Tang's dining table

Chapter 124 Di Renjie drilling into the stone

Pei Xingjian and Yun Chu were tired of meeting each other. When they had nothing to say and wanted to leave, Gongsun was not very willing to leave.

She likes Cui and also likes Naha!

A mature and seasoned person is like a human spirit, and he treats others attentively, which makes Gongsun feel like a spring breeze. The most important thing is that Cui pointed out the inappropriateness of Gongsun's dress in just a few words.

Originally, no woman was willing to listen to such accusations, but many words coming out of Cui's mouth made people inexplicably convinced.

Although the Cui family always concealed their origins, thinking of the unusual layout of the Yun family and the orderly advancement and retreat of the servants, this did not prevent Gongsun from using his own wisdom to conclude that the Cui family came from the two major Cui families. .

What does a promiscuous woman desire most? She must be a noble lady, and she must be more noble than a noble lady to meet their expectations.

The love story between Li Jing and the Red Buddha Girl has long been praised as a model of peerless love in Goulan House.

It is because of such a story that Gongsun was willing to devote himself to Pei Xingjian, hoping to write the next chapter of the story of the Red Buddha Girl.

As for how to turn an ordinary woman into a noble lady, Ms. Cui has the absolute say.

A beautiful and lively girl admired Gongsun's height very much. She swore in front of Gongsun that she must grow up to look like Gongsun in order to live up to her life.

The most important thing is that after Naha discovered that Gongsun was bald, she immediately pulled her beautiful blond hair and begged Cui to shave her hair too, so that she could be as beautiful as Gongsun.

One is scheming, one is innocent, one is able to turn false friendship into true love, and the other is acting in his true colors. This world that is both true and false makes Gongsun unable to bear to leave.

After customizing one hundred quilts for the Yun family and willing to contract all the embroidery work in Jianlu to Cui, Gongsun said goodbye to Cui and Naha in tears.

Pei Xingjian found it hard to understand when he saw this scene. As far as he knew, Gongsun was not a woman willing to shed tears. Strong, violent, and fearless were Gongsun's true qualities.

Looking back at Yun Chu who stood timidly at the door to say goodbye to him, his mind was confused. He couldn't figure out for a moment whether the young man in front of him was a pampered rich man, or a warrior who could wear armor and charge into battle. .

Just after Gongsun and Pei Xingjian's horses left Jinchangfang, Di Renjie's head appeared behind Yunchu's neck.

"Look, let me tell you, she won't recognize you."

"Can she recognize you?"


"Why are you so confident?"

"Men of my Di family will become obese as long as they are over twenty. You see, as long as you are willing to feed me fat pork every day, in four or five months, my appearance will change drastically. She will definitely No chance of recognizing me.”

"Why do you want to gain weight? Doesn't it look good now?"

"You know what the heck, people in the Tang Dynasty regard fatness as beauty. If a man doesn't have a little belly, he won't look like a husband, and he won't look good in official uniforms.

With your appearance, at first sight, people will think that you are a pedophile, not a beautiful boy.

Tell you, eat yourself up as soon as possible, otherwise don’t show up with me next time. This will make people misunderstand that I have raised a prostitute, which will affect my ability to marry a noble girl. "

Yun Chu lowered his head and looked at his light red robe. He felt that what Di Renjie said was right. Let alone others, he felt very uncomfortable looking at it.

"What have you been doing lately? You always go out early and come back late. No one is around."

Di Renjie sighed and said: "There is a family in Liquanfang whose yard collapsed, but right next to their yard is a temple of the Hu people. The wall of his house collapsed, and a large part of the wall of the Hu people's temple was also knocked down.

The Hu people asked their family to pay compensation or pay for the wall. When the family refused, the Hu people sued the family to the government. Before the government could make a ruling, the old woman of this family bumped her head into the sutra hall of the Hu people's temple and died. .

The people of the Hu sect thought that the old woman's blood had stained the sacred scripture hall, so they burned the old woman's body with fire. Then the son of the old woman's family quit, and they asked the people of the Hu sect to pay for their lives.

As a citizen of the Tang Dynasty, how could he die in vain in a barbarian sutra hall, let alone his body being burned by a fire? This is unbearable. I have been busy with this matter recently. "

"It's not good to provoke a dispute between the Hu people and the Han people. After all, these Hu people are very rich now, and the Tang Dynasty still hopes that they can bring more good things from thousands of miles away."

"You mean, instead of making it a dispute between the Hu people and the Tang people, it should be a dispute between Buddhism and the Hu people? They are all foreigners anyway, right?"

"I didn't say that."

"Every word you said means this. I think so too. The Hu people brought too many good things. It would be a pity to throw them away. If the Tang people rise up against the Hu people, these Hu people will be afraid and stop coming. .

Therefore, we can only create a conflict between temples. In this way, the impact can be controlled, the scope of the struggle can be controlled, and I can also benefit from it.

