Taoist companions help me live forever

Chapter 198 Ending (Part 1)

Tax Division.

Zhao Shiwen had finished her day's work and was planning to work overtime. She didn't know what to do when she went back anyway.

The big empty house, but she was alone.

Then Shi Shiran, the nominal director, walked in.

"You...why are you here?"

Zhao Shiwen's attitude was a little reserved.

Counting the days, she hadn't seen Yu Xian for half a year.

She was quite worried when she heard that the ancestor of the Lin family dominated the audience at Zhenren Wan's Golden Elixir Ceremony and later went up to Shangyang Mountain under the watchful eyes of many people.

Worried about Yu Xian's safety and worried about Yu Xian losing power, everything she owned disappeared.

Later, Zhenren Lin disappeared quietly, and the Lin family was directly confiscated by Wu Laozu and the tax department led by her.

Her heart also calmed down.

In her impression, except for the thrill when her ancestor came back, Yu Xian had never made any mistakes.

He didn't seem to care about anything, but nothing could trouble him.

This time, there are no exceptions.

It's just that Yu Xian is too mysterious to her now. She can no longer see through this man, and sometimes even feels a little strange.

"After all, I am also a part-time director. Do I have to report to you when I come to my own territory?"

Yu Xian looked at Zhao Shiwen jokingly and said:

"Deputy Director Zhao, what a great official authority?"

Zhao Shiwen blushed: "You know that's not what I meant."

Yu Xian sat down on his own, waved to Zhao Shiwen, patted his thigh, and signaled to sit down.

"I missed you, so I came to see you."

Yu Xian's hands were not idle and he began to probe Zhao Shiwen's conscience.

"Look, without my supervision, you have become too small. You used to have a big heart, but now you can only rein in the cliff. It is really a masterpiece of ruining God."

Zhao Shiwen felt that Yu Xian's hand seemed to have a different kind of magic power, making her cold body suddenly become hot.

She was filled with joy in her heart, but her mouth was half charming and half angry:

"I don't care anyway, so what does it matter if it's bigger or smaller?"

Hearing this, Yu Xian paused and sighed.

"Think about it, I do ignore you too much and don't care about your feelings. I have to say sorry to you."

When Zhao Shiwen heard what Yu Xian said, instead of being happy, Zhao Shiwen turned pale. She quickly grabbed Yu Xian's hand and said extremely humbly:

"Master, I don't blame you, I... I was just joking with you, please don't drive me away, okay?"

Yu Xian laughed dumbly: "When did I say I wanted to drive you away?"

"I know that when the master says sorry to me, the next sentence will be to let you go free. I don't want freedom. I just want to be the master's concubine. I will go wherever the master goes."

Zhao Shiwen expressed her loyalty.

She has been unable to live without this man for a long time. It was he who gave her dignity, glory, wealth, power, and everything else.

She simply couldn't imagine what it would be like to lose him.

She is actually very similar to Magnolia, both are flower vines wrapped around a big tree.

It's just that she likes to climb the vines high, let the flowers bloom in the spotlight, and enjoy the feeling of being the center of attention.

But her roots are in the big tree after all. If she loses the support of the big tree, she will fall into dust from the sky, which she cannot bear.

"Okay, I can still answer questions."

Yu Xian's words made Zhao Shiwen almost fall into hell, but the next sentence pulled her to heaven.

"But I changed my mind again."

"In a few days, I will accompany you back to Zhao's house to meet your mother. This will probably be the last time you meet your mother.

We are about to go to a far away place, where everything is strange, like a new world.

And there's a good chance we won't come back.

So you still have a chance to regret it.

I won't force you, and you don't have to worry about making me angry if you refuse. I respect your choice. "

After all, Yu Xian's actions didn't stop.

If Zhao Shiwen is not willing to leave her hometown and go to Xuanyang Realm with him, then it is reasonable to break up with her.

Zhao Shiwen's reaction surprised Yu Xian.

"Only where the master is is my home."

"Even if it's just to be an unpopular concubine? You have to know that after arriving in a new place, you will no longer be the Deputy Director Zhao that everyone respects now.

You are just Zhao Shiwen, an ordinary female foundation-building cultivator. "

Yu Xian was not much moved, but his attitude was almost indifferent.

Zhao Shiwen stubbornly held Yu Xian's hand and shed tears at some point.

