Tang's dining table

Chapter 1189 Freedom is always earned

Until the end of September, there was still no rain falling in Luoyang.

The drought has not been alleviated, but has intensified further.

In some high-lying places, drinking water has become difficult for humans and animals.

The scene of nationwide mobilization to fight the disaster that Yunchu expected still did not appear, but the government had begun to get busy.

The stored grains in Chang'an, Luoyang, Chengdu, Jinyang, Yangzhou and other big cities began to be transported to the lower level state capitals. Similarly, the grains in the state capital's granaries also began to be transported to the lower counties.

In the end, food could only stay at the county level.

Therefore, after getting assurances from all the county magistrates that the grain reserves were sufficient, Li Zhi issued a tyrannical order that anyone whose territory suffered from widespread famine would die.

The two censors were dispatched in empty groups, and the Baiqi Si were dispatched in empty groups. Officials from the Ministry of Personnel, Household Department, and Shaofu Supervisor were also dispatched in empty groups to reach the county level.

The reserves of the big cities were given to the state capitals, and the reserves of the state capitals were given to the counties. Therefore, there was no need for discipline inspection between the big cities and the state capitals. The focus was on the counties. Therefore, the emperor gave Datang 4,824 counties this time. The county magistrate has great power - the right to act expeditiously during disasters.

That is to say, during a famine, the county magistrate can have full control over the people, objects, soldiers and horses in the county. As long as it is related to disaster relief and beneficial, the county magistrate can ignore etiquette, rules, and systems, and use his discretion as appropriate. act.

This is the maximum extent that Emperor Li Zhi can decentralize power.

After giving people, money, food, and power, if you still can't complete the errands, you will die, or your whole family, or your entire clan will be killed, which will be an issue that needs to be considered on the table of all Datang County Magistrates.

There is no fourth option.

Although Li Zhi's order is very tyrannical, the rewards are also very generous. Counties that have reached the first level in relieving the victims will have the honor of being rewarded by the emperor and the emperor.

Counties whose various performance in providing disaster relief reaches Level 2 will be the best choice through the Ministry of Civil Affairs assessment.

Counties whose performance in disaster relief reaches level three will be selected in the official assessment.

The above three kinds of performance are already a matter of hands to get promoted to an official position.

Counties that fail to achieve the above three-level performance will have a worrying end, and their performance will not be average!

After reading the regulations, Yun Chu felt that this was Li Hong preparing positions in advance for the officials in his pocket.

In this process, there will inevitably be many vomiting results of power replacement, but overall, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Similarly, the emperor's decree did not mention the importance of the people in fighting disasters. This is why Yunchu believed that the emperor did not mobilize the whole country.

They are still the same as before, thinking that whether the sheep are good or not has nothing to do with the sheep, but only with the shepherd.

In September, cicadas are still calling, which is not a good sign.

According to folklore, cicadas cry in September and the army does not stop, which is a harbinger of military disaster.

Yunchu stood in front of the map and was puzzled. He couldn't find any place in the country where troops were needed.

Subsequently, Emperor Li Zhi's second decree was issued - the border army must raise its own provisions for three years!

After seeing this decree, Yun Chu suddenly realized that this was the source of the military disaster!

There are now as many as 490,000 troops guarding the frontiers of the Tang Dynasty. The emperor believes that the strong frontier soldiers should not compete with the people for food in times of disaster. So, what do they eat?

Possessing the most sophisticated weapons and equipment in the world, but not just for farming, robbing your own people? This would not work. Once this was done, the more well-equipped Sixteenth Guards army would soon come over and chop them all into pieces.


The Central Committee of the Tang Dynasty had not allowed the Tang border troops to cause provocations and border frictions for six years. Now, there is no such thing. Although there is not a word in the emperor's decree that they are allowed to step out of the country, every border army general has never Every word they read in the decree encouraged them to go abroad and do things like threshing grass and grain.

The frontier generals were driven crazy by the central government. Kunlun slaves, Bodhisattva barbarians, Silla maids, and Japanese slaves were so valuable that they could only hold back their saliva and watch others get rich.