Okay, let's do it this way. Let the old woman's son go to Liquan Temple immediately to plead. He said that the believer and the man were beaten to death by the monks in the barbarian temple, and asked the monks to give an explanation. "

"Is the old woman's son so obedient?"

Di Renjie looked into Yun Chu's eyes and said, "Not only did I give him money to help him get justice, but I also promised to give him all the compensation afterwards, and also allowed his youngest son to be my groom. Why didn't he listen to me? ?”

Yun Chu took a breath and said, "Is this your start?"

Di Renjie said: "The temples of the Hu people are not authentic. If the wall collapses, it is a natural disaster. Even if you are a neighbor, according to the rules of the Tang Dynasty, you should consider yourself unlucky at this time, bring gifts to express condolences to your neighbors, and then repair your own wall." When we build it, it’s good for you, me, and everyone, isn’t it?

Do you have to let a poor family who can't even afford food pay for the walls of their home? For this reason, a Tang Dynasty person died. Not only the death of a Tang Dynasty person, but also their corpses were burned, and the euphemistic name was purification. This was too bullying. "

Yunchu said with a smile: "There is also a wall in Jinchangfang that knocked down the wall of another person's house and crushed a sheep to death. His neighbor did not bring a gift to express condolences, but asked the family to repair the wall and compensate the sheep. Fang Zheng Liuyi also made the same decision."

Di Renjie said: "The requirements are different. What I am talking about is the dispute between gentlemen. The dispute between villains is what you have in Jinchangfang. The dispute between gentlemen is not like this. Those barbarians traveled thousands of miles to come to the Tang Dynasty and did not do anything." Is it true that a gentleman is here to be a villain?

When the leader of the Sogdians met with His Majesty, he said that the Sogdians were good people, rich people, and law-abiding people. They were called gentlemen for short.

Since they dare to call themselves gentlemen, they must act according to the principles of a gentleman. They cannot claim to be a gentleman but do the things of a villain. "

"Well, you're right, the question is how do you profit from it?"

"Naturally, we mobilized the people, together with the monks and officials of Liquan Temple, to go to the Hu temple to seek justice."

"Then you spontaneously became the talker of Liquanfang people, right?"

Di Renjie laughed and said: "There are no talents in Liquanfang. I am not the one to be the talker. Who else is qualified to be the talker?"

Besides, if I can light this fire, I can also put it out.

In three days, I will launch. There are many Tai students who are willing to cheer for me. Will you go? "

"What's the purpose? I mean, what will you achieve before you give up?"

Di Renjie picked up the tea bowl and took a sip of tea, and said calmly: "If the Hu people's temple wants peace, it must pay Liquanfang five hundred guan in January, and then the poor residents of Liquanfang will enter the Hu people's temple to take charge of sweeping, arranging flowers and trees, etc. Chores.

Hu people's temples cannot close their doors and worship on their own and isolate themselves from the Tang people. After all, this is the Tang Dynasty. Since the Hu people have come to the Tang Dynasty, they must follow the local customs and not be autistic, otherwise they will There is a suspicion that someone who is not of my race must have a different heart. "

"Bah bang bang." After listening to Di Renjie's arrangement, Yun Chu couldn't help but applaud. This plan was very subtle and the entry point was extremely maneuverable.

Not only did it take into account the wishes of ordinary people, but it also took into account the long-standing concerns of Chang'an bigwigs about the Hu people's temples.

After all, over the years, there were indeed too many Sogdians entrenched in Chang'an, and there were more and more temples.

Emperor Taizong once said when he entered the "Tian Khan" that all the people of all countries are my subjects. It is not easy for the court to attack the barbarians. But now it is fine. For local conflicts, the people above the temple only need to Just bow your head and watch.

"Look at this, after you get rich, you need to carry out all-round renovation and upgrading of Liquanfang. I heard that most of the residents in your Liquanfang work as slaves for other people, and there is no good manpower.

I can send you some manpower from Jinchangfang to transform Liquanfang according to your wishes. The people here are all good people..."

Yunchu's good suggestion was flatly rejected by Di Renjie. He claimed that even if all the five hundred coins in his hand were made away by the residents of Liquanfang who were not very good at working, they would never let Jinchang The people in Liquanfang will make money, otherwise, it will be a dereliction of duty on his part as the head of Liquanfang.

"Your quilt is a good thing, why not..."


Di Renjie saw that things were not harmonious, so he stood up and left. When he reached the door, he climbed on the door frame and looked back at Yun Chu: "I will definitely find a job that can bring income to Liquanfang for a long time. Don't ask for anything then." I.

Otherwise, I'll make you into strong liquor..."


Di Renjie took a long breath, looked at the bright and sunny sky and sighed: "Where are all the people in this world who are dedicated to the people and can shed their blood for them? Isn't there only one person from a certain family left?"

"I've already done the throwing of blood and sacrifice. As for you, just try to talk to me more about books and less about money."

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