Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 318 The mysterious sound echoes 100,000 miles away!

Standing on the top of the Great Rift Valley, Lu Qingfeng watched the four dukes of Xingyao Floating City go away.

His thoughts flickered, and he finally shook his head.

"not the right time yet."

"After digesting the territory controlled by Augustine, the Guangyuan Immortal Sect has begun to take shape, and then we will discuss recruitment."

How could a powerful duke be taken under his command at will? !

In the material world, the Lord of the Thirty-Six Abyss is undoubtedly the strongest.

Down below is the Duke and Lord.

In other words, whether they are the Lord of the Abyss, a Grand Duke, or an ordinary Duke, they all belong to the category of Duke-level lords.

It's just that the Grand Duke is the top strong among ordinary Dukes and has the ability to defeat many with one, so he is listed separately and is called the 'Grand Duke'.

There are only ninety-nine Grand Dukes on the first level of the huge Abyss of Divine Punishment.

The gold content is extremely high.

The Lord of the Abyss is the most powerful among the ninety-nine Grand Dukes. He has the ability to crush the other ninety-eight Grand Dukes, so that he can seize power and suppress thousands of abyssal creatures.


The Duke of Thorns.

He is one of the ninety-nine Grand Dukes in the first level of the abyss.

He is the lord of the eight thousand miles radius of the Great Rift Valley of Thorns, and is well-deserved to be the top powerhouse on the first level of the abyss.

Facing Augustine with such a great reputation, Lu Qingfeng originally wanted to digest all the experience points before dealing with him in two years. But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. The golden ring that subdued demons was revealed after passing the heavenly punishment, triggering a series of things.

In the end, the abyss army attacked Xingyao Floating City.

Lu Qingfeng did not hesitate.

Go directly to the Great Rift of Thorns and fight.

Augustine, who was rumored to be powerful, unpredictable, and whose abyssal army was invincible for eight thousand miles, was actually a clump of extremely evil thorns. Once it is difficult to control, it has thousands of branches and it is difficult to resist. Secondly, even if it has the upper hand, it will be difficult to completely kill its tens of thousands of branches, and it will be difficult to completely kill Augustine.


Augustine met Lu Qingfeng.

The dark soldiers and ghosts will control the place.

All magical weapons came out.

Destroy thousands of thorns, capture the souls, and easily kill the 'Grand Duke of Thorns' who has obvious advantages and obvious flaws.

The soul is suppressed in the Eight Views Tower.

But even so, the four Laurels in Star Floating City are also strong dukes after all, and their strength is only half a level lower than Lu Qingfeng's. He opened his mouth rashly just to get them to join him. It was not easy for him to be willing to be his subordinates and do whatever he wanted.

Simply say nothing for the time being and wait for the future.

"Not urgent."

After sixteen lifetimes of accumulation, Lu Qingfeng's background has been profound to a level that even the reincarnation of immortals in the mortal world may not be able to compare with.

It only takes a while to turn this accumulation into strength, and then you can push it all the way.

Recruit subordinates.

Development power.

There is no need to worry, with Lu Qingfeng's strength, he can resist any incoming enemies on the first level of the abyss. Suppress one side and develop slowly, and sooner or later you will be invincible.

Concentrate your thoughts.

Lu Qingfeng lowered his head and looked at the messy and decadent Thorn Rift Valley, his eyes unwavering.

Looking into the distance, the north side of the Great Thorn Rift Valley stretches for hundreds of miles with majestic mountains. "This mountain is called 'Zhenyuan Mountain', and it can be the gate of the Guangyuan Immortal Sect!"

A wave of his sleeves.

A three-foot-tall stone tablet fell down and read——

Zhenyuan Mountain!

time flies.

The Grand Duke of Thorns, Augustine, was killed, the Great Rift of Thorns was bloodbathed, and the news of its capture quickly swept through the first level of the Abyss of Scourge like a hurricane.

The world was shocked.

The name of 'Grand Duke Guangyuan' spread from the Star Floating City, and he instantly reached the top of the first level of the abyss, replacing the original position of 'Grand Duke of Thorns'.

Some good people once ranked the top powerhouses on the first level of the abyss based on their records.