No more now.

There are many strong Kunlun slaves in the southwest forest, and people are sent to catch them and find food.

There are many Bodhisattvas in the west, and you can get a lot of them by destroying a few unknown small countries.

When the Silla people in the east destroyed the country, they fled with a large number of the best Silla maids. When the time comes, they will be hunted down. Not only the Silla maids, but also the fleeing Silla nobles have money in their hands.

The silver from the Japanese country was transported back ship by ship, and the Japanese slaves brought back strings of strings and turned them into food...

Therefore, after Li Zhi's decree reached the hands of the border army, the generals of the border army immediately became people who were worried about the country and the people. They each promised the emperor that they would feed their subordinates and not give them food. To add to the burden on the court, some people suggested that His Majesty the Emperor could extend this period to five years.

Yunchu was very worried after hearing the news. He was not worried that the frontier troops would starve to death. He was worried that the 490,000 troops would get used to looting and become bandits who were not controlled by the court. In the end, they would jump out of Anlu Mountain. , people like Shi Siming came out.

Yun Chu carefully conveyed his opinions to the emperor through his son Yun Jin.

Li Zhi, who was feeding the giant bear bamboo, replied lightly to Yun Jin: "They don't dare!"

Yun Jin held her nose while cleaning up the large pile of youth groups that the giant bear had just pulled, and said: "My father believes that the army is a disciplined force and cannot let go."

Li Zhi said: "The army is a place where flesh and blood gather. What is the use of an army that only has discipline but no flesh and blood?"

Yun Jin put the last piece of green dough into the dustpan and said, "What should we do if the unconstrained and full-blooded army is in chaos?"

Li Zhi smiled and said: "I am the reason why they are invincible, and I am also the reason why they dare to leave the Tang Dynasty to look for food outside.

Tell them that they not only have to support themselves, but also me. My palace has a lot of expenses for a year. "

After hearing what the emperor said, Yun Jin did not continue to ask, but started to bathe the giant bear with Ruichun who brought water and soap.

That's right, it was never the eunuch who took care of the giant bear, but the palace concubine - it was the emperor himself!

It was only because of his poor health in the past two years that he allowed his secretary and Ruichun to help him.

Even so, when the giant bear took a bath, the emperor still had to stand by to comfort the giant bear who refused to take a bath obediently.

A 500-pound giant bear sits in a huge bathtub like a mountain. Sometimes when it feels uncomfortable taking a bath, it will stretch out its paws and pull at the person who is bathing it. Even Yunjin and Ruichun are both strong. However, in front of the extremely powerful giant bear, it is still not enough. The giant bear can roughly push the two of them away with a single pull.

Yun Jin soon discovered this. When the giant bear's claws swung over again, Yun Jin quickly moved out of the way. After all, the giant bear's body was very big and not that flexible.

Yun Jin remembered that Aye once said that this giant bear had a good temper, was very polite when meeting people, and sometimes seemed very humble. Since he became the emperor's secretary, this giant bear He is not as easy to serve as Aye said, and he can even be called naughty.

As soon as the claws failed to push Yun Jin, the giant bear started to act mischievous. Its two claws took turns to find trouble for Yun Jin, and whenever Yun Jin turned in any direction, the giant bear would move its fat body to that direction.

After finally soaping up the giant bear's body and rinsing it with clean water, a beautiful and mighty bear with clear black and white was revealed in front of Yun Jin.

But the two round eyes between the two dark circles looked extremely unkind to Yun Jin.

Fortunately, Li Zhi saw that the giant bear had been cleaned, so he asked it to lie down on the mat over there and wait for the water stains on its body to dry.

Then, Yun Jin saw the giant bear standing there dumbly, and the fat all over its body began to tighten. Then the fur all over its body began to slide violently, as if it had been separated from the fat. Then, water droplets all over the sky began to move. Yunjin and Ruichun were soaked from the fight.

After watching the emperor take the giant bear to bask in the sun, Yun Jin said to Ruichun, "You are the Grand Governor of Baiqisi."

