide eyes.

Yuan Cheng frowned, struck the tingling head with a strong force, and asked indistinctly: "What are you all doing here?" Talking, he suddenly noticed the chaos outside the account, shouting again and again He gasped, and he gasped for a couple of breaths, questioning: "What's going on outside? Why is it so messy?"

"General, bad things!" Shen Yuan trembled while wiping the cold sweat of his forehead. "The wind army steals the camp at night and has now entered our camp. It is a battle or a withdrawal. The general will make a decision soon!"

"Oh!" Yuan Cheng first responded lightly. After a while, his eyes widened sharply, he raised his head, looked at Shen Yuan in disbelief, and his drunken face was swept away. He asked in surprise: "You ... what did you say? The wind army has entered our barracks?"

"Yes, general, the wind army has a large number of troops, our army is difficult to resist, general, what can we do now?" Shen Yuan was sweating anxiously, and his features were quickly twisted into a ball.

Damn! This sentence completely awakened Yuan Cheng. He got up from the bed with a bone, staring at Shen Yuan with his eyes staring, and after a short while, he stirred Ling Ling into a cold war and screamed: "Then you still stand What are you doing here? Send someone to the other three battalions for rescue! "

"People have been sent, but the wind army has too many troops. Our army is afraid ... I am afraid that we will not be able to persist in the reinforcements!"

"What?" Yuan Cheng was dumbfounded. The other three battalions were close to his own camp. Even the furthest south camp could be reached within an hour! How many troops did the Fengjun come to make it too late for rescue?

"Feng Jun ... how many troops?"

"There are no bounds, no people." Shen Yuan trembled. "The hundreds of battles in Changdu City have poured out. The main force of more than 400,000 wind forces has also come in from the back of our battalion. OK? "

Shen Yuan is a strategist, so it is okay for him to make plans. Leading soldiers to fight is a layman. Now the situation of Mo Jun is in a critical situation.

Yuan Chengteng stood up and pushed Shen Yuan away. He didn't even care to wear shoes. He pulled out the sword hanging from the side, barefoot, holding the sword, and staggered out of the camp. When he got out of the account, Yuan Cheng couldn't help breathing down.

The camp of Mo Jun has been turned into a pot of congee. Looking up, everywhere you look, there are flags of the wind army. There are everywhere the generals of the wind army. The wind army with red hats and black uniforms on top. It's almost like an ant. It's dark and dense, and you can't tell the number.

It's over! The cause of my own hard work is ruined! The scene in front of him made Yuan Chengxin half-hearted, staying still, not moving.

"There are enemy forces here as well." Someone suddenly shouted not far from Yuan Cheng. Then, the three soldiers armed with swords and spears, and the tigers in the mountains rushed towards Yuan Cheng.

Yuan Cheng is not a general, he is superb, and his skill cannot be underestimated. When the three wind sergeants rushed to him, the latter suddenly came back to him, without thinking, throwing his arms was a sword, and chopped it out. His move was fast and sudden. The first Sergeant who rushed over didn't even see what was going on, so he was chopped by Yuan Cheng's sword. With a snapping sound, Feng Jun's His head rolled to the ground from his shoulders, and the headless corpse ran forward two more steps before making a thump.

Seeing his companion's tragic death in the enemy's hands, the other two Sergeants of the Wind, like crazy, slashed at Yuan Cheng with a knife.

Which of the latter put them in their eyes, the two Fengjun came out first, but Yuan Cheng's sword pierced their chests one step before, and the two Feng Sergeants each screamed, then fell to the ground.

Yuan Cheng killed three wind troops cleanly and low, but his actions also attracted more wind troops.

The densely packed wind army was surrounded by Yuan Cheng in all directions. At this time, the guards in the camp rushed out to protect Yuan Cheng's right and left. Yuan Yuan was also among them, pulling his neck and shouting, "Protect the general! Come on Protect the generals! "

Said to protect the general, in fact, he wanted to make himself more secure.

It was just that his yelling didn't call many Mo Jun, but he attracted a lot of nearby wind troops. Seeing more enemies around him, Yuan Cheng was so angry that he grabbed Shen Yuan's collar, angrily He yelled, "Stop shit!"

Talking, he pushed Shen Yuan away fiercely again, and then shouted to the surrounding guards: "Brothers break out with me!"

At this time, Feng Jun had surrounded them with three layers inside and three layers outside, and wanted to break out. How easy is it?

Now Yuan Cheng has also stepped out, spiritualized the sword in his hand, and covered his armor, and rushed into the army camp first.

Yuan Cheng's Lingwu is really good ~ ~ The spirit sword is in his hand, flying down and dancing, and the surrounding wind army sticks to death, and it dies when he touches it. In the end, he was really killed by him. .

When he rushed out of the siege, fled to a relatively quiet place, and looked back, the three guards who were following him left only three people, but Shen Yuan, who was not able to fight and was not a war, was miraculous. Followed him and escaped.

With a sweaty face, Shen Yuan looked nervously and asked tremblingly, "General, where should we run now?"

Yuan Cheng didn't know where he should run. Now he has completely disrupted the game. No matter which direction he looks in, there is a figure of Feng Jun. It seems that no matter where he runs, it is not safe.

Seeing him silent, Shen Yuan was the six gods without a master, stuttering, "General ... we ... we will not die here today ..."

He was right! Shen Yuan's voice didn't fall. Suddenly, his body froze. Then, he lowered his head slowly, only to see a dripping arrow on his chest.

The arrow was inserted from behind his back and reached out on his chest, directly penetrating his body.

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