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The terrain around Lingyun Mountain is steep and easy to set, especially suitable for a small number of assassins to set up attacks. However, there was no accident when the team passed Lingyun Mountain and they passed without hindrance.

After Lingyun Mountain, the next journey was much smoother. According to Tang Yin's calculations, in another two days, Xiao Xiang's ceremonial feet could go out of Bianyang County and enter the boundary of Shengping County. At that time, he should return to the wind. Country.

To make a long story short, two days later, the guard of honor team arrived at the junction of Bianyang County and Seongpyeong County, and then proceeded about a hundred miles to the town of Lesha in Tong County, Shengping County.

At this point, it was dark, and the honour guard's leader would specifically ask Xiao Xiang whether he had travelled a hundred miles to live in Lesha or stayed in place until the day dawned.

The night march was inconvenient, and it was easy to get bored by the assassins. Xiao Xiang considered for a moment and ordered the general to camp in situ. Tonight, his party was out in the wild.

The Lord would have no objection, and took the order to bring the guard of honor to the woods not far from the official road, set up camp in the forest, and personally instructed his soldiers, Chuan Bingchuan, to arm around the camp.

The team lived here temporarily for one night. The camp was very rude. Only a few tents were set up for the princess and the accompanying guards to rest. Most of the soldiers lay directly on the grass and slept with soldiers and clothes.

Tang Yin, Yin Lan, A San A Si, Ren Xiao, and Chang Feng were also in the camp. They sat around a bonfire and whispered to discuss the next itinerary.

Asan whispered, "Master, now the princess's ceremonies have entered Shengping County safely. Should we return home?"

Yin Lan nodded his head and replied: "This is a very peaceful journey. It seems that the assassins should not appear again. We have to return home as soon as possible, otherwise we will continue to go deeper, for fear that it will be difficult to get out in the future."

Tang Yin no longer objected this time. He nodded and said, "Okay! When tomorrow, when the honor guard goes to Lesha City, we will find a chance to return to Bianyang County."

Hearing that he finally agreed to return to China, everyone's face showed joy, after all, the country of Sichuan was too dangerous. If he could leave earlier, it would be a little less dangerous.

They were talking. Two Sichuan soldiers came over. Everyone looked at them and they were all 'old acquaintances'. These days, Tang Yin and others are at the end of the guard of honor.

The two Sichuan soldiers grew one and one young, the young were less than twenty, and the older one was nearly forty. The two came with a smile and asked, "What are the brothers talking about?"

Yin Lan and others shut up, no one answered. Tang Yinhan raised his head with a smile, and smiled, "It's nothing, just talk about something new on the road."

"Oh!" The older Chuan Bing sat down beside Tang Yin, then looked around and shook his head and said, "Your brothers don't seem to love talking!"

Tang Yin smiled on his back, and followed his words: "Yeah, they are all stuffy, only I have the most words."

The senior Chuanbing was also happy. After waiting for a while, he converged and smiled slightly, and said, "Little brother, my brother is here to resign to you. We will return to the county town tomorrow when we arrive in Lesha, these We get to know each other when we get along, but I don't know if we can see you again in the future. "

If he didn't say, Tang Yin almost forgot that a considerable part of the Sichuan soldiers in the ceremonies were the county army of Bianyang County. Now that they have reached the boundary of Shengping County, the protection of the princess must be taken over by the local army there. The county army must also withdraw from the county.

He smiled slightly and patted the veteran's shoulder, and said, "We also have to go back to the edge of Bianyang County. When we pass the county town, my brothers and I will visit you again!"

"It's so good!" Said the old soldier with a smile on his face. "Don't forget to come to me then, my brother and I will be the hosts, and entertain your brothers!"

"Haha!" Tang Yin laughed. "Then I would like to thank the brothers on behalf of my brothers."

"What are you polite to?"

The veteran chatted with Tang Yin for a while, then got up and left. After he left, Tang Yin waved to the crowd and said, "It's not too early, and everyone should rest quickly. Tomorrow, I'm afraid we have to catch the day, and we must have enough energy tonight."

The crowd nodded and lay down beside the campfire. Tang Yin slept fast, and before lying down for a long time, her breathing became lengthy and well-balanced.

No matter what the circumstances, the shortest time to go to sleep, the greatest possible recovery of energy and physical strength, which is also a good habit he has developed over the years.

At night, the dark clouds covered the moon, the bonfire in the camp gradually weakened, and eventually went out one after another, and the forest began to become dark, and no fingers were reached.

When Wu Gengtian waited, Tang Yin in his sleep suddenly opened his eyes. He lay in place and didn't move. After waiting for a while, there was a flash of light in his eyes.

He didn't hear abnormal noises, nor did he see the enemy, but he keenly smelled a **** smell, and the dense jungle around the camp did not know when it was full of murderous energy.

