Tanky Mage System

Chapter 136 ?

With the rapid recovery of the injury.

Gu Nie's vision and hearing have returned.

Gu Nie, who was in a state of recovery, propped herself up on the ground and stood up.

What catches the eye is a figure that is not burly, but looks like a towering mountain, blocking Gu Nie's body.

This figure is very familiar to Gu Nie, it is the housekeeper "Fresh".

Slightly surprised, Gu Nie restrained her mind.

Frash can act as the butler here to coordinate many things, and what he comes into contact with is the most core and most confidential things. It is inevitable that he has strong strength.

"Are you all right?" At this moment, the butler Fraser said softly without looking back.

"Well, with the recovery of the spring of life, it's almost good." Gu Nie said.

"That's good." Butler Fraser nodded slightly.

At this time, the housekeeper Fraser was also extremely surprised.

Even though he blocked part of the aftermath of the blow just now, Gu Nie would not die.

But Gu Nie was able to stand up so quickly that he did not expect.

However, I think of the purple scale chain mail on Gu Nie's body, and the astonishing vitality of his body coming from his body.

The housekeeper Fraser vaguely guessed a lot, Gu Nie's physical defense was stronger than he imagined.

"What a guy who doesn't take the usual path."

"Perhaps it is because he does not take the usual path that he can achieve what he is today."

"Not only is the defense strong, but the power of this spell is even more astonishing. The power of his spell is stronger than that of many third-level or even fourth-level magic spell masters. And the overlapping frequency in a single second is so high , The soul reaction speed is also quite amazing."

"Only at the second level, I already have such a powerful foundation of spells. This Gu Nie is becoming more and more difficult to see through. Not to mention this Gu Nie's talent in secret pattern medicine."

He is very, very clear about the secret pattern potion, so Gu Nie must not make any mistakes today.

In fact, except for him, a superficial sixth-order peak powerhouse, in the Deep Lord Castle.

Nigel and another sixth-rank powerhouse will alternately patrol the Deep Lord Castle in secret.

There is even an eighth-level "Extraordinary Master" who is also in contact with him. If there is a dangerous event that he is not strong enough to contend with, he can also flee with Gu Nie, and at the same time, he will ask that Extraordinary Master for help in time.

On the surface, it seems that the defense of the Deep Jue Castle is not very strong, but the dark pioneer group attaches great importance to the protection here, and the matter of the secret pattern potion cannot be missed.

Frash's eyes glanced slightly at the palpitating dark red blood outside the window.

I am afraid that the Suge Ruins City will not be peaceful tonight.

woo woo~~~

The cold wind still crazily poured into the hall of the ruins.

Gu Nie looked over Frash to the mysterious strong man who had shot at him just now.

The mysterious and strong man who catches the eye is also an "extraordinary Balrog".

It's just that this Balrog never had a single trace of flames all over his body, nor did he have a slight cracking sound.

The red scales on the top and bottom of its body can vaguely see the fiery scorching wave breath blooming.

From the body bursting with scorching air waves,

Gu Nie felt very dangerous.

This is a sixth-order extraordinary Balrog.

This high-level Balrog's control over the energy blooming from his body is obviously much higher than that of the third-tier Balrog.

At this time, the high-level Balrog, who made Gu Nie feel dangerous, had gathered the head of the third-rank Balrog that Gu Nie killed and the chopped source cores and piled them together.

Then, the high-level Balrog's sharp claws rubbed lightly, and sparks fell into the shattered head and source core one after another.


The bright dark red flame burst into bloom.

Then, Gu Nie clearly felt that the aura of the third-order Balrog had actually revived in the flames.

"This...resurrected from the dead?" Gu Nie's eyes showed a strange look of astonishment, and then he narrowed his eyes and stared carefully at the past.

Back from the dead!

This is almost impossible in the extraordinary world.

Even those terrifying evil gods with indescribably terrifying power are almost impossible to resurrect after eternal death.

Countless powerful transcendents throughout the ages will seek all kinds of incredible means to make various attempts to resurrect the dead.

Some are for relatives and friends, some are for true love, some are for ambition and aspirations, and some are purely for the study of transcendent mysticism.

The most tried are undoubtedly the weird, ancient, and strange rituals and spells facing the mysterious and unknown fields.

But the end of seeking help from unknown and mysterious existences often brings disaster and death.

