Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 311 Realm name: Barbarian God Realm!

The golden ring fell and tightened quickly.

The Purple-Eyed Bone Dragon was restrained all over, and the golden light suppressed the demon. When the corrosive poisonous gas met the destiny nemesis, it was like an oil barrel meeting the sea of ​​​​fire, and it was instantly ignited.


The huge body fell to the ground.


"Ho ho ho!"

The purple-eyed bone dragon roared in pain and rolled around, obviously suffering unimaginable torture.

It is an undead bone dragon that can survive happily even in the corrosive devil's cave where humans have changed. At this moment, a pair of purple eyes trembled in pain, and traces of ghostly fire leaked out of them.

"Are you willing to surrender?"

Lu Qingfeng came to the rolling purple-eyed bone dragon with a clear voice.

"Are you willing to surrender?"

"Are you willing to surrender?"

"Are you willing to surrender?"

The clear voice fell in the ears of the purple-eyed bone dragon, as if a demonic sound filled the ears, asking questions about the soul. After enduring such torture, the Purple-Eyed Bone Dragon had its sanity after all, so it didn't dare to stand up.

He quickly struggled to get up and put his huge head on the ground.

Express surrender.


"From today onwards, you will be called 'Purple Eyes'."

Lu Qingfeng touched his palm and praised, and with a thought, the golden ring of subduing the demon was withdrawn from the purple-eyed bone dragon, and turned into a golden ring and put it on his wrist.

The purple-eyed bone dragon's pair of purple-eyed will-o'-the-wisps then calmed down and looked at the golden ring on Lu Qingfeng's wrist, still flickering with fear.

Don't dare to make mistakes.

Purple Eyes surrendered.

Lu Qingfeng glanced into the distance and raised the corner of his mouth slightly, not caring.

He looked back and saw the surprised and uncertain faces of the four weird cultivators who had just stopped the Purple-Eyed Bone Dragon for him. He couldn't help but smile and said, "Guangyuan, a poor Taoist, thank you four fellow Taoists for your help."

Realm of Man God

Introduction: The vastness of the prehistoric era, the evolution of hundreds of millions of worlds in Hengsha, and the development of thousands of races. In the world of barbarian gods, hundreds of races coexist, and the barbarian gods are respected. The Eternal God King leads the Immortal True God to build a divine system, stick to the Barbarian God Realm, completely seal the inner and outer worlds, and isolate the inside and outside from entering and exiting. Three hundred years ago, Yin Jiao, the "God of Tai Sui" of the Tai Sui Department, wandered in the void and discovered this world. Disrupting the heavenly secrets of a world, he sent his disciples to reincarnate in the world of barbarian gods in order to spread the Taoism and educate the world of barbarians. The Six-Eyed Master of the Tiandao Sect noticed this and rushed outside the Barbarian God Realm. He also ordered his true immortals to reincarnate in the Barbarian God Realm and compete with Yin Jiao for the ownership of the Barbarian God Realm.

"Barbarian God Realm."

"In this way, the two people seen outside the realm of the Barbarians are the Six-Eyed Master of the Tiandao Sect and Yin Jiao, the god of Tai Sui."

Survive the catastrophe.

Lu Qingfeng and the tauren Horace rushed to the watcher's lair.

I have some free time on the way and check the system prompts.

This world is called the ‘Barbarian God Realm’. It is of such high rank and so repulsive that even the God of Heaven cannot make his incarnation come, and can only send reincarnations of his true immortals to enter.

There has always been a grudge between Master Liupu of the Tiandao Sect and Guangchengzi, the master of Yinjiao. Yin Jiao stared at the Barbarian God Realm. The Six-Eyed Master stared at Yin Jiao and discovered this realm at the first time.

Immediately send disciples to fight for it.

A world of this level has great potential, even no less than the Evergreen World controlled by Lei Bu. Once you can pass down the Taoism in the Barbarian God Realm, and even control the Barbarian God Realm, you will gain huge rewards. Even powerful people at the level of Liutong Venerable and Yin Jiao will gain a lot.

Great powers fight against each other, and orthodoxy fights.

