Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 327 Where in life do we not meet each other

Xuanyuan Water Realm goes eastward for 70,000 miles.

Qianzuru Lake.

"Has it been found out?"

Master Lingyi looked at Zhao Yang in front of him and frowned slightly.

Zhao Yang had a worried look on his face and sighed, "It's the annihilation of the Shendu Sect from the north."


Master Lingyi also sighed, obviously he had already guessed the result.

In the past thirty years, Yuxian Pavilion has cooperated closely with the Huanbo Sea Liehuo Sanren. The former is responsible for collecting various materials for refining weapons and alchemy, while the latter supplies Ming and Qing spiritual water.

Although the amount was not much, it made Yu Xian Pavilion make a lot of money.

The Ming and Qing Lingshui purchased for one hundred spiritual stones sold more than two hundred spiritual stones.

At first, as soon as it was released, it was immediately sold out. Although it has slowed down recently, it is easily selling over a hundred copies a year.

Just recently.

In various branches of Yu Xian Pavilion, the stocks of Ming and Qing Ling Shui have been swept away. Not only that, according to Yuxian Pavilion’s understanding, all the Ming and Qing Lingshui operated by other chambers of commerce were also acquired in just two or three days.

Business operators are extremely sensitive to any disturbance in the market.

Yuxian Pavilion is naturally no exception.

Immediately sent people to investigate, and upon investigation, they found the Miedu Shen Sect in the north.

"The supreme method of the Annihilation Divine Sect, the 'Annihilation Divine Eye', is a super-level technique for cultivating spiritual eyes. With the Mingqing Spiritual Water so effective, once the Annihilation Divine Sect discovered it, how could it ignore it?"

Master Lingyi shook his head and said.

From the very beginning, Master Lingyi had anticipated such a situation and cooperated with him only because the benefits were immediate and there were no future troubles. Feeling sad now is nothing more than sighing that a source of huge profits is about to be cut off, and I feel a little reluctant to let it go.

"With the tyranny of the Destruction Shen Sect, we will not let go of the formula of Ming Qing Ling Shui until the investigation is clear."

"The one from the Phantom Wave Sea is in trouble."

Zhao Yang looked to the north with a complicated look on his face, then turned to look at Master Lingyi, "Do you need to remind me about this?"


"Just pretend not to know. Otherwise, the Liehuo San people will run away in fear, and the Master of the Destruction Shen Sect will definitely want to anger me, Yuxian Pavilion."

Master Lingyi shook his head.

It's not worth harming yourself for the sake of a partner.


Zhao Yang sighed in his heart and said nothing.


Lu Qingfeng held Dutian Xuan Mingce in his hand, roaring continuously inside, and waited quietly.

A full eight hours later.

The Qingjin warriors had only been refined eight hundred times, and all three thousand six hundred Xuan Ming Yin soldiers had already broken through to the spiritual peak.


They were all wearing Xuanming armor, holding a shield in one hand and a spear in the other. They exuded a murderous aura that made Lu Qingfeng's heart surge.

"With such Taoist soldiers in hand, even if the Dutian Ghost General has not yet returned to his position, it will not cause any harm. It is enough to dominate!"

Lu Qingfeng looked at the Xuan Ming Yin soldiers arranged solemnly in the magic weapon space, and couldn't help laughing.

Previously, there were only thirty-six Dutian ghost generals at the fifth level of Dutian Xuan Mingce, who were at the peak of spirit deficiency, and one thousand and eighty foundation-building Yin soldiers. Lu Qingfeng's true energy was endless, and he was forced to rely on foundation-building cultivation. Dan Zhenren.

Now his cultivation level has reached Lingxu.

The magic weapon was promoted to the sixth level.

Lu Qingfeng's strength has increased by more than ten times or a hundred times!

The remaining 1,200 Qingjin warriors in the Qingmu King Cauldron are completely sufficient. The extra 3,600 were useless in fighting. They were just laborers cultivating the elixir. Lu Qingfeng directly refined it without feeling any distress.

Compared with real strength, what’s the use of surplus coolies?

