Shuttle, cart, clothes, pagoda.

Except for the 'Evil Clothing', the remaining three items are all tools for traveling or escaping, and they are all of the seventh level.

"This Yushan Taoist——"

6 Qingfeng looked at the four magical weapons in front of him and couldn't help but pursed his lips.

Taoist Yushan was a major cultivator of the soul, and he had so many escape weapons, but he still couldn't escape death in the end.

The magic power is no match for the number of days.

What can I do!

"Taoist Yushan said that he was attacked by Xun Zhenbei of Qingmu Valley. I don't know what the situation was at that time."

6 Qingfeng was curious.

I have more faith in what Taoist Yushan said.

With these four magical weapons nearby, who else can kill Taoist Yushan except for the sneak attack by monks of the same level?


6 Qingfeng waved his hand and put away the four magical weapons, feeling sorry for Taoist Yushan. I'm afraid it was the presence of these magic weapons that caused Taoist Yushan to lose his vigilance and end up like this.

This also reminded Lu Qingfeng——

"No matter how many treasures you have around you, they are not as real as your own cultivation. You must be vigilant about everything and never take it lightly."

Shake his head.

6 Qingfeng turned his palms, and two jade plates fell into his hands.

First look at the jade plate in your left hand——

"I, Yu Shanzi, have been exposed to the formation since the foundation period, collected all the formation classics from all over the world, and even transformed into 'Hyacinth' to sneak into the Tianxing Sect and obtain part of the Tianxing Sect's inheritance."

"Finally, we will become a generation of formation masters."

"Three mountains and nine rivers, three mountain sects, seven gorge gates, and demon lairs. Thousands of formations cannot trap me, and millions of formations cannot stop me."

"I have studied the essence of the Formation Dao all my life and compiled it into a book. The process of understanding, various deductions, and essays are all in it. If you have understood it for a moment or two, you can be called a master."

The first paragraph is Taoist Yushan's introduction to the information in the jade plate.

But it is a formation book.

[Classic: Yushan Notes]

[Grade: side door level]

[Explanation: Taoist Yushan collected array classics from three mountains and nine rivers, combined with part of the inheritance of Tianxing Sect, and summarized the results]

"Notes from Yushan."

6 Qingfeng browsed casually and withdrew his mind from the jade plate.

In addition to being famous for his life-extending method, Taoist Yushan is also the most powerful in his formation method.

He established the Immortal Mansion in the Black Death Swamp to leave a legacy, and sealed the Aoki King Cauldron within it. The Aoki Valley searched for it for thirteen thousand years but could not find it. After the Immortal Mansion was born, he was even more afraid of Taoist Yushan's formation skills and did not dare to send Yuan Shen Daxiu into the cave.

This shows that Taoist Yushan has great attainments in formation techniques.

However, Lu Qingfeng had already published "The True Interpretation of Tianjun Formation Dao", which was brilliant and comprehensive, far superior to "Yu Shan Notes", so he didn't pay much attention to it.

It was the ‘Tianxing Sect’, which made Lu Qingfeng slightly startled.

"I didn't expect that Taoist Yushan and the Tianxing Sect actually have a connection."

6 Qingfeng's eyes showed a look of thought.

This Tianxing Sect, together with Cyanwood Valley and Ten Thousand Beasts Immortal Mountain, belong to the Seven Gorges Immortal Sect. They are established by formations and are also the top Immortal Sect of the Three Mountains and Nine Waters. In the Yushan Notes, Taoist Yushan even revered the Tianxing Sect as the sect of formations in the world.

Highly respected.

Even though he considers himself to be the top formation master in the world, he never dares to look down upon the Tianxing Sect. ·

Speaking of Tianxing Sect, there is a connection with Lu Qingfeng, "In the future, if you are promoted to the Dharma Gathering Realm, you can go to Yunmengze Mountain Gorge to have a look."

Temporarily distant.

Don't think too much.

Enter the "Yushan Notes" into the properties panel and look at the other jade disc in your hand.

6 Qingfeng’s thoughts penetrated into the jade dish——

"Everything in heaven and earth is subject to life and death."