Lu Qingfeng was thrown over by Venerable Poison Dragon who was in charge of the Galaxy Realm.

"Galactic Realm."


Thinking back to the Galaxy Realm, Lu Qingfeng shook his head.

He has been operating in Blue Star for many years. He has survived the Forty-nine Heavenly Tribulations and is immediately promoted to the Dharma-Gathering Realm. He can quickly achieve the Nine Levels of Gangsha with the help of the Earthly Evil Yin Veins and Qiantian Gang Qi on Blue Star.

Who would have thought that Venerable Poison Dragon was so powerful that he would personally intervene.

All the plans he had planned on Blue Star and the countless methods he had worked so hard to establish were gone.

Now that we have come to the Barbarian God Realm, we have to start from scratch again.


"The Barbarian God Realm has a lot of opportunities. Even the Six-Tong Venerable and the Taisui Department are competing for it. It is also a situation of isolation between the inside and the outside. Without the intervention of the outside world and heaven, with my background, I may not be able to be in the Barbarian God Realm. Compete for the greatest opportunity.”

"Even controlling the Barbarian God Realm is unknown!"

Lu Qingfeng's eyes flickered.

The Venomous Dragon Lord sits in the Milky Way Realm, which is obviously a world specially transformed to cultivate witch warriors. He practiced immortality among them, and he was out of tune and was eliminated sooner or later.

Like this time, he was discovered after crossing the forty-nine tribulations.

Fortunately, Venerable Poison Dragon had a bad reputation but was kind. Not only did he not kill Lu Qingfeng, he instead sent him to the world of barbarian gods that contained great opportunities.

Not only could Lu Qingfeng not blame him, but if he really achieved something in the Barbarian God Realm in the future, he would owe Venerable Poison Dragon a great cause and effect.

"Cause and effect are elusive."

"First go to the 'Watcher's Lair' to learn more about it."

Horace, Senior, and Burns led the way.

Bacchus is titled ‘Viscount of the Burning Blade’ and is the sole guardian of the Burning Blade Sanctuary. After cordially inviting Lu Qingfeng to visit the Watcher's lair and make sure to visit the Burning Blade Sanctuary, he separated from everyone and returned to the Burning Blade Sanctuary.

Lu Qingfeng followed Horace and the other three, using the purple-eyed bone dragon to rush to the Watcher's lair.

The tauren Horace spoke densely and with great enthusiasm.

Lu Qingfeng gradually came to understand the Barbarian God.

Come on in general.

The Barbarian God Realm is divided into the outer world and the inner world, which is the ‘inner and outer world’ mentioned in the system. Just like what Lu Qingfeng saw when he entered the Barbarian God Realm, it was like an egg with its shell removed. The outer world should be the egg white part, and the inner world should be the yolk part.


In the understanding of Horace and other natives of the Barbarian God Realm, the external surface world is called the 'material world' and the 'main plane'. The inner world is collectively called the ‘heaven’. In fact, the heaven is divided into different continents such as the 'God Realm', the 'Kingdom of the Gods', the 'Underlying Abyss' and so on.

"When you reach the level of the Grand Duke, you are qualified to enter the heaven. Once you surpass the Grand Duke and are promoted to legend, you cannot stay in the material world. Legendary professionals in the heaven, including the Immortal True God and the Eternal God King, cannot enter the material world from the heaven. boundary."

Horace saw that Lu Qingfeng, the new lord, knew very little about the world, so he took the initiative to explain it to him.

By the time he arrived outside the Watcher's lair, Lu Qingfeng had roughly figured out the layout of the Barbarian God Realm.

"The Guardian is back."

"Meet Viscount Lieyang, Viscount Stormy Wind, and Baron Wrathful War."

Outside the Watcher's lair, there are two towers made of earth and stone. On the tower, four warriors in chainmail and four mages in robes saluted Senior, Burns, and Horace respectfully.

When their eyes touched Lu Qingfeng on the side, or the purple-eyed bone dragon at Lu Qingfeng's feet, their faces showed panic.

"Purple Eyed Bone Dragon!"

They recognize it.

