Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 305 Grab all the treasures and activate your tactics!

As Lu Qingfeng saw at this time, this Yushan Taoist could actually size up Lu Qingfeng.



"This detection technique is really clever. If it weren't for the aura in my eyes, I almost wouldn't have found it."

You can even adapt to changes and communicate with Lu Qingfeng!

"Junior Huangpao, I have met senior Yushan."

6 Qingfeng hurriedly paid his respects.

This is different from the dull spiritual thoughts before, but instead entrusts Taoist Yushan's true thoughts, which is equivalent to Taoist Yushan himself being in front, and Lu Qingfeng does not dare to slack off.

Spiritual thoughts and thoughts are two different concepts.

The former is unconscious, but the latter is the same as the original body, having the same thoughts and consciousness.

Like a living person.

If there is a secret method to practice, maybe it can be refined into a second soul, or even an incarnation outside the body. Practicing the body in seclusion and walking outside as an incarnation is the real way to save life.

But even the method of worshiping and refining the second soul is rare in the world. The achievement of incarnation outside the body is even more difficult to find in the lower world.


Taoist Yushan's thought was far away from the level of the second soul and the incarnation outside the body.

It can only be called sad.

"No need to be polite."

Taoist Yushan waved his hand, "I can only maintain this idea with the help of the Immortal Mansion Formation. Once someone comes here and the idea comes out, they will not be far from death."


6 Qingfeng's eyes were filled with emotion.

He felt the helplessness the most. In the game for many years and sixteen lives, he often ran out of life and died.

Especially the fourteenth life was unable to break through in the Black Star Realm for three thousand years, and eventually died of old age in the starry sky.

The deepest feeling.

And the most reluctant to give up.

Although Taoist Yushan has been dead for thirteen thousand years, this thought is proof that he once lived in this world.

Now we have to disperse.

All traces are completely erased from heaven and earth.

Even if Taoist Yushan only had a thought at this time, he was still a little disappointed.

After calming down, Taoist Yushan laughed at himself and said, "I have lived in vain for more than ten thousand years, but I still can't look away when the time comes."

"The longer you live, the closer you are to eternal life, the most unwilling to fall into reincarnation like a mortal."

6 Qingfeng said half-comforting and half-sighing.

"My little friend is young, so it's rare for him to see clearly."

The more Taoist Yushan was amazed, the sadness swept across his face, his face became solemn, and his eyes were fixed on Lu Qingfeng, "I sensed that a disciple of Qingmu Valley was also in the cave at this time. After thirteen thousand years, Qingmu Valley will finally It has not been destroyed yet. There is a great treasure in the Aoki Valley here, and a strong person will come at any time, so no more gossip."

Taoist Yushan seemed to be in the mood for conversation, but then stopped, acting rather vigorously——

"Make a great oath to the demons in your heart. When you succeed in your cultivation in the future, you will kill Xun Zhenbei of Qingmu Valley for me. If you swear to the demons in your heart, you can take away all the secret techniques and magical tools that I left in the cave. If you don't do it, I will Don’t be embarrassed, just go ahead.”

He waved his hand to create a shadow.

He is a domineering Taoist, holding a double sword and with sharp eyes.

It should be the north of Xunzhen in Qingmu Valley as mentioned by Taoist Yushan.

"The Oath of the Inner Demon."

The most fearful thing on the path of spiritual practice is the chaos caused by inner demons.

If you make a great oath with inner demons and violate it, then the inner demons will come, and they will not be weak inner demons like those in the Lingxu Mind Moving Realm. But the extraterrestrial demons who can destroy the path of immortals are by no means ordinary.

"Junior Huangpao has sworn to inherit the secret techniques and magical weapons of senior Yushan, and after he has achieved success in cultivation, he will kill Xun Zhenbei of Qingmu Valley. If he violates this oath, Huangpao's inner demon will arise and his path will be cut off!"

There is nothing to hesitate about.

