Chapter 121

Xiao Xiang emulates Tang Yin and goes to the disaster-stricken Linqiao County to rescue himself. Although Tang Yin is a step ahead, Xiao Xiang brings a uniform cavalry and horse team, which is much faster than Tang Yin's team.

唐 When Tang Yin arrived in Heping County, it was more than half a month later.

Xijishui is the largest river in Zhendi. From west to east, it not only crosses Zhendi, but also flows through Sichuan. It also crosses the entire Sichuan, and finally merges into the sea in the east of Sichuan.

In Zhendi, it's called Jishui, and in Chuandi, it's called Tianjiang. The Tianshang Grand Canal now built by the Chuan Kingdom runs through it and Shangjiang. Shangjiang.

This season, the flood waters caused many disasters in Zhendi, and the two most serious counties are Heping County, a genus of winds, and Linqiao County, which is directly under the imperial court.

Before Tang Yin entered Heping County, she could feel the seriousness of the disaster, and all the people she met along the way were refugees.

After entering the territory of Heping County, there were more people who had fled. They flocked in groups and dragged their families around. It was a little reassuring that there was such a big disaster in the local area, but there was no scene of dead bodies. People Although his face was yellow and thin, he never saw anyone starve to death or even starve to death.

The county town of Heping County is Xiucheng, and it is no longer possible. Xiucheng has been flooded into a water city. At present, the only city in Heping County that has not been affected is Zhengyang.

Tong Zhengyang is located in the northern part of Heping County. The officials of Heping County and even the entire county are now gathered in Zhengyang City.

When Tang Yin came to Zhengyang with the food team, the head of the county, Yao Lixuan, and his officials went out to greet him.

Yao Li is a virgin, and the officials below are also virgins. After the wind army occupied Heping County, it only wiped out the zhen army here. As for the local officials, it was not immediately replaced, or the wind country had not yet had the time Jodi's local officials made the replacement.

I knew that he was only temporarily named, but Yao Li still respected Tang Yin. After all, He Ping County now belongs to Feng Guo, and Wind King Tang Yin is also his king, and this time the Wind King can come forward personally The disaster relief made Yao Li admire him.

After seeing Tang Yin, officials headed by Yao Li bowed their heads. Tang Yin stepped out of the carriage and glanced outside. Okay, there was a large piece of kneeling in front of him. He jumped out of the carriage and walked closer to Yao Li, who first examined him carefully.

He has heard about Yao Li and knows that this person is very powerful. When Zhen Guo was still there, he was the county head of Heping County, and then Zhen Guo was annexed by Sichuan. He was fired and dismissed, but only after more than three months, Sichuan Guo re-hired him, just a post Downgraded, changed from county head to vice county head. Later, Li Shu rebelled, smashed the Sichuan people, and restored Zhen State. At that time, many county heads and capitals of Zhendi were beheaded to show the public, but Yao Li was not affected, but he was promoted back to the county head of Heping County. Now, Li Shu is overthrown, and Heping County belongs to Fengguo. He is still the county head of Heping County. Speaking of which, Yao Li has gone through several changes and dynasties, and he has been sitting firmly at the head of the county. Naturally, he can also see his excellence.

After looking at the legendary Yao Li for a while, Tang Yin slowly said, "Master Yao gets up and talks!"

"Xie Wang!" Yao Li responded and stood up.

大王? It was pretty smooth! In Yao Li, Tang Yin didn't see a little bit of the indomitable spirit of the virgins. Based on this alone, Tang Yin had a very bad impression of Yao Li.

Heping County changed from Zhen genus to Sichuan genus, then back to zhen genus, and then became the current genus. After so many changes of dynasties, Yao Li was not affected in any way, indicating that he is also a typical person. Grass on the wall, falling on both sides.

After waiting for Yao Li to stand up, Tang Yin asked casually, "I don't know how many years Mr. Yao has been the county head in Heping County?"

Yao Yao left for a while, then carefully said, "Return to King Wang, Wei Chen has been the county head of Heping County for 13 years!"

"Thirteen years ?!" Tang Yin looked at him with surprise, Yao Li was in his forties, so in his 20s, he was already the top of the county, but It's also interesting that he didn't get any chance of promotion for more than ten years.

又 He asked, "How many floods have Heping County experienced in these 13 years?"

Yao Yaoli sighed and said, "It will happen every two or three years."

"Every two to three years, disaster will occur once, and as the first 13 years of the county, hasn't Yao Governed it once?" Tang Yin raised his eyebrows and said, "In 13 years, it's not enough for Yao to be here. Is there a sturdy **** built along Jishui's shore? "

"I don't know what the king is!" Before Yao Li spoke, an official stepped forward and saluted, saying, "There is no mountain in Heping County, the soil is loose and there is no quarrying. It is impossible to build a dam."

Tang Yin glanced at the official who helped Yao Li speak, chuckled and said, "Heping County has no mountains and no quarrying. Is there no mountain in the whole land and no quarrying?"

官员 The official frowned, lowered his head, and whispered, "To quarry in Shire, it will take manpower and money!"

