Chapter 679

After clearing the trap of Liu Zhang and others, the Plains Army did not return to the Maban division, but continued westward and proceeded inland to Piar. &&

At the same time, Xiao Muqing also returned to Jiudi, temporarily recruited 20,000 Qiang local troops, and asked him to bring more guides to understand the terrain of Piar.

If you don't understand the terrain, you are fighting with your eyes closed, and you will never win your opponent.

Ten days later, the reinforcements sent by Pangdi merged with the Plains Army, and by the way, supplemented the Plains Army's armaments. Later, Xiao Muqing ordered that instead of marching slowly, the entire army advance at full speed.

The Plains Army advanced all the way, and in less than 20 days, they even took the three cities of Mount Budun, Deliki and Huahu, and then Tegea, the capital of Peial.

At this time, the Plains Army was more than 250 miles away from Tegea. According to the general army's marching speed, it took three days to reach Tegea.

Piial urgently dispatched troops from various places, and wanted to assemble a large army here in the capital, and fight the Plains Army to death.

But what Piarre never expected was that the Plains Army rushed to Tegea in only one day. When the day was getting brighter and the city guards looked to the outside, the Plains Army was already incredible.

It traveled two hundred and fifty miles, and it was still a legionary march, carrying a large amount of supplies and grain. This seemed to many people to be impossible anyway, but the plain army just did it, and the entire legion was like Suddenly falling from the sky to the front of Tegea.

Tegea City was inadequately prepared to rush into the battle, and it can be said that it had been passive since the beginning of the battle.

Seeing that the Plains Army ’s offensive is getting more and more fierce, and the defenders are becoming more and more difficult to resist, under the helpless circumstances, King Pavila of Pial sent a messenger to submit a surrender table to the Plains Army and wrote to Xiao Muqing Wrote a letter.

The general meaning is to persuade Xiao Muqing not to fight again, and Piar has already served, and will never invade the wind country in the future, and is willing to pay tribute to the wind country every year.

Regarding Biar's descending list, Xiao Muqing's reply was three words: not accept. It was you who provoked the war at the beginning, but now the war is tight, but you don't want to fight anymore. Where does the war start when you want to start, and end when you want to end it?

Xiao Muqing ordered the generals to continue to siege the city, in any case, to win Tegeya before dark.

At present, the garrison in Tegea is only 20,000 people. Even if the city is strong and easy to defend, it will not be able to resist the storm of more than 100,000 people.

Pavila was the first one who couldn't sit still, abandoning the national capital, carrying family members, ministers, and pro-guards, and fled from the west.

As the king fled, Teggia's garrison defeated even faster. By the afternoon of the war, the east wall of the city was finally broken by the Plains Army.

A large number of wind troops poured into the city from outside the city, and the red-eyed wind man was more brutal and violent than the Piar.

After entering the city, it doesn't matter whether the other party is an army soldier or an ordinary people. Whenever they see people, they kill. When they see money, they rob them. They don't let go of large objects and buildings that cannot be carried away, and they are set on fire.

For a moment, the gigantic city of Peyar, Tegea, was so bright that it turned into a sea of ​​fire. The streets and alleys in the city bleed into a river, and the bodies and stumps of the limbs were like **** on earth.

After learning that the king of Piare fled from the west of the city, the 'Student Army' led by Liu Zhang, Bai An, Yan Yan, Xu You, and Xiong Gu immediately chased and killed the city. They did not hate King Piar so much, but they could not stay in the city at all.

The plain army killed people like hemp and killed a large number of civilians. They really watched it. Of course, they couldn't stop it. This was war. This was the cruelty of the war. It was also the case when the Piale army invaded Qinglin County.

Pavila ran too fast, Liu Zhang and others chased more than ten miles, and found no trace of the other party. Due to the lessons learned this time, they did not dare to chase down blindly again, and immediately returned to the army.

Under the ravages of the Plains Army, Tegea City was looted, and hundreds of thousands of nobles, civilians, and slaves were mostly killed and buried in the sea of ​​fire. A large number of women and children were captured by the Plains Army as Booty desire to bring back the wind country.

After torching Tegea to a torch, Xiao Muqing heard that the tomb of successive monarchs of the Piar Kingdom was near Tegea, and he ordered it without even thinking about it, digging his grave and plundering money.

Such a brutal approach made Liu Zhang and others feel too much, and the killing was not enough. Since King Piar had already fled, why dig another's ancestor's grave?

Xiao Muqing answered bluntly. Now that the national treasury is empty in this country, where does the military expenditure and expenditure of this levy come from? Of course the wool came out of the sheep.

If it is not possible to recover military expenditures from this war, make up for the loss of Qinglin County, and earn enough benefits, then what significance does it have for this war?

