"Meat Garage Will Hang Up ()" Find the latest chapter!

Then Saint Haijiaer is in the midst of submerged training.

Before I knew it, more than a month had passed.

In a small room.

Dolans and Goune chatted while drinking wine.

"In the battle just now, your opponent was not weak, and was close to a four-star strength." Gu Nie said.

"Well, it is close to four-star strength, but obviously I am stronger, and he still lost."

For more than a month before and after, Dolans continued to fight and practice at the eighth level of the extraordinary, and he was promoted very much in the star position. The battle just now was the battle for Dolans to be promoted to a three-star gladiator.

At the beginning, Duolans was at a disadvantage and after a fierce fight, the opponent broke out with a strength close to four stars.

And Duolansi no longer hides, the powerful and strange weapon bred in the flames in the furnace box carried by Duolansi bursts into bloom, which makes Duolansi directly have a five-star combat power, and then forcibly beheaded That formidable enemy won the final victory.

"Although I won this time, no one knows whether I will meet a stronger opponent. After being promoted to three stars, I will have to do some serious training to improve my strength. I am not going to fight again during this time. ’ said Dolance.

"That's right." Gu Nie nodded slightly.

With five-star strength, it is the safest and safest way to reach three-star.

"What about you?" Duolans looked at Gu Nie.

"During this period of time, your realm has been soaring violently, from the late stage of the seventh level of the extraordinary to the current peak of the eighth level. Seeing that you are ready to directly advance to the ninth level?"

During this period of time, compared to the battle in Dolans, Gu Nie did not go to the arena to fight at all.

During this period of time, Gu Nie has done one thing, which is to eat the treasure fruit and practice continuously to improve his strength.

After more than a month of practice, Gu Nie has now been promoted to the peak level of the eighth level of extraordinary, and will soon be promoted to the ninth level of extraordinary.

"Well, I'm going to directly advance to the ninth rank of extraordinary." Gu Nie said.

Dolance frowned slightly.

"You have promoted so fast, will there be any disadvantages? After all, using the treasure fruit is not good for your own practice."

Gunnie smiled.

"Normally, there will be great disadvantages. This is common sense."

"But..." Gu Nie lowered her voice.

"There are special places in my extraordinary profession, which allow me to gradually smooth out these disadvantages naturally in the future."

"Oh?" Dolance couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"This special feature is really powerful, but there are so many amazing extraordinary jobs in the extraordinary world, so it's not surprising that there are such peculiarities. But for you, it will be very useful. First, quickly promote to the ninth level of extraordinary Peak, and then use that peculiar ability to slowly repair these shortcomings."

"Overall, it's much faster than practicing slowly."

"That's why I will directly use that treasure in large quantities, and first promote and improve my strength."

"Is there any important thing if you improve your strength so quickly and don't try to comprehend the profound truth?" Dolans seemed to guess some of the meaning in Gu Nie's words.

"Yeah." Gu Nie didn't hide anything.

"There have been some changes in the world we live in, and I need to improve my strength as soon as possible to solve it."

"Oh, do you need help?" asked Dolance.

"You need to be promoted to the holy position before you can help." Gu Nie said after thinking about it.

The distance between Saint Hygar and Oya is undoubtedly very far.

However, when Gu Nie is promoted to the holy position, then the ability to use the Gate of Ancient Shadows can be improved to a higher level.

At that time, using the ability of the Gate of Ancient Shadows to teleport, it was also possible to bring the masters of Saint Hygar to the Oya Continent, at most, it would cost a little more.

At the same time, many masters of Shengyu Dark Source can also enter together.

More importantly.

The medium-sized extraordinary world is very exclusive, which will also lead to a very, very energy-consuming shuttle across world barriers.

But now Gu Nie can communicate with the original will of Oya.

Borrowing the power of the Aoya Continent world, it will be different.

At that time, the energy consumed will drop sharply.

Before, Gu Nie could not borrow external power.

However, when Gu Nie is promoted to the holy position, it is completely achievable to borrow external power.

Therefore, when Dolans wanted to help, Gu Nie did not refuse too much.

"It is not difficult for me to be promoted to the holy position. Now I have just reached the three-star level, and I have shown the strength of the five-star level. Although it is still a little hidden, but close to the six-star level is already my eighth-level strength." It's the limit."

Gu Nie frowned slightly.

Six-star, this is already a very strong strength.

Currently, there are less than a hundred of the eighth-level extraordinary gladiators in the Divine Kingdom Arena.

You must know that in the entire Divine Kingdom arena, there are millions of extraordinary people of the eighth level, very, very many.

Duolans can have a strength close to six stars, and indeed he is already among the top geniuses in St. Hygar.

"I don't need to continue fighting during this period of time. Using those precious fruits, I can be promoted to the holy position in about a year or two."

"Thank you very much." Gu Nie said gratefully.

Dolance smiled lightly.

Duoransi knew very well that it was rare to meet a top enchanting supernatural being like Saint Hygar like Gu Nie for many years. If he could help the other party, he would naturally not refuse.

"The god envoys and ancestor spirits in the Oya continent are not strong. If Duolans and I are both promoted to the holy position, the god envoys and ancestor spirits who burst out with divine power will not fall behind at all. God envoys, ancestral spirits, destroying the south and even beheading those evil gods are not a big problem at all."

"A year or two at most. The threat of those evil gods can be completely resolved." Gu Nie thought secretly.

For ordinary extraordinary people, for example, there are many extraordinary people in Oya continent.

Basically, 90% of them are envoy routes.

Gu Nie also roughly knows how their promotion is.

In the area controlled by the Extraordinary Association, there are several [ancestral spirit spaces] similar to the ones that Gu Nie had been to before.

In the ancestral spirit space, there is the power of faith born from the strange creatures that continue to gather.

Those envoys, they borrowed the power of this belief to be promoted to the realm of envoys.

However, this method of using the power of another person's beliefs to improve oneself.

It is already extremely difficult to be promoted to God Envoy.

It is basically impossible to get promoted again.

And the practice of the ancestor spirit powerhouse is extremely difficult, and it is necessary to open up the ancestor spirit space, which is ten times more difficult than the practice of the god envoy.

Therefore, this also led to the fact that most of the ancestral spirits in the Aoya Continent are not in the high realm, and the overall strength is not too strong.

That's why Gu Nie has such confidence.

"When I am promoted to the ninth level, I have a very good plan. At that time, we can make a lot of money." Gu Nie said to Dolans.

"Oh? What plan?" Dolans frowned slightly.

"I can't say it yet. I'll talk to you in detail when the time comes." Gu Nie was not in a hurry to say it.

"What do you mean? Now I want to collect money?" Duolansi responded quickly.

"Yes!" Gu Nie nodded seriously.

"Then I'm really looking forward to it." Dolance laughed.

The last time he made more than one million yuan with Gu Nie's blood, he is still enjoying the benefits of that one million yuan income.

"During this period of time, I am going to practice quietly. I will first cultivate to the peak of the ninth rank of extraordinary."

"Well, I'm also going to submerge myself to advance to the peak of the extraordinary ninth rank."

When Gu Nie was talking, Gu Nie's heart suddenly moved.

"What's the situation? Senior Murand actually came looking for me. Did something happen to the watchtower?"

Gu Nie once said to Murand before that if the enemy did not kill the starry sky watchtower, it would be best not to disturb his "practice".

At this time, Gu Nie's soul in the secret room actually felt that Murand had activated the extraordinary door of the secret room where Gu Nie was subconsciously cultivating.

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