Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 350: Chased by the void, wanting to enter the heaven!

.., Taoist Master Huang Ting

"Ha ha!"

"Well done!"

Lu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing when he saw it. This Shaoyang Taoist really doesn't know the depth and has no long memory. Such an immortal weapon actually dared to be delivered to him.

Shake and shake.

Above the head, red and white divine light immediately appeared.

The divine light flickered and struck hard at the Shaoyang Sword, which looked like an aurora.

"not good!"

Taoist Shaoyang suddenly felt his heart empty. He tried to summon the Shaoyang Sword again, but he was no longer in control. This was in a hurry, just thinking about avoiding the Bell of Desolation, and completely forgot about the five-color divine light.

The valuable treasure was lost in an instant.

"Brother Taiyang!"

Taoist Shaoyang shouted loudly at Taoist Taiyang who was fighting with the two demon gods Zhu Rong and Gonggong in the distance.

However, Taoist Taiyang relied on the Sun Sword and firmly had the upper hand, but the two demons were entangled in life and death and could not escape. With only one Sun Sword, it is even more difficult to recall the Shaoyang and Zhongyang swords.


After Taoist Shaoyang called out, he looked at Taoist Taiyang, but his heart felt cold.

On the other hand, Lu Qingfeng.

Throwing the Shaoyang Sword to the Demon God, he stepped forward and the Bell of Desolation in his hand was about to shake again.


Thinking of the lessons learned from Taoist Zhongyang, Taoist Shaoyang did not dare to hesitate at all, and kept retreating until he reached the Biya Mountain.

"Where is the mountain mover?!"

With a loud shout, three hundred mountain movers were arranged in all directions of the mountains at some unknown time, throwing down the mountains on their shoulders.


The earth shook violently.

Shaoyang Taoist made a seal with his hands and shouted loudly——

"Array up!"

Then there was a large formation that controlled the mountains and rivers, connected the earth, and attracted the stars in the sky, brewing boundless terror to subjugate Lu Qingfeng.


Lu Qingfeng sneered.

In this life, what he is not afraid of the most is formations.

The great magical power "Daluo Cave View" swept across. This rough formation that was hastily set up was very powerful, but it lacked variety and was even less refined. Lu Qingfeng took one look and immediately knew where the flaw was.

Yun Dianbu moves again.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Taoist Shaoyang.

"How is that possible?!"

Taoist Shaoyang's eyes widened and he was horrified.

Although this 'Mountains, Rivers, Galaxy and Demon-Conquering Formation' was created in a hurry, he was extremely proficient in it when he was in the Earthly Immortal Realm. This time, not to mention Master Jiedan, even Yuanshen Zhenyi could stop him for a moment.

But Guangyuan in front of him just ignored it?

This surprise is no small matter.

But there was no room for Taoist Shaoyang to make any more changes. As soon as Lu Qingfeng appeared, the clock in his hand immediately started to shake——


Right in the middle of Shaoyang Taoist.

The sun's dying light rose again, falling on the devastated Shaoyang Taoist.

With a bang, Taoist Shaoyang followed in the footsteps of Taoist Zhongyang. The physical body was shattered, leaving only a golden elixir flying through the air to fly away. Lu Qingfeng was well prepared, and the purple gold alms bowl was brought out. Two rays of light entangled, trapping the golden elixir.

He raised his hand and shot out a blast of Dutian Demon Flame.


The golden elixir was shattered, Taoist Shaoyang's soul dissipated, and he passed away from reincarnation.

"Brother Tao!"

"Senior Brother Shaoyang!"

All this is a long story, but only in a moment.

Not even ten breaths.

When Taoist Taiyang and others saw it, they only had time to scream out in surprise before they saw that Taoist Shaoyang's body and golden elixir were shattered, and his soul dissipated and fell into reincarnation.

The mountains, rivers, rivers, and demon-suppressing formations collapsed instantly without anyone in control.

Lu Qingfeng walked out of it.

Flick your sleeves gently.

The two rays of light in the purple golden bowl were entangled, and the three hundred mountain-moving warriors were involved and suppressed.

Mountain-moving warriors are extremely powerful, but they are also difficult to defeat magical weapons and magical powers.

