Chapter Thirty-two

Regarding Xiao Na's accusation, Tang Yin showed a complicated expression and asked, "Do you think it was Pavel I stabbed?"

"Not you or who?" Xiao Na's eyes fell back on Pavel, looking at the dagger inserted in his lower abdomen, and said, "This dagger is obviously from your country, isn't it?"

Tang Yin looked at the dagger and said nothing. This bar is indeed a dagger produced in the wind country, at least it looks and features exactly the same as the wind country dagger.

At this time, Sanchez walked through the crowd at no time, came over, reached out and yelled at Tang Yin, and said in a deep voice: "His Royal Highness, in a duel, what is your skill in hurting someone with an arrow? What does it mean to kill someone and pay the debt? Man, take down this sinister mean man! "

With Sanchez's voice, the surrounding court guards stepped forward, trying to catch Tang Yin.

I ca n’t understand what they say, but I can see that the other party is not good for Tang Yin. Jiang Fan, the brothers of Shanguan, and A San A and Si Qi are all guarding Tang Yin. Each one holds the handle of the waist weapon and stares coldly around Besa's guard, it seems that both sides have the possibility to move at any time.

If Tang Yin clashes with the guards within the Bessar Palace, this is not a trivial matter, and may even trigger a national war between the two countries. His marriage with Shawna is even more impossible. Of course, this is what Sanchez wants most. What he saw was what he wanted most.

Just then, Knesse on the throne coughed heavily and said, "Stop it! Cough ..."

The Wangting guards heard that they lowered their raised spears and turned to look at the king.

Knesse was still sick, and said weakly, "How can His Royal Highness the King of the Wind and the mighty monarch of a country do the dreadful thing that the Dark Arrow hurts? There must be a misunderstanding. There must be an assassin lurking in the palace, While assassinating Pavel, he was in trouble with His Royal Highness the Wind. The guards immediately blocked the palace and investigated the assassins. Before dawn, the assassins must be captured. "

He was out of breath, but after all, he was a king. The guards dared to disobey. People raised their right fists and hit the breastplate of the left chest. They answered in unison: "Observe!"

The guards were led away, catching assassins in the palace.

Tang Yin frowned secretly, staring deeply at Pavel lying on the ground with a serious injury. He knew very well that there were no assassins in the palace, and that the blade in Pavel's abdomen was his own assassination. Tang Yin has night eyes. Just now the window was wide open and the night breeze blew out the candles. Others couldn't see what was going on, but Tang Yin really saw it.

The prince of a country stabbed himself in a duel regardless of his life. Even Tang Yin who saw it with his own eyes felt incredible, and other people could imagine it. Tang Yin is very clear. Even if he tells the truth, no one will believe it, but it will lead to more suspicion and criticism, so he smartly chose not to speak, as if there were assassins!

Holding on to Pavel who had begun to twitch naturally due to a large amount of blood loss, Tang Yin shook his head secretly, and Pavel, inconceivable, was even more ridiculous in self-harm. In order to prevent his marriage with Xiaona, he really gave up his life.

Soon, Wang Ting's medical officer ran into the banquet hall, and while he stopped bleeding for Pavel, he carried him on a stretcher and carried him out. Xiao Na followed with concern, and when she passed by Tang Yin, she lifted her eyes and gave him a deep look, without saying a word, holding Pavel's hand and walking silently.

A good banquet after the wind and dust was over because of Pavel's sudden assassination. Although Kynes guarded Tang Yin and did not let him be regarded as a murderer, the Besa nobles looked at him completely differently than before. There are contempt, contempt, and contempt.

In the Bessad idea, a duel is a duel. You can defeat the opponent upright and even kill the opponent, but the dark arrow hurts people but is not shameful.

Tang Yin didn't stay in the palace, and returned to the hall under the **** of Jiang Fan and others. On the way, the expressions of Jiang Fan and others were a bit unnatural. Shangguan Yuanbiao couldn't help but whispered first: "In fact ... even with a wooden sword, it is easy for the king to take the life of the other party. Why use a knife? ? "

Hearing this, Tang Yin raised his eyebrows, but soon, he returned to normal, looked around at a few people, shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said, "Even you think that the sword was stabbed by me, how could the Besa people not misunderstand? "

Jiang Fan and others were shocked and said in unison: "Isn't the king assassinated? Is it really an assassin?"

They all know that Tang Yin has night vision. If there is an assassin, how can Tang Yin leave the assassin?

Tang Yin shook her head and said, "There were no assassins. The sword was stabbed by Pavel himself."

"Ah?" Jiang Fan and others opened their mouths in surprise, stabbing themselves? how can that be? The knife in Pavel's lower abdomen was not the same. Most of the blade was not in his stomach. It was a fatal injury. If it was Pavel's assassination, he was committing suicide.