"Human life and death are both slow and fast. The life and death of monks also have a certain number. This method is called the 'Mortal Immortality Method', and it aims to compete with heaven for life. If you don't become an immortal, you have to live for tens of millions of years and become an immortal in the mortal world."

[Exercise: Immortality in the world of mortals]

[Grade: side door level]

[Explanation: In ancient times, there was an amazingly talented and beautiful person in the world, named "Tian Qing Zi". He felt sorry for the short life of the world and the countless sufferings, so he worked hard and with great wisdom and perseverance, he created "the secret of immortality in the world of mortals". ', said 'the method of immortality in the world of mortals'. Regardless of mortals or monks, regardless of their qualifications or understanding, they can practice this method, compete with heaven for fate, steal the vitality of heaven and earth and add it to their own bodies, and they will not die for tens of millions of years. They are called "red earth immortals". 】

[Note: This method excludes all foreign true energy and magic power. 】

[Note: This method is used to cultivate true energy and magic power, mainly to nourish the physical body and soul. 】

[Note: This method focuses on health and longevity, and does not have the ability to fight. 】

"How to live forever in the world of mortals!"

6 Qingfeng looked at the properties and looked carefully.

About two hours later, Lu Qingfeng took a thorough look at this sect.

"This method——"

6 Qingfeng's face showed a look of contemplation, and he didn't know how to judge "The Law of Immortality in the World" for a moment.

According to the explanation of the exercises and Lu Qingfeng’s own understanding.

This technique is indeed a rare method of extending life in the world.

Using the vital essence of spiritual trees and spiritual plants to build the foundation, mortals can also practice it.

The first level of 'Mountain and River Meridian Fist' absorbs the infinite vitality of the mountains and rivers, replenishes oneself, and practices to the extreme, which can extend your life for 660 years.

The second level of the 'Sun and Moon Five Wheels Fist' is to refine the essence of the sun and moon in the sky, temper the body, and practice to the extreme, which can extend your life for 3,800 years.

The third level of the Zhoutian Star Fist relies on the power of the Zhoutian stars to nourish the body and soul. If you practice to the extreme, you can extend your life by 21,200 years.

The fourth level of 'Aoki Immortality Fist' is to search for the spiritual trees of heaven and earth and the spiritual plants of all worlds, and absorb the essence of the trees and endless vitality. Theoretically, as long as there are enough spiritual plants for the practitioner to absorb vitality, he can reach the highest level of the "Red Dust Immortality Method" realm--

Red dust fairy!

Living in the world of mortals, immortal.

The scary thing about these methods is that no qualifications are required, as long as you practice step by step, from the first level of Mountain and River Channel Fist to the second level of Sun and Moon Five Wheels Fist, and then to the third level of Zhoutian Star Fist, you can extend your life by at least 21,000 After two hundred years, many Yuan Shen overhauls will not live this long.

Reached the fourth level.

If there are enough spiritual trees, it is not a fantasy to survive the death of a true Mahayana immortal and live as long as the heavens!

"Qingzi is really powerful today, he can actually create such a powerful ** sect."

6 Qingfeng couldn't help but marvel.

If he can practice to the third level, his life span will be more than 20,000 years. In the game, that's a full two million years.

It’s more than enough to become an immortal and an ancestor!


"This method goes against heaven, but it also has various limitations."

6 Qingfeng recalled the description of the technique and thought about it secretly.

"The Law of Immortality in the Red Dust" can extend your life and even make you live forever.

However, from ancient times to the present, very few people have practiced it. The root cause is that there is no way to protect the Tao. Secondly, after practicing hard, it turns out to be the flesh of Tang Monk.

"This method is overbearing and excludes all alien true energy and magic power."

"That's why I can't practice other techniques at the same time, nor can I practice spells or magical powers."

"The true essence and magic power produced through cultivation are mainly to cultivate the physical body and the spiritual soul. In order to observe the vitality, all offensive and defensive abilities are abandoned. Even if it reaches the fourth level, it takes time and hard work to achieve the soul overhaul, face-to-face combat, and even Not as good as Master Jiedan or even Lingxu monk."