During the suppression, they could not move.

Turn around.

Lu Qingfeng looked to one side, the joy of killing the Shaoyang Taoist and capturing the mountain-moving warriors was still on his face, and he softly uttered two words -

"Thunder falls!"


Thunder falls from the sky.

Luo Gu, who was shocked and angry but stepped back, instantly dissipated from the blast, revealing a golden elixir inside. The next moment, the golden elixir suddenly shattered, and another reincarnated true immortal was lost in Biya Mountain.



Fellow disciples were killed one after another, making Taoist Master Taiyang very angry.

He cursed angrily and became more and more crazy. The sun sword in his hand bloomed with countless sword lights, covering half of the sky.

However, although the two demon gods Zhu Rong and Gonggong are difficult to block the immortal weapon, they are not easy to deal with.

The former used twelve Dutian Liehuo God flags to arrange the Dutian Liehuo Immortal Formation and stalk them.

The latter set off huge waves and constantly harassed them.

Even if Taiyang Taoist was extremely angry, he could not escape in just a short moment.

Just at this time.

Lu Qingfeng walked out of Biya Mountain and walked towards Taiyang Taoist.

"Senior Brother Taiyang, be careful!"

Wei Wuding was holding the Fang Tian Painting Halberd. He was skilled in fighting and suppressed the two demon gods Hou Tu and Tian Wu. Seeing Lu Qingfeng's move, he quickly shouted a warning to Taoist Taoist Master Tai Yang and increased the strength of his hand by three points.

Feihua Taoist thought of retreating, and said to Wei Wuding and Taiyang Taoist, "The demon is fierce, so we must avoid the edge for a while!"

Demonic entanglement.

Once Lu Qingfeng and Taiyang Taoist fight again, and two more demon gods escape, it will be even harder for him and Wei Wuding to escape.

If they were defeated one by one like this, the three of them might not be able to escape death today, and they would follow in the footsteps of Taiyang, Shaoyang, and Luogu.

Taoist Feihua is sensible and does not dare to get entangled.

The words have not yet fallen.

Taoist Taiyang and Wei Wuding looked at each other.

Although Taoist Master Taiyang was furious, he was the first to say, "Let's go!"

The sound exploded.

Lu Qingfeng's Yin-Yang Taoist robes were fluttering, and he was staggering towards Taoist Taiyang, holding the Bell of Desolation.

But when Taoist Taiyang fell with his sword, the void was immediately shattered, revealing the boundless turbulent flow of void.

Taiyang Taoist was unafraid and jumped directly into the middle and disappeared.

Then look at Wei Wuding and Feihua Taoist.

A man holding Fang Tian's painted halberd struck the air, shattering the vacuum and disappearing without a trace.

One wields thunder and blasts away the two demon gods, shattering the void and rushing in.

As soon as Lu Qingfeng came to the two demon gods Zhu Rong and Gonggong who were surrounding Taoist Taiyang, the three reincarnated immortals of Biya Mountain disappeared together.

"Want to escape?!"

Lu Qingfeng's face became angry.

Even though the man fled, he still had eyes for the three immortal weapons. How can you not be angry when the fat on your lips is about to fly away? !

"Where to escape!"

Seeing where Taoist Taiyang disappeared, the void had not yet closed, Lu Qingfeng pursued him without thinking.

The two demon gods Zhu Rong and Gonggong were split into two——

Demon God Zhu Rong joined Hou Tu and Tian Wu to pursue Wei Wuding.

The demon god Gonggong joined the two demon gods Jumang and Qiangliang to pursue Taoist Feihua.

However, the Demon God Liao, who suppressed the two immortal swords Shaoyang and Zhongyang, turned into a sharp sword and sank into Lu Qingfeng's body at the moment Lu Qingfeng disappeared.

Divine light appears.

The two fairy swords were immediately suppressed by the five-color divine light. Among the three Yang Taoists, there is only one Sun Taoist left. Holding the Sun Sword and trying to recall two fairy swords under the five-color divine light, it is really difficult to do so.

Like this.

It turned out that there was a continuous war, which caused the heaven and earth to turmoil, thunder and fire, and floods, but there was a sudden desertion.

In the sky.

