Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 334 Taoist soldiers come out and the war begins!

Thousands of attention.

Feihuo, wearing a wide robe, strode forward from above the clouds and shouted loudly at Liehuo Island below, "Demon Dao Liehuo dares to kill me and exterminate the real person of Shenzong, why don't you come out and die!"

Open your mouth.

No mercy at all.

Three thousand soldiers lined up behind them, with spears like a forest and their armors shining brightly. They said nothing and made no sound.

There are only white clouds under my feet, and the solemn silence brings endless pressure. Only the loud voice of Fei Huo Zhenren stirred up, causing phantom waves to rise dozens of feet high.

The two immortals Li Gu and Xuan Yan stood quietly, looking down at Liehuo Island.

The sound of flying fire roared, and the door of Agni Fire Island was opened with many formations, and a Taoist wearing a fiery red robe walked out.

"Fire Scatterer!"

"Demon way!"

All of a sudden.

People from all directions cast their gazes.

The three thousand soldiers stared angrily.

The three great masters looked at each other.

Lu Qingfeng raised his head and looked at the layers of white clouds in the sky.

Master Feihuo happened to cast his gaze, and their eyes met. When Master Feihuo saw that the latter had a calm face and showed no fear at all, he was filled with anger and immediately shouted in his heart, "How long will it take for the Demon Dao to be captured quickly?" !”


Lu Qingfeng waved his sleeves.


Three thousand six hundred Xuan Ming Yin soldiers were arranged behind them, exuding as much power as hundreds of Dao soldiers in the sky. There are also nine Dutian ghost generals at the front, exuding the tyrannical pressure of the golden elixir peak.

Three thousand six hundred Yin soldiers faced off against three thousand soldiers in heaven.

Lu Qingfeng led the nine golden elixir Taoist soldiers to confront the three friends of Wuchang from a distance.


"Tao soldiers?!"

"The Liehuo Sanren actually have Dao soldiers?"

"Looking at the momentum, it seems that it is not weaker than the Baizhan Dao soldiers of the Miedu Shen Sect!"

The ghost generals and the Yin soldiers all came out, and there were bursts of exclamations from all directions. They couldn't believe it at all.

How rare are Tao soldiers?

Even the Miedu Shen Sect only has nineteen "Hundred Battles Dao Soldiers". Feiyan Pavilion, which is as famous as the Miedu Shen Sect, does not even have a single Taoist soldier.

Not to mention how rare the Taoist sacrifice and refining method is.

Simply cultivating a Taoist soldier would require the Immortal Sect to take several generations or even longer and consume countless resources. Unless a person is very lucky, he or she can obtain Taoist training methods such as 'Fire Crow Taoist Soldiers' and 'Water Walking Taoist Soldiers' that can hunt powerful monsters and quickly cultivate them.


It is difficult to cultivate an organized Taoist army.

But at this time.

The Liehuo Sanren, who used to be so indifferent in the past, actually summoned 3,600 Dao soldiers in one fell swoop? Even above the Hundred Battle Taoist Soldiers? There are even nine powerful Taoist soldiers who are not weak in the golden elixir? !

"This battle is over!"

"The Liehuo Scatterers have Dao soldiers at their disposal, and there may be big forces behind them."

I originally thought he was a fifth-level alchemy master, but who would have thought he was still a powerful golden elixir master. I thought that was the end of it, but unexpectedly, I summoned Taoist soldiers like a forest.

The monks from all directions looked towards the direction of Liehuo Island and saw Liehuo Sanren leading the Taoist soldiers to confront the three great masters and three thousand Taoist soldiers of the Heavenly Destruction Shen Sect. They were boiling for a moment.

in this way.

What might have been a one-sided situation suddenly changed dramatically.

Above the clouds.

Even Master Feihuo was stunned into silence, his eyes full of surprise and uncertainty, and the ghost general Yin soldiers swept past Lu Qingfeng and Lu Qingfeng. He couldn't help but send a message to the two real people Li Gu and Xuan Yan, "Brothers, do you know the origin of this Taoist soldier? Does this Liehuo Sanren have a decent background?"

Tao soldiers.

It represents not only strength, but also identity and background. After all, the three mountains and nine rivers are vast. If there is any serious trouble, even the Mie Du Shen Sect will have to guard against it.