Augustine, the Grand Duke of Thorns, ranked 81st among the ‘Ninety-nine Grand Dukes’.

Lu Qingfeng killed Augustine and was directly ranked 81st. Many people even think that Grand Duke Guangyuan's ranking is much higher than this.

Lu Qingfeng ignored all the arguments from the outside world.

Dedicated to setting up Zhenyuan Mountain.

The numerous formations turned into a large mountain gate formation, covering Baili Zhenyuan Mountain.

Zhenyuan Mountain is on the side of the Great Rift Valley of Thorns. Augustine is entrenched here, so it is naturally not an ordinary place. The bells and whistles of heaven and earth, and the blessing of the will of the abyss, make this a rare treasure land for cultivation.

But in detail, it is more suitable for the survival and cultivation of evil abyss monsters such as Augustine.

Lu Qingfeng set up a formation and reversed the entire situation.

The Nine Heavens Gang Wind cleansed the Great Rift Valley, and the strong wind continued all day and night, turning the evil, hatred, and gloomy energy accumulated for thousands of years into nothingness.

The star formation connects the stars, sun and moon.

The great formation of mountains and rivers governs the mountains and rivers of the earth.

Moving mountains and replacing them with Lu Qingfeng is still not yet ready, but changing the earth's veins and energy is not difficult if there is no one to stop it and no tyrannical monks to suppress it.

The spirit-gathering circle gathers infinite spiritual energy from all directions.

The power of the sun, moon and stars spread over a radius of more than a hundred miles. Mountains, rivers, land veins, and water veins converge with Zhenyuan Mountain as the leader, and their status changes.

In just a few days, the original "smoky" thorny Rift Valley changed its appearance.

The spiritual energy is stirring and the fairy spirit is abundant.

In the abyss, a fairy gate and fairy mountain stood impressively. Like the lotus, it emerges from the mud but remains unstained. It is independent from the world and has a fairy-like atmosphere.

This continuous formation lasted for twenty-seven days.

Only then did Lu Qingfeng stop.

The Yin soldiers and ghost generals were arranged hundreds of miles away, and the fierce power they unleashed in the Great Rift Valley of Thorns made everyone around them, whether they were evil and powerful abyss monsters or lord-level mages and warriors, dare to stand a hundred miles away. From a distance, Zhenyuan Mountain is changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.


They didn’t know the name of ‘Zhenyuan Mountain’ yet, and thought it was the Great Rift Valley of Thorns.

Extremely curious.

However, seventy-two Dutian Ghost Generals with an imposing manner comparable to the Duke, and 3,600 Xuanming Yin soldiers comparable to the Archmage of the Sun guard the void, and no one dares to cross the line.

At the foot of Zhenyuan Mountain.

Lu Qingfeng walked step by step in the void. If there is a ladder to heaven at your feet, you will arrive at the top of Zhenyuan Mountain in an instant.

"The three peaks are standing as if they are about to be destroyed, the green cliffs and the alchemy valley are high and the palms are open. The white emperor's golden essence transports vitality, and the stones are like lotus flowers and the clouds are like the platform."

Zhenyuan Mountain has three towering peaks.

The North Peak is suspended on all sides, with a crown of scenic clouds on top and a ground connection below. It is majestic and unique, like a cloud platform. Lu Qingfeng called it "Yuntai Peak".

On the cloud platform, there is a strange stone like a lotus.

Brought to the sun by Feng Shui, it contains a touch of charm. Sitting cross-legged on it, looking at the sea of ​​clouds thousands of miles away, you will find an indescribable wonder. It is a wonderful place to practice!

There is a huge boulder on the top of the west peak that looks like lotus petals. Lu Qingfeng called it ‘Lotus Peak’.

The Nanfeng Peak is covered with lush trees, quiet environment and pretty peak body, like a fairy bouquet, so it is called "Fairy Peak".

Lu Qingfeng landed on Yuntai Peak in the north, landed on the stone lotus platform, and fell down on it.

He stretched out his hand in the void, and a magic weapon fell into his hand.

Like a conch, there is nothing magical about it at first glance. Lu Qingfeng's true energy surged, activated the magic weapon, and said loudly——

"Guangyuan, a poor Taoist, will be blessed by killing Augustine. Two years later, he will preach the Taoist Dao in Zhenyuan Mountain, and all sentient beings in the abyss who are destined can come and listen to the sermon."