"I don't care! If the master says he doesn't want me anymore, I will leave. But if you don't drive me away, master, I will follow you!"

Yu Xian looked at Zhao Shiwen's eyes quietly, which were slightly bloodshot due to excitement, but could not change the sincere emotion in them.

As a man who has contributed actor-level acting skills many times, he can clearly sense the changes in Zhao Shiwen's blood and heartbeat, and he knows very well that what Zhao Shiwen said at this moment is true.

He never thought that Zhao Shiwen, who followed him because of interests in his eyes and whom he regarded as dispensable, would truly fall in love with him.

Obviously he put the least thought into Zhao Shiwen.

After meeting her only a few times, she bullied her into being young and ignorant, and boarded the pirate ship with half inducement and half coercion. Later, she used her name to take over the Zhao family and took advantage of her.

She had actually paid for everything he gave her.

Maybe in the eyes of some people, the value of all these is not equal, but to him, there is no difference between the two.

Just like to a millionaire, one dollar and ten dollars are insignificant.

In this case, why would she like herself.

You can't live a good life without clinging to others.

But the feeling of being liked is always good.

Yu Xian's face softened, he gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Zhao Shiwen's eyes, and said with a gentle smile:

"Then let's make an agreement. If I don't drive you away, you will be a cow and a horse for me. When the time comes, you won't be able to run away even if you want."

Zhao Shiwen burst into tears and smiled. Suddenly she straightened up, her waist as thin as a water snake leaned forward, her head rested on Yu Xian's shoulder, and she exhaled like blue, with a hint of temptation.

"I am the master's cow and horse, and I was born to be ridden by the master."

Damn it!

Yu Xian felt his heart heat up as he heard what he was saying. If he didn't say anything, it would make him look like he was incompetent.

So he picked up Zhao Shiwen from the waist.

There was a clang.

The door to the room was closed tightly, and a layer of transparent restrictions blocked the melodious tone of Cheng En in the room.

Although Yu Xian's original idea was to keep Zhao Shiwen, except for Yulan and Luo Han, the two appointed Taoists, he did not take anyone with him.

After all, the Xuanyang realm is a high-level map, and the Golden Core realm is unlikely to be able to cover it.

The more people he takes with him, the more uncontrollable factors there will be, which can easily cause him unnecessary trouble.

But the Wu family and his party made him change his mind.

After Patriarch Wu broke through the golden elixir, the spiritual energy of heaven he absorbed allowed him to see another path of cultivation for himself - to be an angel investor!

Help those frustrated foundation-building monks to break through the false elixir realm, and absorb their heavenly spiritual energy as their own cultivation materials.

Later, Wan Tianqiu's breakthrough proved that his idea was feasible.

And if he wants to do all this, he must have a force at his disposal to handle trivial matters and collect intelligence for him.

But it is obviously impossible for him to create a force from scratch by himself, so a ready-made force framework is particularly important.

Patriarch Wu, Wan Tianqiu, and Zhao Shiwen are all core figures in his plan.

Patriarch Wu is the alchemy tool maker, Wan Tianqiu is the number one thug, and Zhao Shiwen is his spokesperson, controlling the two demon kings under him.

The three of them supervise and balance each other and find prey for him, while he is responsible for harvesting.

So even if Zhao Shiwen refused to leave with him, he would not really let her go. Otherwise, where would he find a spokesperson who knew the truth?

From Zhaojiafang City to the Taxation Department, everything was easy to use.

In a sense, Zhao Shiwen is truly good at living and not clingy.

the next day.

After working all night at the Taxation Department, Yu Xian took Zhao Shiwen back to her parents' home.

Shangyang City is five hundred miles away from the Zhao family. It takes less than half an hour to go there by a small flying boat at a speed of three hundred kilometers per hour.

Therefore, Zhao Shiwen actually returned to her parents' home frequently in recent years.

However, this time it was different.

Unless something unexpected happens, this is the last time she will go home. Even if she comes back next time, there will be no old friends at home.

After all, she is also over fifty years old, and her peers, Bu Bing Zhu Ji, don't have many years left to live.

Needless to say, her mother is almost eighty.

Moreover, her mother was just an ordinary Qi practitioner who only practiced for a period of time when she was young. Her cultivation had been neglected for who knows how many years.

If conditions hadn't improved in recent years and there were all kinds of nourishing elixirs to support him, I'm afraid he would have gone west long ago.

