Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 338 Overcoming the Tribulation

"Infinite Life Buddha!"

The scene ends here, Master Zhenjue pronounces the Buddha's name, and his formerly rosy face is now full of paleness.

"This is the 'Bu Yuan Pill', which can make up for the expense of the master's urging the two diagrams to calculate the past and the future." Xun Tiange quickly offered a spiritual pill.

Master Zhenjue took it.

After a while, a trace of rosiness returned to his face before he opened his eyes.

Xun Tiange frowned slightly and looked at Master Zhenjue, "Just now——"

"The Green Wood King Cauldron and the man in yellow robes are covered by heavenly equipment. If it is not the fate of heaven and earth, and there is protection from heaven and earth, it is the protection from true immortals or even earth ancestors and Arhats. Otherwise, even the eighth-level magic weapon, super-level This method is difficult to detect with two pictures."

Master Zhenjue’s eyes were unwavering.

After hearing this, Xun Tiange nodded and said, "Thank you, Master, for the advice. Tiange understands the importance. But after all, the Cyanwood King Cauldron is the most precious treasure of the Cyanwood Valley and cannot be lost. As for the true immortals and earth ancestors, I also have the ancestors of the upper world in the Cyanwood Valley."

"Form good relationships and get good results."

Master Zhenjue said no more. He couldn't see the two pictures in the sky, but a pair of Dharma eyes looked to the northwest.

Xun Tiange frowned, recalling the bloody light, and said hesitantly, "That bloody light seems familiar. Is it related to the blood demon lineage that was destroyed thousands of years ago?"

Using the two diagrams, the whereabouts of the yellow-robed old monster and the Green Wood King Cauldron were not calculated, but the bloody light was unexpected.

"The poor monk once surrendered the remnants of the Blood Demon together with the seniors in the temple, and saw the Blood Demon Dharma. This ray of blood should undoubtedly be of the Blood Demon lineage." Master Zhenjue nodded and said, "The two rooms have lost their vitality for a hundred years. It is difficult to use it again. This remnant of the Blood Demon will trouble the Tiange Donor."

"The blood demon is bringing trouble to the world, and it is natural that he should do so."

Xun Tiange responded.

He didn't stay long, got up and left.

Just walking out of Liuchen Temple, Xun Tiange's face couldn't help but darken, "The true immortals of the upper world protect each other? Of the three mountains and nine waters, the only ones that can contact the ancestors of the upper world are the three mountains, the seven gorges, and the four overseas sects. Wait until I report to the ancestors. Look who dares to steal my Xun family's most precious treasure!"

This time, I went to Liuchen Temple and asked Master Zhenjue to take action, paying a total of seven seventh-level elixirs. Xun Tiange couldn't help but feel heartbroken. In the end, it was just that I couldn't get any trace of the Aoki King Cauldron, and I also caused a lot of trouble. It was really frustrating.

"Blood Demon."


Xun Tiange snorted coldly and disappeared in the void.

Xuanyuan Water Realm.

Feiyun Island.

Located to the north of Feiyun Peak, it has cleared out all the monks on the island. Deacons Wang Hui, Zhao Yunxing, as well as alchemists Liu Feng, Xie Yingyuan, Ye Mu and other alchemists gathered together and looked to the north.

The wind suddenly picked up all around, and dark clouds gathered in an instant.

The world felt depressed.


Liu Feng looked at the layers of dark clouds and his expression was shocked.

Dark clouds gathered in nine places, covering the north of Feiyun Island and many waters to the north. Under the clouds, there were only nine inconspicuous skylarks flying up and down, seemingly nervous.

Wang Hui looked at the skylark with a complicated look in his eyes, "What a great fortune. Originally a mortal bird, its lifespan was only more than ten years. After meeting the master, not only did he live for decades, but now he is about to step into the foundation building Such a state has aroused the envy of many ordinary people who are trapped in the world."

