Zhong Wanling left the Eight Immortals Hall but did not return to Magnolia Residence. She walked into the ancestral hall.

No idlers are allowed to enter the ancestral hall. Except for the ancestral priests and clan members, servants are generally not allowed to enter. If it were not a festival, the clan members would not come.

Zhong Wanling pushed open the ebony door, stepped over the high stone pillow, and walked around the screen wall.

The high gray walls stand tall, and the scorching summer sun seems to be unable to penetrate. The lampstands on the outer walls of the corridors on both sides are covered with white lanterns, making them look quiet and peaceful.

Zhong Wanling walked straight through the long patio, walked past the dim light of the lanterns, and walked past the vats that hide the wind and gather energy.

The door of the main hall was open, and the dim light of the ever-burning lamp illuminated the neatly arranged spiritual tablets on the wall. Zhong Wanling crossed the threshold and entered the main hall. The old priest was taking a nap in the side room, and snoring could be heard from behind the door curtain.

A few months later, there was another memorial tablet on the wall, belonging to her favorite great-grandmother.

Unfortunately, she finally broke her promise.

There was no way she could fulfill her promise to her great-grandmother.

Everyone was trying to stop her, and she had no choice.

Zhong Wanling closed her eyes, took a deep breath, knelt down on the futon in front of her, and kowtowed three times solemnly.

After kowtowing for the third time, she couldn't straighten up. Tears finally flowed out of my eyes silently but violently like a flood that broke a bank.

She hates it.

She hates it so much.

She hates her mother who abandoned her, she hates the cunning and greedy Zhong Jianan, Zou Shui'er and Zhong Rujun, she hates the elders who are all fighting among themselves, she hates herself for being incompetent and stupid... When the old temple ding heard the movement in the main hall, he was very busy. When I ran out and took a look, I saw a girl kneeling on the ground. I couldn't tell which girl she was from the clothes she was wearing. I was really shocked. I was about to step forward to help her, but I was stopped by a man's big hand. The old temple man looked up, retreated to the side room knowingly, and then left from the corridor from the side of the side room.

Zhong Wanling was completely unaware. She just knelt down, keeping her head on the ground, and cried silently.

She couldn't hear the outside world, and she didn't care.

Everything has no meaning to her.

A steady but gentle force supported Zhong Wanling's body, and a pair of thick hands helped her up.

Zhong Wanling raised his head and took a clear look at the middle-aged man in blue robes in front of him. It's her father, Zhang Shiyin.

The servants of Magnolia Residence were very anxious when they saw Zhong Wanling heading towards the Eight Immortals Hall. However, the Zhong Mansion has its own rules. The servants in each courtyard perform their duties. They cannot leave the courtyard in charge without the master's order. They had to quickly find their uncle Zhang Shiyin. Zhang Shiyin was very anxious after hearing the general idea. He led his people to search around in the hot summer weather, but there was no one anywhere.

Later, a patrolling guard said that he saw Miss Wan Lan going to the ancestral hall, and Zhang Shiyin hurried over.

When Zhang Shiyin walked into the ancestral hall, he saw Zhong Wanling kneeling motionless in front of the memorial tablet. Zhong Wanling was kneeling on the ground with no expression on her face, but Zhang Shiyin had a feeling that he knew she was crying. When he saw Lao Cun Ding trying to help Zhong Wanling up, he stretched out his hand to stop Lao Cun Ding.

He knew that his daughter definitely didn't want people to see her crying. She was a very strong child. It had been a long time since he had seen his daughter cry, and the last time was the last night before leaving Huaining.

That night, the three of them turned off the lights and went to bed early. But he and his wife couldn't let go of their only daughter after all, and wanted to sneak into the room to see her again while her daughter was sleeping. But the two of them heard gentle sobbing in the room at the door.

It wasn't until then that he realized that the daughter who always contradicted him and whose palms were swollen by him would also cry. It turned out that his unscrupulous daughter, who had always been too sensible, would not let them go.

He and his wife did not dare to enter the room, fearing that they would regret their decision if they saw her. He and his wife did not even dare to stay at the door of the room, fearing that if their daughter heard the noise, they would be reluctant to let go.

In the end, two rooms, three people, and a sleepless night.

Zhang Shiyin helped his daughter up. Zhong Wanling's eyes were already red and swollen, but her face was still full of indifference and wariness, as well as deeply hidden despair.

Zhang Shiyin knew that five years later, his daughter could no longer trust them. They had personally destroyed her trust and dependence. He didn't understand what was going on in the world of immortality, and he didn't understand why his wife made such a decision. But now that the done thing is done, what else can he do? What could his poor daughter do?

Zhang Shiyin sighed, hugged his poor daughter, and comforted Wen Yan:"Forget it, it doesn't matter. I'll come back in ten years at most."

Zhong Wanling suddenly pushed Zhang Shiyin away and glared at him angrily, like a A wounded beast that still refuses to surrender. Her eyes were filled with tears, but she stood firm and didn't let any drop fall. She mocked herself and said:"In ten years, will I still have a chance?"

Zhang Shiyin advised:"In ten years, you will only be twenty-five years old, won't you still have a chance?"

"Ha, twenty-five years old……"Zhong Wanling smiled miserably,"Do I still have a chance to live to be twenty-five? After this time, will I still have a foothold in the Zhong family!?"

