Chapter 138: Why didn’t I understand

[Salty fish cultivation is limited, so the content of the debate will choose famous philosophical issues or allusions from ancient and modern China and abroad, as well as some famous debates.

There will also be debates in “Qin Shi Mingyue”.

Some will change slightly depending on the plot.

After all, if you want salted fish to argue with yourself

And it is so deep that it can be called the most famous debate.

That salted fish will not be just a forced worker]

Step by step, the butterfly stepped down from the air and walked to the center of the plain.

The girl bowed to Zhou Wurui, the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter, and the monks on the plain who presided over this debate.

Forget the butterfly caresses the hem of her skirt and kneels on the cushion.

The entrance of the forgetting butterfly lifted everyone’s spirits.

They knew that this debate was about to begin.

If Forget Butterfly wins this time, then Forget Butterfly will become an unprecedented person.

She will be the first person to clear the world of ten thousand laws since the establishment of the power of the nine continents.

If the Qianling Holy Land wins, then it will end the streak of forgetting butterflies.

Some cultivators believe that if their side wins the Forget Butterfly, it can be regarded as the reverse clearance of the eight continents.

But that can’t really be counted.

Because everyone’s argument is different.

For example, if Forgetting Butterfly wins Buddha, if Jiang Ningzhi wins Forgetting Butterfly, there is no guarantee that Jiang Ningzhi can win Buddha.

Because this has been the case before.

There was a Buddha who won all the battles before, but lost the last argument, but that person lost to another person who had lost to the Buddha.

Therefore, even if the Qianling Holy Land wins the Forgetting Butterfly, strictly speaking, it is only winning the Forgetting Butterfly.

To truly clear the world of ten thousand laws, it is not to defeat one person, but to walk through the holy land and top sects of the world.

But no matter what, the one who wins the Forgotten Butterfly, his name will spread throughout the entire world of ten thousand laws, this is certain!

This debate took the form of a question and answer.

According to the rules of the past.

Divide the questioner and the answerer.

If the questioner does not answer two questions, then the questioning party wins?

And if the respondent wins any of the games, the respondent wins.

How is it? ”

Zhou’s ruthless voice spread throughout the Qianling Holy Land with the blessing of spiritual power.

These rules have taken tens of thousands of years, and they are all like this, and Zhou Wurui is just a formality.

Forget Butterfly nodded lightly: “Yes.” ”

Zhen Dexiao and Jiang Ningzhi nodded: “Listen to the arrangement of the Holy Lord.” ”

“Well, in that case, let’s start arguing. ”

Zhou Wurui nodded, looking at these juniors with some relief.

For a big guy of Zhou Wurui’s level, no matter who wins, it is okay.

Because he already cares about the whole world, and doesn’t just care about the Qianling Holy Land.

Of course, if you can win in the Qianling Holy Land, it is naturally excellent.

In the end, Qianling Holy Land chose the answering party, and Forgetting Butterfly was the questioning party, and two questions would be asked.

Forget Butterfly turned slightly sideways and nodded ruthlessly to Zhou.

This means that the debate has officially begun.

Then the girl looked at the sky, and what was reflected in her beautiful eyes was the azure blue of the sky, but unfortunately there were no thousand paper cranes.

I don’t know what the girl thought, and the corners of her cherry-colored mouth gently hooked.

And this gentle smile shook into everyone’s hearts and stunned everyone’s gods.

After three breaths, the girl retracted her gaze and slowly spoke:

“May I ask Your Highness the Son and the Holy Daughter, do you know about birds? ”

Zhen Dexiao quickly recovered from the beauty of the forgotten butterfly and smiled: “I know.” ”

Forget the butterfly: “Do you two know whether this aerial bird is happy or unhappy?”

Zhen Dexiao: “Eh, the happiness of flying birds, don’t you forget that the butterfly girl knows.” ”

Forget Die nodded: “Of course”

Zhen Dexiao smiled a little playfully: “Is it happy or unhappy?”

Forget Butterfly: “Of course it’s happy. ”

Zhen Dexiao shook his head: “The girl is just laughing, the girl is not a bird, how can she know the happiness of the bird?” ”

Forgetting Butterfly tilted her head slightly, and the charming girl actually looked a little cute: “Oh, isn’t it a bird that can’t know the happiness of birds?” ”

Zhen Dexiao is very confident:

“That’s nature, isn’t it ridiculous to forget that the butterfly girl is not a bird, not a bird, but to say that she knows the happiness of a bird.” ”

Forget Butterfly’s eyes blinked: “Really ridiculous? ”

Zhen Dexiao: “Of course. ”

Forget Butterfly: “That brother is not me, but asserts that I don’t know the happiness of birds, isn’t it ridiculous?” ”


Zhen Dexiao was speechless for a while, wanting to say something, but he couldn’t say anything.

Above the plain, there is even more silence.

And that’s just the first debate.

Above the plain, there is already a road rhyme quietly circulating.

“Scoundrel, I. Why didn’t I understand,” Zhao Lingxue gently shook Su Li’s arm.

“You don’t need to understand this. Su Li also rubbed his eyes, “Anyway, you know who is silent first, who loses.” ”


Zhao Lingxue pouted, feeling that this big bad guy was perfunctory.

But it doesn’t matter.

Sure enough, cultivation is so troublesome.

It’s still good kendo, straight to the end, the only sword.

If you say that the only trouble for a girl to practice swords, what is it?

The girl lowered her head and looked down her neck.

Will the sword practice become more and more flat?

“This first game, the Girl Forget Butterfly won. Seeing that Zhen Dexiao and Jiang Ningzhi did not answer for a long time, Zhou ruthlessly announced the result.

However, Forgetting Die shook his head and got up to salute Zhou Ruthlessly:

“The debate just now cannot be regarded as forgetting butterfly winning, it is a Taoist friend who inadvertently argues and forgets butterfly, and forgetting butterfly can’t answer at that time.

Just now, Forget Butterfly just felt that this question should not be silent in the world, so he took this opportunity to raise it.

If the seniors allow it, argue, this is the real beginning, okay? ”

The girl’s voice spread.

People on the plain heard.

She was also extremely curious about who the “Taoist friend” she was talking about was.

I couldn’t even answer the forgetful butterfly.

However, they felt that this “Taoist friend” must be the power of some senior.

It’s just that Forgetting Die doesn’t want to reveal the identity of the other party, and deliberately disguises himself as a “Taoist friend”.

Only Su Li behind the plain, he withdrew his gaze into the distance, and calmly took a sip of tea.

However, Su Li’s heart was a little panicked, and he was very worried that the other party would confess him

“That being the case. All right. Now is the official beginning. ”

Zhou Wurui didn’t care much, but there was a faint guess about the “Taoist friend” in the mouth of Forgetting Butterfly.

Then Forget Butterfly asked first. ”

Forget Butterfly knelt down on the cushion again, perfectly curvy and pressed her little feet wrapped around her foot bag.

From the side, just the body of the forgotten butterfly is definitely a beautiful scenery.

Forgetting Butterfly: “May I ask the two, is victory and defeat opposite”

“Yes! Zhen Dexiao immediately replied, wanting to regain the face he had just lost.

Jiang Ningzhi, who was about to answer, glanced at Zhen Dexiao beside him, looked at his anxious look, just shook his head slightly, and closed his eyes.

Forget Butterfly asked again: “Then may I ask, is life and death the opposite?” ”

(End of chapter)

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