Kill the goose to get the eggs?

It doesn’t even exist!

With the Qingmu King Cauldron in hand, Lu Qingfeng can sacrifice more acquired and foundation-building Qingjin warriors at any time. If the Aoki King Cauldron is dismantled for refining, it would be killing the goose that lays the egg.

A mere green scarf warrior, or a blue scarf warrior at the peak of spiritual weakness, can only be regarded as a relatively difficult egg to lay.

"From now on."

"There is no rival in the realm of pill formation!"

Lu Qingfeng's heart was full of pride.

Fortunately, if you refine your mind, you won't let excitement and excitement cloud your mind.

A thought moves.

From the three thousand six hundred Xuan Ming Yin soldiers, three hundred were separated, snatched out from Du Tian Xuan Ming Ce, disappeared into the void.

"First replace the three Dutian ghosts who secretly protect Qingyu and raise them to the peak. Then, replace the three Dutian ghosts who secretly follow Qingshan and raise them to the peak."

Six months ago, Lu Qingfeng, as the 'Evergreen Taoist', killed six Xudan masters of the White Bone Demon Sect.

Soul capture.

Three months ago, Dutian Xuan Mingce was promoted to the sixth level. He immediately trained the Dutian Ghost General and each sent three ghost generals to secretly protect Lu Qingshan and Lu Qingyu.

However, because he was only a Xudan soul, he became a Dutian ghost general again.

The strength is still somewhat inferior to that of ordinary Xudan Zhenren, and can only crush Lingxu monks. You can make do with normal situations, but if you encounter Jufa or even Jindan Zhenren, you will be killed if you can't stop him.

Still a little unsafe.

"The Qingjin warrior has only refined eight hundred, and he has completely upgraded the Xuan Ming Yin soldiers."

"The remaining blue scarf warriors are enough to raise the thirty-six Dutian Ghost Generals to the extreme."

After the ghost general is promoted.

Each has three Dutian Ghost Generals who are at the peak of the Dan Formation stage to protect them. Whether it is Lu Qingshan who is walking to the north for training, or Lu Qingyu who is training to the south of the Juyun Mountains, their safety will be greatly improved.

The six Dutian Ghost Generals who were at the peak of the Dan Formation Stage were dispensable to him and it didn't matter.

But for Qingshan and Qingyu, it is likely to save their lives, which is of great significance.

Within his ability, Lu Qingfeng did his best to protect his brother and sister without delaying their hard work.

Three hundred Xuan Ming Yin soldiers formed up and swept away in the distance.

Only then did Lu Qingfeng look away, thinking about what had happened in Yushan Immortal Mansion for half a year, and thinking about the sharp sword hanging above his head in Qingmu Valley.

"Half a year is enough for Aoki Valley to react."

"Except for the maneuver half a year ago, when someone tried to calculate my location, there was no movement."

Lu Qingfeng pondered.

From this point of view, although it is difficult to infer whether Qingmu Valley has other means, Xuanyuan Sect still wants to return it. If Qingmu Valley really has Lu Qingfeng's unexpected means to find out where his true body is, with his current strength, he won't be afraid anymore.


Even the secret calculations can't find him. As long as he doesn't reveal the magic weapons and methods he got from Taoist Yushan, the possibility of Qingmu Valley finding him is slim.


"Don't rush back to Xuanyuan Water Realm yet."

Lu Qingfeng looked to the north, his figure swayed, his green clothes changed into Xuanqing Taoist robes, his face was resolute and handsome, and his long hair was tied back calmly.

There is a purple-gold alms bowl tied around his waist, and he is playing with green and red beads in his right hand.

Take big strides.

Disappeared into the Chaotian Abyss.

Bone Realm.

Nine dry seas.

This is the holy place for cultivation of intermediate disciples of the White Bone Demon Sect. There are numerous skeletons in the Nine Dry Sea. Countless white bones create the infinite evil spirit of the Nine Dry Sea. Disciples in the foundation-building stage who practice "White Bone Mysterious Technique" can get twice the result with half the effort by practicing here.