The sound is clear and can be clearly heard within a radius of dozens of feet.

When it spreads dozens of feet away, it gradually becomes fainter. However, the magic conch-like magic weapon in Lu Qingfeng's hand swayed slightly with mysterious light, broke away from Lu Qingfeng's hand, fell into the air and rose in the wind.

Mysteries burst out.

The sound made by Lu Qingfeng was condensed and not dispersed, spreading in all directions through the conch.

"Guangyuan, a poor Taoist, will be blessed by killing Augustine. Two years later, he will preach the Taoist Dao in Zhenyuan Mountain, and all sentient beings in the abyss who are destined can come and listen to the sermon."

"Guangyuan, a poor Taoist, will be blessed by killing Augustine. Two years later, he will preach the Taoist Dao in Zhenyuan Mountain, and all sentient beings in the abyss who are destined can come and listen to the sermon."

"Guangyuan, a poor Taoist, will be blessed by killing Augustine. Two years later, he will preach the Taoist Dao in Zhenyuan Mountain, and all sentient beings in the abyss who are destined can come and listen to the sermon."


All living beings in a radius of one hundred thousand miles, whether in heaven or on earth, have heard Lu Qingfeng's words. As if by the ear, it is deafening and enlightening. Even when practicing, even when sleeping, I can still hear it clearly.


"Zhenyuan Mountain."

And following the voice, a Taoist priest in green with immortal demeanor came into my mind. Obviously I have never heard of "Zhenyuan Mountain", but there is a fairy mountain emerging from somewhere. The clouds roll and relax, the stars bathe, and the mountains and rivers flow, which makes people forget to leave. There is also a guide in my mind, pointing out the location of Zhenyuan Mountain.

For a while.

The abyss of a hundred thousand miles shook.

Hundreds of races of living beings, abyssal creatures, and even various abyssal monsters born and bred in the earth, rushed to the Zhenyuan Mountain guided by their minds.

The wind and clouds gather.

The abyss is turbulent.

“Two years later, Preaching into the Abyss!”

Lu Qingfeng's big sleeves fluttered, and the 'Xuanyin Fasnail' disappeared into his sleeves.

Starry Floating City.

The four great dukes have long since turned around.

The serious foreign threat of the Duke of Thorns was completely resolved by the sudden rise of the 'Grand Duke of Guangyuan'. Xingyao Floating City was able to concentrate on solving its internal problems and cleaning up the interior.

The Great Purge continues.

The reconstruction of the five major levels including Echo Lake is also in full swing. UUReading www.uukanshu.nett

A month after Augustine was killed.

Between heaven and earth, a sound resounded loudly and swept through the entire floating city.

The four great dukes gathered together immediately.

"It's Grand Duke Guangyuan!"

"The location of Zhenyuan Mountain is the original location of the Great Rift Valley of Thorns."

Toyinbi rushed into the conference hall with wind on all fours and was the first to speak out.

Familiar voice.

A familiar figure and appearance.

It was definitely the Grand Duke Guangyuan whom he saw in the Great Rift Valley of Thorns that day.


"The Grand Duke Guangyuan killed Augustine, and now there is such a big fuss. What do you think the Grand Duke Guangyuan wants to do?"

Duke Doyle frowned.

"What else can be done?"

"It's nothing more than wanting to gain a foothold in the Great Rift Valley of Thorns and recruit strong men from all over."

Duke Toynby's eyes shone strangely, "It's just this way, it's the first time I've seen it."

The distance from the Great Rift Valley of Thorns to Star Floating City is more than ten thousand miles. From such a long distance, the sound can actually be transmitted throughout the Starry Floating City. This ability alone is enough to move Duke Toyinby.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Duke Doyle shook his head. Thinking of the tragic conditions in the Thorny Rift Valley that he saw that day, he always felt that the Grand Duke of Guangyuan was too mysterious.

“You’ll find out if you go and see it in two years.”

The four dukes in the conference hall discussed for a long time, but no result was reached. Finally, Duke Laurel made a conclusion.

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