"This ... this ..." Shangguan Yuanbiao hasn't made a story here for a long time.

Tang Yin chuckled and said, "It's incredible, isn't it? I also think it's incredible. If Pavel is crazy, his love for Xiao Na is too deep." After that, his face was rare and solemn. Color.

Compared with Pavel's simple and strong love for Shaona, marrying Shaona by herself has mixed too many interests. He believes that Pavel is definitely more suitable for Shaw than himself, but he will never give Shaw to Pavel because of this. Feng Guo and Besa must rely on marriage to strengthen the alliance. This is too much for Feng Guo It is important. On the other hand, if Duke and Besa are allowed to marry, the northern border and the northwest border of the wind country will be in dire scourges.

For Feng Guo, one side is heaven and the other side is hell. For the benefit of the country, Tang Yin has no choice, even if he has no love for Xiao Na at all, even if he knows that Xiao Na's marriage to himself may be painful forever, he has to put She marries back to the wind country. As Qiu Zhen said at the beginning, as the monarch of a country, there is no housework at all. The housework of the monarch is state affairs. Ordinary people may be able to handle housework as they please, but the monarch cannot.

After a night's first aid, Pavel did not die. The knife in him was very lucky. It just passed through the gap between the intestine and the intestine. If the intestine was stabbed, he would not be saved even if he had ten lives. During this period, Xiao Na stayed with Pavel until he was sure he was okay, and then returned to her own room to rest.

Then, another news from the palace was very sensational. After a whole night of tossing, the palace guards really picked out three unidentified people from the palace. As for whether the three were assassins of Pavel It is unknown, because when the guards found them, the three took poison and committed suicide, and then inspected the corpse. The guards found two daggers of the wind kingdom from the corpse, which was similar to the stabbing prince of Pavel. Immediately after the palace guard reported to Knesse, the old king decided that they were assassins who stabbed Pavel. As for how these three got mixed in the palace, why they assassinated Pavel, why they used the dagger of the wind country, and what the purpose of marrying Tang Yin was not known, and Kniss didn't make people investigate the matter again.

After hearing this news, Tang Yin understood that Knesse had helped him secretly. The three assassins who committed suicide by poison were among the dead ghosts that Knesse had found.

This kind of thing Tang Yin naturally would not say it, and this became a secret between him and Kness.

The assassination of Pavel in the duel with Tang Yin was ended as hastily. The focus of people's discussions also shifted from Pavel and Tang Yin to the incident of the palace mixing in the assassins. In the eyes of the Besa, the palace mixing in the assassins was far more The assassination of Pavel is so large that even the palace can be mixed with assassins, which shows that the king and members of the royal family are in danger at any time, which is unacceptable to the Besa.

Soon, under the pressure of public opinion, General Besa, who was in charge of the guard of the palace, took the initiative to resign from Kness. Kness then approved and promoted the young nobleman Brian Lucas, who had a good relationship with Tang Yin, as the new general guard of the palace. long.

Probably no one except Tang Yin could see that Knesse was using it to change his cronies, and although the chief guard of the palace was not high in rank, it was a very important position. In the wind country, it was Lang Zhongling. Post.

On this day, Tang Yin had breakfast in the hall, and Bessat's attendant recently reported that the princess came to him.

Tang Yin wondered if her ear was wrong. Xiao Na had misunderstood him at first. Her attitude was always cold, and then Pavel happened. The relationship between the two fell to the freezing point. Now, Xiao Na He came to him, and he was naturally surprised.

Knowing that Xiao Na was already outside the gate of the pavilion, Tang Yin personally came out to pick her up.

After the meeting ~ ~ Tang Yin asked with a smile on his face, with a smile: "Xiao Na, why are you here?"

Xiao Na was expressionless and extremely indifferent, saying, "I have something to find you."

It doesn't seem to be a good thing. Looking at her attitude and listening to her tone, Tang Yin sighed secretly and said, "Let's go in and talk!"

Tang Yin let Xiao Na enter her room. Soon after seated, the servants below brought tea and snacks.

Picking up the cup, Tang Yin said hurriedly: "This is the tea I brought from the wind country, try it."

Xiao Na didn't even look at the tea cup in front of her, and stared straight at Tang Yin, saying, "Don't think I don't know what you did."

The monk Tang Yinzhang, who was inexplicable in one sentence, was scratching her head. He met Xiaona's gaze in doubt.

"I don't know what method you used to get your father to help you get through, but Pavel's stab is indeed your stab, right?" Xiao Na's green eyes looked at Tang Yin without blinking.

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