Tang's dining table

Chapter 994 The unreliable King Naha

The gates of Chang'an City are still closed at night.

But closing the city gate now is just a symbol.

Because there are still more than a dozen gaps in the city wall of Chang'an, and they are located in the three directions of east, west and south. The reason why there are no gaps in the north is because that side is the imperial city and palace city.

It was not appropriate to open a few holes beside the Xuanwu Gate behind the palace city to facilitate communication between people in the palace city. Therefore, only the northern wall of Chang'an City is intact today.

If the emperor does not return to Chang'an, the city wall of Chang'an cannot be closed for a day. This has become a tacit agreement between the emperor and the officials of Chang'an City.

If the city wall is not demolished, there will be no residential houses within two miles of the city wall. A few simple grass markets will be placed there, which will be dirty and messy.

If Yun Chu's idea is to follow, he would like to tear down all the walls of Chang'an City and use them to build pig pens to raise pigs, so that the crowded Chang'an City will have more room to expand outward.

Today, the population of Chang'an has long exceeded one million, and there are no high-rise buildings with dozens or hundreds of floors to live in. All the short houses are spread out like a big pie in 108 cities. Now, they have almost reached the limit of storage. .

Although Naha is not a native of Chang'an, she knows better than many Chang'an people where to enter the city at night. Therefore, her fast horse bypasses Mingde Gate and goes straight to Qixia Gate. Qixia Gate is the closest gate to Jinchangfang. Brother Two huge gaps were opened here to facilitate the entry and exit of goods.

The people guarding this place include people from the Jinwu Guards and bad guys from Chang'an City. The one who really calls the shots is the bad guy, probably named Ma Liang or something.

However, something is very wrong tonight. There are bonfires on the left and right outside the city. Surrounded by the bonfires are many well-armed civilians. Their figures are all over the periphery of Chang'an. The objects of defense are not as external as they are like It faces the city, which can be seen from the direction of the antlers.

The rapid sound of horse hooves in the dark clouds and snow naturally disturbed these people. However, these people just looked around and found that there were only Bai Shiqi, so they retracted their heads and continued to warm themselves by the fire.

Anyway, the county official said, everyone just stayed here for ten days to do the corvee work. They didn't talk about fighting, so they just pretended.

Seeing this scene, Naha's heart became more and more anxious. The Minzhuang siege of Chang'an had not happened for many years. Now, her brother has become a monk, and only her sister-in-law and a group of children are surviving at home.

She quickly came to the gap next to the Qixia Gate. From a distance, she saw a lot of traffic here transporting supplies to the city. Naha whipped out her whip, wrapped it around the neck of a bad guy who was maintaining order, and pulled him over. Asked: "How is the Yun family?"

The bad guy was suddenly strangled around his neck. He was startled. He grabbed the whip with one hand and was about to draw the knife with the other hand. However, he raised his head and saw Nah's pretty face. He immediately withdrew the hand that drew the knife and grabbed the whip with both hands to tear at random.

Naha realized that the guy was about to be strangled to death by herself, so she shook her whip and released the guy's neck.

The bad guy rubbed his neck and said, "I've seen Miss Naha before."

Naha said angrily: "Call me King Naha."

As Naha shouted angrily, the other bad guys and the people who were transporting goods also saw Naha.

In the entire city of Chang'an, there is only one woman who looks like Hu Ji who is so beautiful, so kind, so arrogant, domineering and unreasonable - the county magistrate's sister Naha.

Because Naha has a bad temper and hates evil, her reputation in Chang'an City is very divided. Therefore, those who have been favored by Naha will say that she is beautiful and kind, while those who have been tortured by Naha will say that she is arrogant. Domineering and unreasonable.

In short, there are few natives of Chang'an who don't know this beautiful woman who rides a magnificent BMW all year round in Chang'an City.

"King Naha is back, please make way quickly."

The first bad guy to react shouted, and immediately, the originally orderly team entering the city turned into a mess.

Xiao Yuhua looked at the messy scene and asked Zhuoma in confusion: "Is the queen very famous in Chang'an City?"

Zhuoma said: "This is the queen's home."

At this time, Naha also learned from the bad guy that her brother had come back, so she said to Dolma: "It's okay, my brother is back. It seems that my brother set up the Kongming Lantern. My sister-in-law can't remember this." .”

It was clearly Dolma's job to persuade Naha, but when it came out of Naha's mouth, Dolma felt better, which showed that the queen was really not worried.

Soon, the delinquents cleared a road for Naha's cavalry to enter the city. Dolma took out a handful of gold coins from his sleeve and threw them to the delinquents who stared at Naha like a pug.

The gold coin did not fall to the ground because there were many hands grabbing it. After catching it, these people invariably stuffed the gold coin into their mouths and bit it. After biting, they all breathed a sigh of relief. One of them said to the other: "Buddha Country" The queen is back, and the county family can become rich again."

When it comes to generosity in rewards, no one in Chang'an can surpass Naha.

She once saw how pitiful a stray dog ​​was and gave a handful of gold coins to the man selling jar meat next to her, asking him to give the dog a bowl of jar meat every day. The legend is still there. It is said that the dog can still eat it every day to this day. Eat a jar of meat.