Practice magic and magical powers.

It is by no means a thorough understanding that can be used at will. It is also necessary to build a spell cycle and numerous talismans in the body. This kind of technique is very powerful if it is controlled by the heart.

This is also one of the reasons why monks are restricted from practicing too many magical powers at the same time.

However, when practicing "The Law of Immortality in the Mortal World", you can no longer build spells and magical powers, at least most of the spells and magical powers, so as not to ruin your vitality.

The road to spiritual practice is filled with dangers and obstacles.

Without the great supernatural power to protect the road, even if we live forever in the world of mortals, why would we face so many disasters?

This is one of them.

"Stealing the vitality of heaven and earth and returning it to one's own body. The physical body and soul have been nourished for thousands and thousands of years, no less than a great medicine of heaven and earth. Mortals and monks can live for several years or decades longer by eating a mouthful of meat. Devouring the flesh and soul, You can live for thousands, tens of thousands more years.”

"Once a monk who practices the "Mortal Immortality Method" appears, he will immediately be coveted by countless Yuanshen Daxiu and even Mahayana true immortals who are about to expire."

"Fight with fear, the whole world is your enemy!"

Live for tens of millions of years and become immortal in the world of mortals, but it is the elixir of immortality.

If heaven and earth are not harvested, life will never be exhausted. It has its own destiny and thousands of calamities.

This is the second one.

"This kind of method is suitable for the dependents of powerful people. With the protection of powerful people, there is no need to fight, and there is no fear of coveting."

6 Qingfeng shook his head and smiled, "If you are a descendant of a powerful person, why go to such trouble and practice such a method? You can enter the Shinto and become a carefree god. The Shinto will not be destroyed, and you can live for tens of millions of years."

That is to say, when Tian Qingzi was still in the human world, the three mountains and nine waters were cut off. That's why Tian Qingzi didn't know the way of God, so he spent all his energy to create such a mysterious and wonderful but useless method of immortality.

"If this method is obtained by the devil, it is unknown if it is used to raise 'human medicine' and increase longevity."

Think of this. UU read

6 Qingfeng sighed, "There are really endless good and beautiful things in the world."

But for him -

"I have the "Huang Ting Jing", which can govern all dharma. While practicing the "Long Chen Immortality Dharma", you can also practice the original dharma. It also has the ability of 'derivation', which can strengthen the dharma and perhaps erase all the shortcomings."

All restrictions and so-called hidden dangers in "The Law of Immortality in the Red Dust" are not a problem in front of Lu Qingfeng or in front of "Huangting Jing".

How exactly.

But he still has to deduce and strengthen it in the game, and then try it several times.

In reality, life span is currently sufficient, and there is plenty of time to ponder in the game.

"How to live forever."

6 With a smile in his eyes, Qingfeng entered it into the properties panel.

in this way.

This time in the Yushan Immortal Mansion battle, the first goal was successfully accomplished. The Seven Gorges Immortal Sect may have known about the various restrictions of the "Mortal Immortality Method" for a long time, and even had such a method in the sect. Therefore, when Yushan Taoist Immortal Mansion was born, only Qingmu Valley sent two golden elixir monks here.

It is because of knowing the flaws of the method.

Not very interested.

Fortunately, Lu Qingfeng was able to avoid many restrictions with the "Huang Ting Jing".

This statute will shine in his hands.

"The lifespan of a deficient spirit is eight hundred years. When I changed my bones during foundation building, my lifespan was shortened by one hundred and fifty years. During the period of spiritual deficiency, my lifespan was only six hundred and fifty years."

"But for the fourth level of the spiritual realm, apart from the first level of fasting and the fourth level of fusion, which take some time. The second level of heartbeat and the third level of divine silence can be passed in an instant."

"At most seventy or eighty years, you can enter the realm of pill formation."

Although Lu Qingfeng had just entered the spiritual void at this time, he was still in the bigu state.

But he is only over 70 years old, which is more than enough for him to be promoted to Dan Jie.


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