Ruichun wiped the water from her face and said, "You are still the emperor's son-in-law."

Yun Jin said: "Can't we just let others come?"

Ruichun shook his head and said: "Don't give others the chance to serve this bear, otherwise, there will be many sycophants in the Tang Dynasty who will become nobles because they serve this bear well.

Over the years, it has become a routine in the palace.

Oh, you are the first secretary who can serve a giant bear. The previous secretaries never had this opportunity until they died.

However, it's good that you're here. Your Majesty hasn't killed the secretary for a month and a half. "

Yun Jin took a deep breath and said, "Where's the former secretary?"

Ruichun sighed and said, "The longest one lasted less than three months."


"Why?" Seeing the emperor walking away, Ruichun couldn't help but raise her voice and said: "There are three kings in the Tang Dynasty! When the queen asks, the secretary answers but not? When the prince asks, the secretary answers but not?"

Others who wanted to know the emperor's secrets would only hook up with the secretary secretly without being seen by others. But these two were better off. They never hooked up with the secretary and asked directly every time.

After these two asked, they still did not cover up for the secretary. If they felt that the emperor's secret affairs were related to them, they would directly ask His Majesty. The reason and purpose of doing so were very open and honest!

Therefore, if the secretary does not answer the question, it is impossible for him to survive the next day.

It's great for you to be His Majesty's secretary. Even if the secretary is a fifth-rank official, or even second only to the Secretary Prime Minister in the Secretarial Prison, do you think anyone in the Secretary's Prison has ever said anything against you being His Majesty's secretary?

There are many people in the prison of the secretary who spends the whole day burning incense and praying to Buddha for longevity and health. "

Yun Jin thought for a while and said: "Don't tell me, I am really the best candidate for His Majesty's secretary. However, you still have to hurry up and choose a new secretary, because I will return to Chang'an to get married with Princess Anding soon." .”

Ruichun smiled bitterly and said, "Secretary Supervisor's life is not easy again."

Yun Jin smiled and said: "Hurry up and find another son-in-law for Your Majesty to be your secretary."

Ruichun said: "Only Princess Taiping's consort may be able to survive in your majesty's hands."

Yun Jin smiled and said: "Then hurry up."

Ruichun said: "Your brother Yun Luan...is quite popular with the queen."

Yun Jin shook his head and said: "Don't even think about it, my brother and Taiping are brothers now!"

Ruichun said in confusion: "Brother?"

Yun Jin nodded and said: "Yes, we are brothers who can pee together!"

"Brothers who peed together? With Taiping?"

Yun Jin nodded and said, "No one can marry Taiping to Yun Luan."

"How to say?"

"You are the Grand Governor of Baiqisi. Just send someone to investigate and you will find out."

Ruichun looked at Yun Jin walking towards the emperor and fell into deep thought... He always felt that there should be something happening here that he didn't know about.

Ever since she raised Prince Hong, a white-eyed wolf, Wu Mei did not let King Yingxian and King Yu die early. Instead, she raised him in the palace complex of Shangyang Palace and continued to live a carefree life.

Today, the Shaoyang Palace where King Li Xian of England lives is filled with fragrance.

In the spacious courtyard of Shaoyang Palace, there are five huge steamers. Just under the steamers, there are piles of agarwood chips emitting curls of green smoke. The smoke exuding the rich smell of agarwood gets into the steamer and sits down. In the steamer, the five people with only one head exposed looked like they were enjoying themselves.

A group of eunuchs and palace maids were busy in the courtyard. Some were responsible for pulling the curtains to block the wind, so that the agarwood smoke could not be affected by the wind and enter the steamer.

Agarwood had been a tribute to the court six years before Yonghui. Even the officials of the court could only wait for royal rewards.

When Li Ji returned from the Eastern Expedition, the emperor rewarded Li Ji with fifty kilograms of agarwood. Li Ji did not keep it to himself, but distributed the fifty kilograms of agarwood to the generals who followed him on the eastern expedition. It became a good talk for a while.