Since I am determined to obtain the secret of immortality from Taoist Yushan, I naturally have to inherit the cause and effect. As for swearing an oath as the 'yellow-robed old monster' or as 'Lu Qingfeng', there is no difference.

The way of heaven cannot be deceived.

Lu Qingfeng would not be allowed to escape causal punishment just because his name changed.

In the main hall, an undetectable wave rippled.

Taoist Yushan looked at Lu Qingfeng, nodded in praise, "If you act decisively, your future will be limitless."

6 Qingfeng stood respectfully.

Taoist Yushan added, "Xun Zhenbei was a Yuanshen monk thirteen thousand years ago. If he fails to ascend, he will naturally die at the end of his life, and there is no need to abide by this oath. If he ascends by luck, he will definitely be a Mahayana true immortal." You just need to practice and plan slowly, and when your cultivation is sufficient, you can avenge me for the assassination you committed back then."

"Junior, please save it."

6 Qingfeng nodded and responded.

As long as he can cultivate to the realm of the Mahayana True Immortal, it will be easy to kill the True Immortal of the same level. Just from Taoist Yushan's words, Lu Qingfeng also heard a hint of the true face of this world.

I was about to ask again.

But Taoist Yushan stopped Lu Qingfeng with a wave of his hand, "It's not too late to take the treasure and leave."


From the mouth of the golden dragon above the main hall, several treasures were spat out one after another——

A golden page.

Two jade plates.

Three-legged green tripod.

Four magical weapons.

The treasure fell, and the treasure light illuminated the main hall, covering up the light of the divine general and the golden dragon.

6 Qingfeng looked at Taoist Yushan and saw a smile on his face, and said loudly, "We are destined to be together. If you meet my reincarnation in the future, please give me a little support. I am very grateful!"

"As it should be."

6 Qingfeng responded.

Before he could finish his words, Taoist Yushan's thoughts disappeared into the air.

Since then.

The soul of a generation has been overhauled. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net can be regarded as completely passing away in the mountains and rivers.

6 Qingfeng shook his head, reached out and put all the treasures in the sky into his storage bag.

I saw the golden dragon roaring in the sky, and the god generals on both sides roaring.

Evolve a large formation.

6 Qingfeng frowned and looked intently——

"Teleportation array?!"

The light was dazzling, and the formation lines were woven together, and the formation was teleporting on the side of Evolution. And judging from the posture, the other end of the teleportation must be extremely far away.

6 Qingfeng raised his head.

In the main hall, the last voice of Taoist Yushan came——

"The Greenwood King Cauldron is the most precious treasure of the Greenwood Valley. The Seven Gorges Immortal Sect is connected with the same spirit. It is not suitable to stay in the Nine Waters realm for a long time. This formation leads to the Three Mountains realm and is far away from the Nine Waters and Seven Gorges, so it can be protected from detection."

"This is the last thing I can do for my little friend."

"A good life and practice are extremely valuable."

The words fell.

The evolution of the grand formation was completed and started to move with a bang.

"Three Mountains Boundary?"

6 Qingfeng stared at the formation, shook his head, and five colors of light burst out of his head, shaking suddenly. A hole opened in the formation, and Lu Qingfeng stepped out of it with Yun Dian Step.

Appear again.

But it appeared outside the Immortal Mansion.

Step out of the great formation and step out of the Immortal Mansion at the same time.

6 Qingfeng swayed and used the 'Invisibility Technique' to completely cover up his figure. 6 Qingfeng used the five-color divine light and Yun Dian Step in the Immortal Mansion, and after leaving the Immortal Mansion, he gathered all his magical powers, all his true energy, and his aura fluctuations.

Invisibility added.

Even though the three sect masters guarding the outside surrounded the Immortal Mansion with water, they still could not find Lu Qingfeng who quietly walked out from the corner and merged into the darkness silently.

Yushan Immortal Mansion.

The third level.

Wu Lao, Xun Bai, and Jing Zhan appeared one after another.

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