"Huh? Why is there still a seal on this door?" King Yan walked to the door of Yishouyuan gracefully, pointed at the seal on the door, and said with a smile:"People who don't know think that my sister committed something during her lifetime, and the yard was sealed, or that this is a crime. At the scene."

All the old men stopped talking. They didn't dare to say anything. They were frightened.

If it weren't for the Presbyterian Church's strict control over the intelligence and public opinion in the Laoshan area, and the fact that other clan members besides Zhong Gui, including Zhong Shuhua and Zhong Shujuan, wouldn't be able to speak. If they had any doubts, they would suspect that their efforts these days were in vain.

Just when the Presbyterian Council was at a loss and didn't know how to stop this smart, capable but extremely willful prince from entering Baishouyuan, they only heard a"swish" sound. King Yan actually tore off the two cross-stitched seals on the door in full view of everyone. The crowd of onlookers along the way became excited, and the elders panicked. Zhong Yan stepped forward with both hands. He opened his arms and blocked the door of Baishouyuan.

King Yan didn't pay attention to Zhong Yan, who was standing in front of him in a large font. He still had a friendly smile on his face and tore off the seal with his own hands. He rolled it up into a ball, threw it on the ground, and said with a smile:"Niece, what are you doing?"

Zhong Yan just glared at King Yan without saying a word. He was the only one who could see the unruliness and contempt under the casual and kind appearance of this prince. King Yan may have known the strangeness of the death of the old lady.

Zhong Lin hurriedly hurried Go up, separate the two people, and smooth things over with a smile."Don't blame His Highness King Yan. The eldest brother is not good at expressing himself. What he means is that because manpower has been allocated to prepare for the funeral, Baishou Garden is unattended and it is not suitable to receive guests, let alone someone like His Highness King Yan. Isn't it disrespectful to treat such a distinguished guest?"

King Yan raised his eyebrows and glanced at the irritable but sharp Zhong Yan, and then at the smooth but still struggling Zhong Lin, a hint of chill appeared in the smile on his lips.

"It doesn't matter, my soldiers are all capable of going to the hall and the kitchen, just leave it to them."Immediately, King Yan gave a high-five, and the deputy general walked forward with two soldiers who looked like they were in formation.

Zhong Yan and Zhong Lin really couldn't say no to this matter. There was cold sweat behind them both. When they saw King Yan's attitude of trying to break into Baishou Garden even if the Overlord forced his bow, they knew that King Yan was determined to find out.

Zhong Lin's heart skipped a beat and he stood in front of Zhong Yan. Completely blocking Zhong Yan, he acted as a protector and said righteously:"Is King Yan so willing to disregard moral principles and force his way into our mother's old residence?"This was actually a desperate move by Zhong Lin. He wanted to make a bet on whether King Yan would care about their blood relatives.

Zhong Yan did not expect that Zhong Lin would make such a decision after the two had been at odds for many years. He was a little surprised, but also a little a little bit a little bit confused. Touched.

King Yan just smiled. But this smile that seemed calm and indifferent to others looked like a death knell to Zhong Yan and Zhong Lin - King Yan must have mastered some key information, and he was not Wanting to investigate whether the old lady died, he was sure that the old lady did not die well.

But what can they do? King Yan can make the key information in his hands public and tear it off in front of the onlookers. The last fig leaf of the Zhong family. If you step back, you will really let King Yan come in to investigate. Isn't this just sending evidence to King Yan? King Yan is not a member of the Laoxian Sect. To him, Only the old lady is his closest blood relative, and he will not tell the Zhong family that the family's interests come first.

This is a bad move.

But no one has come to save the situation.

No one can

"Since the two nephews are so open and honest."The voice of King Yan was still cheerful. Zhong Yan and Zhong Lin closed their eyes at the same time, waiting for the coming doomsday judgment."I have nothing to hide."

"As you all know, my sister's correspondence with me has never been interrupted. The ending like this is very sad, but to be honest, my sister had expected it."