"The Master is nostalgic for old times. These nine skylark birds have been with the Master since they were young. It is said that they have helped the Master's three brothers and sisters survive many crises. Even if they practice Taoism, the Master has never abandoned them and has always been with them to feed their souls. Only by feeding me pills and other precious elixirs can I achieve my current achievements."

Ye Mu had inquired about it before and was quite clear about this.


"The Master is indeed a nostalgic person."

Wang Hui nodded with emotion.

He was originally the manager of Izuyun Mountain in Juxianfang City. He helped Lu Qingfeng rent a shop. He also took good care of Lu Qingyu when Lu Qingfeng entered Xuanyin Cave and formed a good relationship. After Lu Qingfeng became the true successor of Hedan Palace and the owner of Feiyun Island, he immediately transferred him to Feiyun Island and made him a manager, which was quite respectful.


Lu Qingfeng's status has skyrocketed, from the True Inheritance to the Young Master of Hedan Hall, and then from the Young Master to the Master.

As a close confidant, Wang Hui's status has also been rising, and he has benefited a lot. However, compared with these nine skylark birds, they can only be regarded as portable and not worth mentioning. Lu Qingfeng fed the skylark bird and consumed a large amount of elixirs and elixirs, spending countless thoughts on it.

In the end, he was promoted from a mortal bird to the current level of transcending tribulation and establishing the foundation.

If these resources were used on acquired monks with some qualifications, dozens or hundreds of foundations could be created, which would be a real waste of money.

Many people on the island and even in the Hedan Hall knew about these nine skylarks and Lu Qingfeng's handiwork, and they were still talking secretly, saying that this true successor, young master, and master was worthy of being the eldest son of the "Xuanyuan Sect's No. 1 Prodigal Son" Brother.

Brother and sister are indistinguishable losers!

Everyone else felt heartbroken when they looked at it.

Wang Hui and others did not dare to criticize and just talked casually.

A strong wind swept in the distance, and clouds of calamity gathered.

The Foundation-Building Thunder Tribulation is coming.



Nine skylark birds were flying up and down, their true energy flowing around their bodies, resisting the tribulation thunder. These nine little guys followed Lu Qingfeng and practiced the side-level "Nine Colors Chaofeng Jue". They were often 'inspired' by Lu Qingfeng and given elixirs. They made rapid progress and had a solid foundation.

A small foundation-building thunder calamity can't stop them.

Not to mention having a strong body of true energy, he also masters several techniques that are quite good, and he also has magical weapons given by Lu Qingfeng. If they can't even survive the Foundation Establishment Thunder Tribulation, there will probably be 99% fewer Foundation Establishment cultivators in the world who can survive this tribulation.



Thunder roared and the wind howled.

Less than half an hour later.

The thunder disappeared, the calamity clouds disappeared, and the violent wind suddenly stopped.


"It's done."

"Haha! I can finally transform."

The lightning disaster dissipated, and only nine skylark birds were seen flying in the north of Feiyun Island. They turned around in the air, and their true energy surged and instantly transformed into five handsome boys and four beautiful girls.

They looked at each other and themselves, with joy on their faces.

"Congratulations to the nine fellow Taoists who have transcended the tribulation and transformed into human beings."

Wang Hui and others saw him and quickly stepped forward to congratulate him.

Compared with these nine people, there is probably no one present who can be said to be closer to Lu Qingfeng. Earlier, before they transformed, nine skylarks were playing and playing on Feiyun Island, and no one dared to neglect them.

Now that he has transcended the tribulation and transformed into a human form, his lifespan has been greatly increased, and he dare not allow him to be evil, otherwise he may not be able to go through well if he whispers something in the ear of the Master of Feiyun Peak and files a complaint.

"Okay, okay."

"Hello to you too."

"I won't tell you any more, we have to go see the master."

The nine boys and girls responded in unison, leaped into the air and transformed again, turning into the body of a skylark.

Heading towards Feiyun Peak.

"The master is in seclusion all year round, so they can see him at any time."

"It's different to depend on each other when it's bitter and cold."

Wang Hui, Ye Mu and others showed envy in their eyes.