The Yun family got half a catty, and Yu Xiurong kept it as a treasure.

Yunchudu is like this, let alone ordinary people, it is even more difficult to touch. This can be regarded as priceless.

After the Yonghui Year, due to the prosperity of Chang'an, the social atmosphere was extravagant. Not only did agarwood become a popular item in the imperial city, but due to serious corruption, some officials in charge of palace affairs would also privately withhold some agarwood and sell it to powerful people or people. It was a wealthy family, and Yu Xiurong took advantage of his close association with Donggong to get a hundred pounds.

Later, Sun Shenxian took away the pot and mixed it with medicine. Yu Xiurong still feels very regretful when talking about this.

Today, five guys who don't know the heights of heaven and earth are lighting a fire with agarwood chips that are worth more than gold.

"Little bird, do you think that if you smoke it like this, you can really make the fragrance of us last forever?"

After listening to Yu Wangdan's question, Yun Luan, who had been half asleep due to the agarwood shavings, reluctantly opened his eyes and said, "Have you eaten bacon?"

Yu Wangdan said: "I like to eat food with the aroma of pine and cypress."

Yun Luan yawned and said, "That's my family's property. Let me tell you, if you want bacon with the scent of pine and cypress, just smoke it slowly with pine and cypress branches. I heard that if you smoke it repeatedly for a period of time, the meat will have that..." It tastes good.”

Ying Wangxian is a person who has studied spices very much, and then said: "After we fumigate with agarwood chips, the fragrance will invade the texture. After fumigating a few times, the agarwood smell will blend with our body, even if it is No incense is needed, the body will naturally emit agarwood fragrance.

However, this is just a base scent. You should know that a pure scent is not good, and compound scent is the best. We first use agarwood as the base scent, and then blend it with other scents to create a new scent. Let’s change the simple aroma of agarwood in our body. Not only will it prolong our life, but our body will automatically emit the aroma we like no matter when and where in the future.

In this way, wouldn't it be better to completely separate us noble people from those vulgar people and form a separate body? "

Princess Taiping's little head was also exposed outside the steamer. She laughed when she heard this and said, "Little bird, your brother is so talented, why does he fall in love with that poisonous woman An Ding?"

Yun Yan beside Taiping immediately said: "The princess has not seen Li Si wearing a tights climbing the wall. Yes, I didn’t see it.”

Taiping said: "I want to see it."

Yun Guan said: "There is no wall climbing in Luoyang. When you go to Chang'an, I will take you to take a peek. You don't know. Li Si's body is covered with hard tendon meat, which is extremely ugly."

It’s not as good-looking as the Webster that Xian’s brother likes. I must look like Webster in the future. Taiping, you are too thin. You must eat more in the future. Men nowadays like fat ones. "

Upon hearing this, Wang Xian laughed and said, "Yes, yes, Webster is the one who looks good."

Taiping nodded vigorously and said: "Little bird, you must help me destroy An Ding's wedding dress."

Yun Luan said lazily: "Do you care so much about that shabby clothes?"

Taiping said: "I just can't stand her proud look."

Yun Luan said: "If you marry me, I will definitely ask my mother to help you get a better one."

Taiping looked at Yunluan with disdain and said, "Are you dreaming?"

Yun Guangguan quickly said to the side: "Your sister can marry my eldest brother. It's great for you to marry Xiaoniao."

Taiping laughed and said: "That fool Li Si married your eldest brother because my father saw Lantian Marquis for his outstanding achievements. She is just an object to reward heroes, and I am not!"

Guan Guan Yun said: "The little bird is very good-looking and knowledgeable. You will only enjoy happiness when you marry me."

Princess Taiping laughed even louder.

"Enjoy the blessings? Do you, this princess, owe you Yun's blessing? Is the little bird good-looking? Yun Guanguan, you are just a person who has never seen the world. Wei, Du's spring banquet, which one is not better than the little bird? nice?

At the next gathering, I’ll take you two bumpkins from Chang’an to have a look. It will also open your eyes.

