Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 345 Taoyuan Immortal Sect

With the Bell of Desolation in hand, even if he becomes a true immortal or an earthly immortal in the future, and ascends to the immortal world, he will have already surpassed countless immortals.

For example, in the Evergreen Realm, the Sou Shen Patriarch of the Sou Shen Temple, as the general of the Sou Shen in the Yangjian of the Lei Department, probably only had one immortal weapon on his body. After walking in the starry sky and spending countless energy refining the Jiu Ce Xuan Hao Talisman, it was nothing more than an eighth-level magic weapon.

It was given at that time in order to gain a glimmer of hope and make Jiu Ce Xuanhao's signature become an immortal weapon.

The majestic thunder general would go to such great lengths to create an immortal weapon.

It can be seen that immortal weapons are rare.

Not to mention second-level immortal weapons.

"In this life, even for this fairy weapon, I must practice hard."

Lu Qingfeng had a smile on his face and was in a good mood.

Closer look.

Yin Jiao set a seal on the Bell of Lost Souls, firstly to protect Luo Gu's soul from being harmed by the immortal weapon. Secondly, it is also to escape reincarnation and enter the world of barbarian gods.

There are just pros and cons.

After reincarnation, Luo Gu wanted to refine many seals, but it was not easy. It took six hundred years to refine only 10% of the seal. To unleash the full power of the immortal weapon, it would take hundreds or even thousands of years of hard work.


"If we really unlock all the seals and use it once, I am afraid that all the magic power will be drained out, and even the soul will be sucked dry. The power is enough to destroy the world, but it is difficult to save oneself."

Immortal weapons are different from ordinary magic weapons after all.

Derived from pure yang.

If there is a spirit, it is already an immortal.

"Until the true Mahayana Immortal, the seal cannot be completely released."

Lu Qingfeng thought.

The five-colored divine light above his head swayed and fell towards the soul-destroying bell in his hand. Several times in succession, 90% of the seals on the immortal weapon were instantly eliminated by 40%, leaving only half of the seals.

As for the several restrictions on Luo Gu's refining among the immortal weapons, they were also expelled by Lu Qingfeng.

From now on, the immortal weapon has no owner and no future troubles.

"Luo Gu."

Lu Qingfeng grabbed the immortal weapon and cast his gaze to the north. His eyes were as bright as stars, and his spiritual light flickered. Finally, he pressed, "Luo Gu has the Soul-Destroying Bell, and he also has magical powers, so he can't guarantee that there are other immortal weapons in the hands of those reincarnated true immortals. Right now All six demon gods have been destroyed, and they still need to be condensed. It is not safe to go hastily. It is not too late to condense the demon gods and refine the immortal weapons first, and then leave."

The secret is chaotic.

We still don’t know how many disciples the two heavenly disciples have sent to reincarnate into the world of barbarian gods, nor do we know what trump cards these reincarnated true immortals have. Going forward hastily and being swarmed again, given Lu Qingfeng's current state, is not appropriate after all.

While thinking.

Ferdinand rushed back.

"Meet the Headmaster."

"Thank you, Master, for saving your life."

Ferdinand landed on the cloud platform and bowed down. What came this time was the true form of the Skeleton King in the dark place of death.

"Since I am the venerable protector of Zhenyuan Mountain, there is no reason not to save him."

Lu Qingfeng fluttered his sleeves, and the breeze helped Ferdinand stand up.

"Ferdinand deceived the master before, please punish him." Ferdinand looked at Lu Qingfeng.

“When you enter Zhenyuan Mountain, you don’t need to ask where you came from.”

"What's the crime?"

Lu Qingfeng shook his head.

Ferdinand entered Zhenyuan Mountain as a puppet just out of caution. In the past three hundred years, Jingjing has never done anything to harm Zhenyuan Mountain. Although there was deception, it was not a crime.

Lu Qingfeng understands this clearly.

"The master is more magnanimous than Ferdinand."

Ferdinand was grateful, stretched out his hand to hold it, and a scepter immediately formed from the void.