The cracks in the void gradually healed, and the turbulent flow of the void disappeared.

Only the aftermath of the great war was left, and the turbulent currents of the void caused thousands of miles of erosion.

In Biya Mountain.

The faces of all the Taoyuan Immortal Sect monks turned purple and black, and they were silent for a while.

Among the six Patriarchs who roamed the Death Knell Plain, three were killed and three were frightened and fled. What is left is the mess of Biya Mountain. Without the suppression of the six powerful men, what they have to face is the backlash of the entire Deathstroke Plain.

"Taoyuan is in danger!"

The wall fell down and everyone pushed it.

Without Taoist Sanyang and others, the Taoyuan Immortal Sect no longer needs Lu Qingfeng to worry about. It has many temples and forces in the Deathstroke Plain to bulldoze.

"The void mezzanine."

Lu Qingfeng stepped into the void mezzanine and walked.

There is no sky and no ground here, and there is no way to tell the direction. You can only follow the hazy energy and move forward if you have enough strength.

Finally arrived at the ‘Heaven Realm’ in the Barbarian God Realm.

This is breaking away from the material world and can be called ‘ascension’.

Taoist Taiyang, Taoist Wei Wuding, and Taoist Feihua saw Lu Qingfeng's ferocity and fled in the direction of the Barbarian God's Heaven.

"There are countless powerful people in the heaven. It is not appropriate to enter rashly for the time being."

Lu Qingfeng felt clear in his heart.

In the material world, his cultivation level has not yet reached the limit, and he is in the critical period of gathering magic, condensing evil, and refining the sword. Entering the heavenly world is harmful and useless.


"We must intercept and kill the three of them before they reach the heaven."

"It's no good."

"We must also seize the immortal weapon."

Lu Qingfeng's mind was spinning, and he didn't have much time. Use Yun Dian Step to walk in the turbulent flow of the void. It is said to be void here, and it is different from the void in the ancient world. It is just the barrier between the material world and the heavenly world in the world of barbarians.

It's like the boundary between egg white and egg yolk.

Whether you are going from the material world to the heavenly world, or from the heavenly world to the material world, you have to pass through this place.

The practitioner's Qi energy causes turbulence and turmoil in the void.

With different cultivation levels, the power encountered is also different. Therefore, even practitioners from the Barbarian God Realm who are comparable to Yuanshen and Mahayana do not dare to stay here too long.

As for the material world.

Once the cultivation level exceeds the upper limit that the material world can accommodate, people will be excluded from the material world. If a person is outside the material world, he cannot enter it.

This is one of the reasons why Lu Qingfeng wants to stay in the material world.

The void chases.

The turbulent flow was like a blade of wind, soundless, with only streaks of black light passing by. Once hit, mana is consumed rapidly. He won't be able to hold on for long before he runs out of mana and dies.


‘Ascension’ also has its own dangers.

For Lu Qingfeng, it was no problem. When Yun Dianbu was used, no matter how dense and abrupt the turbulence in the void was, it would not be able to cause any harm to Lu Qingfeng.

Chaos does not remember years.

The void does not count.

He didn't know how far he had traveled, but as soon as a qi machine rose in front of him, Lu Qingfeng saw Taoist Taiyang's back appearing in his eyes.

"Catching up?!"

Lu Qingfeng saw Taoist Taiyang and read a book www.uukanshu. net Taoist Taoist Master Taiyang also sensed Lu Qingfeng approaching from behind, and his face was suddenly filled with shock and anger.

Don't dare to look back.

Don't dare to delay.

The magic power is pushed to the extreme, and the escape technique is used. He no longer cares about avoiding the turbulent flow of the void, he just wants to reach the heaven as soon as possible. Just enter the heaven and heal in the void before Lu Qingfeng catches up. In the ever-changing void, it would be difficult for Lu Qingfeng to find him.

"Hurry up!"

Taoist Taoist people have no intention of fighting.

Zhongyang and Shaoyang were not weaker than him, and they were both killed by Lu Qingfeng at will. Luo Gu held the Bell of Desolation, which was even more bizarre, but it also fell into Lu Qingfeng's hands.

The lessons learned from the past are bloody.

Taoist Taoist Master How dare you have any luck?

( = )

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