I also want you to know that this world is not only about farming and fighting, but also about singing and dancing, beauties, and the most beautiful voices. "

Yun Luan was obviously a little angry, and said to Taiping: "The men of the Yun family are the good men who can rule and level the world. The rest are just bastards, not worthy of a golden phoenix like you."

As soon as Yun Luan finished speaking, King Ying Xian and King Yu Dan both turned to look at Yun Luan. King Ying Xian said angrily: "Are you including our brothers?"

Yun Luan said quickly: "What about your sister's future husband? What does it have to do with you?

Taiping laughed loudly upon hearing this.

The five people stayed in the steamer for almost two hours before they came out of the steamer still unsatisfied. They sniffed at each other like dogs. Ying Wangxian moved his nose away from Yun Luan and said: "Hey, there is no special smell." "

Yun Luan also wanted to put his nose to Tai Ping, but Tai Ping pushed him away. Yun Luan smiled and said, "I have always lived in Zhi Lan's room and haven't smelled its fragrance for a long time."

Taiping looked at Yunluan with disgust and said, "I hope I don't live in an abalone shop for a long time and don't notice the smell."

Yun Luan laughed loudly and said: "My father once said that there is no chance of a toad matching a swan. As long as you have patience and wait for the swan to land, you will hug the swan's legs fiercely..."

Seeing that Yun Luan seemed to be rushing towards him, Taiping quickly hid behind Yu Wangdan, wrinkled his beautiful nose and said, "Brother Wang, get rid of this toad."

Yun Luan and Yun Guan, who were full of fragrance, sat in the carriage and looked at each other tiredly.

Yun Guan said: "The queen seems to really like you, otherwise she wouldn't have deliberately brought you two together."

Yun Luan rubbed her face with her hands and said, "It's really troublesome. On the one hand, I want the queen to know that I'm trying my best to please Taiping, and on the other hand, I want Taiping to like playing with me, but hate me pursuing her. What's in between? The balance is difficult to grasp.”

Yun Guan smiled and said: "The most important thing is that you have to act as stupid as them. It's really hard for you."

Yun Luan showed a silly smile and said: "I am stupid to begin with."

The carriage took the two of them to the Yun family near White Horse Temple.

When dinner was served in the evening, Yun Luan and Yun Guan didn't see Li Si, so they asked Aye in surprise.

"Where has sister Sisi gone?"

Yunchu glanced at Lai Yunluan and said, "It's just fun, don't put yourself in it."

Yun Luan said: "I am very smart."

Yu Xiurong worriedly said to Yun Luan, "There is no need for peace."

Yun Luan raised his head and looked at his mother and said, "Did your eye see that the child likes Taiping?"

Yu Xiurong said: "The color of Taiping is very good..."

Yun Luan grabbed Yun Guang Guan next to him and said, "How old are you now? You already have makeup. Without the makeup, even Guang Guan can't compare. Where can you get the good color?"

Yu Xiurong said: "I see you go looking for Taiping every day..."

Yun Luan and Yun Guan looked at each other and said, "Auntie, you don't know. Taiping has everything. We can do many things that you didn't allow us to do because of the expense of money."

Yu Xiurong sniffed the unique aroma of agarwood coming from the two of them and said, "That's too much."

Yun Jin said: "I will pretend to be more like you from now on. According to your request, I have told Ruichun about you and Taiping. From now on, what you do will be known to the emperor."

Yun Luan nodded while eating. The matter rose to the level of the emperor and the queen. It was very serious. He needed to further disguise himself, or treat the disguised self as his true self to have a chance to deceive those two people and completely cut off future troubles. .

Yun Chu had been eating quietly. He was not prepared to express any unnecessary opinions on the affairs of Yun Jin and Yun Luan brothers. He could just make a few comments on his own, and he could never make decisions for them.

All the benefits in this world are not free. As long as they are benefits, someone will fight for them. If you win, just enjoy the fruits of victory. If you fail, there is nothing you can do. Just swallow the bitter fruit you caused.

This is life, it is better to be a king than a bandit.

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