"Master, I suddenly felt a little scared."

Zhao Shiwen stood above the flying boat, overlooking the familiar scenery of the Zhao family, holding Yu Xian's hand tightly with her cold palms.

Yu Xian shook his hand and smiled.

"I'm here."


Zhao Shiwen nodded slightly, took a deep breath, calmed down, and landed in a small town on the ground in a flying boat.

"Since we left, my mother has moved to the town. She said it is more lively here and there are people to chat with her."

With more people living in the Zhao family's land, a small town was naturally built, located on the periphery of the family's spiritual lineage.

Generally, the people living here are the descendants of the Zhao family, some people who are related to the Zhao family, and many mortals.

In a small courtyard.

The courtyard door was open, and through the door one could see a stooped old woman, holding a small dustpan filled with finely crushed corn kernels, and feeding chickens in the courtyard.

"Gugugu, it's time to eat, it's time to eat."

The old woman sprinkled the corn kernels, and soon a group of chickens ran out and gathered around the old woman, pecking at the corn kernels.

Occasionally, two chicks would get into a fight over uneven distribution of the spoils, which would lead to scolding from the old woman.

"Don't grab it, don't grab it, it's all there."

The old woman looked at the chickens surrounding her feet, scattering handfuls of corn kernels from time to time, with a kind smile on her face.


Suddenly a call came.

The old woman looked up and saw the daughter she had been thinking about day and night walking in from the door holding a man's arm.


The dustpan fell from the old woman's hand, the corn kernels scattered, and the chickens came in large numbers, eating happily.

"You didn't ask anyone to tell me when you came back?"

The old woman wiped her hands on her apron, looked at Yu Xian carefully and asked:

"And Mr. Keqing, why are you back together?"

She knew her daughter's identity and got a few guesses from the Zhao family. Naturally, she didn't dare to pretend to be her mother-in-law, and she didn't even dare to call her uncle.

Yu Xian smiled and said, "Auntie, just call me Xiao Yu. Shiwen said she misses you, so I will accompany her to see you."

"This is the gift I brought you."

As he said this, he presented a brocade box, which contained the elixirs he had refined during daily practice, which could not be better used to strengthen the body, strengthen the body, and prolong life.

"Xiao, Xiaoyu."

The old woman caught the brocade box unnaturally and forced a smile on her face.

"I'm really troubling you."

Yu Xian said: "It's not troublesome. I have some things to do, so I won't accompany you to reunite with Shi Wen."

He nodded to the two of them and turned to leave.

This time I accompanied Zhao Shiwen back, one to reassure her, and the other to meet an old friend.

It was long after Yu Xian left, until his back was no longer visible, that the old woman dared to whisper in Zhao Shiwen's ear:

"Wenwen, Mr. Keqing doesn't usually bully you, right?"

She didn't have much contact with Yu Xian, so when Yu Xian came to visit Zhao Shiwen, he invited her over to see her as a gift and received a hundred spiritual stones as a gift.

However, she didn't spend any of these spiritual stones. She also collected dozens of spiritual stones and gave them all to her daughter as private money, so that she would not be wronged by her husband's family.

The main reason for marrying Yu Xian at that time was to avoid disaster and avoid joining the Lin family and being tortured.

Later, when I heard Yu Xian's name, he was already the elder of the Zhao family's Keqing. Later, his daughter also became the head of Zhaojiafang City, and she was taken back to the clan by the Zhao family.

In the blink of an eye, decades have passed.

Zhao Shiwen said angrily: "Mom, I treat me very well. Don't always think that I am not doing well. This time he even came with me to see you.

Moreover, I am now a foundation-building monk, and the most powerful monk in the Zhao family is no match for me. She is no longer the little girl who was bullied before. "

The old woman felt relieved, grabbed Zhao Shiwen's hand, and said with a smile:

"It's good if you don't get bullied. Mom doesn't understand anything. Over the years, people have always come to me and asked me to introduce them to you.

Mom was afraid of causing trouble for you, so she didn’t agree to any of them.

This time you finally come back, be sure to stay a few more days. "

The old woman talked nonchalantly, often without matching her words, but Zhao Shiwen listened with interest.

She has been dependent on her mother since she was a child.

If her mother hadn't said that she couldn't get used to living in Shangyang City and there was no one around to talk to, she would have taken her there to enjoy her old age.

But this time...

Zhao Shiwen suppressed her thoughts and a smile appeared on her face.