He held it in both hands and held it in front of Lu Qingfeng, "This is the scepter of the abyss, which represents the authority of the first level of the abyss. Once you hold it, you will be the lord of the first level of the abyss. You can control the power of heaven and earth, bless yourself, and practice at a fast pace."

Ferdinand was originally the Lord of the Abyss, but this time, he wanted to hand over the position of Lord of the Abyss.

"Abyss Scepter."

Lu Qingfeng reached out and took it.

I felt a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling well up in my heart——

"Shinto seal?"

With just a second thought, Lu Qingfeng thought about where this familiar feeling came from. This abyss scepter, which represents the authority of the abyss, is very similar to the seal of the Fufeng Mountain God he obtained in the Red Smoke Realm.

It's just a closer look that makes the difference.

Compared with the Shinto seal, this abyss scepter is too rough. After refining, he is said to be the Lord of the Abyss, but in fact the power he can borrow and the power he can exert are extremely limited.

Given the vastness of the first level of the Abyss of Heavenly Punishment, if a supreme god could be gathered together, it would be at least a second- or first-class god comparable to the Yuan Shen or even the Mahayana. However, the Lord of the Abyss is only more tyrannical than the ordinary Grand Duke of the Abyss.

And being able to become the Lord of the Abyss is the strongest person in the abyss. There is not much difference between being three points strong and five points strong.

It's really a bit tasteless.

Only after achievement, the will of the abyss is biased, and luck is added to speed up the practice, are the real benefits. But unless you give up your position as the Lord of the Abyss, you will not be able to get out of this first level of the abyss.

"It's not bad to bless your practice."

Lu Qingfeng stretched out his hand to put away the Abyss Scepter, and did not rush to refine it. He raised his eyes and looked at Ferdinand, "This is not a small feat. I will give you a fate, please come forward."

Ferdinand stood respectfully. Hearing this, he hesitated for a moment and quickly stepped forward.

Lu Qingfeng's face remained calm, and he pointed a finger at Ferdinand's skeleton head, who was on guard but was trying his best to let go.

For a moment.

Countless mysteries burst out, and the complete "Xuan Jade Chapter" method that Lu Qingfeng enhanced to the side level poured into Ferdinand's mind. At the same time, the soul continues to be consumed, and countless confusions in the original practice and enlightenment are now solved one after another.

Like a mess being straightened out.

Among them, being happy is not enough for outsiders.

Ferdinand was immersed in it, unaware of the passage of time and the consumption of his soul.

It wasn't until his soul felt tingling and floating that he fell from this mysterious realm. Looking again, the master was sitting on the lotus platform, holding a copper bell in one hand and a scepter in the other, practicing with his eyes closed.

"Thank you, Master, for the teaching!"

"Ferdinand excuses himself."

Ferdinand's soul stung, he suppressed his weakness, bowed respectfully to Lu Qingfeng, turned around and left, eager to explore the true secrets of immortality.

Lu Qingfeng felt Ferdinand leaving.

His expression remained motionless.

Holding the Bell of Desolation in one hand, I feel the pure Yang inside. Holding the Scepter of the Abyss in one hand. At the same time, visualize the thoughts of the demons in the sky and condense the six demons one by one.

Before you know it.

time flies.

In the material world, there are four major realms.

To the north is the Deathstroke Plain, to the east are the Moonlight Islands, to the west is the Storm Sea, and to the south is the Scourge Abyss.

There are layers upon layers of the Abyss of Divine Punishment, and there are thirty-six layers in the material world alone.

And the death knell principle is vastness.

It is connected to the Storm Sea to the west, the Moonlight Islands to the east, and the Dead Sea to the north.

In the Plains of the Death Knell, various countries are at war with each other. Countless temples, demon temples, and sects are among them, and the chaos is endless. Two or three hundred years ago, a power named Taoyuan Immortal Sect rose rapidly.

There are three powerful men among them, whose strength is extraordinary. They overwhelm the temples and demon temples, and the empires cannot lift their heads or breathe. In a short period of time, countless powerful people gathered. Based on the Dasheng Empire, it dominates the Death Knell Plain.