Li Gu and Xuan Yan looked at each other and shook their heads secretly.

Li Guo's eyes fell on the Yin Soldier Ghost General and he couldn't help but look at it. After a moment, he sent a message, "This soldier has a strong Yin energy, but he is as pure as the Yin God. It is somewhat similar to the 'Xuansha Dao Soldier' ​​of Qijue Immortal Sect in Dengying Gorge." , but there are some differences. I have visited all the mountains and rivers and read the Taoist soldiers recorded in the classics, but I have never seen such Taoist soldiers."

"I've never heard of it either."

Xuan Yan heard the message, and thought to himself that the atmosphere was a bit awkward. Then he stepped forward and looked down. The voice was loud and clear, "Fellow Taoist, if you want to kill me to destroy the master of the Shen Sect's Jufa, please tell me your name. I must give an explanation for this matter." .”

His tone still sounded domineering and tough.

But people with a discerning eye can hear the changing meaning. I'm afraid that if Liehuo Sanren reveals an untouchable background, they will shake hands and make peace immediately.


Lu Qingfeng has no origins to report, and there is no tiger skin to pull off.

His face sneered, "You, Master Jufa of the Destruction Shendu Sect, first forced your way into Pindao Cave, and then developed murderous intentions. You really have a thick skin, and you dare to come to the Phantom Wave Sea again!"

The breeze blowing on Liehuo Island blew up Lu Qingfeng's fiery red robe.

Stand in it.

His figure suddenly became majestic, and he was not afraid of destroying the Shen Sect, but he did not reveal his identity.

The monks from all directions were suspicious and unsure of the origin of Liehuo Sanren.

This one has always been mysterious.

It seemed to appear out of thin air, with no trace to be found before occupying the Phantom Wave Sea. However, it is easy for this kind of monks to cross borders, regions, and even across three mountains and nine waters.

It is unusual to not be able to find the origin.


Above the clouds.

Li Guo, Xuan Yan and Fei Huo looked at each other.

However, Xuan Yan still sent a message secretly, "Let's test it out first. Be careful when you start, and force it into a desperate situation. If you don't tell the origin yet, it must be without any background, just pure chance. You can capture or kill directly. Maybe it will be an opportunity for me and the three brothers."

"If he had a good background, his life was not harmed. The previous misunderstanding was resolved, and we just shook hands and talked happily without fighting."

This way you can advance and retreat.

After Li Gu heard this, he looked at Fei Huo.

Master Feihuo signaled immediately, cast his gaze from the sky, grinned and said, "The battle with the Taoist soldiers is not small. Who knows if it is an embroidered pillow. Hidden head and tail, today I will teach you how to destroy Shen Sect's 'Hundred Battles Taoist soldiers' sharp!"


The pressure of the Golden Core Realm was revealed, covering a radius of 800 miles, covering the entire Fiery Island. The water surface was subjected to strong pressure, and the waves swept over the waves and stirred up hundreds of feet.

They rushed towards Agni Fire Island together.

"Don't talk about your advantage. Whether it is an embroidered pillow or not, you will know after fighting."

Lu Qingfeng didn't want to say more, he just thought


Three thousand six hundred Xuan Ming Yin soldiers shouted together, and Yan Zhushan turned into a rain formation, heading straight towards the sky.

Boom boom boom!

Amidst the roar, Lu Qingfeng did not hesitate at all. At this moment, he soared into the sky, raising his hand to shoot out demonic flames that filled the sky, blocking Feihuo and the three men from the three thousand soldiers behind him.

Nine golden elixir ghost generals followed closely behind. Demon God Zhu Rong walked out of his body holding twelve Dutian Lie Fire God flags, and hit Li Gu, Xuan Yan, and Fei Huo directly.

I originally thought that Liehuo Sanren Private was a deterrent to avoid taking action, but unexpectedly, he did not delay at all. He arranged the formation and took action boldly.

"What a demon."

"How dare you despise me to destroy the Shendu Sect!"

Master Feihuo shouted angrily.

No more tolerance.

He stepped forward and directly launched two hook-shaped brilliance, one green and one blue. The big and small split and combined, and rushed towards Lu Qingfeng and twisted him directly.