Fighting is to make money, not to lose money. This is the consistent tradition and code of operation of the wind army. After hearing what Mu Muqing said, Liu Zhang and others had nothing to say.

Next, the Plains Army carried out a large-scale excavation and plunder of Pial's ancestral tombs, and the treasures in the tombs were robbed of all.

It feels that the gold and silver jewelry plundered by oneself is almost the same. Xiao Muqing then ordered the army to retreat. On the road to withdraw the native land of the wind country, the wind army also looted, killed and destroyed the Piar towns along the way.

In Xiao Muqing's words, he would either not fight, or beat Pial in one go, so that they would only be able to restore their vitality in the next ten or twenty years, and they would not be able to violate the borders of the wind country.

This time the plain army's long-distance raid did hurt Piar.

Not only the country was destroyed, but also the ancestral tombs and more than a dozen towns. The number of casualties was not too much, about 100,000, while the civilians killed were more than 1 million, and tens of thousands of women And children are captured in the wind country and serve as slaves.

It's impossible to count how much gold and silver were plundered by the Pyramid this time. The carriages carrying trophies alone were divided into more than ten batches. The number of carriages in each batch was between 200 and 300. The last batch He returned to Zhenjiang with the Plains Army, and there were as many as 500 carriages.

The Ming dynasty of each batch of trophies was put together, and it was more than one foot tall. The richness of this trophy made Tang Yin stunned.

In order to show the results of the victory of the wind army and to enhance the pride, self-confidence, and cohesion of the people in the country, Tang Yin also ingeniously ordered the construction of an exhibition hall in Zhenjiang to display some exquisite booty and open it to the public.

The construction of the exhibition hall was the first of its kind at the time, but for Tang Yin, it was nothing new.

Because the battle against Piar was very fruitful, Tang Yin, who tasted the sweetness, immediately showed his militant nature. He let the class army return to the Plains Army to rest in Zhenjiang, and the other side ordered the Liang Shui Army headed by Liang Qi. Continue to send troops to Pial without any offensive goal and focus. The only purpose is to plunder to fill the empty state treasury.

In Tang Yin's view, none of the fiscal revenue of running the country has been fun and generous.

At that time, Pial thought that the wind country was a sheep, and wanted to take advantage of the wind country in the unsteady gap to make a fortune, but the wind country was not a head wolf, but also a very vicious and insatiable hungry wolf. Even now they don't want to, and dare not provoke the wind country, but the fierce wind army still comes one after another.

Tang Yin was very excited about the battle of the Plains Army. He specially invited Xiao Muqing to let him explain in detail the details of the battle and the performance of Liu Zhang and others on the battlefield.

Xiao Muqing said in a fifteen and tenth sentence. In the end, he greatly praised the performance of the 'Student Army', especially Liu Zhang. In his opinion, this person is a natural general, and with time, It will surely shine in the future.

Tang Yin laughed as he listened. In his impression, Xiao Muqing had never praised a person so much. He said: "Looking at the returned battle report, it was mentioned that Liu Zhang made his own claim and pursued the enemy. As a result, the mistake made by Fan Xia almost led to the annihilation of the entire army."

"It is true, but the end will only say that the flaws are not covered." Xiao Muqing said positively: "Experience, tactics and strategy can be mastered through acquired learning, but on the battlefield, a keen sense of smell, and combat aircraft However, Liu Chang's grasp and his courageous personality are born, and he can't learn it the day after tomorrow. "

Rarely, Xiao Muqing praised an afterlife. Tang Yin looked at him with a smile and said, "So, I really chose the right person."

"Yes, King. In fact, the general will also have the intention to keep him with him. If one day ... the general will not be in the army ~ ~ Liu Zhang can also take over the banner of the plain army!"

Upon hearing this, Tang Yin's face disappeared instantly, her face sank, and she calmly said, "Where can you be if you are not in the army? The Plain Army was built by you, and it is also the one that I trust most and can entrust. Legion, even if you are seventy or eighty, you have to give me the job! "

Although Tang Yin's words were outrageous, it moved Xiao Muqing so much. As a courtier, it was no regret in this life to have the trust and respect of the King.

He bowed his head and said, "Isn't the king often saying that the earthen jar is not broken from the wellhead, will the general inevitably die ..."

Even such a powerful Wu Guang can be damaged before the battle, let alone himself?

"This is for others, not for you!" Tang Yinteng stood up, walked to Xiao Muqing, then slowly crouched, and said quietly: "Although you and I are monarchs, I have always put You think of it as your elder brother. You helped me down the rivers and mountains of the wind country. When I do n’t want to enjoy the rivers and mountains, I am the only one left. ”

Xiao Muqing heard the words moving, her eyes were red, she got up on her knees, and trembled, "If you have the king's words, even if you make the generals crush their bones, they will not hesitate!"

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