Only those with outstanding meritorious service, outstanding talents, or those who have handed over enough spiritual stones can enter the Nine Dry Sea to practice.

So important.

Naturally, there are strong men from the White Bone Demon Sect sitting in charge.

Nine spiritual peak cultivators cooperated with the formation that enveloped the entire Nine Dry Sea.

Even if Master Jiedan comes, he can still block it for a moment or three, and there is no doubt about his defensive strength.

This day.

Luo Yu is cultivating in the nine demon lairs in the Nine Dry Sea.

These are the nine acupoints where the aura of the White Bone Demonic Evil is the strongest. Even a monk at the peak of spiritual weakness will find great benefit in practicing here. Therefore, guarding the Nine Dry Sea is also a rare opportunity.

All around Luo Yu.

Demonic energy prevails.

In front of him, a white bone condensed, constantly absorbing the evil spirit. Obviously, Luo Yu followed the external training method of "White Bone Mysterious Kung". Instead of practicing himself, he practiced the White Bone Demon God.

Once achieved, although many spells can only be performed with the help of the Bone Demon God, the life-saving ability will be greatly improved.

There are pros and cons.

In the practice room.

Suddenly, the white bone jade talisman hanging on his waist shined, emitting a scorching light.


"Xuanyuan Sect's evil barrier?!"

Luo Yu raised his brows and jumped out without any momentum, rushing out of the demon's lair.

The Bone Demon followed closely behind.

Standing on the Nine Dry Sea, Luo Yu looked in all directions and shouted, "Three junior brothers, Wan Ze, Sheng Hai, and Gong Yushan, quickly follow me to hunt down the evil obstacles of the Xuanyuan Sect!"

One word.

From the Nine Dry Sea, three more figures burst out.

One of them, like Luo Yu, is an external demon god, with the Bone Demon God following behind him. The other two were holding magic weapons and were alone, taking the path of inner training.

Luo Yu doesn't write ink either.

Leading the three of them, they headed straight for Jiuku overseas.

Lu Qingfeng swayed and rushed towards Feilingchuan.

"There are spirit stone veins buried in Feiling River. Although there is no real person guarding the Dan Dan, there are real people patrolling from time to time."

"We'll be able to open after a while."

Lu Qingfeng has been to the White Bone Realm many times and has long understood the White Bone Realm.

Everywhere in the world, I know where there might be a real person from the White Bone Demon Sect who will form a pill.

In the three realms, UU reads a book www. uukanshu. net Real people are rare after all.


Most of the people in charge of various industries in the White Bone Demon Sect are peak Lingxu disciples. Not only the White Bone Demon Sect, but also the Xuanyuan Sect and Tianyou Mountain.

Only important places like Danghun Mountain, where a Danghun Stone is worth thousands of spiritual stones, are guarded by Master Jiedan.


Such as spiritual stone veins, cultivation treasures, etc.

They are all at the peak of Lingxu cultivators.

With a large formation set up, it would be difficult to make any mistakes while idle cultivators, and Master Jiedan would not lose face by going to the spirit stone veins and snatching dozens or hundreds of spirit stones.

The peak of spiritual weakness is of great use.

"There is no shortage of spiritual deficiency stage for the time being."

"First kill a few Jie Dan Daoist people, and then gather together the Dutian Ghost Generals."

Lu Qingfeng played with the wind and fire beads with his right hand, while his left hand kept counting in his sleeve.

Go straight to Feilingchuan.

"Across the Jiuku Sea in front is where Feilingchuan is." Lu Qingfeng looked at the water ahead where the demonic energy was rising and shrouded in the evil aura of white bones.

This look.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

"It's true that we meet each other everywhere in life."

Lu Qingfeng looked ahead.

Not far from the Nine Dry Sea, six monks were fighting. Each magic spell was mysterious, and the magical weapons flew around, flattening the mountains and causing the earth to collapse.


Among them were two monks, a man and a woman, dressed in plain clothes, but they were at a disadvantage.

He wanted to leave, but four other monks were standing in the way, and two bone demons kept coming forward, blocking the two of them from escaping.

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