Even those incomprehensible babblings generally contain crazy and twisted spells and bloody, cruel, and inhuman rituals, which may call for some terrifying and indescribable existences.

This seemingly crazy probing behavior on the verge of death just makes those extraordinary people who are obsessed with resurrection flock to it.

But try anyway.

In the extraordinary historical era of tens of thousands of years in the entire Aura continent.

No one ever came back from the dead.

Even if it is recorded, it is a few words and unverifiable information.

So Gu Nie didn't believe that the guy who had been killed by himself could come back to life, which was completely against common sense.

"It's not about being resurrected from the dead, but... that Tier 3 Balrog hasn't died yet."

Just as Gu Nie was thinking secretly, Frash's voice suddenly sounded.

"Not completely dead?" Gu Nie was taken aback.

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Nie understood.

"That's right, my magic blade and curse have a strong cutting ability, but the power to penetrate and destroy the characteristics is not enough. It is good to cut its source core."

"However, it did not directly destroy its 'soul consciousness', which is the source of its life."

"The source core is just a carrier, just like my head is the carrier of my current soul consciousness."

"Originally, the source core was shattered, and its death took only a few seconds, but..."

"This powerful sixth-order powerhouse pulled him back from the death line abruptly."

Gu Nie's eyes once again fell on the powerful Balrog.

Facing this powerful Balrog, if Frash wasn't here today, Gu Nie might not be able to escape even if he had thirty lives.

Looking at the Tier 3 Balrog who quickly regained his breath in the flames.

Gu Nie narrowed his eyes slightly.

Do you want to take advantage of the fact that it has not been completely resurrected, and take it away directly?

After thinking about it, Gu Nie suppressed this bold idea.

Freddie didn't act rashly, he attacked rashly, it was too reckless.

It's better not to provoke this sixth-level Balrog.

Gu Nie was thinking about it, and Frash suddenly spoke.

"This deep castle can't be kept, you leave as soon as possible and find a safe place to hide."

The fact that Gu Nie went out along the passage could not be hidden from him. Based on Gu Nie's familiarity with Suge Ruin City, he believed that Gu Nie could find a safe enough place.

He looked at the six-star and sixth-level powerful extraordinary Balrog on the opposite side, and then at Frash.

Gu Nie naturally knew that if he was here, he would be a hindrance.

"Senior, you have to be careful." Gu Nie said.


Then Fraser continued.

"You two hurry up and tell everyone else to get out of here."

"Yes!" Moran and Dika both responded cautiously and quickly.

I also know that the confrontation of the sixth-order extraordinary powerhouse will probably lose the castle.

The two quickly ran around the main body of the castle to the living area behind the castle.

That's where everyone rests at night.

At this time, Gu Nie was also silently trying to get rid of the oil on his feet.

As soon as Gu Nie moved, he felt sharp eyes staring at him, feeling like a thorn in his back.

"Want to escape? Can you escape?"

A cold voice that did not contain any emotional fluctuations came softly, making it difficult for Gu Nie to move for a while.

"You just try to move, and see if I can kill that third-order little guy in an instant."

When the voice of the housekeeper Fraser sounded, Gu Nie felt that the pressure disappeared instantly.

"Fortunately, I didn't make a sneak attack just now, otherwise I really killed that third-rank Balrog, and now I don't have such a good chance to escape."

Gu Nie didn't dare to wait too long.

One turned over and jumped out along the broken glass window.

"Fresh, long time no see, you..."


The howling of the cold wind and the voice of the Balrog in the house sounded, but Gu Nie didn't have the heart to listen to these words.

At this time, what Gu Nie was thinking was, to escape from the Shenjue Castle, the Suge Ruins City is so big, it is still very easy for Gu Nie to find a safe place.

Outside the castle hall, the eyes are covered with vast and thick snow, which is almost as tall as Gu Nie Gao.

Gu Nie looked around cautiously.

No one knows if there is an ambush outside, it is necessary to maintain a high enough vigilance.

When Gu Nie looked around, she was startled.


Gu Nie sensed something was wrong, stepped on the snow at a faster pace, and quickly came to the empty snow layer on the castle lawn.

I saw that the entire Suge ruins city that caught my eye was shrouded in a sticky blood-colored luster.

Vaguely, Gu Nie felt something, and then Gu Nie raised his head little by little, looking at the sky.

While the luster of the sky came into view, inexplicable fear bloomed in the depths of Gu Nie's soul irresistibly.

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