Zhang Shiyin couldn't understand, he felt that his daughter was just angry and sad Got carried away. How can an exam and a selection change a person's life? It’s even less likely to take someone’s life! He could only try his best to persuade:"Wan Lan, calm down, things won't be as serious as you think. Calm down!"

"It's you who should wake up!"Zhong Wanling roared angrily,"You don't understand anything at all. You just want to live in your own ivory white tower, and you don't know anything about what's going on outside! do you know? This is a choice that affects the fate of the entire Zhong family and the entire Lao Xianmen! You don’t know, you all don’t know! You don't care about the Zhong family's affairs at all, but they only see immediate interests. Your mother is even more stupidly obsessed with"the eldest son and the legitimate grandson".’……!"

"There was a crisp sound, and a heavy slap fell on Zhong Wanling's face.

Zhong Wanling did not cover it, but turned his face sideways as if he had been hit. One cheek quickly became red and swollen.

Zhang Shiyin glared at Zhong Wanling angrily. , the numbness in his palms made him feel distressed, but Zhong Wanling's words made him even more angry."How can you say that about your mother! ? Do you think you are smart? Are you the only one who can see things clearly and everyone else is a fool?! Even if she is, she is your mother! If you don't agree with your parents, you can't be your son!"

"That’s your Confucian bullshit, what does it have to do with me!"Zhong Wanling mocked angrily,"For the brother she loved and her brother's son, she personally buried her daughter and the entire family. What is this if not stupidity? Does that change because she is my mother! ? Facts are facts! Zhang

Shiyin was so angry that he raised his hand and wanted to slap Zhong Wanling again, but when he saw the obvious redness and swelling on her face, he immediately stopped his hand and cursed angrily:"If I don't let you go, will I ruin you?" ? Just give me a little more time! Hey, it’s all the old lady’s fault for spoiling you!"

"Spoiled?"Zhong Wanling laughed loudly, and finally couldn't help but shed tears, as if they were too ridiculous."My mother wanted to kill me, but I was angry but unable to resist, but my father said that I was the only one who cared about me. Is my man spoiled? Hahaha, then I would rather be spoiled! I still want to live!"


A thunderbolt interrupted Zhang Shiyin's words.

The sky outside was covered with dark clouds at some point, and the strong wind blew the white lanterns on the square patio, making the lampstands crackle. A heavy rain will hit soon.

Zhang Shiyin seemed The fierce wind blew away the anger and calmed down a little."Forget it, calm down first. But

Zhong Wanling laughed, maniacally and sinisterly:"You should take a good look at our situation first!" You think you're in a clear sky, but you're actually in the center of a storm. You see, in a few days Zhong Jianan will make rapid progress again. Without my stop, he will be the master of this quota. Do you think he will break through through normal means? No, he won't, never. He's just mediocre, even you can tell. What will a mediocre person do once he takes over? My respectable father, you have experienced so many ups and downs in officialdom, can you not imagine it?"

The strong wind brought water vapor in from the open door, passing between the two of them, blowing the everlasting lamps on both sides swaying and flickering.

Zhang Shiyin felt a chill all over his body. He wanted to deny it, but Zhong Wanling's eyes are so bright and clear

"So, if you tell me ten years from now," Zhong Wanling's smile turned self-deprecating again,"I won't have the chance to live ten years from now, nor will I be twenty-five years old. Zou Shui'er is so restless that she has long wanted to get rid of me. Within three years after Xuantian's selection, they will definitely get rid of me to avoid future troubles. Then, let me think about it...it should be Zhong Jieshan.

Although he said that he would never withdraw from the selection process and wanted to workBu Meng Pavilion. Ha, how naive! How could those people believe that? Moreover, at that time, their goal was far from as simple as a quota. He and Bu Mengge will become their biggest obstacles, and they will definitely find ways to uproot Zhong Jieshan and Bu Mengge."

Zhong Wanling smiled, leaned against the door tiredly, and then squatted slumped on the ground along the door panel. She could no longer see the land, only the endless surging black sea.

The rain fell.

First a drop. Two drops turned into a pattering rain curtain in a moment, and soon turned into a rushing waterfall.

Zhang Shiyin originally thought that these were just delusions in Zhong Wanling's despair and anger, and they were nothing but unfounded worries. But the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Zhong Wanling What he said was very reasonable.

He was also born in a big family and had seen a lot of overt and covert fights. He knew that in such an environment, people could do anything for a little benefit, or even do anything for a guess.

So, he ran away.

He ran away twice.

Once by himself. Later, he went back. With the love of his life and his wife's belief in family ties, he returned to the place where he was born. But he encountered more and more dangerous things. He was targeted, so he ran away again, taking his wife with him.

But when he followed his wife to the Zhong family, he discovered that although his wife loved her family deeply, her love was so blind. Because The water in the Zhong family was far deeper than any place he had ever seen. Especially during the six months he had stayed at Lao Xianmen, he felt more and more that he was in an abyss.

He really couldn't figure it out. He always thought that the selection of Lin'an Branch Pavilion Regardless of the Xuantian selection, it is actually the same selection as the imperial examination. If you win, you will be successful, but if you fail, you will continue to work hard or find another way out. But the people of Lao Xianmen not only tried their best to kill each other, but also even killed each other.

He really couldn't understand it.

But he had to admit that Zhong Wanling was right

"Let's get out of here." Zhang Shiyin comforted,"Let's stay away from here, go home, and be clean with the Zhong family from now on. I don't believe it."

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