"Mom, I'm a little hungry. Whatever you want to eat, I'll make it for you."

The old woman smiled and said, "I like everything my daughter makes."

"Then I'll borrow flowers to offer to Buddha, and make chicken stewed with mushrooms."

Zhao Shiwen rolled up her sleeves and grabbed the two unlucky little hens watching the excitement.

"Okay, it's all up to you."

Yuezhen faction.

In the back mountain, under a thriving moon bud tea tree, in front of a simple tombstone, there are the words "Tomb of Shi Liu Yueru" written in large characters.

Yu Xian stood in front of the tomb, picked up a glass of wine and poured it on the ground.

"I'm leaving. I'll see you again before I leave."

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to be so stupid. It's just a foundation-building pill. You owe me a lot. If you can't pay it back, you'll have to pay it back in your lifetime. What does it matter?

You probably don’t know how rich I am now, and it doesn’t matter if I eat the Foundation Establishment Pill like a jelly bean. "

"It's a pity that I don't have the chance to show off to you."

Yu Xian poured another glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

"There is no return date."

"No need to worry."

After saying that, he turned around and looked at Wen Renyue, who was standing silently behind him.

"I took a look when I came here just now. The Yuezhen Sect is developing well now and has several foundation-building seeds.

I'm sure your master will be very pleased if he knows something about it. "

Wen Renyue nodded coldly.


"Thank you for what?"

Yu Xian laughed at himself: "Actually, if you hadn't appeared in front of me, I would have almost forgotten about you master and disciple.

If I had paid more attention to you, maybe your master would not have died. "

"But men always seek to be mean-spirited."

"If your master dies like this, I'm afraid I'll never forget her. Before I leave, I want to say goodbye to her."

Wen Renyue said: "I know, it's just that Master is stupid. But if you can come and say goodbye to her, for Master, her stupidity is worth it."

"Actually, I have been waiting for you to come and see Master these past few years. But I waited and waited, and you never showed up. I thought you would never show up in front of us again."

"I didn't expect you to come anyway."

Wen Renyue smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that I lost, Master."


Yu Xian was stunned for a moment, and his tyrannical consciousness instantly surged out around him, and he finally noticed something was wrong.

On the tombstone of Master Liu, a faint wisp of smoke rose and turned into a familiar figure - Master Liu!

"Yue'er, you are convinced now. Your master's judgment in choosing a man can be wrong once, but he will be wrong a second time."

Leader Liu still looked like the young woman that Yu Xian was most familiar with. There was a charming look between her brows and eyes, but she no longer had a physical form.

"You turned into a ghost?!" Yu Xian smiled bitterly: "Your obsession is so deep."

Ghosts are a strange creature in the world of immortality. They are born and raised spirits. They have been cultivated by the Yin Spirit Land for thousands of years. They can be regarded as a special race, the ghost tribe.

But there is also the devil of nurture.

Most of these ghosts are fierce ghosts, because they had too much resentment and deep obsession before death, and the escaped souls combined with the Yin spirit by chance and became ghosts.

There are also some monks who deliberately transform themselves into ghosts to obtain a second life in order to seek immortality. Such monks are also called ghost cultivators.

Like Wanshou Zhenren, he is half human and half ghost.

Yu Xian also got some information about ghosts from him.

Of course, Master Liu is not a ghost cultivator, but an acquired ghost, but looking at her, there is no resentment at all.

Then there is only too much obsession, and the longing for the world refuses to leave.

Leader Liu smiled softly and said, "I just wanted to see you again, and I didn't care about anything else.

I don’t know how long I slept, but I suddenly woke up again and saw Yue’er angrily scolding you in front of my grave for how ruthless you are.

Since I didn't believe it, I showed up and made a bet with her.

It seems I won. "

With a bit of excitement, Leader Liu floated in front of Yu Xian, stretched out his hands, held his waist, and said softly:

"Senior Yu, it's great to see you again."

"I can finally go without regrets."

Master Liu's soul is getting weaker and weaker. She was born out of obsession. Now that her obsession disappears, there is no longer any power to support her existence.

Wen Renyue stood aside with tears streaming down her face.

She hopes that Master will win, but she does not want Master to win.

Because if the master loses, he can always stay with her, but if the master wins, it proves that her choice is right, and senior Yu still cares about her a little bit.

Yes, all they want is a little bit.

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