Taoist Huang Ting

Chapter 358 The Prince Consort of Minjiang Dragon Palace!

.., Taoist Master Huang Ting


Lu Qingfeng was stunned, glanced at the closed palace door, shook his head and came to the bedside, sitting next to the woman.

The woman in red seemed to be frightened and even moved aside, but only moved less than an inch or two away. Lu Qingfeng looked amused.

"You are the little dragon girl of the Minjiang Dragon Palace, and your strength is many times greater than mine. I should be afraid of you, why are you so afraid of me."

Lu Qingfeng shook his head and looked at the newlywed lady beside him who lowered his head and did not dare to speak, quite dumbfounded.

"The Dragon Lord captures his son-in-law."

"It's such a nice talk!"

Through dozens and seventeen lives, this life is the most absurd.

"The Dragon King chooses his son-in-law based on his luck."

"Lan Feihu held the 'Luck Observation Treasure Mirror' and saw my luck as a dazzling red light, and brought it back immediately."


"The Dragon King of Minjiang looked at me with the 'mirror of luck' again, and I showed blue luck. According to what everyone in the hall said at that time, those with green luck are expected to reach the fifth realm in this life."

The chaos in Lu Qingfeng's mind subsided, and when he was drunk, all the scenes in the hall went through his mind.

Suddenly, everything became clear——

The Dragon Lord chooses a son-in-law and sends Lan Feihu and other generals to the human world to search for those with good luck and 'bring' them back to the Dragon Palace. As soon as Lu Qingfeng came out of the Reincarnation Pond, he was met by Lan Feihu and kidnapped by Minjiang Dragon Palace.

Lu Qingfeng accumulated blessings in his sixteenth life, and his luck in this life is so profound.

In the Dragon Palace.

His luck surpassed that of the boys and young men brought back by other generals, and he was successfully chosen by the Dragon King.

Act vigorously and resolutely.

Dressed in red and colorful.

Lu Qingfeng was sobered up with a magic trick. He already had a big red flower on his chest and a groom's crown on his head. The surroundings are full of guests and friends, and the gongs and drums outside are noisy——

The ceremony is about to begin.

In the blink of an eye, he was already in the bridal chamber.


In the bridal chamber, on the bed.

Lu Qingfeng and Minjiang Xiaolongnu were silent for a moment.

Lu Qingfeng turned his head and looked at this shy little dragon girl who seemed a little timid. She was completely different from what he imagined.

As the daughter of Minjiang Longjun, she has three elder brothers.

Even if he is not cunning and arrogant, he should be playful and lively.


"My name is Guangyuan, what's your name?"

Lu Qingfeng was a little amused when he saw Long Nu's timid appearance, so he asked first.

"Ao Le."

Under the red hijab, Xiao Longnu's inaudible voice came out.

"Ao Le."

"Good name."

Lu Qingfeng praised him, feeling that his relationship with Xiao Longnu was getting closer, and asked directly, "Do you know what 'Qing Yun' means?"

Youth luck.

The fifth realm.

Lu Qingfeng still vaguely remembered the bursts of exclamations and gasps coming from the hall when the cyan light appeared.

Apparently rare.

Even the Minjiang Dragon Palace was shocked.


Xiao Longnu was silent for a while.

After a while, he shook his head slightly and breathed out the fragrance, "I don't know."


He lowered his head and stopped talking.

Lu Qingfeng felt a little disappointed and looked at Xiao Longnu.

Don't ask further.

My thoughts are racing.

"When I ascended to the Yuanshen in my previous life, I was expected to reach the realm of the Mahayana True Immortal."


Looking back on the Barbarian God Realm, Lu Qingfeng still felt a little pity.

But not depressed either.

"This life——"

This life had a weird start, but so far, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

"The Dragon Clan is rich all over the world. The Minjiang Dragon Palace controls the hundreds of millions of aquatic people in the Minjiang River. The water system is crisscrossed. The entire Qi Kingdom has to look up to the Minjiang Dragon Palace."

"As the consort of the Dragon Palace, if you practice cultivation, you will definitely have a lot of resources."

Lu Qingfeng has no anger, hatred, grievance, etc. towards the 'Dragon King seizing his son-in-law', nor does he reject the identity of the 'Dragon Palace Consort'. At least, this 'lady' is not a domineering person.