"Dutian Demon Flame!"

Lu Qingfeng's eyes flashed with coldness.

The remaining fourteen Dutian ghost generals in the Dutian Xuanming Ce, who are at the peak of the golden elixir, continue to provide strength. Dutian's creation pool was roaring, refining the body of the real person, refining the spiritual stone, and refining the green scarf warrior, supporting the consumption of the Dutian ghost.

Lu Qingfeng's cultivation reached the peak of gathering magic early, and his magic power was as deep as the ocean.

Raising his hand, he shot out the demonic flames from Dutian, like a dragon or a tiger, rushing straight towards the double hook magic weapon. There is even a divine evil hidden in it. With just one collision, the double hooks were rolled back, and the light dimmed.


"What a weird flame!"

Master Feihuo held the double hooks in his hands, and when he looked at the treasure of life and repair, he was suddenly frightened and heartbroken.

This magical weapon of his is called the 'Maha Double Hook'. It is said to be an imitation of the ancient immortal weapon 'Liequ Double Hook', and it is the ultimate treasure for subduing demons and defending oneself.

After Master Feihuo got it, he spent a lot of effort to refine it to fit his body. When the hair is released, it turns into two hook-shaped brilliance, one green and one blue. The big and small are separated and combined. Especially, they are not afraid of evil and pollution, and they are all free from the heart. The almost flying sword was hooked together with the ordinary magic weapon. Once cut and frustrated, it immediately broke into pieces and lost its effectiveness. It was extremely powerful. Even if a real person eats it, he will be in dilapidated condition.

It is originally a sixth-level magic weapon, and it is a cross between life and soul, and it is not afraid of evil and pollution. However, with just one collision, the spiritual light was scattered, the spirituality was damaged, and the foundation was actually damaged.

How not to be frightened?

Not only is the power greatly reduced, it will even take decades of painstaking sacrifices to restore it in the future.

How not to feel heartache?

"Magic Flame, Volume!"

Lu Qingfeng didn't stop.

In the game, "Dutian Demon Flame", who has been 'attuned' eight times day and night, and has been enlightened for eight years, which is comparable to 1,600 years of hard work, took advantage of Master Feihuo to collect the magic weapon, immediately wrapped up and pursued him.

"not good!"

Master Fei Huo felt something was wrong. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net While carefully controlling the double hooks to strangle the demon flames, he cast a spell, opened his eyebrows and raised his eyes, and the divine light shot towards Lu Qingfeng and shone through.

"The Eye of Destruction!?"

Lu Qingfeng snorted coldly, full of disdain.

With a wave of his hand, the demonic flames rolled and collided with it. Without even using a magical weapon, he was able to gain the upper hand against Master Feihuo.

Feihuo and three others came.

The original intention was to use golden elixir cultivation, three thousand Dao soldiers, and thunder to suppress the Liehuo Sanren.

But who wants to.

The Liehuo Sanren also had invincible Taoist soldiers who stopped three thousand soldiers. Fighting alone, with only Fei Huo, who is Lu Qingfeng's opponent?


"Second brother!"

Master Feihuo looked to both sides and was asking for help. At one glance, his heart was filled with ice.

I saw a flame demon rising into the air and rushing towards Master Xuan Yan.

Lu Qingfeng had heard about this real person Xuan Yan for a long time. It was said that this person was extremely talented and had excellent understanding and intelligence. Unexpectedly, he discovered a "Lihe Xuanguang" from the "Lihe Shengui", one of the three great treasures of the Miedu Shen Sect.

Refined with the innate pure yang true fire, it can focus on the illusion of the heart and arouse the enemy's seven emotions and six desires, causing it to destroy its true essence, become possessed by evil spirits, and dissolve its form and soul.

The reputation is not small.

When the real envoy of Xuan Yan comes, the power is no less than that of the God of Destruction, and it is even more weird.

However, Lu Qingfeng specially used the Zhurong Demon God to greet him. This demon god was created by Lu Qingfeng's visualization of the thoughts of the demon gods in the sky. Don't talk about the seven emotions and six desires, and fantasize as you please. Even if the demon comes on the spot, the demon Zhurong can swallow it up in one go.

Definitely Xuan Yan’s true nemesis.

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