Three hundred years to the present, the Dasheng Empire has become the largest empire in the Death Knell Plain, and the Taoyuan Immortal Sect has become the top force in the Death Knell Plain. In addition to the Taoyuan Three Immortals and Sanyang Taoist who were originally known as Taoyuan, Taoyuan Immortal Sect also has three more powerful figures including Luo Gu, Wei Wuding, and Feihua Taoist.

All of them have the strength to crush the Grand Duke and even the Lord of the Empire and the Pope of the Temple.

The record is strong.

This day.

Deep in the Dasheng Empire, there are thousands of miles of mountains that were originally called the Zhumo Mountains, then became the gate of the Taoyuan Immortal Sect, and were renamed the Biya Mountains.

A golden light flashed across and landed in the mountain gate.

"Junior Brother Luo?"

"Senior Brother Luo?!"

From the back mountain, three rays of light shot up into the sky, each of them frightened and angry.

In the Shaoyang Palace.

The golden elixir fell and transformed into Luo Gu's figure, with a wry smile on his face.

Taoist Shaoyang, Wei Wuding, and Feihua all rushed over, their eyes falling on Luo Gu. Wei Wuding, a young man who looked like a noble son in troubled times, frowned and said angrily, "Who dares to do this?!"

Ju was already in the realm of elixir formation, so he could tell at a glance that Luo Gu's physical body was destroyed, with only one golden elixir left to protect his soul.

The path of this life is considered to be cut off.

The great hatred in this is no less than destroying the family, killing the father and taking away the wife.


When Luo Gu heard this, he couldn't help sighing and said bitterly, "In the past, I was very self-sufficient, thinking that I had understood the supernatural power, and I was arrogant. Today, I realized that the strongest among the strongest is the strongest. I was careless."

Rushing back all the way, Luo Gu reflected a lot.

This time.

If he hadn't acted rashly due to carelessness, but had carefully investigated and found out who Zhenyuan Mountain and Guangyuan Taoist were, this would never have happened.

"Junior Brother Luo, what happened?"

Shaoyang Taoist has a childish look on his face and is reading www.uukanshu. net looked at Luo Gu like a young man and asked.

"In the Abyss of Divine Punishment, more than three hundred years ago, there was an immortal monk named Guangyuan, who was in Zhenyuan Mountain——"

Luo Gu shook his head, holding back the bitterness in his heart as he recounted what he had learned about the situation he went to the Abyss of Divine Punishment, as well as the cause and effect of his encounter with Guangyuan in Zhenyuan Mountain.

Taoist priests Shaoyang, Wei Wuding, and Feihua listened carefully.

When they heard that Guangyuan used the five-color divine light to swipe away the Bell of Desolation from Luo Gu's hand, the three of them almost couldn't help but interrupt.

Force yourself to hold it back.

Luo Gu stopped when he said that Zhenyuan Mountain Guangyuan used the great sun to extinguish the divine light and the five elements yin and yang magnetism to extinguish the divine light and exploded his physical body.

Wei Wuding was surprised and said, "The five-color divine light and the great five-element yin-yang elemental magnetic extinguishing divine light are both the peacock clan's magical powers. Doesn't this Guangyuan Taoist have some connection with the peacock clan?"

These two magical powers, due to the power of the Peacock King, are famous throughout the world.

Except for the peacock family, few outsiders can master it.

Not to mention mastering two magical powers in a row.

It would be unreasonable to say that there is no connection between them.

"Could it be that a powerful person from the Peacock clan has intervened in the Barbarian God Realm?!" Taoist Feihua said with his eyes like stars and flying flowers, and his face like a peach blossom boy and girl.


Taoist Shaoyang shook his head, "The Peacock clan is extremely rare, and living in Jinji Ridge rarely interferes in the affairs of the ancient world. In the Barbarian God Realm, the teacher represents the lineage of Yuxu Palace, and the six pupils represent the lineage of Tiandao Sect. They compete with each other. , the Peacock clan dare not take action."...

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