This bone dragon is exactly the same as the purple-eyed bone dragon in the legendary Corruption Demon Cave. It's just that the purple-eyed bone dragon in the rumors is violent and likes to kill, and ordinary people have no reason to survive after seeing it.

But the skull dragon in front of him was terrifyingly docile. Under the feet of this young mage, he walked respectfully and did not dare to make any mistakes.

"This is Baron Guangyuan. This purple-eyed bone dragon is the mount that Baron Guangyuan has just conquered. Please pay your respects quickly."

Seeing the warriors and mages stunned, Horace roared loudly.

It scared the eight people.

He quickly saluted Lu Qingfeng and said, "Greetings to Baron Guangyuan."

"Baron Guangyuan."

Lu Qingfeng smiled inwardly.

It is somewhat novel to divide the cultivation levels in such a way that is almost like a secular title.

His face remained motionless.

He only nodded to eight warriors and mages of different races.

Standing in front of the sentry tower, Senior looked at the purple-eyed bone dragon at Lu Qingfeng's feet, with a look of embarrassment on his old face.

Lu Qingfeng understood at that time, and dropped the demon-subduing gold ring from his wrist, put it around the neck of the frightened purple-eyed bone dragon, and slowly tightened it. The purple-eyed bone dragon saw that the golden light had subsided and felt no pain. Only then did the will-o'-the-wisps coming out of its purple eyes subside.

"And wait here, don't cause trouble or hurt anyone."

Lu Qingfeng jumped off the purple-eyed bone dragon's back and said majestically.


The Purple Eyed Bone Dragon roared, and very obediently walked to the side and lay down, putting its head on the ground to show that it was harmless.

There is a golden ring around the neck to tame demons.

How dare it disobey in the slightest.

"Thank you, Baron Guangyuan."

Seeing Lu Qingfeng like this, Senior thanked him quickly.

"The purple-eyed bone dragon is a demonic obstacle after all, and Viscount Lieyang should be worried." Lu Qingfeng could understand.

Although he could guarantee that the Purple-Eyed Bone Dragon would not dare to act recklessly in the Watcher's Lair, it was a monster with a notorious reputation after all, and Senior and the people in the Watcher's Lair would not believe it so firmly.

Once inside, it will definitely cause panic.

No need.

"Baron Guangyuan actually tamed the notoriously ferocious Purple Eyed Bone Dragon into such a docile one. Once word spreads, the reputation will spread everywhere. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net "Burns looks like a demon, but is extremely gentle.

When Lu Qingfeng was going through the tribulation before, Burns had tried to lure the purple-eyed bone dragon away several times. When his plan failed, he even wanted to whip up a strong wind and take Lu Qingfeng to escape.

Although the purple-eyed bone dragon was eventually tamed by Lu Qingfeng.

But Lu Qingfeng couldn't ignore this feeling.

"Viscount Stormy Wind deserves the award."

Lu Qingfeng had a good impression of the horned black prison mage and said with a smile.

"Stop standing outside."

"Baron Guangyuan, Old Niu, let me take you around the Watcher's lair!"

The tauren Horace was impatient, so he crossed the guard tower first and walked inside.

Lu Qingfeng, Burns and Senior looked at each other, laughed, and entered the Watcher's lair together.

"Baron Guangyuan?"

"It seems to be the new lord."

"How strong must it be to be able to tame the purple-eyed bone dragon?"


On the tower, four warriors and four mages watched Lu Qingfeng and the others disappear before talking in low voices. Everyone was shocked and glanced secretly at the purple-eyed bone dragon lying on the side. It wanted to touch the golden ring on its neck with its front legs but was timid and cowered.

They looked at each other again.

Watcher's Lair.

It's a 'nest', but it's actually a wide valley surrounded by mountains. In the valleys, farmland was opened up to grow wheat, rice, etc. In the surrounding mountains, caves are dug out, which are the places where the three races in the Watcher's Lair, including humans, tauren, and the Black Hell Tribe, live together.

It's like a city in the mountains.

In the valley.

There are tauren plowing the fields, humans irrigating the fields, and the Hell Tribe busy around.

Three completely different races actually live in harmony, creating a wonderful picture.

Quite pleasing to the eye.

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