"What do you mean?" Although the official spoke quietly, Tang Yin could hear it clearly, his eyes shot out, and he looked at him coldly.

Yao Li waved his hand to him secretly, begging him not to talk, but the official pretended not to see it, took his heart to the side, and said to Tang Yin positively, "No matter what country the county belongs to, the court only knew Xiang Ben The county asked for money and food, but never replenished the money and food. However, it is necessary to build dams along the shore of the quarterly water. How much manpower and money will be needed? How can a county make it? , Has been cowardly for a long time. In the past years, if it was not for the support of Lord Yao, the people of Heping County would have died, and Heping County would have become a barren land! Now that the king has proclaimed Mingjun, he is also looking forward to the king Can save hundreds of thousands of people in Heping County and the county ... "

"Bold!" Before he finished speaking, Asan and Asi, standing around Tang Yin, drank in unison. Then, Asan yelled to the guards behind him: "This man dares to be disrespectful to the king and immediately takes it!"

The word 'self-confidence' is enough to make that official lose his head.

With the order of Sanyin, the guards at the back stepped forward immediately, and could not help but press the official directly to the ground.

When he saw this, Yao Li's face changed drastically, and he explained to Tang Yin busyly: "King, Lord Hu is only momentarily outraged, and there is something rude, please also forgive me!"

官员 Although the official was held down by the guards, he didn't have any fear and shouted: "Ming Jun will not kill Zhongliang, Ming Jun will not kill loyal officials--"

Tang Yin looked at Yao Li, looked at the official again, smiled lightly, waved his hand slightly, and then said nothing, turned back to the carriage.

Seeing Tang Yin's gesture, the guards let go of the official, and then returned to the carriage.

Yao Li aside wiped the cold sweat, and at the same time secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to step aside and let Tang Yin's carriage move forward. Tang Yin, who was already in the car, suddenly said, "Master Yao came to the car to sit . "

I didn't expect Tang Yin to invite himself to ride in a car, but Yao Li was surprised and flattered. After a while, he returned to God and hurried into the carriage.

Tang Yin is a monarch. His ride is naturally not ordinary horse-drawn carriages. The space inside is very large, even if there are seven or eight people, it is more than enough.

On the way into the city, Tang Yin deliberately asked about the current situation in Heping County. Yao Li responded one by one and told Tang Yin the situation in detail.

At present, most of Heping County has been submerged by floods. Only the higher places in the north have not been affected by the floods for the time being. However, it depends on the situation of the upper reaches of the seasonal water. If the rain continues to fall, I am afraid that even Zhengyang City cannot Fortunately, not only the whole territory of Heping County will suffer, but the neighboring counties will also be affected.

After listening to Yao Li's introduction, Tang Yin frowned and groaned for a moment. He said, "On the way, the king did not see people starving to death. It seems that Heping County has sufficient food reserves !? "

Yao Li smiled bitterly: "King, Weichen has not been able to control the flood of monsoon water in these years, and can only work on the grain storage, but this time thanks to the King's timely arrival, otherwise, I am afraid that there will be a large number of People are starving to death. "

Tang Yin nodded and asked, "How much grain storage is there now?"

"There are no more grains left." Yao Lichu answered, "After hearing that the king is approaching Heping County, Wei Chen also distributed the last grain in the granary."

Tang Yin laughed and laughed ~ ~ asked: "If the king had an accident on the road, and it was delayed for a few days, wouldn't your Lord Yao be hungry?"

"Wei Chen is the head of the county and the parental officer of the people in the county. It should be shared with the people!" Yao Lizheng returned.

Tang Yin took a deep look at him, then turned sharply and asked, "How is the situation on the other side now?"

Yao Li took a moment to understand that Tang Yin was asking about Linqiao County. He shook his head and said, "The disaster situation in Linqiao County is almost the same as that in this county, but the food for the disaster has not been delivered. According to reports, Linqiao County Many people have died of starvation in the territory. "

Tang Yin rubbed his chin and murmured, "The king of Sichuan should have ordered the transportation of food from Sichuan ..."

Yao Yaoli sighed and said, "The King is right. The King of Sichuan has indeed ordered the relief of food from Sichuan. However, what the King and the King do not know is that it is difficult to transfer food from Sichuan!"

Tang Yin paused and looked at Yao Li in puzzlement. To say that Zhendi is barren, there are not many grain reserves in various places, and it is impossible to collect disaster relief food. It is understandable, but the land in Sichuan is fertile, and there are even more grain reserves than in the wind country. How can it be impossible to transfer grain? ?

Seeing his doubts, Yao Li explained: "The last time the Zhen army invaded Sichuan, and it burned and plundered all the way to Zhaoyang. I didn't know how many innocent people of Sichuan were killed along the way. But the Sichuan people now also hate the Zhen people. In this case, it is easier to collect food from the Sichuan province to save the Zhen people! Even if they can collect enough food, I am afraid that they have not yet left the Sichuan province. , Along the way, the food was snatched and burned by the Sichuan people full of hate! "

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