There are enemies! This was Tang Yin's first reaction. He subconsciously clasped the sabre under his ribs and pulled out a piece. sand! Jian Feng came out of the sheath and made a subtle sound, but this subtle sound was enough to wake up the surrounding Yin Lan and others.

People opened their eyes inconsistently, and saw Tang Yin still lying on the ground, but his sword was also half pulled out, and the sword's edge was shining with a gloomy cold light in the night.

"Big ..." Yin Lan trembled and asked to sit up. Tang Yin hurled a hush, motioning to Yin Lan not to talk or move.

Seeing Tang Yin's dignified face, the quilted tiger's eyes flowed from time to time, even if they didn't know what was going on, everyone could guess. They were all stiff, and they were lying motionless, as Tang Yin said.

After waiting for about two or three minutes, people still haven't noticed anything different. Ren Xiao couldn't help asking: "His Royal Highness, what's wrong?"

"Someone is dead, there may be enemies in the forest!" Tang Yin also said quietly.

Is there an enemy? Everyone was startled, their eyes moved subconsciously, and they looked into the woods around them.

The forest was dark, quiet, and wherever the eyes were, it was dark except for the darkness, and it was impossible to see what was inside. Even Chang Feng failed to detect what was wrong in the forest.

Chang Feng's perception ability is extremely acute, as long as there is a spiritual practitioner nearby, he cannot escape his perception. However, there are many spiritual practitioners in the Sichuan Army. They are scattered around the camp. Even if there is a sneak attack, he cannot tell whether it is the Assassin or the Sichuan Army.

Tang Yin's feeling was right. There were indeed assassins in the woods, and it was not one or two people, but as many as dozens of hundreds of assassins.

This group of assassins is staggering in number, all covered with black spirit armor and holding steel bows in their hands. What is particularly unexpected is that there are also a large number of dark spiritual practitioners.

The assassins seemed to know the Sichuan Army's defense well. Whether it was a bright whistle or a dark whistle, they knew where they were. Before the people arrived, the spirit arrows had already shot.

The spirit arrows they fired were too powerful and the rate of fire was too fast. Most of the Sichuan soldiers on guard and sentry were shot and killed by them without any response.

In addition, the arrows of these assassins are so precise that they can hit the opponent's neck without firing arrows, making the Sichuan soldiers die instantly after hitting the arrows, and they can't even scream.

They killed more than a hundred Sichuan soldiers in the forest. From beginning to end, there was no sound in the woods, and the main force of the Sichuan army in the camp was not alarmed.

The assassin gradually approached the camp, alas, with the sound of the rapid wind breaking, another spirit arrow shot out. A Sichuan soldier squatting on the treetop and sent a whistle was hit directly by his throat with this arrow. The spirit arrow penetrated his neck, deep Deeply nailed in the trees, Nachuan soldier's body stood upright and was nailed directly to the tree.

The muffled sound of the spirit arrow penetrating the human body finally alarmed the Sichuan soldiers who stood guard at the gate of the camp. Several Sichuan soldiers looked at each other, then held the torch up, and invariably walked into the woods.

As he was walking forward, a Sichuan soldier suddenly heard a tick. It seemed that something had fallen on his helmet. He instinctively raised his hand and touched it. The helmet was sticky, and he put his hand down and looked at it. It was red.

is blood! Chuan Bing was frightened, and he looked up in a hurry, only to see a Chu Bing's body hung on a tree trunk, his legs were suspended, and he shook back and forth. Drip down.

what? Chuan Bing's head buzzed, his mouth opened wide, and he was about to scream, but suddenly, several dark shadows suddenly appeared around them, and they didn't even see what was going on. After a series of cold light flashed, People have fallen into the pool of blood at the same time.

Dark spiritual practitioners are born assassins, and the drift of shadows makes them ghosts and ghosts. After killing all the Sichuan soldiers, the assassins looked around for a week ~ ~ and saw no other Sichuan soldiers, so they beckoned to the rear.

I only heard the sound of rustle in the woods, and came out to squeeze a large group of spiritual practitioners. No one spoke. They all acted in unison. They picked up the steel bows in their hands and pulled out the sabers under the ribs. past.

Even inside the camp, there were Sichuan soldiers on guard or on patrol. When the assassins rushed to the camp where Xiao Xiang was staying, they hit a team of Sichuan soldiers patrolling the place.

Deep in the camp of his own side, when he suddenly saw such a large group of dark shadows rushing forward, the Sichuan soldiers could not react for a while, and they could not tell whether they were friends or foes.

But they have n’t waited for them to ask. The sky full of electric light has flew over first. After the electric light has passed, then look at the team of Sichuan soldiers. Everyone is full of spiritual swords. In a pool of blood.

The shadows kept their speed and continued to fly forward. When they ran past the corpse of Chuan Bing, they pulled out their own swords one by one.

These people are not so much assassins, but rather troops that have undergone strict formal training. They are united in action and skilled in cooperation, and they have reached a level where they do not need to communicate with each other.

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