Lu Qingfeng often retreats into seclusion, and it is common for him to stay away from home for several years. Inside and outside Feiyun Island, except for Lu Qingyu and Lu Qingshan, these nine skylarks can enter the cave at will to meet Lu Qingfeng.

Others cannot envy you.

"Qingfeng pays homage to the master."

Feiyunfeng Cave Mansion.

Lu Qingfeng sat cross-legged, and nine skylarks flew in together. Kabutong transformed into a human form and knelt down on the ground. He was chattering with excitement and was full of gratitude and admiration for his superior, Lu Qingfeng.

"Okay, okay."

"Finally the foundation is established."

Lu Qingfeng felt happy when he saw the nine lark birds taking form.

The spiritual path is the most lonely.

These nine skylarks have been following them since they were in the forest of Shangyang Kingdom. They accompanied the three brothers and sisters through the most difficult period and brought a lot of joy. Even after leaving Shangyang Kingdom, Lu Qingfeng always carried them with him.

From time to time, he is fed with elixirs such as the Spirit Feeding Pill to build the foundation and enlighten the spirit.

It has a deep foundation and has long been comparable to a second-level monster.

However, he is an ordinary bird after all. Due to his limited talent, his spirituality is always lacking. If there is no accident, unless a large number of spiritual elixirs are used to attack the foundation regardless of the foundation, it will be hopeless on its own.

Fortunately, "Huang Ting Jing" has been promoted to the third level, and Lu Qingfeng has mastered the method of 'initiation'.

After several enlightenments, he understood the true meaning of the technique. Through self-cultivation, and with the help of spiritual elixirs, I finally broke through the shackles, built the foundation and transformed into a physical form, and had the hope of everlasting life from now on.

"Building the foundation and transforming the body is only the beginning of practice. There will be many dangers in the future, and you still need to practice hard." Lu Qingfeng showed joy and then warned earnestly.

With him.

These nine little guys are far closer than the few disciples on Feiyun Island, second only to Qingshan and Qingyu, so they have to worry more.

"I know, I know, Xiaojiu must practice well."

"Don't worry, sir, Qingfeng will supervise them."

"That's right. The second master and the third master don't know that we have transformed yet. We don't know when they will come back. They will definitely be shocked."

The nine little guys had just transformed, they were excited and novel, chattering non-stop.

He has a pure nature and is close to Lu Qingfeng. He is not as restrained and fearful as the other monks on Feiyun Island.

Lu Qingfeng felt dizzy after hearing this, UUReading www.uuknshu.net waved his hands and said, "We have just overcome the tribulation, and our foundation is unstable. Go back quickly to stabilize your cultivation. Don't make any noise here."

"Okay sir."

"We take our leave."

There was another commotion, and everyone wanted to bow to Lu Qingfeng, imitating the human monk. Lu Qingfeng saw it funny and waved his sleeves, causing a gust of breeze to blow up, which swept the nine people and turned the world upside down before leaving the cave.


"My master is very good at this skill. Let's learn it some other time."

"The boss is called 'Qingfeng'. He doesn't know how to control the wind yet. He needs to learn quickly."

The nine brothers and sisters didn't care either.

Falling outside the cave, he shook his dizzy head and looked around at everything new. Whoever was willing to return to the cave, they all ran around to Feiyun Island like a gust of wind.

"Silly bird!"

Lu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

With these nine guys making trouble, Feiyun Island may be in trouble these days. But that’s fine, it can add some life to Feiyun Island.

"When Qingshan and Qingyu come back to see us, it will become even more lively."

Lu Qingfeng listened to the distant voices of Qingfeng, Mingyue and other nine brothers and sisters outside, and thought to himself.

Qingyu is still deep in the mountains to the south, but he will be back in January.

But Qingshan had set out two months ago, heading north to gain walking experience.

The three brothers and sisters want to get together, but they don't know when it will take.

"Good thing."

Lu Qingfeng smiled and waved his sleeves.


The formation outside the cave was closed again, sealing off visitors inside and outside.

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