The crowd was in an uproar. After all, the old lady looked so healthy in the past.

However, King Yan did not finish what he said.

"In fact, the old lady is not……"

"His Royal Highness King Yan."A female voice as sweet as a silver bell interrupted King Yan's words.

A girl with a silver crown in plain white stepped forward. It was Zhong Wanling.

"Grandpa, please wait a moment."Zhong Wanling changed his words, blessed his body gracefully, and said unhurriedly,"My grandpa may have misunderstood."

"???"King Yan raised his eyebrows disapprovingly and looked at the girl who suddenly broke in before him. Even he didn't expect that the person who stood up at this time would be this young girl.

Zhong Shujuan wanted to rush out and pull her daughter back, but was held by Zhong Gui beside her.

Zhong Wanling didn't care about the various eyes focused on her, and kept her head nodding as she said,"Actually, grandpa and the others sealed Baishou Garden for no other reason." She paused and seemed to be arranging her words a little," Please forgive Wanlan for overstepping her bounds. My grandpa may also know that Baishouyuan has always been the residence of the family head and a symbol of his authority. Although my grandma had delegated power to my grandpa many years ago, she did not specify who would be the subordinate. Ren family head. Therefore, the head of the Zhong family is still the great-grandmother.

Now the towering cypress has collapsed. It is my grandfather who should be the pillar of the Zhong family. But in my grandfather's heart, in the hearts of thousands of children of the Zhong family , the old lady will always be the old lady, an irreplaceable existence."

Zhong Wanling raised his head and looked directly at King Yan."Grandpa and the others ordered the sealing of Baishou Garden for no other reason than those rumors and speculations, nor did they want to monopolize Baishou Garden. They just wanted to leave a memorial for my great-grandmother. From now on, Baishou Garden will always be there. It is my great-grandmother’s residence. It no longer belongs to anyone but will always belong to my great-grandmother."

As soon as these words came out, the crowd fell silent.

King Yan suppressed his smile and looked at the girl in front of him seriously.

Zhong Wanling seemed unaware of the sharp gazes coming from all directions, and faced King Yan's gaze as sharp as a battlefield sword."but——"Zhong Wanling smiled and said,"I think His Highness King Yan is a different matter."

Zhong Wanling lowered his eyes, nodded and bowed, and said:"To my great-grandmother, His Highness King Yan will always be her dearest and most beloved brother. You are her eternal guest, and she will always welcome you. Baishouyuan will also welcome you."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was in an uproar again.

"Zhong Wanling!"

Zhong Yan and Zhong Lin were even more shocked. They originally thought that Zhong Wanling came to save the situation. Although he changed the inheritance of Baishouyuan without authorization, the crisis was temporarily relieved. But now, these words are not about opening the door. Will King Yan come in? Is this girl here to save the situation or to destroy it?

Zhong Wanling's smile remained unchanged and he did not turn around. He only turned his head slightly and said to Zhong Lin:"Grandpa, please forgive Wanlan for overstepping her bounds. Sealing Baishou Garden is indeed an act of great filial piety. But, now that things have come to this, why bother sticking to small details? The old lady is upright and upright, the Zhong family is open and honest, Baishouyuan just no longer changes owners, it doesn't mean that it can't entertain guests, nor is it afraid of people's eyes, there is no need to hide it like this"

"you!"Zhong Wanling's words undoubtedly put Zhong Yan and Zhong Lin on the fire. Yan and Lin were furious, but they had nothing to say.

Seeing that the two of them still couldn't answer the question, Zhong Wanling couldn't help but frown secretly, and had to hurry up He walked up to Zhong Lin, blocked most of his sight with his body, and whispered in Zhong Lin's ear, whispering and quickly admonishing:"If you try to cover up, you will reveal your thief's heart."The meaning of these eight words is clear.

Zhong Lin looked at Zhong Wanling in shock. Zhong Wanling just lowered his eyes and bowed and said nothing more.