In the Immortal Qin Realm, there is the ‘Heavenly Court’ above, and the system is strict.

Practicing alone will definitely lead to limitations and many troubles.

With the identity of 'Dragon Palace Prince Consort' and the protection of Minjiang Dragon Palace, at least in the early stage, he can practice stably.

If the starting level is high enough, you can understand the Immortal Qin Realm faster and easier.


Lu Qingfeng turned his head and looked at Xiao Longnu, whose head was almost buried in her chest. He couldn't help but blinked, "How to get along with this person in the future is a problem."

I thought in my heart.


The drunkenness that had completely subsided came back to my heart again, not as violent as before, this time it seemed like I was tipsy, like I was dreaming but not dreaming, but not awake yet. My face and heart felt hot, and my lips were even dryer.


Lu Qingfeng realized that this must be the method used by Long Lord or other powerful people in Dragon Palace.

I originally thought about being a superficial couple who treat each other as if they were guests.

Now it seems that it doesn't work.

The drunkenness surged, wave after wave. Lu Qingfeng raised his head and looked at Xiao Longnu, who was sitting beside her with her head bowed and her hands holding the corners of her clothes, which made her extremely nervous. In the end, she couldn't resist the drunkenness.

"Please husband, have mercy on me."

Dahongxi was rolled over, and a soft and timid voice came to Lu Qingfeng's ears, followed by a night of spring breeze.

early morning.

Lu Qingfeng opened his eyes, his head felt swollen and his chest felt strong.

Look down.

Black hair is like a waterfall, scattered on the back of the head. Turning his head slightly and looking down, a face with exquisite features appeared in front of him. The face is fair and rosy. She is not thin, and her face cannot be called chubby. It is only slightly rounded and has a little more cuteness.

His face was buried in Lu Qingfeng's chest, peacefully and peacefully, he snored slightly, and his breath hit Lu Qingfeng's body.

Feel it again.

But this little dragon girl's whole body was curled up in his arms, her skin was so smooth that it couldn't even compare to the most luxurious brocade and silk.

Lu Qingfeng watched quietly, feeling something he had never felt before in his heart.


Can't tell.

I don’t know how long it took, but the light outside became more and more dazzling. Lu Qingfeng saw Xiao Longnu's long eyelashes trembling slightly, and then she revealed a pair of big, watery eyes. When he met Lu Qingfeng's gaze, he was confused at first, but then his eyes widened and he blinked again. He seemed to have come to his senses, and he buried his head in Lu Qingfeng's arms in shame.

Don't dare to look up.

"Ha ha!"

Lu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

"Greetings to Mr. Long."

In the main hall of the Dragon Palace, Lu Qingfeng wore a brocade robe, bowed to the Minjiang Dragon Lord, and said loudly.


"You and my little sister have already gotten married, and you still haven't changed your tune?"

The Third Highness of Minjiang was nearby, winking at Lu Qingfeng and teasing loudly.

Xiao Longnu was beside Lu Qingfeng.

Today she was wearing a moon-white top, a long skirt, and a green belt around her waist. There is only a hosta on the head, and there are not many carvings or decorations.

Her face was a little childish, and her age seemed to be almost the same as that of Lu Qingfeng, but now she showed a hint of bride-like temperament.

Really moving.

Hearing the third brother's teasing, his face suddenly turned red, and he pursed his lips and did not dare to make a sound.

"My son-in-law, Guangyuan, pays homage to my father."

The son-in-law of the dragon is equivalent to the half-son of the dragon king. Like the little dragon girl, he should be called the dragon king of Minjiang as "father".


The Dragon Lord of Minjiang seemed to be serious in his speech, and only responded. Then he looked at the three His Highnesses beside him, "Guangyuan is new to the Dragon Palace, Ao Lie, take him around to get familiar with him and choose the way of 'life'."


His Highness Ao Lie clasped his fists in response, and the bright armor on his body collided with each other and made a crisp sound.

In the Dragon Palace.

Ao Lie and Lu Qingfeng walked side by side.

Along the way, the maids, soldiers and generals all saluted respectfully and called them "Your Highness" and "Your Majesty".

