Tanky Mage System

Chapter 7 ? Crazy Selling

After nine o'clock, Gu Nie left the hotel after having breakfast at the hotel.

At this time, beside the street at the entrance of the hotel, rows of carriages were waiting there.

Although the steam car has been manufactured, its price is extremely high, and it is still a luxury for the rich at this stage.

Carriage is still one of the modes of travel for ordinary people.

However, Gu Nie heard that the Harutev Seaport has begun to build steam buses.

If it is established, it will greatly facilitate the travel of citizens.

"Go to the commercial street." After getting into a carriage, Gu Nie said.

"Da da……"

Accompanied by the sound of hoofbeats.

A rough plan for today appeared in Gu Nie's mind.

Going to the commercial level, while buying something, Gu Nie also needs to sell something.

After all, Gu Nie didn't have much gold pounds on him now, only in the early three thousand pounds.

When he was in Suge Ruins City, Gu Nie spent most of his time in the house to comprehend the profound meaning of the runes.

Even the time for refining the potion is not too much.

Not to mention selling some ingredients and potions to make money.

This time at Harutev Harbor, since Gu Nie wanted to buy the Sea Demon Ship, a large amount of gold pounds was essential.

The price of the sea magic ship is not low, it is several times, even dozens of times, that of an ordinary sea ship of the same size.

The price of the smallest ten-meter sea magic ship will not be lower than ten thousand gold.

And such a small sea monster ship can play offshore, but it is basically impossible to sail in the deep sea. When a wave comes down, it will enter the diving mode.

If you want to sail in the deep sea, you need at least a 20-meter sea monster ship.

As for the 20-meter-long Sea Demon Ship, it also needs 40,000 or even 50,000 gold medals.

If you want the speed of the ship to be faster, recruit enough extraordinary sailors, and become a deep-sea warship galloping the ocean, after all, you must have a 30-meter-long sea monster ship.

As for the price of this specification of Sea Demon Ship, depending on the number of Sea Demon Ship plates, it ranges from 90,000 gold pounds to 120,000 gold pounds.

If one wanted to sell high-level treasure potions, it was impossible to obtain such a large amount of gold pounds in a short period of time.

For Goune, there are two ways.

One is to sell the fountain of life.

Now, Gu Nie reckons that the Pioneer Group is now secretly purchasing the spring of life on a large scale, and the spring of life is enough to sell at a considerable price.

The other one is to sell dragon blood wood.

The planting space of Gu Nie has now opened up the fourth planting space.

At the same time, the dragon's blood tree planted in the first planting place has been planted in the system space for more than five months, and it is already six or seven hundred years old.

At the same time, its height is as high as more than 50 meters, with luxuriant branches and leaves.

Selling each part of the branch of this dragon's blood tree separately can bring Gu Nie a very considerable income.

Coupled with the spring of life sold by Shanggu Nie, it is not a big problem to get enough gold pounds.

In the carriage, after drawing up the general plan, Gu Nie's face squirmed for a while, and after that, Gu Nie's appearance completely changed.


After half an hour.

Holy Silver Sea Chamber of Commerce.

No. 24 business room.

In the surprised gaze of the receptionist in the white professional suit.

Gu Nie released three sections of five-meter-long and half-meter-thick dragon blood wood.

Compared with ordinary dragon's blood wood, this six or seven hundred year old dragon's blood wood is more valuable.

Soon, the ordinary receptionist was replaced by a reception manager who looked like a middle-aged man in his forties.

After some measurement, the total price of the three pieces of dragon blood wood came out, which was about 12,000 gold pounds.

This price is about the same as the price previously calculated by Gu Nie.

Afterwards, Gu Nie took out another 2000ml of spring water of life.

When seeing the fountain of life, Gu Nie obviously felt the reception manager who looked like a middle-aged man startled.

Obviously, such a good thing is not so common.

Fortunately, there were no abnormalities in the subsequent transactions.

The 2000ml spring of life went through some negotiations, and the final transaction price was 24,000 gold pounds, which was a little higher than Coune's expected price.

From the price, Gu Nie can feel that these chambers of commerce should have also received the news that they need the spring of life very much.

After inquiring about the seeds of king-level extraordinary plants, arcane shooting, and buying some marine supplies, Gu Nie left the Holy Silver Ocean Chamber of Commerce with the 33,000 gold list and many good things he bought.

After successfully testing the waters, Gu Nie started his own follow-up actions.

in the next few hours.

Gu Nie repeatedly changed her appearance, her voice, and her height, short, fat, and thin.

In the large chambers of commerce in this commercial street, two things, dragon blood wood and life spring water, began to be sold frantically.

Anyway, no one knew Gu Nie's identity, let alone track down the slightest trace of Gu Nie.

Gu Nie can sell these good things with complete confidence.

Until three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

Gu Nie ended his crazy sales activities.

At this time, Gu Nie had already made a huge profit of 260,000 gold pounds.

Selling resources is obviously a very profitable thing. The disadvantage is that it is unsustainable and easy for some people to miss.

The dragon's blood tree was fine, and it was reasonable to say that it happened to have a dragon's blood tree on an island in the mist after venturing on the ocean.

But this spring of life, everyone knows that this thing is a good thing that can only be born under the elf life tree in the twisted secret territory guarded by the blood-eared elves in the north.

It’s fine to sell once in a while. If you dare to form an assembly line and continue to sell, some caring people will definitely find the problem.

Therefore, after earning 260,000 gold pounds in blood this time, Gu Nie will not plan to sell these two things in the next calculation.

In a small room called "Light Cafe".

Gu Nie was sitting here leisurely drinking coffee at this time.

At the same time, consider the harvest this time.

There is no doubt that the bulk of the harvest this time is the 260,000 gold pounds.

At the same time, Gu Nie also learned some information about king-level plant seeds and arcane shooting from these chambers of commerce.

Some chambers of commerce even expressed that they would deliver these items, and Gu Nie could buy them after a while.

According to the feedback information from these chambers of commerce, Gugne also tentatively made it the choice of the second plan.

As for the first plan, it is naturally the old Sam's place at the end of "Rambla Street" that I will go to later.

The information that Lao Qiaomu gave him is still very reliable.

When the coffee in front of him was finished, Gu Nie looked at the time.

"It should be enough." Gu Nie secretly said.

Immediately, Gu Nie got up and left the coffee shop, stopping an empty carriage.

"Go to the 'House of the Black Mist' at the end of La Rambla."

Gu Nie, who boarded the carriage, said in a hoarse voice.

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