Zhong Lin frowned and pursed his lips. He waved his hand and ordered:"Here, open the door."

"Second child! ?"

Zhong Lin grabbed Zhong Yan's arm and winked at him fiercely. Zhong Yan then shut up obediently and stepped aside.

After a while, the gate of Baishou Garden slowly opened from the inside.

King Yan also looked at it. Without looking at Yan and Lin, he just turned his head slightly and looked at Zhong Wanling when he walked to the three of them."Do you know what you are doing?"

Zhong Yan and Zhong Lin didn't know who King Yan was asking, because the tone really didn't sound like he was asking a junior who spanned three generations. Zhong Wanling just bowed and didn't answer. Unexpectedly,

King Yan suddenly turned around and squinted his eyes. Looking at the girl in front of me who was performing a manly salute without any sense of disobedience even though she was a girl, she asked playfully:"Do you know that you are crushing and burying your only chance?"

The girl raised her head, showed a smile that made King Yan unpredictable, and said:"I know."After saying that, she lowered her eyes again, still maintaining that complicated smile,"I realized it a few days ago."I don't know if I was talking to King Yan or to myself.

King Yan snorted and said,"I have chosen a good candidate." Then he strode towards the gate of Baishouyuan. As he walked, At the same time, he sighed loudly:"It's a pity that the agencies are exhausted, but I don't know how to promote!""

There is nothing unusual about King Yan entering Baishou Garden.

This was completely expected by Zhong Wanling. After all, only a few people knew that the place of death of the old lady was not in Baishou Garden.

Zhong Wanling felt that Zhong Gui's reaction last night It was a bit strange, so he talked to the maid in his garden for a while, and after a little thinking, he guessed the cause and effect. Only then did he realize that Zhong Lin still had some merits in blocking the news. The night guard discovered the old lady almost immediately Your Majesty, they heard the strange sound of heavy objects falling into the water and immediately came to check, but it was too late. Zhong Lin has been in charge of the family for many years and has many confidants in the family. The guard captain is one of them. He immediately So he went to notify Zhong Lin. Zhong Lin called two close friends, Zhong Cheng and Zhong He. After discussion, the three decided to process the old lady's body first and transport it directly back to Baishouyuan. Arranged for Zhong He to take the three Baicao Pavilions for consultation, and secretly sent someone to Binzhou overnight to invite someone. Zhong Wanling estimated that Zhong He was only allowed to approach during the so-called consultation, and finally successfully concluded that he had died, and then moved the body to the ancestral hall and handed it over. Let the undertaker handle it.

This went back and forth for most of the day, so it was delayed until Zhong Wanling arrived at Lao Xianmen, and then the soul bird with the obituary set off. However, thanks to this continuous operation Fortunately, the real cause of the old lady's death was found within a small area of ​​the mountain city. Originally, that statement was too unbelievable for ordinary people, and it sounded full of malice, and not many people believed it. Therefore, even those who are well-informed Zhong Gui and King Yan both thought that the old lady died in Baishou Garden.

As for the garden, Zhong Lin must have taken care of it long ago due to his steady and thoughtful character. The reason why Zhong Lin closed Baishou Garden was not He dared to let anyone get close to him because he was too cautious. This is what Zhong Wanling pointed out as"hiding the truth". Of course, there are also reasons why Zhong Wanling appeared in advance, and the old lady passed down her legacy in a dream. These things also stimulated Zhong Lin's nerves to some extent.. But, in fact, if Zhong Lin could trust Zhong Wanling more, or calm down and think about it, he would find that he was really worrying too much. The death of the old lady was so sudden that she herself could only rely on divine power. It was only Zhong Wanling who was entrusted with the dream.

Even the old lady couldn't arrange many things herself, let alone King Yan who was thousands of miles away. Whether it was Zhong Gui or King Yan, they were just suspicious at best.

Zhong Wanling He raised his head, put his hands behind his back, and walked into Baishou Garden with his uncles who were either suspicious, curious or anxious.

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