Ao Lie was used to it and turned to look at Lu Qingfeng, "My father is seizing my son-in-law, and my brother-in-law hastily married my little sister. Are you dissatisfied?"

This Third Highness truly lives up to his name and does not hide anything.

If you have something in your mind, ask it directly.

Ordinary people are caught in the Dragon Palace and forced to marry a woman they have never met before. It is inevitable that they will feel resentful in their hearts. Ao Lie asked this question, and his worries were not unfounded.

"Third brother is joking."

"Marrying the young prince of the Dragon Palace and becoming the son-in-law of the Dragon is something that many people in the world can only dream of. Guangyuan is lucky and extremely happy, how can he be dissatisfied."

Lu Qingfeng shook his head, neither humble nor arrogant.

Although these words were embellished, Lu Qingfeng was indeed not dissatisfied.

It will be beneficial to him to marry a wife as a dragon's son-in-law. Furthermore, the charming wife is beautiful, shy and charming, and has a quiet temperament, which is exactly what Lu Qingfeng likes.

Although the way of getting married was a bit bizarre, Lu Qingfeng took it lightly.

In the future, they will get along well together, the husband and wife will be harmonious, and the relationship can be cultivated. In "The Great Desolate", there will also be companionship to prevent loneliness.

As for feeling humiliated, not fearing the powerful, and preferring death to surrender...

Too pretentious.

Killing yourself and reincarnating yourself will waste sixteen years, which is unnecessary.

"I hope you really think so."

Ao Lie nodded doubtfully, then said with a solemn expression, "If I find out that you dare to slight my little sister, I will peel off your skin, extract your soul, and burn it in a ghost lamp for thousands of years!"

"Ao Le is my wife, so I should pity her."

Lu Qingfeng was not afraid and laughed out loud.

After hearing this, Ao Lie's fierce face instantly faded away, and his face changed so quickly that it was impossible to react quickly. I saw him blinking, looking at Lu Qingfeng, looking up and down, and said curiously, "You boy, if General Feihu hadn't found out the age of his bones, and his second brother and his father had not found out his soul, I really wouldn't believe that a sixteen-year-old boy could actually have Such a state of mind.”

"I can feel that General Feihu, my father, and my third brother treat me with no ill intentions."

"Of course I'm not afraid."

Lu Qingfeng said with a smile.

It’s not unusual for Dragon Palace to have tricks.

But when he was reincarnated, whether in body or soul, he was actually sixteen years old. With the strength of Minjiang Dragon Lord, he may not be able to see through the mysteries of the 'reincarnation pools' that spread throughout the world. Naturally, he cannot see that deep in Lu Qingfeng's soul, there is the mind of the 'old monster' who has been practicing for more than nine thousand years.

Ao Lielong walked forward, and when he heard Lu Qingfeng's answer, he felt that it made sense.

Walking in the Dragon Palace.

In order not to lead Lu Qingfeng to familiarize himself with the layout of the Dragon Palace, Ao Lie read a book www.uukanshu. net sighed and seemed to be talking to himself, "...the father was born in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, and fell in love at first sight with the mother who was born in the Dragon Palace of the West Sea. Unfortunately, the mother and the queen were already engaged, and she secretly combined with the father, but they were eventually discovered.

At that time, the queen mother was pregnant with her little sister. The Dragon Palace of the West Sea came to look for me, and my father left me, my eldest brother, and my second brother with my friend Tuojiang Dragon King. He also hid the queen mother with another friend, Wujiang Longjun. Alone, he diverted the pursuers from the Dragon Palace in the West Sea. It's a pity that the mother's whereabouts were exposed and she was found by the Xihai Dragon Palace. Before being taken away, she gave birth to a little sister.

The father was outside and was tracked by Xihai and Donghai, and the mother was brought back to the Xihai Dragon Palace.

The little sister grew up in Wujiang Dragon Palace since she was a child. Although Wujiang Longjun protected her, Wujiang Longjun's seven children were really bastards. Seeing that the little sister had no father or mother, they often bullied her with words.

This was how his father behaved when he escaped from the two dragon palaces and went to the Dragon King of Shanghe River, where he settled in the Minjiang River and brought his little sister back. "

At first, Lu Qingfeng didn't know what Ao Lie was talking about Minjiang Longjun.

After hearing it, it became clear.

( = )

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