Now that the giant Kongming lantern has been lit, it is time to light the angry wind lantern that shines on the golden phoenix. When Naha rushed to the gate of Jinchangfangfang, she happened to see a familiar figure in monk robes giving instructions. A group of children of different sizes lit the lamps.

"elder brother……"

Naha called out tentatively.

The man froze for a moment as if he had been struck by lightning. When he slowly turned around, he was already smiling. He had heard the rapid sound of horse hooves earlier and thought it was some noble horse team. Unexpectedly, The girl he longed for day and night was back.

"Brother, look, this is my daughter."

Naha jumped off the horse, took out her daughter wrapped in a fur coat, and proudly held it in front of Yun Chu.

Yun Chu quickly took the child, pulled off his outer robe and quickly wrapped the child, who was only wearing a thin undershirt. Looking at the child's delicate little face, Yun Chu's heart tightened. This child should be... How much hardship it took to be able to sleep so soundly on the bumpy horseback.

When he looked up at Naha again while holding the child, the excitement of meeting again after a long separation had long since disappeared. He stretched out a trembling hand and pointed at Naha: "You bastard."

Naha said nonchalantly: "With black hair and black eyes, he looks just like my brother. I can give birth to him, right?"

Yunchu took a long breath, controlled his urge to beat Naha and said, "Go home."

After saying that, he hugged the child and hurried home.

Naha muttered later: "With the little one, he doesn't like me at all."



"Aunt Naha."

With a burst of pigeons chirping, Naha finally found comfort. She opened her arms and hugged the little bald Yun Jin tightly, spinning her around in the air. Then, she kissed Yun Jin's bald head with her bloody mouth...

Yu Xiurong was preparing New Year's gifts for her children in the house when she suddenly saw her husband coming back in a hurry. The strangest thing was that he was holding a one or two-year-old child in his arms.

Seeing her husband quickly placing the child into the warm quilt warmed by Mrs. Yu, she asked: "Whose child is it?"

At this time, Yun Chu, who was admiring the child's face under the lamp, said: "Naha's child."

Yu Xiurong was stunned for a moment when she heard this, but she immediately opened the quilt, took off the child's underwear, and checked the child neatly. Then she put the quilt back on and said, "The child is very good, she is a girl."

Yun Chu touched the child's eyebrows with his empty hand and said with emotion: "This is the blessing she deserves. I swore a long time ago that I would never let Naha suffer the same hardships I suffered when I was a child."

"Where's Naha? Why didn't she come back with you?"

Yu Xiurong didn't ask, but when he asked, Yun Chu's anger rose again. He pointed at the sleeping child in a suppressed voice and said, "Naha is a bastard. She put a child under two years old in her fur coat and rode like this." Came on a fast horse.

From now on, you will raise this child. "

Yu Xiurong said: "Isn't this bad?"

Yunchu said domineeringly: "If you expect a Cypriot woman to raise children, you might as well expect a sow to climb a tree. Let me tell you, in the Cypriot tribe where I stayed, a woman could give birth to ten children. Half of them will be good if they reach eight years old, and only 30% will reach thirteen years old at most."

Yu Xiurong was surprised and said: "How did they all die young?"

Yun Chu sneered and said: "Those who died of illness, starved to death, died of exhaustion, died of freezing, died of thirst, were gored to death by sheep, fell from horses, were trampled to death by cows, were crushed to death by wolves while tending sheep. Those who were taken away, and the most outrageous ones were those who were crushed to death by their parents while they were sleeping.

Although Naha is better than those Sai people, her success is limited.

The child was handed over to her, and I was worried that the child would not survive to adulthood. "

Yu Xiurong sighed and asked Mrs. Cui to get Yun Luan's clothes. Yun Luan was one year older than the baby girl, but the baby girl was fatter than Yun Luan, so the child should be able to wear Yun Luan's clothes.

After shouting twice, there was no movement. Soon I heard people crying and laughing in the front yard, so I had to do it myself.

Naha's child woke up and looked at Yunchu and his wife with wide-eyed eyes that were not too dark. He didn't cry or fuss. Even if Yu Xiurong put him into the bath water, the child didn't cry. Instead, he was happy. of splashing water.

Seeing the child behaving like this, Yun Chu and Yu Xiurong began to sweat trickling down from their foreheads. Yun Chu found Yun Luan's rattle to test the child's hearing. Yu Xiurong held a small glowing lantern and swung it from side to side to test the child's vision. , Yun Chu put out a lot of things to test the child's basic intelligence. It wasn't until Yu Xiurong brought a bowl of warm milk that the child opened his mouth and called out "Mom."

Hearing this "Mom", Yun Chu and his wife sat on the bed covered in sweat. Fortunately, fortunately, the child can still be saved.

Naha's head appeared at the door, she looked at her brother and sister-in-law carefully and said, "Is my child smart?"

Yu Xiurong gritted his teeth and said, "If you dare to come within three feet of this child in the future, I'll see if I don't break your legs."

Naha jumped out and shouted: "When Yunjin and his sister were born, you didn't let me get close to them. Now, why don't you let me get close to my children?

Are you still being unreasonable? "

Yu Xiurong said: "I'm just so unreasonable, what can you do?"

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